Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    My daughter had her baby last night...we have a brand new beautiful grandson! :smiley: It's really wonderful. <3
    No snow here til Wednesday a.m.
    Roger, I was so excited yesterday, I forgot about the supermoon...I'll try to remember to look tonight. The bed is adjustable, head and foot can be raised. There is a zero gravity setting that is extremely comfortable. I cleared a space in my little study for it. :)
    Jo, I hope your snow wasn't too bad. Good for you for getting out to the gym....and for donating books.
    Irene, hope your MRI gets approved soon, so you can find out what the problem is and start feeling better. You may want to try a massage for your neck and shoulder, sometimes that can help.
    Our person is here cleaning today and then we are going back to visit at the hospital today.
    I think they are getting discharged tomorrow. I hope the roads are cleared when they get out.
    I love babies!!!
    Have a great day. :)
    Hi Vix
    Congratulations on the families new addition I can see why You were excited and forgot the Supermoon. I hope the roads are safe too, You sure would not want to pay for a extra day if they want to release Mother and Son.

    Here's hoping that the forecast weather turns out to be a non event.

    Zero Gravity setting, that is a new one for me.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, congrats vix I am so happy for you and your family what did you name the baby? We also have adjustable bed love it . We have ours for about 3 years now when George's allergy's are acting up it helps. It is also nice for laying in bed and watching tv. great idea in getting a massage never thought of it not sure who to go to. Roger we have Aetna choice pro and I do need approval on mri but not x-rays. so far today we got our hour walk in and 28 minutes on the treadmill I will be taking Annie out for her 2nd walk soon . On our walk this morning the moon was huge and bright hi jo
    Hi Irene
    It sounds like I may be the only with with a regular bed only :smiley:

    I try not to watch more than a few minutes TV in bed, the claim is that You need Your devices off for a little while to help fall asleep.

    I hope the approval comes through quickly, Do You also have to use doctors and hospitals in network too ? That would be a nuisance to me, As long as they take Medicare I am good to go.

    Tuesday the Moon was big and bright enough that I could easily see and I cast a shadow too.

    Congratulations on the walking + treadmill.

    Hi Joanne
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, roger the reason we go to Trenton is that is where her vet. The insurance company is not approving the mri the dr is going to resend it, or send me to and ortho dr I don't care either way just want the pain to go away take care everyone
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Thanks for the congrats...we are over the moon, he is so cute. They are being discharged from the hospital this morning...there are a couple of inches of snow already. It's mostly highway between here and the hospital, so I'm hoping the roads are mostly cleared. I know they will be extra careful driving. I will be super relieved when they are safely home.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    They're home, safe and sound. Whew. :smile:
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I will be posting more humor shortly

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 34 degrees. The moon was semi visible due to clouds.

    The weather yesterday was a forecast. When I went out the door walking this morning I wore my insulated Waterproof Boots with a nicely aggressive tread. I will say that they are much heavier than what I usually wear so on my return home I sat and rested for a while before getting on here.

    I am not going today to CostCo as I have one days worth of something I use including Paper Goods and Frozen Vegetables, therefore CostCo tomorrow giving things a chance to dry up as the snow melts due to the forecast high in the 50s.
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    Nothing like a little breeze at your airliner's back to make it look like you're going supersonic.
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    A very large fighter jet. That can hold up to 420 very airsick people
    The Lab Discovering DNA in Old Books
    Artifacts have genetic material hidden inside, which can help scientists understand the past. milk is real news, as synthetic alternatives threaten traditional dairy farms
    To prevent consumers from becoming confused between regular milk and plant-based milk, dairy farmers are asking the FDA to enforce the definition of milk as “lacteal secretion from milking one or more healthy cows."

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, roger the reason we go to Trenton is that is where her vet. The insurance company is not approving the mri the dr is going to resend it, or send me to and ortho dr I don't care either way just want the pain to go away take care everyone
    Hi Irene
    That makes sense, it can be tough changing vets or a doctor IMO.

    Darn it, The insurance company not approving the MRI is just them putting money ahead of Your health IMO.
    I do not blame You at all for wanted the pain to go away. BTW have You checked what paying out of pocket for the MRI would cost ?

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Thanks for the congrats...we are over the moon, he is so cute. They are being discharged from the hospital this morning...there are a couple of inches of snow already. It's mostly highway between here and the hospital, so I'm hoping the roads are mostly cleared. I know they will be extra careful driving. I will be super relieved when they are safely home.
    eku0 wrote: »
    They're home, safe and sound. Whew. :smile:
    Hi Vix
    It sounds as if You got more snow than I received in total, The highest amount in NJ that I saw reported was only 3" and most areas were lower.

    I am not afraid of my skills driving in snow it is some of the others out there that either crawl or go fast and when You mix them together carnage can happen.

    Have a Nice Day

    Hi Joanne
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Roger...we only got about 3 or 4 inches, but it was storming when they were driving. I checked the hwy cameras and 70 was all slushy, cars were going slowly in single file. The roads look clear this morning, but probably icy. Schools are 2 hours late, so no art class. (I mostly worry about other drivers too...some people tend to go too slow or too fast in bad weather, as you say). Interesting story about the DNA in old books.
    Irene, if the Dr is resending the request for the MRI, he's probably using a different code so they'll approve it. MRIs are very expensive if they're not covered. I hope you feel better soon. You can probably check online for a local massage therapist....there might even be reviews. Or if you've had PT (or your Dr), they may be able to recommend someone.
    Hi Jo, how's it going up north?
    Happy Thursday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, thanks vix for input I will look into the dr sending me . Tomorrow I go for blood work so I will be fasting tonight into tomorrow. We found 12 cents on our second walk yesterday . George came home early his boss send everyone home early but it never got that bad we walked in the snow which was fun. we walked this morning plus 30 minutes on the treadmill . vix glad everyone got home safe. Mir are really expensive I believe they are a couple of thousand dollars I will wait until it is approved take care everyone hi jo
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I will be posting even more humor, 5 of them themed

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 40 degrees. The moon was visible through light clouds that thickened as I was walking.
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    That's one big baby! Texas mom gives birth to 14-pound, 13-ounce son

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Roger...we only got about 3 or 4 inches, but it was storming when they were driving. I checked the hwy cameras and 70 was all slushy, cars were going slowly in single file. The roads look clear this morning, but probably icy. Schools are 2 hours late, so no art class. (I mostly worry about other drivers too...some people tend to go too slow or too fast in bad weather, as you say). Interesting story about the DNA in old books.
    Irene, if the Dr is resending the request for the MRI, he's probably using a different code so they'll approve it. MRIs are very expensive if they're not covered. I hope you feel better soon. You can probably check online for a local massage therapist....there might even be reviews. Or if you've had PT (or your Dr), they may be able to recommend someone.
    Hi Jo, how's it going up north?
    Happy Thursday, everyone. :)
    Hello Vix
    If I said I do not worry about slushy roads or snowy roads, only icy roads. My brother was out Wednesday for a doctor appointment and despite the predictions of bad roads from the weather forecasts he reported that the roads were fine, The worst one was the one in front of the house :smiley:

    The Books must be really old to have leather covers ?

    I wonder if a CT scan would work ?

    That could be, change the code when requesting the MRI, I hope so. There are way to many bean counters in managed health care and have been for many years especially in California.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, thanks vix for input I will look into the dr sending me . Tomorrow I go for blood work so I will be fasting tonight into tomorrow. We found 12 cents on our second walk yesterday . George came home early his boss send everyone home early but it never got that bad we walked in the snow which was fun. we walked this morning plus 30 minutes on the treadmill . vix glad everyone got home safe. Mir are really expensive I believe they are a couple of thousand dollars I will wait until it is approved take care everyone hi jo
    Hi Irene
    I hate the fasting thing before blood work. My daily routine is get up, have a NS snack, then walk to get coffee and 3.5 to 4 hours after the start of the day I have breakfast.

    The recent spate of weather forecasts ever since they blew the November snow forecast reminds me of the story about the boy who cried wolf and when there really was one nobody believed him. Our Governor loves to spend money on snow prep if there is a hint of snow in the forecast ever since he was criticized after the November Snow.

    I think if I had the money and the pain was bad I would be tempted to pay for a MRI out of pocket. OTOH why let the Insurance Company get away with their penny pinching ?

    Congratulations on the money found

    Hi Joanne
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Roger...I think the paper was actually made out of different types of animal skin. And they use erasers to clean them, then get DNA out of the eraser refuse (so as to not damage the books).
    I was also reading an article this a.m. about MRIs and CT scans. Apparently CT scans are cheaper and easier, but they have about 400X the amount of radiation as a regular X-ray, and are not really good for you healthwise.
    The snow is mostly gone this morning. It's overcast, but fairly warm, 42 degrees.
    Hi Irene and Jo.
    Nothing planned for today...need to get some exercise, probably do some laundry, etc.
    Happy Friday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    hi all I have had a busy day I left the house at 5am for my blood work but it opened at 6am I was on my way back home by 6:20 only did 2 walks today just feel really tired . Roger I am not going to pay for an MRI not when I have insurance it will just take a little longer I go back to see the Dr on the 7 th . take care everyone
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have just posted more humor

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 33 degrees. The moon was visible through light clouds that thickened as I was walking the same as yesterday. There is rain in the forecast that is forecast to be here before I would be up and out the door.

    I did get to CostCo yesterday, Two types of Frozen Vegetables, Paper Towels, Kleenex and more, That was the entirety of my days chores.
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    I only pay Cash for 99% of my expenses and always for gas, No Debit card either.
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    Giant "nightmare bee" that was once thought to be extinct is discovered alive

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Roger...I think the paper was actually made out of different types of animal skin. And they use erasers to clean them, then get DNA out of the eraser refuse (so as to not damage the books).
    I was also reading an article this a.m. about MRIs and CT scans. Apparently CT scans are cheaper and easier, but they have about 400X the amount of radiation as a regular X-ray, and are not really good for you healthwise.
    The snow is mostly gone this morning. It's overcast, but fairly warm, 42 degrees.
    Hi Irene and Jo.
    Nothing planned for today...need to get some exercise, probably do some laundry, etc.
    Happy Friday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    You could be right, I do recall that Vellum was used in the past for writing material.

    That likely is the reason that a CT scan is cheaper, I could be remembering wrong however I have the impression that a MRI is needed for soft tissue injuries or to get a complete view of the soft tissue ?

    The Only snow left today is a little bit on the northern exposures of the houses or where it was piled up when the plowed what there was of it.

    Today is looking somewhat gray and likely will stay that way with rain in the forecast for tonight into Sunday.

    Today So far I can think of nothing that needs doing, well there are things that could be done, just that they are not approaching critical so far.

    Enjoy the Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    hi all I have had a busy day I left the house at 5am for my blood work but it opened at 6am I was on my way back home by 6:20 only did 2 walks today just feel really tired . Roger I am not going to pay for an MRI not when I have insurance it will just take a little longer I go back to see the Dr on the 7 th . take care everyone
    Hi Irene
    I find that getting there early works pretty good as regards to speed also. I hate wasting time waiting for something like that to happen. Was the Blood work at a urgent care type business or a Laboratory where You walk in with a Prescription ? We have both available here as well as the Doctor can draw the blood too.

    I was not suggesting You should pay, just that it would in my case depend on the severity of the pain. Fortunately being on Medicare as long as the doctor sends me and they accept Medicare I'm good with no pre-approval, So far, if Congress starts tinkering with Medicare who knows what will happen.

    Good Luck on the 7th

    Hi Joanne
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    edited February 2019
    Good morning.
    Roger, it's overcast here too, about 35 going up to 40, some rain probably this afternoon.
    I've been using my eliptical, easier on my legs than walking in the park. Hubby got a recumbent exercise bike, so I tried it, thinking it might be easier, but it's really hard on my leg with the arthritic hip. He doesn't like the eliptical....this way we both have something at home if the weather's bad.
    Interesting about the giant bee...sort of gives me hope that other creatures that are believed extinct may still exist. Although I think we can live without mosquitos, roaches, stink bugs..... :smirk:
    Irene...that's really early for a lab to open! (Ours don't even open until 8 or 8:30). Good that you got it taken care of. If you're really tired, you should probably get some rest! Everyone needs a break some time. Remember to mention the fatigue to the Dr. It might just be some vitamins or minerals lacking.
    Hi Jo, hope all is going well.
    I didn't do much yesterday. Basement exercise, a load of laundry, painted a picture frame I didn't like the color of, etc....puttering.
    No special plans for today.
    Happy Saturday, everyone! :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, we found a nickel on our walk today I can't believe the money I have been finding , I believe people are trying to get stuff out of there pockets and drop the change. I just got a letter from the insurance company explaining they feel it is too soon for an MRI they want to wait 3 months and too see if it improves with different things to try first . Not sure yet what the DR plans are I go back on the 7 th we will see. For my blood work I went to Quest there hours are 6am until 2:30 pm it is great to just go earl and get it done I think I was so off was didn't have my coffee until later I normally have 2 cups of coffee before then. In case any is wondering I normally have maybe 3 cups of coffee .It keeps me going.Vix I love it when you say you are doing much then I see all that you have planned you sure are a busy lady. Roger I have at least 2 more years before I can go on medicare. hey jo