Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    25 here now with a high of 45 expected for today, mostly cloudy. Hubby has an appt today, and we're going to a really good deli for lunch after. I will try to make a wise choice!
    That's the plans for today....will get some eliptical time in this morning before we go.
    Happy Wednesday, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I will be posting more humor shortly

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 29 degrees. I did acquire a $1 Mexican coin or maybe it is a 1 peso although it uses a $ 1 on the one side that the clerk at the Store where I picked up my coffee did not want :smiley:

    We have a light snow <1 inch that is forecast to start falling sometime this afternoon into the night, Conditions on Thursday will need to be determined and I will be interested in the evenings weather forecast.
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    In order for a vote to count, a judge must be actively serving on the court when a ruling is rendered, the Supreme Court said.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Haha...I barely feel the needles! I think it helps me. My husband didn't think it was doing much for him when he tried it, and my daughter didn't like it at all (because of the needles and the idea of being poked). So, everyone is different.
    Off to stained glass and clay workgroup today.
    Happy Tuesday, everyone. :)
    Good Morning Vix
    From what You are saying it sounds like Your Husband did get some small benefit from the acupuncture or am I interpreting that wrong ?

    I hope the Glass and Clay were enjoyable.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    25 here now with a high of 45 expected for today, mostly cloudy. Hubby has an appt today, and we're going to a really good deli for lunch after. I will try to make a wise choice!
    That's the plans for today....will get some elliptical time in this morning before we go.
    Happy Wednesday, everyone. :)
    I do not know what the Delis are like down by You, around here You can get lower calorie and low carb items. If all else fails I order a Nice Meaty Sandwich on Rye and discard on slice and eat it as a open face sandwich :wink: I do avoid things like the Potato, Macaroni, Egg salads for example

    Good Luck with the selection and Your choices.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, We had a nice walk this morning not so windy. I also did 28 minutes on the treadmill need to get my weight loss going again. Roger the things the insurance wants me to try before the MRI ice wraps, medication injections into my joints oh and home work out program for 6 weeks the injection thing bothers me the most how do they even know without pictures if this is what I need oh well hopefully when I go back the DR has some answers. Jo if it is still icy there be care full hi vix how's the baby
    Good Morning Irene
    Yesterday was OK walking, Today was better, no real wind blowing thus no wind chill :smile:

    I hope the injection into the joints are not painful, I had one in the joint behind the middle finger on one hand that was bothering me. It was OK after the local anesthetic. I don't know if the ice wrap will help and I worry about side effects from medications.

    Good Luck at the Doctors when You go back, I'm guessing no injections without the Doctor writing a Prescription, Ice Wrap and maybe depending on what medications they want You to try a local drug store.

    Have a Nice Day

    Hello Joanne
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, our walk this morning was fine not so much wind .I am not getting on the treadmill today my back of my leg has been hurting so I will take it easy . I go to the hospital today so I will be getting more steps take care everyone
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Roger...I think the acupuncture helped him a little with relaxing, but after a while, he thought it wasn't helping at all. He doesn't go anymore. (I'll probably get a salad ).
    Irene, good luck with your treatments. Nice that you visit the hospital every week.
    Hi Jo!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have already posted more humor

    I'm back home from walking and one beat up and corroded penny was found. If it were not for the round shape I would have missed it as it was a similar color to the crack in the road where I spotted it. The Temperature out the door was 28 degrees. Yesterdays "Snow" left the roads wet and most of the sidewalks likewise with a coating on the lawns that the grass is peeking through.

    Off and on Cloudy sky this morning, when I left out I could not even see low flying planes, later on I could see the Moon and stars and then some clouds rolled in. Possible bad weather this weekend, The weather forecasters will not commit yet, ever since they were wrong back in November they have been cautious that way.
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    The 400-year-old remains of a nun were also damaged in the incident.
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    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, our walk this morning was fine not so much wind .I am not getting on the treadmill today my back of my leg has been hurting so I will take it easy . I go to the hospital today so I will be getting more steps take care everyone
    Hi Irene
    Despite the scare mongers in the weather forecasts the walking was OK today, The Lawns and Cars had a coating of snow and roads were fine as were most of the sidewalks.

    I do not blame you for not getting on the treadmill if Your leg is bothering You. The Hospital visit would be health related or Visiting and handing out Communion ?

    Either Way I hope Your day was Good

    Hi Joanne
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Roger...I think the acupuncture helped him a little with relaxing, but after a while, he thought it wasn't helping at all. He doesn't go anymore. (I'll probably get a salad ).
    Irene, good luck with your treatments. Nice that you visit the hospital every week.
    Hi Jo!
    Hi Vix
    I suppose it could be that the benefits from the Acupuncture became less due to his doing it regularly, Possibly his body became accustomed to it ?

    A salad sounds OK, The Downfall for me with salads is the Dressing :( I tend to use to much when I do use it so If possible I eat the salads dry :smiley:

    Have a Nice Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    Good morning, Roger we never got any snow which is fine with me . I go to the hospital to give out communion . The people most of the time are really happy to see me. Last week I had a older women start crying she was so relieved to receive she was going for a heart operation the next day. You don't know how good you have it until you see how some of these people are. Next Wednesday we will be doing both ashes and communion I will let you all knows how that goes. After that we all went out for lunch and I had a small cup of soup no bread or crackers and I was up to pounds today it must of had a lot of salt. Vix I am glad you do get some relieve from your acupuncture . Hi Jo. I took another day off of the treadmill just going to rest my leg I did walk this morning and was a lot better take care all
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    I ended up getting half a whitefish salad sandwich and some salad, and am up a pound from yesterday (didn't really have anything else,except a handful of nuts and some coffee and tea for the day), so Irene I can relate. Also did 35 min on the eliptical yesterday. I think I'll try to convince myself the weight is going to fall off! :wink:
    Roger, I think maybe acupuncture is not for everyone. Or maybe it actually fixes some things so you don't need it anymore? Maybe a temporary problem.
    Hi Jo, hope all is well.
    Just cloudy here, may have some snow showers into tomorrow morning. 35 with a high of 39 expected.
    Art class this morning, and going to spend some time with my daughter and grandson, it's her husband's first day back to work.
    Happy Thursday, everyone. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon
    We had about 4 inches of snow last night. We shoveled half of the driveway before work and I finished the rest when I got home.
    Vix-How are the new parents adjusting? I bet you would love to be spending every day with your grandson.
    Irene-I hope your leg feels better soon.
    Roger-I always ask for dressing on the side when I order a salad. I only use a small amount.
    One of my co-workers fell on the ice on her way to work on Monday. She broke her wrist in 2 places. She will be out of work for about a month.
    When hubby gets home we will be going to the gym.
    Have a great evening.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just now posted more humor, Enjoy. I liked the swamp rats humor, the rest of that for tomorrow :smiley:

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 25 degrees. When I headed out there was no snow falling, the snow started by the time I was 2 blocks from home and was in the 1/2 or a little higher by the time I returned home. It is still snowing lightly here and according the the local news forecast it should stop shortly, South NJ is forecast to have more snow accumulation.

    100% chance of Precipitation here since it is already falling. The weather forecast shows precipitation in the forecast for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, That means four days with some sort of either rain, snow or a mix.
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    The report gave failing grades to the leading toilet paper, tissue and paper towel brands for using only virgin fibre pulp, mostly from Canada’s old boreal forests, With the average American using almost three rolls each week

    Huh ? Bad Idea #1
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    Bad Idea #2
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    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good morning, Roger we never got any snow which is fine with me . I go to the hospital to give out communion . The people most of the time are really happy to see me. Last week I had a older women start crying she was so relieved to receive she was going for a heart operation the next day. You don't know how good you have it until you see how some of these people are. Next Wednesday we will be doing both ashes and communion I will let you all knows how that goes. After that we all went out for lunch and I had a small cup of soup no bread or crackers and I was up to pounds today it must of had a lot of salt. Vix I am glad you do get some relieve from your acupuncture . Hi Jo. I took another day off of the treadmill just going to rest my leg I did walk this morning and was a lot better take care all
    Hello Irene
    If I never saw anymore snow this winter it would not bother me, The fellow behind the Cash register when I paid for my coffee is hoping for more of the white crud :smile:

    It must be heart wrenching to see some of those people like the one having the heart operation, You are strong and caring to do what You do, Congratulations on being that person. Your Mention of Ash Wednesday reminded me that I had not flipped the calendar page to March, Oops :(

    I suppose it must have had a lot of salt if a small soup had the effect, What type of soup was it that did that too you. I have some Progresso Rich and Hearty soups sitting around that will work with NS as a lunch or dinner meal. Example Steak and Vegetables is 180 calories per can 30g carbs 10g protein and 1340 sodium which is a bit high but I have started salting to taste in the last year so that does not bother me.

    Sometimes a little rest is the best therapy, It sounds like staying off of the treadmill is helping.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2019
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    I ended up getting half a whitefish salad sandwich and some salad, and am up a pound from yesterday (didn't really have anything else,except a handful of nuts and some coffee and tea for the day), so Irene I can relate. Also did 35 min on the elliptical yesterday. I think I'll try to convince myself the weight is going to fall off! :wink:
    Roger, I think maybe acupuncture is not for everyone. Or maybe it actually fixes some things so you don't need it anymore? Maybe a temporary problem.
    Hi Jo, hope all is well.
    Just cloudy here, may have some snow showers into tomorrow morning. 35 with a high of 39 expected.
    Art class this morning, and going to spend some time with my daughter and grandson, it's her husband's first day back to work.
    Happy Thursday, everyone. :)
    Hello Vix
    A whitefish Salad Sandwich is a new one to me, Chicken or Turkey Salad, Egg Salad, Tuna or Shrimp Salad I know.

    Maybe Water retention for Carbs, Carbs do that to me, luckily they fall of quickly, Yours should also.

    I hope Your snow is lighter than the forecast for South NJ. I can still see my footprints in the snow on the sidewalk so it must have ended shortly after I returned home. Delayed School opening all over the area usually around 10AM.

    Best Wishes for that to have been an enjoyable visit.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon
    We had about 4 inches of snow last night. We shoveled half of the driveway before work and I finished the rest when I got home.
    Vix-How are the new parents adjusting? I bet you would love to be spending every day with your grandson.
    Irene-I hope your leg feels better soon.
    Roger-I always ask for dressing on the side when I order a salad. I only use a small amount.
    One of my co-workers fell on the ice on her way to work on Monday. She broke her wrist in 2 places. She will be out of work for about a month.
    When hubby gets home we will be going to the gym.
    Have a great evening.
    Hello Joanne
    Four inches of that white crud :( Shoveling snow is not one of my favorite exercises :smile:

    Ouch, A broken wrist is not a good thing especially if it is the one that has the dominant hand. Do They provide pay for not being able to work for that sort of injury ? We tend to be very careful with our sidewalks to be sure no delivery people or the mailman do not get injured.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    Governor Murphy signs bill expanding New Jersey’s paid family leave law

    The bill, NJ S2528 (18R), strengthens the state’s 10-year-old family leave program by doubling the amount of time workers can take from six weeks to 12 weeks. It also increases the weekly compensation workers can receive during their time off from 67 percent to 85 percent.

    The maximum take-home pay will be capped at 70 percent of the statewide average weekly wage. According to the governor’s office, that amount will increase from about $650 to $860.

    Among other changes in the new law: Paid leave will now also apply to issues of domestic violence and the definition of family will expand to include siblings, in-laws, grandparents, grandchildren, other blood relatives and any other individuals who can be shown to have the equivalent of a family relationship.

    OTOH I could see employers taking how much time You took into consideration when considering a raise in pay or promotion. BTW New York State also has 8 weeks currently that will end up at 12 weeks in the future.

    Do they have such a thing where You are ?
    OK, I did see this
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    edited March 2019
    Good morning.
    Roger, I'm not sure about family leave in Maryland...I think it is up to the employer. I know when I took off, I could only use leave I accrued (vacation and sick time), and had to have a Dr's note for time beyond 6 weeks. My daughter also can only use leave she has saved up, beyond that she won't be paid. They are also allowing her to take several months. Her husband took some of his vacation time to stay with them.
    As far as the weight, I think my microbiome is all messed up. I'll keep trying.
    Jo, sounds like you're doing great with the gym. The new parents are tired! But I think they're starting to get it down. My daughter's husband went back to work yesterday, so we spent a good amount of time over there. The baby is so cute and cuddly!
    Irene, it takes a special person to help out at a hospital. Good for you!
    It snowed a little over night, but our roads and my driveway are clear. Still cloudy with a chance of flurries or snow showers this a.m., possible rain in the afternoon.
    Getting my hair colored today, and planning to spend more time with the family.
    Happy Friday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, we woke up to snow this morning/ But it is fine we really haven't had that much snow so we really can't complain. I really don't mind the snow. George decided yesterday to take the day off so it was really nice we slept in until 5:30 am got up had some coffee and we went for our 1 hour walk. Last night George's brother called to tell us his wife died they are up in pa so next weekend we will be going up it was a surprised didn't even know she was sick . Thanks everyone about the comments about the hospital I feel good that I do it and the people are really so nice. I am glad I can bring a little sunshine to there lives. Oh vix I am sure he is a little cutie now with the husband back to work I am sure you will be able to see him more. Does your daughter live close? Jo sorry to hear about your co workers wrist ouch. Roger we are suppose to get snow for a couple of days. take care everyone
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I already posted more humor

    I'm home and with the snow falling I decided not to go walking and thus no money was found. The Temperature outside is 30 degrees.

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    Have a Great Weekend