Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, my drs appointment went good all my blood work was good but I will be seeing an ortho dr and physical therapy .I have an appointment for physical therapy on Tuesday. I just need my arm not to hurt she did give me pills for muscle spasms not sure if I will take them my arm doesn't hurt all the time. Roger I was a little concerned about the right saying you say as you put the ashes on there forehead but I was fine . HI jo and vix
    Hello Irene
    Sometimes You just have to follow the procedures to get the right treatment. When I was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel they tried alternatives to surgery first, I'm sure that was the companies health insurance at work. The alternatives did not help and since it was work related not only was the surgery covered I got disability pay while recovering and going through Physical Therapy.

    If You recall I had pains in the one shoulder, Only when I raised it above shoulder height and luckily time has cured that, I hope Your clears up too.

    What did You think about the Drive Thru to receive the ashes ? I am ambivalent regarding that.
    Congratulations on succeeding with the Ashes.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Joanne
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    It's 30 degrees now, with an expected high of 37...snow later, accumulations about an inch. Very overcast, no sun. Supposed to warm up over the weekend.
    Glad your appt went well, Irene. Physical therapy is good.
    Roger, this is the first year I've seen squirrels in the yard at this house (been here 5 years). There were 2 small squirrels out there...we basically have to go outside and yell at them to get them to leave. But I think so far, the birds are holding their own. ;)
    Jo, one eye visit, my Dr. told me I had pre-glaucoma conditions and had to go back after 6 which point he told me it was stable and just to come for the regular yearly checks. So, I hope yours is stable too.
    Time seems to be going so's Friday already!
    Have a happy day! :)
    Hi Vix
    I hope Your snow from the forecast was as absent as ours was, Nothing between where my Brother was in Pa. For a evening Seminar and here.

    The squirrels around here are stubborn about returning when I go back in the house. I more or less hate them, They get more of the berries off of my plants than I do and they eat them before they are really ripe, darned pests.

    Even being Pre Glaucoma would be a scary thing to me. anything that impacts hearing, vision or mobility is scary.

    Now that I can keep the Tree Rats away from the Bird feed the birds are really eating away at it. We see more than one type of bird including woodpeckers pecking away at the Suet Block.

    Have a Nice Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, on my second walk yesterday I found a penny. Roger I am not sure how I feel about the drive threw. but at least they are receiving ashes. Our church had like 5 different masses .Jo I hope everything turns out ok for your eyes. No big plans for today just church tonight then tomorrow we are heading out to pa so I probably won't be on until Monday or Tuesday everyone have a great weekend
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Safe travels, Irene.
    Roger, it snowed a little yesterday afternoon...light covering on the grass and trees, streets and sidewalks are clear. We have a nice variety of birds in our yard. Woodpeckers, cardinals, bluejays, doves, etc. and lots of the small birds...I'm not sure what they are, sparrows/finches/fleacatchers?
    Hi Jo.
    No special plans for today.
    Happy Saturday, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor has been posted

    I'm home and did not go walking and thus no money was found. The reason is a combination of the rain and the Clock change to Daylight savings time leaving me tired. I suspect a nap this afternoon :wink: The Temperature out the door was 35 degrees. The was in the forecast for overnight into Sunday has arrived. The Total amount forecast for where I am is 0.9 inches.
    I can hear off and on heavy rain hitting the house, not to mention a breeze that sets the Bird feeder swinging.
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    So Wrong :(
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    How bad is Venezuela's economy? Even the criminals are struggling to get by.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, on my second walk yesterday I found a penny. Roger I am not sure how I feel about the drive threw. but at least they are receiving ashes. Our church had like 5 different masses .Jo I hope everything turns out ok for your eyes. No big plans for today just church tonight then tomorrow we are heading out to pa so I probably won't be on until Monday or Tuesday everyone have a great weekend
    Hello Irene
    You are doing better than I at finding money, I have a bowl where I put the money I found until the end of the year then I count it.

    Better the drive thru than not at all as You say.

    Have a Safe Trip

    Hello Joanne
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Safe travels, Irene.
    Roger, it snowed a little yesterday afternoon...light covering on the grass and trees, streets and sidewalks are clear. We have a nice variety of birds in our yard. Woodpeckers, cardinals, bluejays, doves, etc. and lots of the small birds...I'm not sure what they are, sparrows/finches/fleacatchers?
    Hi Jo.
    No special plans for today.
    Happy Saturday, everyone. :)
    Hello Vix
    During the summer months we get Cardinals and Bluejays as well as the others previously mentioned :smile: I have a Bird book my brother bought me to ID the birds. Laziness or maybe inertia or lack of motivation makes it stay on the shelf much of the time.

    Despite being further south or maybe due to that You had snow and we had Nada, Nothing, Zilch, Zip for snow.

    Enjoy Your Sunday
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Rained overnight...the snow is gone. 36 now with a high of 62 expected, overcast, foggy, misty.
    Will get some things done around the house and need to go grocery shopping today.
    That's about it.
    I have a bird book, but usually look online to try to identify some of the birds...problem is I don't see the little ones so well, and so many have just subtle differences, so I can't tell what they are.
    Happy Sunday, everyone! :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    We had snow and sleet this morning, just enough to cover the roads. It is now raining. I think it will be a while before our snow is gone.
    We also have a bird book that sits on the shelf. When the kids were little we would identify the birds in the yard.
    We have a lot of squirrels. They managed to chew through a Rubbermade box that we had in the yard to keep the birds seed in. The bird seed was also in a small metal trash can with a cover. They got the cover off and ate all the bird seed. I will have to find a new place to store the bird seed.
    As for my eyes, I am hoping that they stabilize and I won't have to do anything. I have good peripheral vision, so that is a plus.
    Irene-good luck with the PT, I hope it helps. Safe travels to PA.
    I have to brag a little. I actually ran 1 mile on the treadmill today. :) Tomorrow I have an appointment with a personnel trainer to show me stretches for my back and hips. It is a complimentary one time service of the Y. If I use a personnel trainer in the future, I will have to pay extra.
    I was awake super early this morning, so I think an afternoon nap is in order.
    Have a great day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted more humor, enjoy

    I'm back home from walking and One 5 cent coin was found. The Temperature out the door was 41 degrees. The forecast for a 5 day stretch of nice weather has started this morning. Things are drying up.
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    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Rained overnight...the snow is gone. 36 now with a high of 62 expected, overcast, foggy, misty.
    Will get some things done around the house and need to go grocery shopping today.
    That's about it.
    I have a bird book, but usually look online to try to identify some of the birds...problem is I don't see the little ones so well, and so many have just subtle differences, so I can't tell what they are.
    Happy Sunday, everyone! :)
    We still have some snow around where the plows or shoveling piled it up. Other than that the snow is gone from the lawns.

    Our weather will not be that nice even though it is forecast to be nice for the 5 day stretch starting today.

    Are the bird feeders that far away ? If so Binoculars should help if You are curious enough to spend the money for them.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Irene
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    We had snow and sleet this morning, just enough to cover the roads. It is now raining. I think it will be a while before our snow is gone.
    We also have a bird book that sits on the shelf. When the kids were little we would identify the birds in the yard.
    We have a lot of squirrels. They managed to chew through a Rubbermade box that we had in the yard to keep the birds seed in. The bird seed was also in a small metal trash can with a cover. They got the cover off and ate all the bird seed. I will have to find a new place to store the bird seed.
    As for my eyes, I am hoping that they stabilize and I won't have to do anything. I have good peripheral vision, so that is a plus.
    Irene-good luck with the PT, I hope it helps. Safe travels to PA.
    I have to brag a little. I actually ran 1 mile on the treadmill today. :) Tomorrow I have an appointment with a personnel trainer to show me stretches for my back and hips. It is a complimentary one time service of the Y. If I use a personnel trainer in the future, I will have to pay extra.
    I was awake super early this morning, so I think an afternoon nap is in order.
    Have a great day! :)
    Hi Joanne
    Snow and Sleet then rain, Not sounding like weather I want to experience.

    Those destructive critters will chew through anything they can to get to the food they smell. So far the Closed in porch keeps them away, Possibly a metal trash can that has a locking mechanism for the lid ? The other possibility that comes to mind is inside the house ? I leave the bags my brother buys that have a handle on top where I snip off a corner on the porch as I say and so far no Tree rats, rats or mice have gotten to them in the several years the bird food has resided on the porch.

    I hope Your eyes stabilize too, Vision is to important for so many things.

    Congratulations on the running a mile, I have slowed down to where I do not run at all. Good Luck with the stretches.

    I had the same problem with the time change it threw me off schedule and I ended up taking a nap.

    Have a Nice Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Congrats, Jo on running a mile! That's fantastic. :) You're doing great with the gym.
    Roger, the bird feeders are pretty close, it's just hard to see details...I do have binoculars there, but don't look through them very often...most of the little birds are sparrows.
    Hi Irene.
    Today should be nice out, 42 right now, supposed to go up to 55 and sunny.
    Acupuncture appt this afternoon.
    Happy Monday, everyone. :smile:
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    It is 42 here today and getting a little warmer later in the week, with rain on Friday.
    Boy, did I get a workout with the instructor at the gym. My muscles as so tight that it really hurt. As of right now I feel great. I am sure I will be achy tomorrow. I will practice at home and see her again in about 3 weeks to assess my progress.
    Vix-are you getting any relief from the acupuncture?
    Hi Irene.
    Roger-I took a nap yesterday, fell asleep watching a recorded show. Now all I have to do is fast forward to the part where I fell asleep and I didn't miss anything. :)
    Two loads of laundry wash, dried, folded and put away, upstairs bathroom clean, gym and trip to the grocery store, now I can relax for the rest of the day.
    Enjoy your day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2019
    I just posted more humor, Enjoy :smiley:

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 37 degrees. The forecast for a 5 day stretch of nice weather started this past Monday.
    When I was walking this morning there was a intermittent wind that caused a wind chill and some wind noise.
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    A study carried out by University College London looked at 20,000 families, and is the first to link mums who work to the weight of their children
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    Oh the Horror, No Internet...
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    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Congrats, Jo on running a mile! That's fantastic. :) You're doing great with the gym.
    Roger, the bird feeders are pretty close, it's just hard to see details...I do have binoculars there, but don't look through them very often...most of the little birds are sparrows.
    Hi Irene.
    Today should be nice out, 42 right now, supposed to go up to 55 and sunny.
    Acupuncture appt this afternoon.
    Happy Monday, everyone. :smile:
    Hello Vix
    I would not be surprised if most of Your birds at the feeder were Sparrows, I suspect that most of mine are also Sparrows. Also some that look the same but with red on their head and others with red on the belly feathers.

    I am happy that we are having decent weather until Friday. Hopefully You also get the same streak of good weather.

    When I was walking this morning there was a intermittent wind that caused a wind chill and some wind noise.

    Have a Good Day

    Hello Irene
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    It is 42 here today and getting a little warmer later in the week, with rain on Friday.
    Boy, did I get a workout with the instructor at the gym. My muscles as so tight that it really hurt. As of right now I feel great. I am sure I will be achy tomorrow. I will practice at home and see her again in about 3 weeks to assess my progress.
    Vix-are you getting any relief from the acupuncture?
    Hi Irene.
    Roger-I took a nap yesterday, fell asleep watching a recorded show. Now all I have to do is fast forward to the part where I fell asleep and I didn't miss anything. :)
    Two loads of laundry wash, dried, folded and put away, upstairs bathroom clean, gym and trip to the grocery store, now I can relax for the rest of the day.
    Enjoy your day! :)
    Hello Joanne
    It sounds like our weather except for being cooler due to You being further north.

    Hopefully You avoid the achy feelings. Good Luck with the progress.

    It is so handy having a DVR for that reason as well as others.

    You have been busy, I would not be happy doing that much in one day. What You did in one day I would spread out over 4 days :wink:

    Have a Nice Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Off to stained glass and clay workgroups today.
    Happy Tuesday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning not plan on doing much today feeling tired probably from time change take care everyone
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2019
    More humor has already been posted

    I'm back home from walking and I found One Penny. The Temperature out the door was 31 degrees.
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    Have a Great Wednesday