Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Roger, I'm not sure about family leave in Maryland...I think it is up to the employer. I know when I took off, I could only use leave I accrued (vacation and sick time), and had to have a Dr's note for time beyond 6 weeks. My daughter also can only use leave she has saved up, beyond that she won't be paid. They are also allowing her to take several months. Her husband took some of his vacation time to stay with them.
    As far as the weight, I think my microbiome is all messed up. I'll keep trying.
    Hello Vix
    As I understand it from reading at a link in the pdf I linked yesterday The employer can allow up to 12 weeks of paid or unpaid leave, I can guess which way most of them will go :(

    I wasn't sure what You meant by Microbiome so I looked it up, Wow, 100 Trillion.
    Your body is home to about 100 trillion bacteria and other microbes, collectively known as your microbiome.

    I'm sure You will get a handle on the weight soon.
    Jo, sounds like you're doing great with the gym. The new parents are tired! But I think they're starting to get it down. My daughter's husband went back to work yesterday, so we spent a good amount of time over there. The baby is so cute and cuddly!
    Irene, it takes a special person to help out at a hospital. Good for you!
    It snowed a little over night, but our roads and my driveway are clear. Still cloudy with a chance of flurries or snow showers this a.m., possible rain in the afternoon.
    Getting my hair colored today, and planning to spend more time with the family.
    Happy Friday, everyone. :)
    From what I read in the news link I just posted they are likely to be tired for years :(

    My brother hit me with a good news bad news thing.
    The Good, Wednesday when he visited the Nutritionist he was down 5 pounds from the previous visit, a Once a Month thing and was down a bit this morning too. She is at the hospital and requires a prescription periodically and as far as I know Medicare covers the visits as a wellness type thing.

    The Bad We shall have to shovel the 4 to 6 inches of snow outside whenever the white crud stops falling. And Once they plow the street That mound the plow pushes up will need to be shifted even though we shovel the end of the driveway.

    I shoveled one shovels worth off of the front step to be able to get out on it and measure snow depth. I used my old Fashioned Wooden Yardstick and so far 3.5 inches of snow and still snowing :( FWIW I also have a 1 foot wooden ruler but using that would have required bending way over to get a measurement due to standing on the step.

    Enjoy Your Family Time
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, we woke up to snow this morning/ But it is fine we really haven't had that much snow so we really can't complain. I really don't mind the snow. George decided yesterday to take the day off so it was really nice we slept in until 5:30 am got up had some coffee and we went for our 1 hour walk. Last night George's brother called to tell us his wife died they are up in pa so next weekend we will be going up it was a surprised didn't even know she was sick . Thanks everyone about the comments about the hospital I feel good that I do it and the people are really so nice. I am glad I can bring a little sunshine to there lives. Oh vix I am sure he is a little cutie now with the husband back to work I am sure you will be able to see him more. Does your daughter live close? Jo sorry to hear about your co workers wrist ouch. Roger we are suppose to get snow for a couple of days. take care everyone
    Hello Irene
    Yup Snow outside Friday but I walked anyway, This mornings 3 inches by the time I would have been ready to go made me decide to use the coffee maker and not walk. I am wondering how conditions will be tomorrow, I could wear the Insulated Waterproof Boots, however they are heavy at 1.15 pounds each vs the 14.75 ounces weight of what I usually wear, You would not think that would make a difference but it does to my walking rhythm :(

    I am sorry to hear About Georges brothers wife, what a way to finish the evening. My Condolences to George and his Brother.

    Is there such a think as a ugly baby, It is more like some are better looking than others :wink:
    I'm sure Vix's Grandson is one of the good ones.

    Snow for sure today here, Tomorrow night into Monday, Yuck.
    According to what last nights 10 PM weather forecast You should only be having to deal with rain ?

    It would appear that snow on Monday will need shoveling too according to what they think will fall. My Brother had 101.5 on and according to what he heard the roads are really bad around here where the snow is falling. Plus they said that for some undisclosed reason they could not get out and brine ahead of this snow which is contributing to the traffic mayhem. The oply saving grace is that it is a Saturday.

    Have a Nice Safe Day

    Hi Joanne
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    My condolences to your family, Irene, on the loss of your sister-in-law.
    Roger, congrats to your brother for losing 5 pounds! :) It looks like we had a little freezing rain overnight, but the roads and sidewalks look clear and it's supposed to warm up later, 31 now to 45 later. It's very gray outside. Sunday they're forecasting 1-3" of snow. Didn't realize you are getting snow.
    Hi Jo, we visited again yesterday. The baby gets cuter every time we see him. My daughter was feeling a little better...actually got almost 4 hours of sleep that night. We'll visit again today. We're lucky...they're just a few blocks away. :)
    Happy Saturday, everyone!
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, well all of our snow is gone I did see some snow on the grass across the street. getting ready to go food shopping thanks Roger and Vix I think we will be going up next Sunday take care all
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Irene-condolences to your family.
    Roger-congrats to your brother on losing 5 lbs.
    Vix-Are you going to take care of your grandson when you daughter goes back to work?
    We have a few inches of snow and it is still falling. Another storm predicted for Sunday night into Monday.
    We are going out to dinner tonight for my daughter's birthday.
    I found a penny yesterday, the first in a very long time.
    Have a great day. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Jo, have fun with your daughter tonight...happy Birthday!
    My daughter is planning on using a daycare center. We are backup. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I already posted more humor

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 30 degrees. The Streets and most of the sidewalks were OK, Except that where the sidewalks crossed the streets many of those areas had lumps of snow thrown there by the Plows so I did 50% or more of the walking in the streets. Tonight's weather forecast as of last night is for snow moving in during the evening hours and enduring through the night into early Monday.
    Although I did not walk yesterday the MFP says that I burned 738 calories while shoveling the sidewalks and driveway.
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    For the college-educated elite, work has morphed into a religious identity—promising identity, transcendence, and community, but failing to deliver.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    My condolences to your family, Irene, on the loss of your sister-in-law.
    Roger, congrats to your brother for losing 5 pounds! :) It looks like we had a little freezing rain overnight, but the roads and sidewalks look clear and it's supposed to warm up later, 31 now to 45 later. It's very gray outside. Sunday they're forecasting 1-3" of snow. Didn't realize you are getting snow.
    Hi Jo, we visited again yesterday. The baby gets cuter every time we see him. My daughter was feeling a little better...actually got almost 4 hours of sleep that night. We'll visit again today. We're lucky...they're just a few blocks away. :)
    Happy Saturday, everyone!
    Hello Vix
    Well it did take a month, OTOH anything over a pound a week is not bad. It warmed up here to over freezing too. The End of the driveway needed shoveling once twice before and once after the plows, The neighbors driveway across the street ended up with over 2 foot of plowed snow across it. Since they are away on one of their trips my Brother and I also shoveled that for them as he has come over more that once with his Snow Blower and helped us. At least the Entire driveway and the sidewalks were shoveled and are now dry :smiley: and thus ready for Tonight's Snow :( Hard to believe snow is in the forecast with the bright sunshine outside currently. The snow depth in the forecast as of last night is higher that what You are forecast to have.

    We took it easy as I was out three times shoveling and my brother twice. I will say that without any wind I took the lazy way out and shoveled the 2nd and 3rd time in the shorts I wear inside the house with a sweatshirt and insulated gloves for warmth.

    Your daughter must be tired if she only got 4 hours of sleep.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Jo, have fun with your daughter tonight...happy Birthday!
    My daughter is planning on using a daycare center. We are backup. :)

    In our family neither my brothers or sister ever went to daycare and my siblings did not use one either, Only on occasion the Mom and Pops daycare if needed :wink:

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, well all of our snow is gone I did see some snow on the grass across the street. getting ready to go food shopping thanks Roger and Vix I think we will be going up next Sunday take care all
    Hello Irene
    Around here the only clear areas are where they were plowed or shoveled, The Lawns and any unshoveled sidewalks are still snow covered.

    Today is Grocery shopping day here, I shall stay home while my brother does it, He takes over an hour just in the store as he walks every aisle just in case he forgot to put something on the shopping list.

    BTW I saw a Coupon for Corned Beef at $1.88 a pound in the ShopRite Circular as we approach Saint Patty's Day Sunday the 17th. Based on previous years I am sure they will repeat next week.

    When You go have a safe trip
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Irene-condolences to your family.
    Roger-congrats to your brother on losing 5 lbs.
    Vix-Are you going to take care of your grandson when you daughter goes back to work?
    We have a few inches of snow and it is still falling. Another storm predicted for Sunday night into Monday.
    We are going out to dinner tonight for my daughter's birthday.
    I found a penny yesterday, the first in a very long time.
    Have a great day. :)
    Hi Joanne
    Both he and the Nutritionist were happy with that loss :wink:

    The worst of the Snowfall was done by 10AM here, For the next storm I have hopes it takes a track that leaves us with a minimal impact. Good Luck to all of us with that.

    People seem to be holding onto even their pennies.

    I hope the Birthday Party was great, These days when My brother asks me what type of cake I want I tell him a Small Cupcake with a Candle in it.

    Have a Nice Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    All our old snow is gone...the forecast here is 3-8 inches including what is expected today and overnight. Apparently I was just looking at the expectation for the day. So far it's just overcast.
    That's a lot of snow shoveling, Roger! And yes, new parents get very little sleep. Times have changed a lot since we were kids. Most families need 2 parents working. Daycare has become the norm. I think my daughter feels that she doesn't want to tie us down for 40 hours a week. I've offered, and also put out the idea of part time. I think they want to be independent. But they know we are always here to help, and they appreciate that. I used daycare when my kids were little. I didn't have relatives nearby, and couldn't afford to stop working. It was a good alternative. My children grew up to be wonderful adults.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    edited March 2019
    This is my son proudly holding his new nephew!
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    Oh Vix-my heart is melting, he is such a cutie! <3
    Both of my kids went to daycare, with my mom as backup.
    Roger-We didn't get any snow yesterday, but sure have enough of it this morning and it is still snowing. As of right now we have a about 8 inches.
    I have an appointment with the eye specialist in Boston to check my eyes for glaucoma.
    We will be leaving the house 1 1/2 hours early and hopefully get there on time. One thing on our side is that schools are closed.
    Stay safe and have a great day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor shall be, will be posted soon

    I'm home and decided last night not to walk today due to the weather forecast and Therefore no money was found. The Temperature outside the door is 34 degrees. There appears to be 3 Plus inches and the road looks slushy add in that there are piles of snow at the foot of the sidewalk and driveway from overnight plowing and getting to the street could be rough. They have already made three more passes down our little street and it appears that they are likely done plowing it. My brother and I will be outside shoveling later.

    I just went out the front door and took a couple of shovels full of the snow which is wet and heavy and according the trusty wooden yardstick is 3 inches deep. It would appear that I may be able to drive up to the bank and deposit with some cash back my Pension Check.
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    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2019
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    All our old snow is gone...the forecast here is 3-8 inches including what is expected today and overnight. Apparently I was just looking at the expectation for the day. So far it's just overcast.
    That's a lot of snow shoveling, Roger! And yes, new parents get very little sleep. Times have changed a lot since we were kids. Most families need 2 parents working. Daycare has become the norm. I think my daughter feels that she doesn't want to tie us down for 40 hours a week. I've offered, and also put out the idea of part time. I think they want to be independent. But they know we are always here to help, and they appreciate that. I used daycare when my kids were little. I didn't have relatives nearby, and couldn't afford to stop working. It was a good alternative. My children grew up to be wonderful adults.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    We still had some snow with the grass peeking through it before this latest snow :(

    When I stepped out to check the depth the it was not too bad outside I may shovel wearing the shorts I wear indoors with a sweatshirt and Insulated gloves.

    I guess I worry that people are to trusting that Daycare will do a good job, That could also be influenced by the things I see happening in New York City on the TV news ?
    eku0 wrote: »
    This is my son proudly holding his new nephew!
    Nice Looking Baby. I'm sure You are very happy

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Oh Vix-my heart is melting, he is such a cutie! <3
    Both of my kids went to daycare, with my mom as backup.
    Roger-We didn't get any snow yesterday, but sure have enough of it this morning and it is still snowing. As of right now we have a about 8 inches.
    I have an appointment with the eye specialist in Boston to check my eyes for glaucoma.
    We will be leaving the house 1 1/2 hours early and hopefully get there on time. One thing on our side is that schools are closed.
    Stay safe and have a great day! :)
    Hi Joanne
    Yuck, 8 inches I would not be happy looking out at that. 15,000+ power outages in NJ according to the local cable news.

    You might want to double check that they are open with that snow. Some NJ schools are closed and others have a delayed open, I suspect that is based on where they are and the depth of the snow.

    We were shown in the 4 to 6 inch area and ended up with three according to the Yardstick, That depth may have been affected if some of it melted early on or now. since it is still above freezing.

    Stay Safe driving and Have a Nice Day

    Hello Irene
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    We lucked out with the weather again...less than an inch of snow on the grass, and the streets and most of the sidewalks are clear. I have a massage scheduled for this morning. :)
    Safe travels, Jo...around here the Dr. would postpone the appt. We are definitely snow wimps. Good luck with the snow and your eye appt. (And it is wonderful to have a baby around! :blush: )
    Roger, if you're going to shovel snow, that's probably more exercise than walking. And daycare has evolved...some of them now have video cameras on the children, so the parents can view them via their mobile phones any time they want!
    Hi Irene...hope you didn't get too much snow.
    Stay warm and safe, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, well the storm started out as rain then snow it was bad at first. George got called into work (he is it of the police dept) so if the computers go down and most of the time he can fix it here at home but last night he had to go in. The roads were all icy then but he said on the way back the roads were ok but now is everything is clear and the sun is shinny. vix your grandson is so cute love the little smile. I can understand your daughter wanting to do it herself . Annie and I went for a late walk this morning it was nice and it is like 35 degrees outside. Roger sorry you had to shovel so far this year we haven't had to shovel which is good. Jo good luck at the eye dr
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2019
    I shall be posting more humor later after I reply to messages :smiley:

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 22 degrees. The Streets are in good shape and as usual most of the sidewalks are OK, excluding at the corners where many have not shoveled out the cutouts to the street. Thus I did most of my walking in the streets.

    Our high temperature today is forecast to be 30 with a normal high of 46 we are not going to get near that for the next few days where the overnight temperatures are forecast to be in the teens.
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    This was news to me that a Chinese company owner Volvo
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    Volvo plans to impose a speed limit of about 112 miles per hour on all of its vehicles beginning in 2020.
    The Chinese-owned Swedish automotive brand said it was making the move to bring attention to the dangers of speeding.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    We lucked out with the weather again...less than an inch of snow on the grass, and the streets and most of the sidewalks are clear. I have a massage scheduled for this morning. :)
    Safe travels, Jo...around here the Dr. would postpone the appt. We are definitely snow wimps. Good luck with the snow and your eye appt. (And it is wonderful to have a baby around! :blush: )
    Roger, if you're going to shovel snow, that's probably more exercise than walking. And daycare has evolved...some of them now have video cameras on the children, so the parents can view them via their mobile phones any time they want!
    Hi Irene...hope you didn't get too much snow.
    Stay warm and safe, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    Lucky You, Parts of NJ had over 9 inches, here I measured 3 inches of snow, a very wet heavy to shovel snow. I was amazed that NYC cancelled school for the day whereas further north where they had much more snow the schools were open. I have a suspicion that was due to criticism of the mayor last year for not closing the schools.

    90 minutes of walking is shown by MFP as 298 calories vs 90 minutes of shoveling which is shown as 738 calories :smiley:

    I had heard that some have cameras that can be viewed, hopefully the security surrounding viewing is strong.

    Have a Good Day