Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,156 Member
    Good morning.
    Jo, I love Japanese maple pretty! It always feels good to have the house looking neat. We have an electric trimmer, so hubs is still trimming our bushes.
    It was fun babysitting yesterday and spending some time with my daughter. They're taking their 1st overnight trip today, to the beach.
    I have painting class this morning.
    Mostly sunny with a high of 91 today...good pool day Irene! I will probably stay in air conditioning!
    Have a good Thursday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,120 Member
    good morning, wow val I am so impressed you are doing great. Jo I have a Japanese maple bush it is real wide I have had it for about 25 years. We are getting new side steps and a new deck just a small one and it is expensive but it will last for years and there is no up keep on it. getting the composite wood. vix you sound like you had an awesome day. We spend the day in the pool and I just might be doing the same thing today. That is so nice that Roger's family is with him sending prayers and hugs. hope everyone has a great day
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,066 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Vix-It is nice that you get to spend so much time with your grandson.
    It was 80 here today. It gets cooler at night, so I haven't put the AC on yet.
    Irene-It has been a great 2 days to be in the pool, Enjoy!
    Have a great evening. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,120 Member
    good morning, jo I really am enjoying the pool . Yesterday after I mowed the yawn I got in the pool and it felt great. Not sure if I will have a chance to get in it today I have grocery shopping I need to do and some house cleaning to do . Vix I bet your grand son is really starting to grow enjoy your time with him. Jo we have had our ac on for awhile now I need it to be cool for me to sleep . I am up to 45 minutes on the treadmill not going fast just a walk faster then when we are walking Annie have a great day. Roger still praying you are improving we need you back .
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,156 Member
    edited June 2019
    Good morning.
    The sun is shining and it's going to be a hot one...up to 91 degrees today. Not much planned. I'm going to exercise and do some housework. May go out somewhere later, but mostly staying in the AC!
    I am totally enjoying my time with my grandson...I missed him yesterday, and he'll be going to daycare when my daughter goes back to work. So I am taking advantage of all the moments I can spend with them now.
    Enjoy your somewhat cooler weather, Jo!
    Irene, so nice to have a pool. Great job with the treadmill.
    Sending prayers and healing thoughts for Roger.
    Have a good day. :)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Happy Friday. I’ve been neglecting my yard and house work for a few weeks because of work. Today i mowed and edged the front and back yards. Not big, but quite a work out! And mopped the living room! I have tile throughout because I have kids and dogs!
    For a few days I’ve been really wobbling on my healthy eating. Today I’m back on track. My go-to is ground turkey and zucchini spirals.
    I found six cents in the grocery parking lot. It made me really miss Roger. Sending thoughts and prayers for his recovery and well being. 💙
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    So thankful to hear Roger's update. I have and have had a few crazy days. Someone clipped the front of my car on Thursday nite, so I am dealing with that. Just cosmetic damage..and I am fine so I feel very thankful! Prayers for Roger..Thank you so for welcoming Val and me..Roger is the cement of our pages too! So glad the Dr's are more optimistic. I remember some of you guys from Rogers humor page, and you all have been here about when I started too!

    Have a safe and happy weekend! ...Jan
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,156 Member
    Good morning.
    Sunny and expected high of 92 today, with a chance of afternoon t-storms.
    Val, catching up with housework/yardwork is always good. Congrats being back on track with your eating. haha...we keep track of cents found too!
    Jan, hope you get everything straightened out with your car.
    I just sent another note to Roger's brother this morning...feel like we could use another update, hopefully things will be looking up.
    I am going to get makeup done son's wedding is coming up Sept 1, and we're trying out the makeup person in advance to make sure we'll look good. ;)
    Started tracking my diet again this week, so far so good.
    Hi Jo and Irene.
    Have a nice weekend everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,120 Member
    good morning everyone, Well it was over 90 degrees here yesterday but didn't get a chance to get in the pool . We are having a new door and steps put on the side so he was here prepping everything today George will help with the door. Don't feel comfortable being in the pool when we have some one over doing repairs even though we have known them for years. I do plan on getting on the treadmill later ,George is on it now so I have to wait my turn. Jan yard work sure burns a lot of calories plus house work good for you. I love when I see some one found change I do believe Roger started that. I do miss him he is in my prayers. Vix I am so glad you get to spend a lot of time with him. you will have to tell us how the make up goes. Jo I guess your days off are over. take care all
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,156 Member
    Hi Irene. Hope you get a chance for the pool today, maybe after the workers leave. :)

    I heard back from Roger's brother. Things are still iffy. His sister left today. Roger is still in the ICU. His ammonia levels are down from the high levels, but he is essentially in liver failure. They haven't got results yet about the state of his blood clots. He is heavily sedated, and his brother is not sure he is aware, but I told him to let Roger know we all miss him.
    Keep those prayers and healing thoughts going out to him.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Sorry that Roger is struggling so. I do hope he knows how special he is to us. Reminder about how precious our health is.
    My knees are sore following a 7-mile hike. I’m grateful that I was able to do that.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,066 Member
    Good afternoon;
    I just got home from work. My husband turned on the AC for the first time today.
    We had thunder storms this morning and now the sun is trying to peak out.
    Val-congrats on your find. I found a quarter in my work parking lot yesterday. Wow, 7 miles is a great hike.
    Vix-thanks for the update on Roger. I will continue to keep him in my prayers. Have fun getting your make-up done.
    Irene-I hope you get some pool time in today.
    Jan-I am sorry to hear you car got hit. I am glad you were not hurt. What a hassle, I hope the other person had insurance.
    I am now going to do some housework, so I can have tomorrow to myself.
    Have a good afternoon. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,120 Member
    Good Sunday morning, I am sorry to hear Roger is still having problems. hope he starts to feel better. Jo awesome that you will have the day to your self . The repair guy will be back today to finish . Never had a chance to get in the pool. take care everyone
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,156 Member
    Good morning. We had some t-storms overnight. Sunny and a little windy this morning, high of 88 today (cooler). :)
    Val, that's a good hike! Is there a forest or other hiking trails near where you live?
    Jo, I hope you enjoy a relaxing day. It was kind of fun getting makeup done...tried fake eyelashes for the first time ever. Haha...wish my own would grow back.
    Irene, it's good that your repairs will be finished today. Looks like all hot days for the next 2 weeks at least.
    Nothing planned for today, will get out somewhere later. My left ankle and leg are bothering me since yesterday, and with my bad right hip, it's not a good combination! I iced my ankle last night...don't know what I did to it.
    Staying on track with the diet, even with going out to dinner last night...had grilled salmon and broccoli, a small glass of pinot grigio. Still under my calorie limit.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Joanne - good for you to carve out time for yourself. 👍 I’ve only recently started doing that, and it’s so important.
    Irene - hope you’re able to have time in the pool today. My HOA has a pool, but it’s crowded and the children are not I don’t go there.
    Vix - I’m in San Antonio TX. I only recently joined a couple Meet Up groups, so I’m just learning about all the parks and hiking trails. Some parks don’t allow dogs, but yesterday’s did, so I brought Boudreaux (greyhound) with me.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,066 Member
    Good morning;
    It is a beautiful day so far 75, sunny and a nice breeze. Thunderstorms are expected later in the day. I was out early this morning weeding my front yard.
    Vix- good choice with your dinner. I have never tried false eyelashes. How did they feel?
    Irene-Sorry you didn't get any pool time.
    Hi Val and Jan. :)
    Roger-still sending prayers that you recover soon.
    Have a great day!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,156 Member
    edited July 2019
    Good morning.
    Sunny with a high of 85 forecast for today...coolest for the next 2 weeks.
    Jo, the eyelashes felt funny but I liked how they looked, made my eyes look more like they did when I was younger. Were you weeding on your day to yourself? Hope you relaxed the rest of the day!
    Val, we visited Austin last year and took a day trip to San Antonio (the Alamo and the Riverwalk). The Riverwalk was cool. We did go to a few nice parks around there, closer to Austin...McKinney Falls state park, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Hamilton Pool Reserve (there's a waterfall you can walk behind).
    Irene, hope you get some pool time today.
    Roger, here's hoping for a turn for the better, healing vibes sent your way. We miss you!
    I have an acupuncture appt this morning. And hoping to spend some time with my daughter and grandson.
    Wishing everyone a good new week. Happy Monday. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,066 Member
    Good morning;
    It is a beautiful sunny day. I have been to the gym this morning. I ran a little over a mile on the treadmill on in one shot. I think I do better to go in the morning than after work, unfortunately I have to be at work by 6, so I don't have time most mornings.
    Val-what great markings on your dog. I don't blame you for not going to the pool with unsupervised children. As I get older my tolerance level is fading.
    Vix-Have fun with your grandson and good luck with the acupuncture appt.
    On the agenda today is banking, a trip to Goodwill to drop off some stuff and Kohl's for a few new tank tops. I have tiny pin holes in the ones I have, due to the cats claws.
    Have a great day! :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,120 Member
    good morning, today I have my yearly apt for mammogram going to a new place right by my house . Can someone pm Mikes e-mail to me I would like to see how Roger is doing I should of kept his address. Well I have been going longer on my treadmill up to 51 minutes but not going very fast I got 2 .25 miles in . George has put our bow flex together yesterday so now I can work on upper body. Val 7 miles is awesome. I also walk Annie 2 times a day which it comes out to about 1 1/2 hours a day thank goodness I don't work. Just ordered 2 more boxes of built bars they are so good you would never believe they are protein bars. I feel like I am eating a candy bar. Vix are you going with the lashes? Hopefully today I can get in some pool time. Have a great day . Roger I am praying for you and we all miss you
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!
    I am still trying to catch up from last week, especially Sunday. I need to remind myself I can not run like that every day in the week! Irene, hope your mammogram goes well. Is Annie your dog? Val and I are dog people. I have one mixed pointer hound named May who is a sweetheart. Sheds enough to make another dog. She is 4 yrs old. Previously I had 4 dogs, all rescues, and 2 horses but old age claimed them all. I am going to be 66 yrs on July 8th. I have been retired a few years. I worked nights in a hospital as a unit clerk and float secretary. Which explains why I am always up late. I can not get out of the habit!! I have lost and regained several times and am just trying to lose again. I have a lot to lose, but not giving up! Jo, I wish I had a cat with my dog. I love them too. But May is not a cat lover. She came to me at 5 mos. and would rather chase cats and squirrels! Vix, I would be interested in hearing a little on your acupuncture. That sounds interesting. Praying for Roger, and so is my church prayer team. It is hard on a person being in ICU so long. He is such a wonderful person! Little wonder we all miss him! Take care all, Jan