Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,164 Member
    Good morning.
    Irene...enjoy your nail and hair appts! Sounds like a fun day. Glad you're getting a chance to enjoy your pool.
    Jan, it's very good of you to volunteer for meals on wheels. I do enjoy my classes. :)
    Jo, I was thinking the weather may affect our achiness...I usually get more flares in August and's early this year. Glad Vinny's ok.
    Hi Val.
    My hair is darker than I expected it to be, but I think I like it, and the hairdresser said it would fade a little. She put 2 different color glazes on it...I never heard of glazes before, but it looks like very subtle highlights. I also got my eyebrows done, so they look much better...haven't done that in a really long time.
    Off to painting and drawing class today.
    Happy Thursday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,122 Member
    jo glad Vinny is good can he afford the weight loss?
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi all. My phone has been unable to access kept timing out before I could get here.
    I’ve had a very emotional day. My dog Lucy (age 9) had a gran mal seizure. First one ever. I felt so helpless watching and it felt like it went on forever. When that finally stopped, she was stiff (muscles contracted hard) and non responsive. I was emailing to hand off work and calling the vet (got voicemail). She stayed frozen for about 10 minutes. I went to the bathroom to get a towel...and came in and she was sitting there wagging. I had thought she died, but she didn’t. Vet found nothing. She’s home from hospital. She’s happy and seems fine but I’m really traumatized. I’m still crying and feel horrible.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,164 Member
    Val, so sorry about Lucy. The vet found nothing? Maybe it was just a quirk, a one time thing. Maybe a bug bite or something? She's ok now. Try to do something to relax...a cup of tea, meditation, a hot bath...Hugs.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,122 Member
    good morning, Wow Val so glad Lucy is doing better. I have heard of dogs having seizure so glad it was over. Maybe you can relax now . I have been doing a lot of reading in grain free food that is causing heart problems in dogs . I took Annie off of all grain free food the only thing she was getting was her Greenes .So I went back to the original . No really big plans food shopping and the vet to get Annie's nails trimmed. Still praying for Roger . I did loose another pound so very happy about that. Take care everyone. Vix I hope your painting class was fun Hi Jo And Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Thanks for Lucy’s well wishes. She continues to be just fine. I hope that it was just a 1-time thing. The vet had no guidance or information at all.
    I never did the grain-free dog food. Thanks Irene...and glad that yours if off that now. Congrats on losing another pound!!!
    Thanks Vix—i did a lot of exercise and then i had hot tea and watched Downton Abbey with my kid and all our doggos. King sized bed gets a but crowded with everyone.
    I have a sinus infection so going to the doctor today.
    Roger - missing you and hoping for your healing and recovery. 💙
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,164 Member
    Good morning.
    Just sent a quick note to Mike, hoping for another update on Roger.
    Glad you and Lucy are doing better Val. Good luck with the doc. Sinus infections are annoying.
    Irene, congrats on losing another pound! Yay! Annie's turn for a pedicure. :wink:
    Hi Jo and Jan.
    It's sunny with a high of 89 expected here today. No special plans. I would like to get out and buy a few cards and presents.
    Happy Friday, everyone. :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Well, us ladies did a good job getting to everyone with our food!! Hardly lost at all. Some places were sure hidden! My phone worked half the time for directions. They gave us pretty good ones, too. Everyone was so sweet..but one grumpy old man..but apparently he is always grumpy!! Off to it today too. I was beat getting home!! :#
    Val, glad Lucy is okay! Sometimes it is a one time occurance. There are several rescues here that people have dogs with that problem. Try not to worry. If she has another..then the vet should be more proactive. There are meds, several, and results can be good. That tonic state can last, depending on the severity of the seizure. Lucy may just be a little tired too. It is rare something bad happens, but scary to watch. Hope your doc goes well!
    Irene, congrats on the pound lost!! That is good news!!
    Vix, every now and then I get the worst urge to dye my hair. I let it go natural several years ago. It is silver with still some brown. After a day or two, it looks a little mousey!! Then I want to do something, lol.. Nice you got to pamper yourself a little!!
    Hi Jo!! Must be working hard!! Roger, miss you!! Always prayers!!
    Be safe! Hope no one is affected by the hurricane! Slow mover! ...Jan
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Val, I am glad Lucy is ok. It is scary watching it happen. I had a toy poodle that had seizures every once in a while. I would just hold him until it was over. He would shake and drool.
    When he came out of the seizure, he would be just fine. He didn't have them often enough for medication. The vet never did find a cause for it.
    I hope your sinus infection clears up before your vacation.
    Irene-I don't think Vinny can afford to lose any more weight. He is all skin and bones now.
    It doesn't seem to bother him, he still jumps and wrestles with Sophie. Congrats on losing another lb.
    Vix-It does feel good to get a little pampering. I am glad you like your color. I hope we hear some encouraging news about Roger.
    Jan-I am sure everyone appreciated you delivering their meals, even the grumpy old man.
    Work has been crazy. The town had a problem with the water, so we could not use any.
    Water has been trucked in 3 times a day for the last 2 days. It is surprising how much we depend on it for all the prep work we do at the store. The first day the deli, fish and fresh cut fruit totally shut down. Hopefully by late this afternoon the problem should be corrected.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,164 Member
    Good morning.
    Jan, even though you were tired, I'm sure it felt good to be helping others.
    I've colored my hair ever since my first white came in...a big splotch just forward of the crown of my head. It looked awful. It's probably mostly white now, but I just haven't let it come back. I had my brown highlighted a couple of years ago gradually transitioning to blonde, but I just got tired of it, and it was looking bland, so here I am, brunette again.
    Jo, that's awful about the water problem. Hope it was fixed quickly.
    Hi Irene and Val.
    I haven't heard back from I'm concerned. He usually writes back pretty quickly. Let's put out some extra prayers for Roger.
    I never did get around to the shopping yesterday, so will do that today.
    Have a good Saturday, everyone.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,122 Member
    good morning, I had to reschedule Annie's nail app until Monday which I am sure Annie is happy about she hates getting her nails done. Thanks everyone for the support. Jan awesome job helping people. I never let my hair get gray ,I use to be dark brown but now I am blonde with high lights love it. Jo I hope your water is better now. Vix I hope you hear from Mike soon . I thought I would drop him a line today or tomorrow. Hi Val take care all
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi all. This sinus infection hit me hard. On antibiotics and steroids. I’m so drained...hope to get energy soon.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hope those antibiotics kick in soon Val. Hopefully being on the plane will give you a good day and a half to combat the infection. Jo, what a headache with the water situation. Hope it is resolved soon!! We do get complacent about our everyday conveniences and blessings sometimes! Irene, May is not fond of the groomer or the vet visits, though she does okay. She does not like car rides..I never had a dog that didn' strange to me. Vix, I would think it would be fun to become the brunette again! So neat!! I miss our little people on the route for MOW. We rotate with another church so will not see them again right away. It was great!! Prayers for Roger for healing, strength and peace. Sure miss his posts!! <3
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,164 Member
    Good morning.
    Irene, I haven't heard from Mike...have you? Prayers out for Roger and his family.
    Val, hope you feel better soon. Is your trip tomorrow? Safe travels!
    Jan, I always say, we're lucky to have been born here, with all our conveniences. I do like my hair darker, but would like it just a little bit lighter (supposed to fade a little, so should be good.) :)
    Jo, I hope work has calmed down for you and the water situation is fixed.
    We're going for a sample meeting with the florist this morning. I know it will be fun.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,122 Member
    good morning, val hope you are starting to feel better. Vix I sent a message to Mike yesterday didn't hear back yet a little concerned hopefully he is just busy sending prayers for Roger .Jo how is the water hoping it is better. Jan when we just got Annie she didn't like the car but I started to take her on little car rides now she loves it. Vix enjoy yourself with the florist sounds like fun . Val incase you leave for vacation before I get back on have a safe fun trip
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Tomorrow’s my big day. Im feeling much better today than yesterday. I finished my work task, mowed front and back. Did laundry and packed. I’m going to drinking fluids and take a nap.
    We are just taking backpacks that fit under airline seats. Usually I we’ll see jow this works out.
    I had one dog who would get so car sick. I started with him and i just sitting in the car for a minute (engine off), then a couple minutes. Over a couple weeks, we worked up to driving a few feet, then around the block. After that...he’s never gotten car sick again. Loves driving cross-country too.
    I won’t have access to MFP because my cell phone carrier has no international service. I’ll bring back stories and pictures.
    Hoping and praying for Roger. ❤️
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hello all!!
    Val-Probably posted late for you to catch, but have a wonderful trip!!
    Vix, the florist sounds like a lot of fun!! What a lovely time!! I guess Mike might have wrote you all faster with not as good news...maybe that is good. Hope to hear..continued prayers! Hi Jo!! Working hard again!! Irene, thank you and Val, those are good suggestions on the doggie car travel..I would like her to enjoy her rides! At least not be terrified!! I cooked some for church and we had a nice turn out for lunch. finally relaxing. I get my car fixed Monday. it will probably take a day or two at least.
    Hope everyone had a good week end and gets some rest! Jo, hope you have a day off soon if working it!!! :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    The water at work was all fixed on Saturday, so we are back to normal.
    Val-Have a wonderful vacation! We brought small cases last time to went on vacation. It was so much easier and faster to get in and out of the airport.
    Jan-good luck with your car. Are you getting a rental? I usually have Sunday and Monday's off from work. Yesterday my daughter and I went and picked raspberries and blueberries.
    Today I have nothing planned, will see what the day brings.
    Vix-Any decision made on the flowers? Did she show you actual arrangements?
    Irene-Any pool time over the weekend?
    Praying for Roger.
    Have a great day! :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,164 Member
    Good morning.
    Safe travels, Val...have a wonderful vacation!
    Jan, you sound really busy with your home deliveries and church activities. Hope you're ok without a car for a couple of days. Or do you get a rental?
    Irene, hope you got some pool time was sooooo hot this weekend.
    Jo, you always seem to do a lot of fun things!
    I may email Mike again. I don't feel like this is a good thing. Will keep the healing thoughts going out to him.
    Interesting weekend. The florist ordered his flowers for the wrong date, so they weren't there. To make up for it, he's not charging us for the sample meeting (we will get to see and keep actual arrangements) and will bring it to my future DIL's house next Sunday. We went over a lot of the details anyway, so it was a productive meeting.
    We ordered a carseat, so we have one for when we're babysitting, in case we need it.
    No special plans for today...still haven't found new grandparent cards, and want to get a few baby presents, my waterpic flosser died, and I ran out of D3, so I need a shopping trip. There's always stuff to do around the house. Cleaned the refrigerator yesterday.
    I hope everyone had a great weekend. Wishing you all a good week coming up. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,122 Member
    Good morning ladies, Vix I am really worried about Roger have sent 2 e-mails and haven't heard anything , hopefully he is just busy. We had a great weekend spent much of it in the pool. Jo glad to hear your water at work is good again. Vix sorry didn't see what you wanted to see from the florist, Jan it's nice that you do a lot for your church. Take care all saying prayers for Roger