Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    My daughter and I went to the beach at 6am and walked 5 1/2 miles. It was so nice, not too hot yet. We then went out to breakfast and stopped at Whole foods for a few things.
    By late afternoon it was too hot to be outside, so hubby and I had burgers cooked on the George Forman grill inside. It was a nice relaxing day. Today I am cleaning house on my day off. It is still fairly hot and humid.
    Vix-I hope your dress fit ok. It is nice that the mothers-in-laws get on.
    Irene-I hope your pool party was a success.
    Jan-Sorry you didn't get to enjoy the party. It sounds like you were a good sport about it and I hope it was appreciated.
    Val-I hope your vacation is going well.
    I am going to email Mike to get an update on Roger.
    Have a great day!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,164 Member
    edited July 2019
    Good morning.
    Thanks, Jo...I hope Roger's starting to do better. Your beach walks sound wonderful.
    Irene, I'll bet your pool party was great, definitely the best place to be on such a hot day!
    Jan, it always amazes me what people will put up with. You are very patient and kind to have done the bidding of that DIL. Were you not tempted to put all the food out at the same time and enjoy the party? How did you get nominated for that job? I hope at least you were appreciated.
    Val, hope you're having a great time on vacation!
    My dress fit perfectly. I am very happy with that seamstress. I gave her number to my daughter, and the bride's Mom.
    Our electricity went out last night about 6:15. It was hot and sunny at the time. It came back on for a few minutes about 7:30, and then off again. Then we got lots of t-storming...thunder and lightning. It came back on sometime after we went to sleep. Not much to do in the dark, candles weren't strong enough to read by.
    I've started making my own almond milk, no chemicals like the store bought kind. It's pretty easy.
    I have a massage scheduled for this morning. That'll be nice.
    Wishing everyone a good week to come. :)

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,122 Member
    good morning, I did get an e-mail from Mike , Roger is still a little off he wants the nurse to start leaving the tv on all the time to maybe help him it sounds like Roger is having problems and hoping the tv will help He really needs lots of prayers. my party was really nice lots of food I think I did ok .Jan that was terrible that you had to work so hard. Would of been nice if she thank you. hi vix and jo.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,122 Member
    oh jo my new cell phone is so cool it does have the face recognition
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Irene, your party sounded wonderful!! That pool sounds so inviting for exercise!!
    Jo, love beach walking!! Over 5 miles is really impressive!!
    Vix, I bought some battery powered lanterns because our storms are so numerous, and we seem to get power hits if there are storms in the area of the 2 cities I live between. I do like to read and that and candles make it possible.
    Val, you are half way done with it is going too fast!

    My friends and I did not know until the last minute the daughter in law from his first marriage was handling the finer details. The birthday boy and his wife had no idea we were destined for the sweat shop labor of the day or said relative would be so strict in her catering! She just wanted us to add stuff if the table emptied..It was still a pleasure to do it for Bill & Margarite, but some of his first family relatives are definitely on my prayer list, since I can not do a hit list!! ( I could being of Italian descent, but so rude, lol..) His present family were all gracious and bowed to many wishes of the first family because they love their step dad very much. We were thanked and just encouraged to take leftovers, though it made me feel like more of the hired help!! We did leave dishes and clean up for them..and I do not think they expected that!!! :# The older couple thanked us with tears in their eyes, and that was worth it!! The step dad is looking very frail lately so not sure about his 91st b-day. I will be taking them out to eat instead though if I hear wind of any party next year!!! :D
    Thinking of Roger. With his liver function so low, I would guess it is causing his mental confusion. Not so good. Continued prayers!! <3
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,164 Member
    Hi all.
    I went to work on stained glass and clay today. Then played with my grandson for a little while. Tomorrow we have a meeting with the restaurant where we're having the reahearsal dinner. Thngs are coming together.
    Prayers for Roger and Mike.
    Have a good evening everyone.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,164 Member
    Good morning.
    I've been slacking on my exercise so gotta force myself back into that today. Meeting at noon with the restaurant and babysitting tonight while my daughter and son-in-law go to an orientation at the day care center. My daughter will be going back to work in September and my grandson off to daycare. I am really going to miss them!
    The weather was a little cooler yesterday, that was nice. Mostly sunny with a high of 83 today, so not so bad today either. :)
    Irene, sounds like you like your new phone...what kind is it...I need a new one soon.
    Jan, you are a good person. Do you live anywhere near a beach? We're about 3 hours away, so don't go very often. I'm more of a forest/mountain lover though.
    Val, hope you're enjoying your vacation and getting a chance to relax.
    Jo, hope you're not working too hard!
    Happy Wednesday, everyone.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Vix-I hear you about exercise. It is so easy to put off. We switched to Mon. Wed. and Fri. going to the gym. Hopefully this new schedule will keep us on track. It has been a little cooler here also.
    Jan-Good for you leaving the clean up to them. I bet they were surprised. :)
    Hi Irene and Val.
    Continued prayers for Roger and Mike.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Colon prep day...not sure what was worse. The running to the bathroom or my dog following me trying to help. Of course she gets pet while I am captive. What a day!!
    Cooler here with no humidity. I have died and gone to heaven!! Should last a few more days. Vix, i am about 2 1/2 hours from the beaches, and about 1 1/2 hours from the forests. 3 if you want to go to Tenn. At least I am centrally located, lol..
    Vix, your classes sound like so much fun! What are you making presently? Glad everything is falling into place with the upcoming wedding and plans!
    Jo, I need to get on a schedule for exercising the way you have!! I feel a little bad making them clean up, but not THAT bad, lol..
    Hi Irene!! Hi Val!! Everyone take care!! :#
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Em and I are at the airport ready to go home. Had a great time. We really miss our dogs. I’m sure I gained at least 10 pounds...will get back on keto tomorrow.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Val-You look so happy and relaxed. I am glad you had a good time.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,122 Member
    good morning, well had no power since Monday night at 6pm the power came on around 3am this morning. I really missed having power but we were good we both had our cell phones and George took the week as a vacation. As far as Roger I have been in touch with Mike the storm wasn't too bad for them . Roger still isn't doing very well we have to just keep praying for him. Jo since I haven't had any power I haven't gotten on my treadmill just been walking Annie but today I will be getting back on it . Vix so glad everything is coming together for the wedding. hi jan
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,164 Member
    Good morning.
    Val, looks like you're having a great time! Beautiful pictures!
    Good luck, Jan. I sympathize!
    Jo, great that you have a schedule for the gym...that's what we used to do M,W,F.
    Irene...that's a long time without power! Sounds like you made it through alright.
    Thanks for the report on Roger. I sure hope he starts improving soon. Keeping those prayers going.
    Getting ready to take my husband to out-patient surgery.
    Have a good Thursday, everyone. :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!!
    Vix, Hope your hubby does well!
    Irene, I did not realize storms were that bad! Did you lose your food or freezer things? That was quite a few days without power..glad you made it thru!!
    Welcome back, Val!!! 10 lbs for vacation is not too bad in the land of potatoes and bread!!
    Jo, Hope your work week went well!!
    Colonoscopy went well. Hate the prep the older I get!! No polyps so I do not go back for 3 years!! YAY!!
    Continued prayers for Roger..Thank you for update. :|
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,164 Member
    Good morning.
    Thanks, Jan, hubby's doing ok. His blood pressure dropped in recovery and he kind of passed out, so they ended up giving him some oxygen and an extra IV. But we were able to go home after about 45 minutes and all seems to be well now.
    Glad your colonoscopy was a success. :)
    Welcome back, Val!
    Hi Jo and Irene.
    Prayers for Roger and Mike.
    No special plans for today. Will catch up on some housework, exercise, and errands.
    Happy Friday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,122 Member
    hi all, I am happy to say we did not loose any food . My fridge and freezer was packed just got a big frozen order from ns I would of been upset if I lost all that food . We have a generator so we were fine actually our generator died and we had to get a new one. But I think the reason why our food stayed frozen I didn't go in the fridge or freezer for anything. Val your pictures are beautiful .The only thing I lost over the 3 days we had no power was another pound which I was very happy about. But I did get back yesterday on the treadmill so I am good. Vix every thing sounds so nice for the wedding. Jo if I had to go to the gym not sure if I would make it. Jan so glad you are fine for another 3 years. I am really worried about Roger he still isn't doing all that well I will keep you all informed.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    I am SO dense at times !!I Just now realized Mike is Roger's brother!! When Roger talks about him he always says his did not realize till now. :D:D:D

    Irene..Good thing you had that generator!! Smart prep!!! :) Love how you lost the 3 lbs. not your food!!
    Vix..glad hubby did well!! I guess that happens a lot in recovery. Sometimes takes a nudge to perk up!! I had to wait on my blood pressure to get higher before I went home.. And mine is usually high..weird!
    Val..glad you are home..I should have had you take a picture of the dog's hello!! good with the gym...I used to walk coming off night shift before I went home. Now I can not seem yo do it even at home!! :s
    Take care all!! I do not like feeling Roger may not be able to come back and post...Prayers.. <3
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Jan-I am glad your colonoscopy went well and you don't have to go back for 3 years.
    Val-Welcome home. I love your pictures and your daughter is beautiful.
    Irene-Congrats on losing a lb. and not losing any of your food.
    Vix-I am glad Pete is ok.
    Work has been very relaxing this week. The boss is on vacation. He causes most of the drama in our department.
    Have a good night. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,122 Member
    good morning, well I actually found a penny this morning on our walk and of course I thought of Roger. I plan on sending Mike another e-mail soon. No big plans for today just pool time. I did increase my time on the treadmill to 75 minutes this way I get my 4 miles been doing that every day now . I am 1 pound away from my original goal but I plan on changing that on Numi after I reach it. Vix you have to be happy that Pete is good. Val glad you are home .Jan the only way I knew Rogers brothers name was because of the e-mail you are right when Roger would talk about his brother it was never by his name. Jo so glad work has been easier. well ladies have a great day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,164 Member
    Good morning.
    Thanks all. Hubby is fine. I guess I worry more now that we're not kids anymore. :smirk:
    Just sent a quick note to Mike. Hoping for Roger's full recovery.
    Irene, that's great that you have a generator, not to worry about power outages. Congrats on the pound lost!
    Jan, glad you're doing well after your procedure, and that you don't have to go back for 3 years. I'm hoping mine is clear too.
    Jo, glad you have a bossless week! I remember having better weeks without them. :smiley:
    Val, your daughter is beautiful, with a wonderful smile, just like her Mom's.
    Happy Saturday, everyone. :)