Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi All. My sleep schedule is completely confused and wacky. The light fixture over the dinner table broke and is hanging down from the ceiling...the plastic part that holds the screws broke so I’ll need to replace the whole thing. Sigh. I really need to get back to my treadmill routine. I just couldn’t today. My house to-do list is too long. I need a plumber for a broken faucet and clogged drain. I need an electrician for the dining light and the doorbell. Feeling overwhelmed. Take care, val
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,159 Member
    good morning, Vix I did sent Mike an e-mail yesterday hoping he has improved. We went for our walk this morning it was nice not to hot yet it was like 66 but then again it was only 5am. I am waiting until my husband gets of the treadmill then I can go on. Val glad you are home , take a deep breath it will all get done one thing at a time. hi jo and jan
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,354 Member
    Good morning.
    Val, jet lag will wear off in a few days. Make your phone calls for the services, you'll feel better after that, guaranteed.
    Irene, thanks for emailing Mike...I did too. I'm sure this is all awful for him. It's so hard not to be able to do anything. Glad you got in a nice walk before the heat!
    Hi Jo and Jan.
    Visited with the kids yesterday. It is always fun. My future DIL is making a flower wall for the wedding, she had some panels done and it looks great. She found fake flowers that look real, so it's really cool. We're all going to help a little. Also with putting together the favors. She is so detail oriented!
    Today is prep day. Coffee with honey in it for breakfast. I don't eat most of the prepared food and sweeteners they recommend for prep. I made some chicken soup, will see if I can strain that enough, and bought some organic vegetable broth. May have an off-my-diet organic ice pop if I get cravey. Bought smart water to mix the Miralax into. Will keep busy so I don't think any more about this...yucky intake starts at 6 p.m.
    Have a happy Sunday, everyone. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good morning;
    I was up and out the door at 5am. We went Revere Beach to see the sand sculptures.
    They were wonderful. There were entrees from Russia, Belgium, France, Canada and the USA.
    We left early so as not to get caught in traffic. I will try and post some pictures.
    Vix-Good luck with the prep.
    Val-I am sorry you had to come home to this. Try and relax, everything will work out.
    Irene-I also found a penny this week. Your are doing so great on your exercise and diet.
    I have been stalled for quite a while. It has been my our fault. I have no will power.
    Thanks for keeping us updated on Roger. Since you and Vix have been emailing Mike, I decided not too. I don't want to overwhelm him.
    Hi Jan.
    Have a great day! :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thinking of you with your prep, Vix. Funny how different doctors do different things. Definitely no fun! Hoping for good results for you too! The wedding preps sound lovely!
    Jo, you are still losing though. I sure understand about willpower! I have none it seems! :# Once again I let myself be derailed by church and guest lunch. People gave me leftover to take home..Carbs! Probably do not need!!
    Val, always seems to be that way. Get away, have a good time, and boom..something happens! I have lots of faith in your ability to handle it well!! :)
    Irene, your walk sounds nice! I have no sidewalks here, it is kind of country, but my road is a little busy to walk, as is the adjacent road. There are places after that, buy getting to them are a little hazardous. Guess I am too lazy to grab the car and walk somewhere, though I should. I really need to put some effort into me!!
    I had a belated B-day with my son and family on Sat. It was so good to see them!!!
    Take care all!! ...Jan
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,109 Member

    Here are some photos of the sand sculptures and one of the Lantern Festival that we went to this weekend.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,354 Member
    Good morning.
    Beautiful pictures, always find such fun things to do. :)
    Jan, through the worst of the prep, will be getting ready to go in a few minutes. it is important to take care of yourself...sometimes one has to force oneself!
    Hi Irene and Val.
    Have a wonderful new week. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,159 Member
    good morning, good luck vix! Jo the pictures are so cool. Well I did get an e-mail back from Mike. Roger is not doing very well . sometime Sunday morning he was blooding from his eating tube . so they put in an iv tube and found some blood clots and removed them. after that Roger was a little more aware he watched the food network and fell asleep. I gave Mike my phone # so it might be easier for him . I am really worried about Roger if I hear any thing more I will let you know. Hi Val and jan
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good morning;
    Vix-Good luck today.
    Irene-Poor Roger, another set back. I will continue to pray for him and Mike. Do you know which hospital he is in? I wish I lived closer, so I could visit him.
    Hi Jan and Val.
    I am staying in today to do a glucose blood curve on Vinny. I have to take blood from him every 2 hours for 8-10 hours and record the findings. I will then email the results to the vet and he will let me know if Vinny needs more or less insulin.
    Have a good day. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,354 Member
    hi all.
    Irene, thanks for the report. I just got one back too, but yours seemed better than mine. You can be the primary contact, but I will probably check in with him about once a week, just so they know we all are still praying and wishing them a good outcome. I didn't know that he had woken up and was watching TV. That's good. Maybe you can get an address for the hospital and his last name so we can send him cards. That might cheer him up a bit.
    Thanks, Jo...I am so glad that is over with! I don't have to do it again for 5 years.
    Good that you are checking up on Vinny, that must take a lot of patience.
    Have a great rest of the day, everyone. :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good day!!
    Torre is Mike and Roger's last name. Nice that he seemed a little more awake! I wish we all could take a tailgate road trip and visit! Roger kept saying he should have dealt with things a little sooner. I think he is not one to complain and had been feeling worse than he let on. I just so wish he could stabilize to a point he could get back home. I know we all do. Continued prayers!
    Sounds like your hospital trip went well, Vix! Thinking about you today!! 5 years is good!!
    Jo, so impressed you can draw blood from a cat! Vinney probably isn't! Is it anything like herding cats? :# Loved the pictures! I always like seeing those sculptures when the news does a story. Incredible!
    Irene, Glad you all are checking Roger's status!! Hope he knows how we are all pulling for him. Worried too.
    Val, hope the repairs are going well, and work is not too rough this week!!
    Take care all!! <3
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,159 Member
    good morning, ladies I don't think Roger is really awake just a little more aware he likes the food network . his dr will be coming back from vacation . I will text Mike and get the name of the hospital I am here in nj but I believe he is in the north up by new York but I will find out for every one . I never though he would be in the hospital this long. Wow Jo that's amazing that you can draw blood from Vinny. Vix that's great that you don't have to go back for 5 years. hi jan and val
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good afternoon;
    I had to laugh that you all thought I was drawing blood from Vinny. I guess I should have explained myself better. I have a little machine that pricks his ear. I then use a test strip in another machine that gives me his results.
    Vix-WooHoo for not having to go back for 5 years.
    Irene-Thanks for keeping us updated on Roger. It would be nice if we could send him cards.
    Val-I hope the repairs are underway. Have you recovered from your jet lag?
    Jan-the sculptures were amazing. I think they truck in special sand for the sculptures.
    It is in the high 90's today. I am so glad I have AC.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,354 Member
    Hi all.
    Went to stained glass clay and clay group today. Stopped by my daughter's on the way home and played with my grandson a bit, and we are working on some wedding favors.
    I'm glad to be through with my test. Am a little worried about hubby. He had to go back to the gastro today, they saw something from the little camera pill, and he needs an MRI to see if they can figure out what it is. After that they may need more tests. It may be nothing, or not.
    Am feeling a little blue about all the medical issues all around.
    Wishing everyone a good evening, and sweet dreams tonight.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Jo, funny on the blood "draw". You still have my respect for pricking a cat!!! We know how independent they are! :#
    Irene, so true about how long Roger has been there. Thanks for keeping in touch with Mike.
    Val, betting you are piled up coming back to work. Remember to take some "you" time!
    Vix, I still feel a little washed out from the procedure. Hope you don't!
    I recycled a trunk load of things today, got my card tags and stopped at the store. I am officially tired. So hot. and all the leaves are dropping like fall. But we need rain!! Al. weather is weird!
    Take care all!!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Vix, Sorry your hubby had to go back. Adding some prayers for him with Rogers! Rougher when you get older!! <3
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,159 Member
    hi everyone, I found 2 cents yesterday on my second walk. I did sent Mike and asked for the address of the hospital Roger is in haven' heard any thing back yet. Went to Deborah hospital today and it was hot out there. Jo that's pretty fun let us know how Vinny is doing . Well I am going to get in my pool talk to everyone tomorrow
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,354 Member
    Hi all.
    Thanks for thinking of Pete. I sure hope it's nothing.
    Jan, good for you for recycling.
    Irene, enjoy the pool!
    Hi Val and Jo.
    I'm having a run of stupid things happening, so I've been busy making appointments.
    A recall on my car, the gear shift button can melt in the heat and freeze the gear shift...taking it in on Tuesday.
    Had a cleaning with the perio this morning...I chipped a crown on a tooth, going in tp regular dentist next Wednesday, unless an opening comes up tomorrow.
    My ankle has been killing me, going to see the doc on Friday.
    So, I think it's all under control for now.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful Wednesday. :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Vix, sorry for the rash of weird things!! I joke all the time about a weird cloud over Prattville...weird things happen and I am next to it! My daughter lives there and agrees!! Sorry my little cloud migrated your way!! Must have known you were doing those wedding plans!! <3
    Jo, someone sent me a picture of a horse from I think the beach you were at. Cavalry charge with downed horse and a Cavalry officer and Native American..Thinking Custards last stand. Remarkable detail
    Irene, good thing you live far away! We would be showing up at your pool for stress relief!! (just kidding!!). :D
    Val...hang in there. You will catch up!! :#
    Prayers for Roger, Mike, your hubby,Vix...
    Take care all!!
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,159 Member
    good morning, well good news about Roger the Dr said he has improved about 10% . Mike said he didn't see it but with him being there everyday he probably didn't notice. How do you feel about just mailing the cards to Rogers house instead of the hospital? Mike doesn't have the address I felt that would be fine. Jan you are always welcome to come swim it is a big stress reliever. Vix I am sorry you are going threw all this stuff, sending prayers for Pete hopefully it is nothing. Jo hope you aren't working too hard. Val it seems like there is always some thing that needs to be done. Oh and Roger liver function is starting to improve so nice to have good news for Roger. Well today is my weigh in day and I lost another pound I am .60 ounces from my original goal but I feel I need to loose another 10 pounds the treadmill is sure making a difference. Jo and anyone else that is on ns Costco ns gift cards go on sale august 8th. take care everyone