Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,123 Member
    good morning, I am just sick about poor Roger even though I never meet him face to face I still feel like we new him. It has to be so hard on his brother and sister still praying he can turn this around. Val I am the same way that is why I don't bake and really don't keep sweets in the house because I will sit and eat them until they are all gone. So what kind of phone did you get? About a month ago I got the new x10 love it of course I use my phone a lot . Aw Jo so sorry about your flower. I actually started to see what plants the deer don't like and that is how I buy my flowers any more. Jan ,Mike doesn't think he is in pain lets hope he is pain free. Vix I started making list so I remember things. Well today I am going to visit a church goer who is in rehab to give her communion take care
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Yes, just miss Roger. No words. I received a nice note from Mike with the updates that you mentioned, Irene. It was kind of like "talking" with Roger. Same gentleness and tone.
    I make lists. Usually help if I remember to take them with me, lol...
    Those pesky squirrels! They steal my blueberries. I usually get like 10 at the season's beginning, and they get the rest before me. Sneaky little devils!! Like Val says Jo, at least you contributed to the circle of life!
    Irene, that is rewarding and comforting, taking the communion.
    Vix, These weeks before the wedding I am sure will go so fast!! How exciting though!!! A nice time of life!!
    Take care all!!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning.
    I probably talk more often and share more of my life with you all here, so I do feel closer to you than to many of my face to face friends. We've had Roger in our lives for several years, and it doesn't feel right without him. I really hope he can turn this around and come back. I'm glad Mike is keeping in touch with us, just wishing for better news.
    Sunflowers...Jo, we buy a couple of packets of seeds in the Spring and just spread them around...we have tons of sunflowers! In fact, they've kind of overtaken our back yard. :smirk:
    Time is flying by and I've been super busy with family and Drs, and life in general. I haven't done much yet today, but it's already afternoon! Better get going!
    Enjoy your weekend, everyone.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    I also make lists. If I didn't I would probably not get anything done. :p
    Vix-I tried planting sunflower seeds in pots one year, but the squirrels ate all the shoots. :(
    I blame hubby for feeding peanuts to the squirrels. A few years ago he had one eating out of his hand.
    Irene-Nice of you to take communion to the lady in rehab.
    Val-I try not to bake too often. I have no will power and will keep eating until the baked goods are gone.
    Jan-I miss Roger too. Every time I find money on my walks I think of him and his early morning walks. I really hope that his situation will improve.
    I am going out to breakfast this morning and then will see what the day brings.
    Have a lovely day!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning.
    Jo, sorry you have such voracious squirrels! Enjoy your breakfast out and the nice sunny day.
    I'm off to the county fairgrounds today to help my art teacher gather up, pack, and load all the paintings from her classes into my car to take back to the Senior Center. I put in 4 paintings this year. Got a 3rd place on one and a 4th place on one. I'm happy with that. Will see how I feel when I get back, no specific other plans for today.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. Have a great day! :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,123 Member
    good morning, Wow it seems like everyone is busy today our plans are to stay in the pool and then make turkey burgers on the grill . My husband and the dog will love them I might take a small bite . I know burgers are a loud on ns but I am still trying to lose weight. By the way I am no longer considered over weight on the bmi scale. Well I did get another message from Mike and it is not good. Roger has been in pain and Mike doesn't think Roger is never going to get better. The dr actually told Mike that Roger is never going to get better, So they are going to have another conference call. The Roger we all know would not like this I am so sorry about you all this, sending prayers for Roger and his family. take care ladies
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    So sad about Roger. Without himi could have never transitioed from the NS site to this site.
    I got an iPhone xs. I tried an android once years ago and hated it. Just ehat im used to.
    I’ve lost 3 of the 8 vacation-pounds. This is day 3 back on track. I clearly know when i eat sugar, i crave sugar. And when I don’t eat sugar those cravings go away in a few days. I’m still fighting the sugar cravings but they should stop soon.
    I woke up with a horrid cold. Feel crappy but need to work.
    I will always think of Roger when i see change on thr street. He also had a funnt name for deer...I’m sure one of you will remember, it was something like garden-munchers.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning.
    Irene, congratulations on your BMI victory!! That is a pretty big deal!! On the other front, I hate Roger is in pain so prayers he can get that controlled. Val, I think deer is walking appetites! Always trying to get to garden goodies and just plain grazing! Definitely hard news there. :/ Hope your cold is a short one Val.
    Vix, congratulations on winning 3rd and 4th place! That is a pretty impressive deal, too!! :)
    Jo, sounds like a great start for a good day!!
    I skipped my small group (end of church day) so I could go to Sunday school (beginning of church day). I miss everyone in that group no matter whish I go to. I need to teach May May to go thru the doggie door again so I can make it all the way thru all of church. :D
    I apparently napped thru a half inch of rain this afternoon. Sorry I missed it, lol...
    Prayers for Roger and his whole family. <3
    Be safe and on track today!!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    edited August 2019
    Good morning.
    I hope they can get Roger's pain under control. Irene, glad you are keeping us informed. I'm sure it's easier for Mike to have one main contact. Your day in the pool sounds nice, and congrats on the BMI being normal! That's amazing! I haven't done that in decades.
    Val, glad you were able to get back on track...I know how hard that can be. That's an accomplishment by itself. Congrats on the 3 pounds gone! Yay! Hope you feel better soon.
    Jan, that's a lot of church time. You must have a nice group of people.
    Hi Jo!
    Thanks for the congrats on my's a nice hobby, and makes colorful additions to my house. :smirk:
    Off to unload, unpack and rehang some paintings today, a stop at the library, and babysitting for my grandson at noon. The sun seems to be shining and it will be a good day.
    Happy Monday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,123 Member
    hi all, there's so much going on in our group first congrats vix on your pictures . Val congrats on getting back on plan we all know how are that is.I agree with vix Jan that's a lot of time at church but if you enjoy that's nice. Jo I hope your breakfast was good. We have given up on going out for breakfast till the fall take care everyone
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Vix-Congrats on winning 3rd and 4th place in the art show. :)
    Irene-congrats on the BMI being normal. :) Breakfast was good. I had a quinoa bowl, with spinach, tomatoes and scrambled eggs.
    Val-congratulations on losing 3 lbs. and getting back on track. :) I am still working on it.
    Jan-you are right about Roger calling deer, walking appetites.
    I went for a 3 mile hike with my daughter yesterday afternoon. Today I went to the gym after work and did 1 mile on the treadmill and used the strength training machines. So far today I have been on track with eating. Val and Irene have inspired me to do better.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi All. My Cold is I have a fever. Work deadlines won’t allow for time off.
    It’s nice to be among friends who understand the weight struggles. Cravings are much less today. I can’t wait for bedtime!
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,123 Member
    good morning, Roger passed away last night, may he rip . Roger you will be missed.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Tremendously sad. Thank you for letting us know.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,123 Member
    hi all, sorry my message was short but I wanted to let everyone know,I had a drs appointment and wanted you all to know early. I really have no details not sure if we will get any the only thing Mike said was the hospital called around 7pm to tell him he passed. He sais he would be forward it to the group today. Val I hope you are feeling better ,summer colds are hard. Jo I remember Roger talking about the deer . they were always so funny. Take care everyone
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Roger had made these last few years so enjoyable for me. He was such a nice man. He was so understanding and persistent with his jokes and posts. What a hole he leaves in each our hearts. I think today I will just go back and read some old posts. I appreciated him so much. Poor Mike and family. I do not envy Mike living alone as Roger and he shared so many chores and other things. In typical Roger fashion, Roger seemed the only one prepared for this.

    Hope you feel better soon, Val! Jo, wonderful about the hike and gym. Irene, thank you for letting us know about Roger. Hope the Doc went well. Vix, hope you have another great day. You are always upbeat and it is appreciated.
    Take care all. Prayers for Mike and family. <3
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Hi all.
    Wishing you peace, Roger, comfort and condolences to your family. We will miss you so much.
    Irene, thanks for letting us know.
    Val, hope you are feeling better.
    Jo, you're doing great with your walks and the gym.
    Jan, Roger is probably on all the pages going back.
    I was busy today, and will be busy tomorrow.
    I know we all feel the loss. Group hug.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    edited August 2019
    Funeral arrangements for Roger, as of this writing:
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,123 Member
    good morning, Thanks Vix for the group hug I think we all need it. well ladies I have chitters it is some kind of mite that bite me so now I am on prednisone I need to stay on it for 5 days. It is just real itchy .I also am using calamine lotion it helps the itch. I must of walked in a patch of them but it is weird it is only on my left side. I have had people talk about them but this is the first time I ever had them. take care everyone I need to get moving it is Wednesday so I need to go to Deborah and visit the sick take care
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Yep..needed the group hug! <3
    One thing I realized, over the years he chatted more and more...really nice.
    Val, one of the first pages (MFP) was your dogs pictures and Em..she was so little! From 2015.
    Wish I remembered when we all started on NS site.
    Irene, sorry for your mites. We have them here too. Most people here call them no-seeums! also chiggers. Drives me crazy but never had it as bad as you seem to have them..Bummer!! Hope it clears up soon!!
    Hi Jo!! Do not work TOO hard!! :)
    Appreciate you guys!!
    Cheers, <3