Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing fairly well! That was quite the storm that blew into New England! Interesting watching the radar with it! Ed, your stew sounded really good as it seems a little chilly here after the 100's! I love making soups in the winter! Irene, I hope you are enjoying your deck now, and Annie is still doing well!! Val, those are great pictures. It must be nice to have a place out there to take these walks! The deer were a treat! Jo, can not help to laugh about the hairball! I had forgotten about having those treats with cats! :# Hope you feel better!! Vix, your days sound so interesting and very relaxing.
    Finally got a call from my Dr's. office, but I had just laid down for a nap about 15 minutes earlier. So I will have to call on Monday. I had been so sleepy I just could not make myself get up. I must have gotten 8 calls while laying down, lol.. I have texted and talked to so many people all week I am planning on having a very quiet day at home Sat. . with any luck at all! I went to my son's house on Thursday. They were planning on having some electrical wiring done and needed someone there. I thought I would be home around 12, and did not feed May as I had left my house by 6 am. I figured she would snooze since she was not excited getting up so early. It turned out they need extensive work , I guess I just did not realize. Their house is around 100 years old , as is the house next store. Those people had a problem and the electrician found the lines were from the 60's running from the house to the street. And in bad shape. He came over to check on my son's and luckily found the same thing. Not happy as it is expensive, but definitely averted a problem. However I did not get home to May until almost 4 pm. I felt so awful for her. She was just happy to see me, and bless her heart, made no messes. She apparently has a cast iron bladder! She got an extra good supper outside so she could eat and enjoy being out at the same time! Lots of pampering!
    Today ( Fri.) I had taken my car in for an oil change and some injection tune-up. If I had known how Thursday went, I sure would not have scheduled it then! But may was fine and it was just a few hours.
    I spent some of the time playing piano at my son's. Though I have one, I just do not get to play often, so that was really a treat. Right up until I realized it pinched my left shoulder and neck moving my left hand, lol.. I was in total pain on leaving that lasted well into the night. I took a muscle relaxer and it feels better today. Rather bummed if that will happen if I try to play again. I do not see me volunteering to go for an MRI for shoulder and neck pain, and also rotator surgery and bone spur removal, lol...nope and nope!! :s
    Hope everyone has a great week end!! <3
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,123 Member
    Good morning, Well our temp has really fallen it was 37 when we walked this morning it was cold I had on light gloves but I should of put on my winter gloves oh well I will dress warmer tomorrow. Well the vet called us last night and Annie does have a fib but it hasn't gotten any worse so that is a good thing .I am loving our deck Annie and I sat out side for a little bit yesterday it was nice. Yesterday I autumn soup it was very good only had a taste since it has potatoes in it ,I try and stay away from starchy veggies .If anyone is interested in the recipe yet it is so good of course you need a Italian bread with . Wow Jan you sure have been busy but I am sure your son appreciated you staying at his house. I hope your shoulder is better I went threw pt for months on my shoulder . take care everyone
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I’m still hanging in here. Most days still in the 90s but we have a couple with highs in the 80s and even some in the 70s! Working today, but Sunday taking Em and her buddy zip lining.
    This hiking group has introduced me to so many wonderful local parks with hiking trails.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! It's 55 out there now with an expected high of only 56 with 90% chance of precipitation. Sounds like a chilly, gloomy day looming. I don't think I need to actually get out for anything so if it is rainy, it shouldn't bother me at all.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning all.
    Sunny here...was 35 when I went out this morning, but already up to 53, expected high of 64. Wonderful Fall day. I think I'll check around to see if there are any fairs or a pumpkin farm or something to get me out later.
    Jan, hope you get good news on Monday...sounds like you've been super busy. I have fibromyalgia, so I've sort of learned to not overdo anything or I end up all achy, but sometimes it's hard to tell how much is too much, so I sympathize with you there....hope you're feeling better. Sometimes a nice hot soak in a tub with epsom salts helps...or a heating pad.
    Irene, so glad you are getting to enjoy your deck. I hope Annie continues to do well. I would like your recipe for Autumn soup, I love making soup when the weather cools off...mostly I make chicken soup or butternut squash soup.
    Val, does it stay pretty warm all year where you are? It would be nice if winter were more like Fall! Wow, zip lining...are you going to do that? I've thought about it, but never tried it. It's good you have lots of parks for hiking. We have several within an hour or so of where we live, and it's good to just get out there on the beautiful weather days. :smile:
    Ed, hope you enjoy your rainy day....sometimes it's nice to stay cozy inside.
    Jo, hope your poison ivy has gone away and that you're feeling better. Hope the storm didn't hit your area , and that all is well.
    Happy Saturday, everyone! 🍁🍂🎃
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Please share the soup recipe, Irene!!! :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    Sorry I have been MIA this week. I still have the poison ivy on my legs,my arms are mostly cleared up. I also had a cold laser procedure done on my right eye to help stop the progression of my glaucoma. It is supposed to help the inner portion of the eye drain better to release the pressure. My pressure did go down a point after the procedure. I go back again in Dec for a recheck.
    Irene-I am glad you deck is all finished and you are getting to enjoy it before the cold weather sets in. I would also like the recipe for the soup.
    Jan-I am glad you made it through your procedure and am praying for a good outcome. I hope your shoulder feels better soon.
    Val-Are you going to try zip lining? It is on my bucket list. I am afraid of heights, but I still want to try it. :#
    Vix-Did you get out to a fair yesterday? I hope you were able to enjoy the nice afternoon.
    Hi Ed.
    I am on vacation next. I am not going anywhere. It is that time of year when I do fall cleaning.
    I clean each room floor to ceiling. I also put away the summer clothes and get out the winter.
    Today my daughter and I are going to a vegan festival. We went last year and got a lot of free stuff.
    Enjoy your day! :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,123 Member
    good morning, the soup recipe is so simple you start with hamburger but I use fake meat (morning star crumbles) onions since I don't use meat I put in 8 chicken bouillon with about 8 coups of water , then I put in potatoes, carrots, the last 10 minutes I put in a can of tomatoes a large can you can also put bay leaves it is just so good .Val you will have to tell us if you go zip lining sounds like fun but I am afraid of heights .Jo its great that the pressure has gone down ,do they think that is enough? Ed our weather here calls for rain today also. Good that you don't have to go out in it. Jo when I worked I loved staying home on vacation so enjoy your time off. Jan good luck tomorrow sending prayers for good luck. take care all
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning all.
    Jo, sorry the poison ivy is hanging in so long, but good that your arms are mostly cleared up. I've not heard of the cold laser procedure for your eye...I hope it works well. So far, my eye exams have been ok. Enjoy your time off...get some relaxation in between your cleaning! You work so hard! Enjoy the vegan festival...sounds like fun!
    Irene, thanks for the soup recipe. Glad you are getting to enjoy your deck.
    It's supposed to rain here pretty much all day, and be in the mid 50s...not a great outdoor day. I found a nearby farm market online yesterday, but will wait for a nicer weather day. I have some other errands I can take care of today.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :smile:

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    edited October 2019
    Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday! 58 with a high of 75 expected, and no chance of precipitation. I may get out for canned cat food today. If I don't go today, I will have to go for that tomorrow regardless, and today looks like a good day for it. A nap this afternoon would be lovely, but that may not happen.

    Apparently another sugar glider has been obtained, but I may have to do a little roadwork this afternoon or evening to finish getting it home, as it's currently in Kentucky, about halfway between Louisville and Frankfort. I might have to meet someone half way. It's also possible it may stay there for a few more days. It's another male that had no sugar glider companion. They might not like each other at first, but we can keep them separated for a while so that they can interact through a steel barred barrier but not really fight. The name for the new one has not been fully selected as yet. I just hope he is getting enough of the right nutrients in the interval. I will adjust as necessary when he's here.



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Emily and I have been ziplining about a dozen times. Today was Micah’s first time. Without a harness and OSHA-inspected facility I’d be scared of heights. I strongly dislike tree-to-tree zops, but long runs with brakes are awesome!
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,123 Member
    good morning, Val the zip lining does look fun .Well yesterday it rained here all day we even lost our power for a couple of hours .I think a transformer blew so any way living in the country we loose our power a lot last time was in august and it was hot . So we are getting tired of no power we are going to invest in a home generator one that is hooked up to the house . We do have a portable generator but it is a pain you have to make sure it has gas all the time you are running it but with one that is hooked up to our home it will kick on when we loose power. Boy Jo poison ivy hope it clears up soon. Ed hope your new sugar glider gets alone with everyone. take care everyone
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    edited October 2019
    Howdy all y'all. It's marvelous Monday! We're expecting a high of 75 today with 10% chance of precipitation. I need to get to Walgreen's to pick up a prescription, and while out I might run by Publix to pick up a couple of things.

    No nap yesterday as I was on the road from about 2:30 in the afternoon until 11:00 at night. I drove to Clinton, TN to pick up the new sugar glider and he is now safely in the separated (but adjacent) space next to Clyde. They haven't met face to face yet, as we kept the new one in a bird cage that is itself in the larger space adjacent to Clyde's space. So he's in a cage within a cage. Clyde was VERY interested as he could hear the new glider chattering (or crabbing, as it's called) about everything. Apparently new guy is a bit wild as he escaped into the basement at the breeder's place and was running free for a while, but we hope to tame him over time.

    Of course Kiara and Orion (especially Orion) are also VERY interested in new guy, which was another reason to keep him in a cage within a cage for his first night here. He did come out of his hanging cloth bag once we got him settled, and put his food in the cage with him, and he seemed very active and curious.

    Because of his semi-wildness the breeder charged only half what he usually does so we got a bargain basement sugar glider.

    I did, after taking care of everything, get to bed shortly before 1:00 this morning. Definitely going to work on a nap today!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning all.
    Good luck with your new sugar glider, Ed. Sounds like a lot of work to get him settled in.
    Irene...does the house generator hook up to natural gas? We've thought about it, but don't usually lose our power for that long when it's down.
    The zip lining looks cool, Val...I'll bet it is a lot of fun.
    Another nice Fall day here, partly cloudy, with a high in the 60s. Happily no appointments today, so will find something more fun to do.
    Have a wonderful new week everyone. :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Finally heard about my biopsy. Everything was good, thank God..and I just go back in like 9 months for another U/S. Looks like I have added another Dr. to my yearly repertoire. I don't have to find interesting things to do..the Docs have it all planned out, lol.. :# I need to take a run into Montgomery and leave my son's B-day card and gift. I want to be back before the storms hit. I stayed up till 2 not exactly setting the world on fire with my speed. I did get to Sunday class and church. I really needed that. I came home early though, skipping a really great meal and small group. I may be able to do a full day there after May gets over the trauma of 2 really too long days this past week of being by herself. She is like a shadow stuck to me, lol.. My spoiled baby!! <3
    Wow, Ed! That is some wonderful commitment taking on a semi wild little critter. Great pics! Clyde sounds like a delight, so I hope your new little guy follows suite!! It will amuse the kitties!! Jo, You must hold the record for the longest bout of ivy on record!! Please do not meet it again!! I hope you are feeling better. Vacation sounds nice, and I hope you get some rest though too. I so love being home!! Long for a day I can just be home, lol..! Val, you are an adventurous soul..So is Vix apparently!! While I would love to watch way would you talk me into it!! Sounds like the storms did not hit you, which is good. Hope no one was hurt in the Dallas area from the tornado. Time for our mini 2nd season of tornado's here..Irene, sure sounds like that generator is just the ticket. I would hate to lose power that frequently!! The soup recipe sounds good. Definitely will try it!! Glad Annie seems to be doing good!! Vix, I hope you have continued restful fall days! It is fall like here. 50's at nite. Today is a little warm at 82, but it should cool again in a few days!! Hope everyone finds their pumpkin!! Have a great day!!! :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,123 Member
    good morning , well our weather yesterday was beautiful it was in the 70s . Yes vix it will be hooked up to our gas and I like it because it will turn on when we loose our power. take care everyone
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Happy Tuesday! I’m working stupid long hours.
    Someone had asked if it gets cold here. Everything is relative. After moving here from Indiana...I didn’t wear a coat for 4 years. But I’ve acclimated so now I do in some of December and January. We visit Indiana every Thanksgiving, so i get a refresher on scraping ice frim the windshield and occasionally shoveling snow.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    Today I am 63 years young. ;)
    Ed-I hope your new sugar glider acclimates to his new surroundings and gets along with Clyde. Have you picked out a name yet?
    Jan-That is good news about the biopsy. If I decide to clean that part of the yard again, I am going to wear a Hazmat suit. :)
    Vix-Hope you found something fun to do yesterday.
    Irene-thanks for the soup recipe. I will definitely try it.
    Yesterday I took my car for its first oil change. They were going to charge me $94.00. Luckily I
    purchased the service package when I bought my car, so there was no charge. I thought for that price were they putting gold in my car. :# I also took hubby out to dinner for his birthday.
    Today is the start of my fall cleaning. I have already cleared out 2 rooms and wash the walls and floors. I am waiting for the floors to dry, so I can wax them. I have old hardwood floors that are in dire need of refinishing. Then I will put everything back into the rooms and start on the next 2. My goal is to get the second floor done today. Then tomorrow I can start on the downstairs rooms. If I can finish this in 2 days, I will have the rest of the week to do fun stuff.
    Have a great day! :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning.
    Jan, so glad your test results were good. Yay! Sounds like you've been busy with a lot of other good things. :smile:
    Irene, the generator sounds like a great idea for your area. Hope you are enjoying your new deck with the beautiful Fall weather!
    Val, ah, so it is warmer there in winter...not usual to have ice or snow...that's pretty nice.
    Make sure you get a day off to celebrate your birthday!!! You must have the cleanest house ever!
    I got a deal from my car service...3 oil changes for $159, else each one would be about what you said, but I do get full synthetic in my more $39 dollar oil changes!
    Ed, hope your new baby is settling in.
    I'm off to stained glass class and clay group today.
    Happy Tuesday, everyone. :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,705 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Expecting a high of only 69 today with 80% chance of rain. I don't think I have to go anywhere, which is good since I woke up to a dull headache and aches. And rain, which I suspect is the culprit for the headache and aches, both of which have subsided to some extent, what with breakfast and my usual hot tea. I'm on my second mug (of four) so far.

    I have given Lilo her Tuesday shot (and the required treats) and she is in my lap now. In her old age, she wants a lot of lap time, cuddling, or at least to be very near one of us, with occasional wanderings off to a couple of known extra-warm spots far an occasional short while.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...