Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Ed, good that you got to a hospital. I guess you'll have to take it easy for a while. Scary stuff.
    Irene, nice that you got to go for a nice long walk with Annie. 2.5 miles on the treadmill is great!
    Have a good night, everyone. Rest up Ed.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, wow Ed hope it isn't too serious . but glad you are in the hospital and they can help you . it is really raining here it started yesterday and it is suppose to rain all day but it is like 49 outside so at least it isn't too cold. We did go for a short walk in the rain about 35 minutes now Annie is covered up under an afghan she sure does have it made. well take care everyone
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning all.
    Very foggy and a bit rainy here, chance of t-storms this a.m., but warm here too. In the 50s, going up to 61 today.
    Irene, I used to love to walk in the rain. Annie is a lucky girl to have you.
    I have an acupuncture appt this morning, and may stop by to see my grandson for a little while, need to do a little grocery shopping.
    Hope you're feeling better, Ed.
    Happy Monday, everyone. :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hello all!!
    Ed, glad you got to the hospital to be checked out! Have you had anything like this before? Hope you are feeling better! Take it easy!! Irene, glad Annie is enjoying her walks! You too!! It is so wonderful to see animals spoiled. That is how it should be!! Crazy weather everywhere! 75 here yesterday and will be freezing tonite!! Covering some plants again, lol.. Vix, lucky you can drop in to see your Grandson! So nice..and such a fun age!! Hi Jo!! Hope work is not too hectic!! Hope your vacation was great, Val!!
    Anybody do special things for New Years? I have to pick up some dog food, so may have some cabbage rolls for New Years! Ohio thing when a child! May and I always stay up and celebrate, lol..
    We did our last church meal this Sunday. We will miss the people but not the work nor money it involved as it was starting to become very costly now as opposed to years ago.There are a few people I hope we continue to invite. We will see how things work. Sad to see an old tradition end. There really was nothing said about it from the church. Other than a post on the bulletin to look for a coordinator. I think us elderly ladies found it a little depressing not to have acknowledged it was the passing of an era. It was tempered though by the thought we can cook and trundle one thing and have plenty for our small group meetings! It is a very young church with many small children and cooking is just not their thing, they eat out alot. Just different and they do other charities, so one can not complain about that! <3
    Take care all!! <3
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    I'm BACK! I have been back for several hours, but we had to get dinner, get our weekend guest to the train station so she could go to the airport and fly home, and then I had to get my hands back from the cats. J had to entertain our guest without me. I don't think she found it too entertaining spending most of Saturday night at the hospital, where I got the last available bed at the last minute.

    I have never felt anything like this before and was sure it was a heart attack. Needless to say, I was glad to find out it wasn't one!

    All the tests showed my heart is fine. I will be treating my case of pericarditis for at least a week and doing some follow up with my regular doctor.

    Days 5 and 6 in the sparkling wine new year calendar, one of which may be consumed tomorrow, are below.

    Day 5


    Day 6

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, Ed glad you are back home I am sure your cat missed you. Jan I am sure you will miss the lunch with your friends from church. I know its hard when you do something for so long and then just stop. Vix glad you got to spend some time with your grandson. Val are you still on vacation? Hi Jo I know you are pretty busy at work. We have no plans for new years except mass and both of us are serving communion .Then when we come home we will have a nice dinner. That's about it for us . Happy new years
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 44 and sunny with an expected high of 51 and no chance of precipitation. I still have just a bit of trouble trying to sleep on a flat mattress, but managed it last night. Lying flat really intensifies the discomfort (that's a gentle, friendly word for PAIN FROM HELL) of pericarditis and the coincident breathing difficulty, since breathing in puts pressure on the pericardium.

    I am taking a terrifying dosage of prescription ibuprofen, four times a day, along with a tiny pill of colchicine, twice a day, every day for a week to, hopefully, eliminate the remaining inflammation. The colchicine may help to keep it from recurring, though it's not totally understood how that works without continued prophylactic administration. I'll take that theory with a grain of salt.

    And I have strict orders to take it easy for a couple of weeks. That part chafes a bit, but I understand. I may have been overdoing it a bit...and that may have contributed to the onset of pericarditis. I certainly didn't do anything else to bring it on or have any medical or dental procedures done recently.

    At any rate, it's good to be home. I may need to lie down shortly.

    The final bottle in the new year countdown calendar is from Spain.



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning all.
    Ed, definitely take it easy. Pericarditis is nothing to sneeze at! Good that you have medications for the inflammation. (And I really like sparkling wine!...Enjoy!)
    Irene, a nice quiet New Year's Eve sounds nice.
    Jan, I'm sure new traditions will be made. It sounds a lot easier to just have a small group to share meals. What do you put in your cabbage rolls? Do you have a recipe?
    Jo, I hope you have your car back with remote start working! Any plans for tonight?
    Val, hope you had/are having a great vacation!
    We're getting together with friends tonight. I'm sure there will be lots of food and drink, and maybe a game. I'm bringing mini frittatas (fairly healthy option!)
    Happy New Year's Eve, everyone. :)🧨🥂
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Happy New Year!
    Ed-take it easy and I hope you are feeling better every day.
    Vix-My remote start is in. There was one problem, the dealership only programed one remote when they fixed my car. When I go for my next service I will address the matter with them.
    I should be fine as long as I don't let the battery in the remote die.
    Jan-cabbage rolls sound good. Do you eat them hot or cold? I have had them both ways and I think I like hot better.
    Irene-good for you getting back on track. I have been to the gym 2 days in a row and plan on going today. My plan is to shoot for every day.
    I counted the money that I found during the year and came up with $10.10.
    Have a great day and a great start to a new year! :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Happy New Year!

    I stayed up to toast the new year in. I need to get my New Year food started in a couple of hours. I will let most of it simmer all day in slow cookers, saving the cornbread for last minute. I have several cheesy casseroles ready to bake for J and will make some deviled eggs as well. I will start all that about an hour before the rest is done. J doesn't care for black eyed peas or collard greens, so I will not bother to make vegetarian versions of either, and they will both be loaded up with pork.

    And I still have laundry to fold, from the last load dried before I went into the hospital! I will get on that shortly. Maybe...

    Dinah say's Happy New Year too! (The cats were interested in the loud POP from the kitchen, and my glass, but no Champagne for them!)




    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning and Happy 2020!
    Ed, sounds like you are doing better, but be careful not to overdo! Dinah is a pretty cat.
    Jo, glad you got the remote working! Yay! Good for you for going to the gym. I'm glad I have my eliptical in the basement. It's a little chillier out this a.m., 39 going up to 42 later, and the sun is out, so maybe will go out later. Congrats on finding $10.10! I don't count, but I'm sure it was just a penny or nickle here and there.
    Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, prosperous new year! :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    eku0 wrote: »

    Ed, sounds like you are doing better, but be careful not to overdo!

    That is the hardest part. I have a mantra, for at least the week of medication, and find myself repeating it more often than I thought I would.

    I will, of course, still do essential physical things, at least the ones that aren't too strenuous, like taking out the garbage, scooping the litter boxes, rolling the bins down for garbage/recycle pick up. If anything essential is too strenuous, I enlist J to either do it, or help me do it.

    But I keep seeing other things and thinking "Oh, I should..." and beginning to get ready to do something, then stopping to reconsider, and chanting my mantra.


    So, though I am chafing at the bit to do some things, they can wait! It will not be the end of the world if I don't get those things done until next week, or, in some cases, possibly even the week after.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Dinner for New Year's Day was ham and black eyed pea soup, heavy on the ham, over buttermilk cornbread, with collard greens on the side.

    J had cheesy shredded potato casserole, baked macaroni and cheese, and broccoli gratin, with deviled eggs on the side (not pictured) for a tasty vegetarian dinner.

    I did taste all the casseroles by licking the spoons while putting away. They were all tasty.



  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, well sounds like everyone had a nice new years, we didn't do anything special I did cook a spiral ham it was really good had that with potato salad and a course veggies. I did get on the treadmill yesterday but only did 3 1/4 miles will be getting back on today. Jo I haven't checked our money for this year it doesn't look like a lot. no big plans for today I need to go out and pick up a few things at the grocery store. Ed your dishes look yummy. take care everyone
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! I got the AC filters changed yesterday, as it's a new month, year, and decade!

    I, too, need to get out today, to PetSmart and, a grocery store or two.

    Other than that, not a lot on the agenda, because I am supposed to be taking it easy and IT...CAN...WAIT! I will probably try to work in a nap this afternoon.

    Breakfast was some of the leftover soup, collards, and cornbread. Lunch will probably be the same.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Hi all,
    Went to painting class this a.m. We watched a video on drawing and perspective. It was interesting.
    Wrote up some thank you notes and generally relaxing this afternoon. Nothing special needs to be done.
    Ed, glad you are being careful! Meals look yummy.
    Irene, your new year's dinner sounds yummy too. :)
    I didn't really keep track of the food at the party on NYE, but MFP has several entries under party I just picked the calorie count I thought was about right! So much easier.
    Hi Jo, Jan, and Val!
    Have a great day, everyone. :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Great stay at home day as it seemed cold to me and rainey. Trying to rein in the carbs! Supposedly like 68, but with the bit of breeze and dampness, it felt in the upper 40's to me. Silly but true. All the New Years Eve foods sounded and looked delicious!
    Vix, when I do my cabbage rolls, I parboil a whole head of cabbage, and cut the leaves off by the stem as they soften. I used ground pork, onion, garlic, salt and pepper and mix it like meatloaf. Add some rice to it also. I wrap a few tablespoons in a leaf and fasten it with 2 toothpicks. I add a small bit of tomato soup and water on the bottom of a large tall pan/ crock pot and place in the rolls on top. I put the rest of the soup with a bit of water and some brown sugar mixed, over the rolls to cover. I also put a few apple quarters on top (of a crisp tart apple), with a tinch of brown sugar. Bring to boil, then simmer like 6-8 hours, or until hungry! I always serve with mashed potatoes. If I am lazy I have been known to deconstruct them. Brown the meat and onions. Slice up cabbage in slices and half them and throw in the crock pot. Add the soup, brown sugar, rice and apple. Just cook 4-6 hrs on high or low.
    I use a large can of soup for family, or a small one for just me. I do not measure. For family about 2/3 c. rice and now just me, about 1/4c. I add the brown sugar to taste. I like about 1 to 2 TBS in mine, Probably 3x that for family size.But I do like mine a little sweet. You can cut a little cabbage for the top also before cooking. I think it is best when it has cooled a little to a bit hotter than lukewarm. That is just me. Better the longer it sits. But we never had leftovers. I tried it with the brown sugar splenda and it works fine, just lighten the sugar amount a bit.
    ( I would roll them until I was tired of doing them, lol..You can keep the water boiling for the cabbage also. Cut off leaves when medium soft to fill, but still firm enough they do not tear. After doing about 3 layers or so, I usually put the cabbage head back in the water to soften the next layers to cut off.) So good, but rolling does take some time. Also, make sure everyone finds their toothpicks before eating!!
    Jo, these we always ate hot or warm. Now the greek dolmas were sometimes eaten cold. Same sort of, but with grape leaves, lamb, greek spices, rice,but not cabbage. Cabbage are my favorite.
    Fading fast..Val reached home safely, but need to e-mail. Combo of me lazy and slowly doing things this week!!
    Take care all!! <3
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    I forgot, the part of the leaf where the core was might need thinning along that vein with a knife so it will roll up... for the first layers of leaves it is thick.. :) ..
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, Jan that is how my mom use to make them I don't think I ever made them but you made them sound so good I might have to try them. Our weather here is almost 50 and that is warm for us here in the east cost it is raining a little. Vix sounds like art class was fun . Glad Val is good hi Ed and Jo
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member