Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    There is a very pretty sunset outside my window. Most of the county is shut down tomorrow, so it will be another quiet day. All is well.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, we got like 2 feet of snow our roads are in pretty bad shape my hubby is going to drive me to the main road which is just around the block take care
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning....
    Irene, are you going to work? Be safe out there.
    I'm glad the gym classes are cancelled, else I'm sure hubs would have wanted to go. I don't really want to drive 15 miles on iffy back roads. I'm happy to spend another quiet day.
    If it clears up a bit more later, I may go to the grocery store for some veggies, but it can wait.
    Have a good day, everyone. Stay safe and warm. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    Wow you all got a lot of snow. Hubby is shoveling off our deck now. I didn't have to shovel at all this time, hubby had it all done by the time I got home from work yesterday. :) I am usually the one shoveling before he comes home from work, it was a nice change.
    I am off work today and have spent the morning cleaning this dirty house. :# Later I have to make a trip to the grocery store for a few things that I forgot to get on Friday when I did my weekly shopping.
    Have a good day and be careful shoveling. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I lost my mind and went walking this morning + 25 cents and 1:35 duration, only 6k steps however due to the footing, 7 degrees with no breeze. Then home for Breakfast followed by More shoveling. The Sidewalk to the street is now finished as is the end of the driveway to the patio :)

    Pictures of some of the shoveled sidewalks, many are not shoveled yet. Neat tunnel



    Evidently 60% of the plows in town broke down during the plowing. They were out again today doing a finish plowing on many streets that really needed it too.

    Have a Safe Monday
    eku0 wrote: »
    There is a very pretty sunset outside my window. Most of the county is shut down tomorrow, so it will be another quiet day. All is well.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    I think I saw reports of 29 inches in Baltimore. I can believe things are shut down from that. I walked past the grade school and middle school and they were out clearing the sidewalks with a snow blower. The teacher parking lots had not been touched at that time. I hear most likely no school Tuesday either.

    good morning, we got like 2 feet of snow our roads are in pretty bad shape my hubby is going to drive me to the main road which is just around the block take care

    Hi Irene
    We were out yesterday and the roads were only so so at best. They were out at them this morning and now they are looking better, still snow / packed snow /ice in many spots. I think we may have gotten lucky that they did our street before the equipment problems happened as it is not to bad except for the one spot where the neighbor there threw snow into the street from the driveway. Neighbors house has a awning over their side door that is sagging on one side, same unlucky neighbor that had the awning fall off during Sandy.

    If You went to work today I hope You made it safely
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning....
    Irene, are you going to work? Be safe out there.
    I'm glad the gym classes are cancelled, else I'm sure hubs would have wanted to go. I don't really want to drive 15 miles on iffy back roads. I'm happy to spend another quiet day.
    If it clears up a bit more later, I may go to the grocery store for some veggies, but it can wait.
    Have a good day, everyone. Stay safe and warm. :)

    Hi Again
    IMO it does not pay to go out on roads like we have here unless necessary. I have enough groceries to last a few more days so Maybe Wednesday or Thursday I'll do a Food Run, Give the roads and parking lots a chance to get better :)

    Have a Good Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Wow you all got a lot of snow. Hubby is shoveling off our deck now. I didn't have to shovel at all this time, hubby had it all done by the time I got home from work yesterday. :) I am usually the one shoveling before he comes home from work, it was a nice change.
    I am off work today and have spent the morning cleaning this dirty house. :# Later I have to make a trip to the grocery store for a few things that I forgot to get on Friday when I did my weekly shopping.
    Have a good day and be careful shoveling. :)

    Hi Joanne
    It is one of the worst 24 hour snow falls I can remember, usually when we get lots of snow it is spread out over more time.

    From what the news broadcasts were showing many of the stores in area had empty shelves where bread, eggs and milk usually are.

    Right about now I think my brother is sorry he did not give into temptation and buy one of the $200 snow blowers that were selling in the grocery store when he did the last run before the Blizzard :) I know I'm somewhat sorry.

    Have a Good Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Hi all.
    Roger, your road looks pretty good. :smile: And that's a really nice shoveling job! We didn't finish the sidewalks....maybe in a couple of days after it melts a little! It's too much to dig through chest high snow, and the snow blower wouldn't do it. I think it only has a 22" high opening and it was just getting stuck.
    The roads here are still pretty bad, except for the highways, and main roads to the highways, everything else is 4-wheel drive conditions. We're about 40 miles west of Baltimore. Some parts of the county are very rural.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    hi well our roads are looking better. I have a dr apt for my knee today so I will be going in a little later. take care
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Irene, good luck with your Dr. appt today. :)
    Our county is still shut down. The roads in our development haven't been touched since the weekend. It's supposed to rain later today, maybe that will clear some of it. :)
    Classes are cancelled for today...but may see if we can go in later and do some clay work anyway, since we don't have an instructor.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I am delaying my walk today until later, I am waiting for the surfaces to warm up and soften for better traction. I was slipping some yesterday in places so today I will play safe. It is below freezing currently with decent above average temperatures forecast for today.

    Despite the handicap of equipment breaking down the town workers did a good job especially compared to parts of Queens, NY and Newark, NJ where last nights news still showed unplowed roads.

    Have a Really Great Tuesday
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Roger, your road looks pretty good. :smile: And that's a really nice shoveling job! We didn't finish the sidewalks....maybe in a couple of days after it melts a little! It's too much to dig through chest high snow, and the snow blower wouldn't do it. I think it only has a 22" high opening and it was just getting stuck.
    The roads here are still pretty bad, except for the highways, and main roads to the highways, everything else is 4-wheel drive conditions. We're about 40 miles west of Baltimore. Some parts of the county are very rural.

    Hi Vix
    I think what my neighbor did with his that had the same problem was break the snow down with the shovel and then hit it with the snow blower. much easier to push the shovel down and break the front of the snow over than blow it away. It seemed to work for him and he has a smaller unit than many I have seen.

    I have had snow piled this high alongside of the driveway and sidewalks before but only after multiple snowfalls, never like this that I can remember except maybe once. I'll be happy if this never happens like this again.

    As long as the power stays on and the freezer is stocked staying home works for me

    Have a Good Day
    hi well our roads are looking better. I have a dr apt for my knee today so I will be going in a little later. take care

    Hi Irene
    the roads looked better after they were able to plow the second time here. They did brine the roads ahead of the storm, I am not sure if it helped or not. I think this is the first time I have seen them do the brine on the roads too, Or it could just be I was not out walking before previous snowstorms so I never really noticed.

    Good Luck with the Knee
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Irene, good luck with your Dr. appt today. :)
    Our county is still shut down. The roads in our development haven't been touched since the weekend. It's supposed to rain later today, maybe that will clear some of it. :)
    Classes are cancelled for today...but may see if we can go in later and do some clay work anyway, since we don't have an instructor.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Is Your vehicle able to navigate those roads? I have a feeling that the rain may lead to ponding on the roads. I know the storm drains here are well covered by the snow and may not drain to good. The forecast is for showers this afternoon around here.

    Have a :) day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Roger, I have a Jeep Liberty and can shift into 4-wheel drive, so my car can handle it. However, I am feeling kind of lethargic, and don't really feel like doing that long drive, so I'm pretty sure if I go anywhere, it'll just be close by. I might just stay home, do my PT exercises and stuff around the house. :)
    I'm pretty sure most of the drains around here are covered too.
    Made myself a blueberry shake for breakfast this was pretty good. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Irene-good luck with the dr. appt.
    Roger-Our roads are clear and dry. The temperature is supposed to be in the 40's for the rest of the week, so I hope all the snow melts. We experienced what you are going through last year and I wouldn't wish all that snow on anyone. The good thing about the grocery shelves being empty is that the next time you go to the store everything will be fresh.
    Vix-The rain may make the snow heavier to move and if it has no where to go there could be flooding. It is good that you have 4wheel drive, so you can get out if you want to.
    Just one little corner of the house to be done. I am hoping he will be finished by the end of the week.
    Have a good evening. :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Jo, glad your house is almost done. That's great! :)
    The schools are still closed tomorrow, but I think other things will start getting back to normal. It went up to the 40s today, so there was some melting (it actually looks 6-8" lower in some places!), with expected showers overnight, only supposed to be in the 30s tomorrow, but maybe they'll get to the rest of the plowing. I don't know if there will be classes at the gym, probably not if schools are closed, but I have a PT appt at noon, so I will be getting out at least for that.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, dr visit was fine he ordered my shots which will take about 2 weeks to come in. Well amazon has raised our rates about 5 of us have gotten written up we have 30 days to bring them up but I don't know if we can , all the years I have been working I never had a write up having a hard time dealing with this it wasn't even my manager that did this so we shall see .take care
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Irene, glad you will be getting your shots for your knees. That's a bummer about work...did they tell you specifically what you have to do to fix it? Wishing you the best of luck with that.
    The gym is back to it's regular schedule today, so we will be going to body flow class this morning, and I have a PT appt at noon....I think they are doing another I'll see if I continue or if that's it. I am expecting more home exercises.
    Supposed to be partly cloudy today, but with temps going up to the mid 30s, so I hope it's warm enough to melt some more snow.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 39 degrees this morning so I went walking at my normal time since the snow melt would not have frozen into a icy surface. I also stopped at the Produce store for my Brothers Poblano & Red peppers, Yellow Onion & Cherry Tomatoes. Two Lettuce for him and one for me and four apples and a 3 pound bag of Clementines and Some Bananas for me. I sort of over shopped as the back pack was heavy so I took the short route home, That leaves me somewhat short on steps so I'll be going back out later. Most of the streets are fine, Many of the sidewalks are clean, however at the corners it is tough going or else go out a driveway to the street and walk a little there due to the piles of snow pushed up by the plows at the corners.

    Have a Great Wednesday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Irene-good luck with the dr. appt.
    Roger-Our roads are clear and dry. The temperature is supposed to be in the 40's for the rest of the week, so I hope all the snow melts. We experienced what you are going through last year and I wouldn't wish all that snow on anyone. The good thing about the grocery shelves being empty is that the next time you go to the store everything will be fresh.
    Vix-The rain may make the snow heavier to move and if it has no where to go there could be flooding. It is good that you have 4wheel drive, so you can get out if you want to.
    Just one little corner of the house to be done. I am hoping he will be finished by the end of the week.
    Have a good evening. :)
    Hi Joanne
    I would love to go dig out the fire hydrant on the corner, however It is completely buried and the Post that sticks up to show where it is is missing and I am not sure where it is buried so...

    The Produce store still had some empty shelves this morning and some of the produce did not look that good, I though about the large red cherries as a SC until I saw the worker going through them and discarding some.

    Most of the roads I walked past or on are mostly clear but were wet from snow melt overnight.

    Road flooding is a possibility with the drains being covered. Hopefully not.

    Good Luck getting the house finished
    good morning, dr visit was fine he ordered my shots which will take about 2 weeks to come in. Well amazon has raised our rates about 5 of us have gotten written up we have 30 days to bring them up but I don't know if we can , all the years I have been working I never had a write up having a hard time dealing with this it wasn't even my manager that did this so we shall see .take care

    Hi Irene
    I'm guessing the write-up was productivity type of thing?

    I suspect You can not wait for those shots to come in.

    Good Luck With Work
    eku0 wrote: »
    Roger, I have a Jeep Liberty and can shift into 4-wheel drive, so my car can handle it. However, I am feeling kind of lethargic, and don't really feel like doing that long drive, so I'm pretty sure if I go anywhere, it'll just be close by. I might just stay home, do my PT exercises and stuff around the house. :)
    I'm pretty sure most of the drains around here are covered too.
    Made myself a blueberry shake for breakfast this was pretty good. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Irene, glad you will be getting your shots for your knees. That's a bummer about work...did they tell you specifically what you have to do to fix it? Wishing you the best of luck with that.
    The gym is back to it's regular schedule today, so we will be going to body flow class this morning, and I have a PT appt at noon....I think they are doing another I'll see if I continue or if that's it. I am expecting more home exercises.
    Supposed to be partly cloudy today, but with temps going up to the mid 30s, so I hope it's warm enough to melt some more snow.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    That Jeep ought to get You there :)

    I use the Vanilla shakes as a base for fruit flavored, did You do something similar or just buy a Blueberry shake?

    Temps are supposed to get into the upper 40s today before going back into a high in the 30s tomorrow and below freezing overnight :(

    I'm getting ready to go finish my walk that I shortened due to the backpacks weight when I finish here :)

    Good Luck at PT
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    I have a vanilla protein powder, I use abou 1/4- 1/3 of a scoop of that for flavor and a protein boost and then add frozen blueberries, some chia seeds, and some almond milk. Mix it all up with my immersion blender and there it is. :) I like that I can make different flavors. :) It's in the mid 30s today, so the snow should continue to melt a bit. Last PT session was today. I'm going to have to ask the doc if there's anything else I can do.
    Have a good day, enjoy your 2nd walk. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Irene-I am glad your dr. visit went well and you will be getting some relief for your knees.
    Sorry about work. Do you think the write ups are due to your work load slowing down after the holidays and they don't need as much help? I will keep you in my prayers for a quick resolution.
    Vix-Does you insurance only cover a specific amount of visits? Was it your last session because they feel you are doing better?
    Roger-Were the cherries expensive? At my store they are $7.99 a lb. on sale for $5.99.
    The case that holds the cut fruit and vegetables and bag salad went down last night, so the manager on duty pulled everything off and put it in the cooler. When I left work a 1pm, it still wasn't fixed.
    Yesterday after I checked in with you all, I spilled a cup of tea all over my laptop, me and the sofa. I shut off the computer, opened the back, took out the battery and used paper towels to absorb the tea in the laptop. Luckily it was green tea with no milk or sugar. I then googled what to do. So now my laptop is air drying for 48-72 hours before I try to turn it on again. Keep you fingers crossed that it works. Hubby was kind enough to let me use his laptop.
    Have a good evening. :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Hi Jo...hope your laptop dries out and is ok....I keep mine at my desk now, but spilled a cup of coffee all over the desk the other day. Luckily, I missed the laptop, but some did go down the wall. Trying to be more careful! :*
    My insurance covers a lot of PT...I think 50 visits, but they have done all they think they can for me. I am walking well, but have pains that come and go. My neck has been awful lately. It's better for the rest of the day after PT and their massage, but then just gets all messed up again. I need to talk with the doctor. They gave me exercises to do at home to try to keep myself functioning. My mobility is pretty good, just have more pain than should be normal. It usually helps for a while when I take some Alleve. Not a kid any more. sigh.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, not sure why they are going after people but everyone is unhappy I only have 3 weeks and hopefully my write up goes away well got to go to work have a great day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I am delaying my walk until it warms up, no sense tempting fate while walking and hitting a icy patch and falling. 23 degrees colder this morning too. Yesterday it was above freezing and this morning it is 13 degrees in a nearby town according to the TV. So I am awaiting better temperatures before walking.

    Walking in the Boots is a fair bit more tiring than walking in the walking shoes due to the extra weight. I did get out again yesterday between Breakfast and Noontime for some additional walking to work on making up for lost step count from the weather. I wore the walking shoes on the second walk FWIW.

    Have a Good Thursday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Irene-I am glad your dr. visit went well and you will be getting some relief for your knees.
    Sorry about work. Do you think the write ups are due to your work load slowing down after the holidays and they don't need as much help? I will keep you in my prayers for a quick resolution.
    Vix-Does you insurance only cover a specific amount of visits? Was it your last session because they feel you are doing better?
    Roger-Were the cherries expensive? At my store they are $7.99 a lb. on sale for $5.99.
    The case that holds the cut fruit and vegetables and bag salad went down last night, so the manager on duty pulled everything off and put it in the cooler. When I left work a 1pm, it still wasn't fixed.
    Yesterday after I checked in with you all, I spilled a cup of tea all over my laptop, me and the sofa. I shut off the computer, opened the back, took out the battery and used paper towels to absorb the tea in the laptop. Luckily it was green tea with no milk or sugar. I then googled what to do. So now my laptop is air drying for 48-72 hours before I try to turn it on again. Keep you fingers crossed that it works. Hubby was kind enough to let me use his laptop.
    Have a good evening. :)
    Hi Joanne
    FWIW here is what HP says to do.

    Another option if possible is to use a desiccant and seal it in a bag with that. I tried the dry rice trick on a flash drive that I washed, oops :) so far so good. My Brother likes to use a dry warm air flow. BTW if it is ruined usually the hard drive can be removed and put into a external USB case to retrieve any important data. Keeping in mind they are delicate devices and need to be protected against static electricity and impacts.

    FWIW I have a insulated coffee cup that I use that is much wider at the base than at the top and has a lid. Something like this design except mine is old and plastic. However this illustrates what I mean.
    From their Description
    Enjoy your favorite hot or cold beverage in a spill-resistant, insulated mug. Constructed of 304 stainless steel with a wide nonslip bottom, it's hard to tip over and nearly impossible to break. Double-walled vacuum-insulation keeps liquids hot or cold for long periods of time. Rustproof, easy to clean and dishwasher safe. 16-oz. capacity.

    I do not know what the cherries cost, my brother was silent about that when he gave them to me.
    He picks things up on a whim sometimes. Yesterday he returned from the grocery store with low calorie Gatorade in 6 flavors for me to try, On Sale he says. 2.5 servings per container and 30 calories per serving so it could be parceled out into Limited Extras under the NutriSystem plan.

    Good Luck with the laptop
    eku0 wrote: »
    I have a vanilla protein powder, I use abou 1/4- 1/3 of a scoop of that for flavor and a protein boost and then add frozen blueberries, some chia seeds, and some almond milk. Mix it all up with my immersion blender and there it is. :) I like that I can make different flavors. :) It's in the mid 30s today, so the snow should continue to melt a bit. Last PT session was today. I'm going to have to ask the doc if there's anything else I can do.
    Have a good day, enjoy your 2nd walk. :)

    Hi Vix
    I am lazy I use the NutriSystem Vanilla Protein Shake for fruit flavors since I like it and do not feel like experimenting with other brands.

    The Snow has been melting pretty well the last few days, hopefully it will be gone by the end of the weekend.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi Jo...hope your laptop dries out and is ok....I keep mine at my desk now, but spilled a cup of coffee all over the desk the other day. Luckily, I missed the laptop, but some did go down the wall. Trying to be more careful! :*
    My insurance covers a lot of PT...I think 50 visits, but they have done all they think they can for me. I am walking well, but have pains that come and go. My neck has been awful lately. It's better for the rest of the day after PT and their massage, but then just gets all messed up again. I need to talk with the doctor. They gave me exercises to do at home to try to keep myself functioning. My mobility is pretty good, just have more pain than should be normal. It usually helps for a while when I take some Alleve. Not a kid any more. sigh.

    Hi Again
    I have more pains than I used to have too, Mother natures way of saying relax and enjoy life. Can You get Your doctor to prescribe something else, Chiro or neck massages for example?

    I worry about taking NSAIDs for long periods of time.

    I suspect You are Younger than I FWIW :)

    Have a Good Day
    good morning, not sure why they are going after people but everyone is unhappy I only have 3 weeks and hopefully my write up goes away well got to go to work have a great day

    Hi Irene
    Joanne could be right, now that the work load is back to normal....

    I though they liked Your work too, Had You training.

    Good Luck