Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Irene and Roger, you both have me beat. I only found 1 penny in the last week.
    I am still not feeling that great. The antibiotic makes me very nauseous and gives me heartburn. I have been taking it on an empty stomach per the pharmacist. Today even the dramamine didn't help. I don't plan on doing anything today or tomorrow, lay low and see if that helps.
    We are supposed to get 5-7 in of snow on Monday and another storm following that on Tues.
    Are you watching the Superbowl. I like to watch to see the new commercials. I am not really a football fan. One of the guys at work was running a pool and I did buy 1 square. My daughter is coming over to watch and she is bringing dinner. :)
    Have a great day. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, we didn't find any money today on our walk,actually we cut our walk short today believe it Annie wanted to go home so we came home only did about 45 minutes I am sure I will make up the steps at work. Jo hope you are feeling better and not too much snow . take care everyone have a nice Monday
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    It just started to snow here at 8 am. Earlier it was very windy. I don't have work today, so I can stay in and look at the snow from the warmth of my house.(that is if we don't lose power.) Hubby is out checking the generator just in case.
    I wasn't impressed with the half time show. I thought Lady Gaga did an excellent job singing the National Anthem.
    There were a few good commercials, but I wasn't impressed with most of them.
    Thanks Irene, I am feeling a little better.
    Have a good day. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning!
    I heard Lady Gaga was good. I watched part of the game. Wasn't really worth watching.
    Our forecast was changed, 1-3" expected tonight and another 1-3" tomorrow, not too bad.
    Stay safe and warm, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking + 12 Cents, a little earlier than usual due to the weather forecast showing Snow starting shortly. It was 37 Degrees this morning with a intermittent Breeze which made it feel colder when it was blowing.

    I added a a little distance to my walk. I'll have to go to MapMyRun later and see how far I walked. I am :( with the weather forecast showing some snow today and more tonight into tomorrow from a different weather system.

    Off to breakfast shortly featuring The NS Granola Cereal with Low fat UHT milk and a NS Vanilla Protein Shake. I already had a Banana before I left for my walk as Well as a Extra Large 7 Eleven Coffee where I used Decaf & Regular coffee mixed together in the cup.

    Have a Great Monday
    eku0 wrote: »
    Our forecast is for Monday p.m. rain/snow showers 40% chance, Tuesday 3-5" of snow 90% chance. Hmmmm...that would probably cancel clay co-op on Tuesday. fooey.
    How's your trunk size? Could you fit one in the trunk and one in the back seat...or maybe on the front seat?
    We're lucky. Hubs has a pickup. I think it's just short of 6 feet long, but most furniture will fit back there. Our problem is getting it from the truck into the house! (I have great kids who usually volunteer to help/do it for us). :)

    Hi Vix
    I suspect they would not fit into the trunk without tying the trunk shut on them and still having limited rear vision. You are lucky You have a Pickup truck for that sort of thing. I would have to go to Home Depot or U-haul and rent something to carry larger items. When I was working I could Borrow a Company Van to use. That was actually encouraged as was commuting with it as it had advertising for the company on the sides.

    You have a crummy weather forecast too :)

    Have a Good Monday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Irene and Roger, you both have me beat. I only found 1 penny in the last week.
    I am still not feeling that great. The antibiotic makes me very nauseous and gives me heartburn. I have been taking it on an empty stomach per the pharmacist. Today even the dramamine didn't help. I don't plan on doing anything today or tomorrow, lay low and see if that helps.
    We are supposed to get 5-7 in of snow on Monday and another storm following that on Tues.
    Are you watching the Superbowl. I like to watch to see the new commercials. I am not really a football fan. One of the guys at work was running a pool and I did buy 1 square. My daughter is coming over to watch and she is bringing dinner. :)
    Have a great day. :)
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    It just started to snow here at 8 am. Earlier it was very windy. I don't have work today, so I can stay in and look at the snow from the warmth of my house.(that is if we don't lose power.) Hubby is out checking the generator just in case.
    I wasn't impressed with the half time show. I thought Lady Gaga did an excellent job singing the National Anthem.
    There were a few good commercials, but I wasn't impressed with most of them.
    Thanks Irene, I am feeling a little better.
    Have a good day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I think I would call the doctor regarding the nausea & heartburn and food vs no food. I would also ask if there is a alternative medicine that would not do that to me.

    I did not watch the Superbowl, Commercials are no attraction to me, and the previews of the other entertainment was not to my taste either.

    So far no snow and it is 11:24 too, Maybe the first round will miss us, if I haven't jinxed myself by saying so :)

    Good Luck with the weather
    good morning, we didn't find any money today on our walk,actually we cut our walk short today believe it Annie wanted to go home so we came home only did about 45 minutes I am sure I will make up the steps at work. Jo hope you are feeling better and not too much snow . take care everyone have a nice Monday

    Hi Irene
    I suspect You may miss the first snow from the weather maps I have seen. Did You have a fairly brisk breeze when out walking like I had when I was facing north during the walk?

    Have a Good Day at Work
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    edited February 2016
    Funny, I had written a post that disappeared and then it came back up! Very strange.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Ha...they've changed the forecast again...1-3" tonight and 3-5" tomorrow. We'll see.
    Have a good night everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning all, we just had a dusting of snow, but tonight we are suppose to get more it is suppose to start some time in the afternoon I use all major roads so hopefully they will be ok if not I will go slow I have a wrangler jeep so I think I will be ok have a great day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning!
    Safe driving, Irene.
    We have an inch or two of fluffy, heavy looking snow, and it's coming down steadily, so I'm probably not going anywhere unless it lets up. I have my Jeep too, in case we need to go anywhere, but don't think we will. It's very pretty. I'll relax drinking coffee in my pjs for a while. :)
    Stay safe and warm. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I decided to abandon my walk this morning. We had what looks like a dusting of snow overnight, However when I walked down the driveway I slid on that and then the street that looked Dry turned out to be icy so after slipping twice in 50 feet I turned around and am home making coffee home today. I may decide to take the day off from walking entirely or head our later if/when things get better for walking outside, Part of that decision will hinge on the weather forecasts for overnight into tomorrow.

    Mini Review:
    NutriSystem Ranch Snack-A-Rounds, What can I say 4 out of 10 on a 1 to 10 scale. I won't be reordering. I fed a sample to my brother and the feedback was Meh. I suggest You do try them for Yourself, They must have had taste tests so It is probably me, However the Snack-A-Rounds are three of the new Desserts I will not reorder.

    Have a Good Tuesday
    eku0 wrote: »
    Funny, I had written a post that disappeared and then it came back up! Very strange.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Ha...they've changed the forecast again...1-3" tonight and 3-5" tomorrow. We'll see.
    Have a good night everyone. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Safe driving, Irene.
    We have an inch or two of fluffy, heavy looking snow, and it's coming down steadily, so I'm probably not going anywhere unless it lets up. I have my Jeep too, in case we need to go anywhere, but don't think we will. It's very pretty. I'll relax drinking coffee in my pjs for a while. :)
    Stay safe and warm. :)

    Hi Vix
    So far just a dusting of snow over what feels like light icing. I see cars going by OK, but it was slick underfoot so rather than risk falling and spraining o breaking something I am home again.

    I have never had a post do that, I have oopsed and hit review to see how it looked and then forgotten to hit post :)

    The last few years they do not seem to be doing a great job forecasting, they are still changing it as it is happening.

    I saw a Viewer picture on News 12 showing everything all white including tree branches, Not here, I think further south than I am.

    Stay Safe & Warm
    good morning all, we just had a dusting of snow, but tonight we are suppose to get more it is suppose to start some time in the afternoon I use all major roads so hopefully they will be ok if not I will go slow I have a wrangler jeep so I think I will be ok have a great day

    Hi Irene
    Hopefully the roads are OK where You are, They look good but footing on them was bad so I boomeranged back home from in front of next door to the house :)

    A few stray flakes of snow just started going past the window, Hopefully it warms up and the roads and sidewalks clear off and I can get out walking.

    Have a Good Day

    P.S. Did You talk to HR?
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Shoveled a wasn't bad, was mostly able to just push it to the sides. It was nice being outside for a while. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    we got about 7-8 inches of snow. It was light and fluffy and easy to shovel. Hubby used the snow thrower last night after the snow stopped. I finished up the driveway this morning and shoveled a small bit of the patio. Being out in the cold made me start to cough, so I came inside.
    I got the results of my CT scan and everything looks good and I don't have to go back to the urologist until November. :)
    Roger-you were smart not walking when it is icy. I am still waiting for my shelf stable food. It should be here tomorrow afternoon. So far all of the frozen that I have tried has been good. I had turkey, egg and cheese on a muffin for breakfast, for lunch I had the meatloaf sandwich. I enjoyed both of them.
    Have a good night. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, hr is siding with managers. I reciveced my 2nd write up yesterday . I am not fighting it I do what I can the work is just getting too hard so I have 60 days to bring my rate up I will try but it really is hard so I took today off and will face it again tomarrow My husband wants me to get out of there so I will buy my time not sure how many others also got written up but I am tired of worring about it so if they fire me I will find another job maybe one that doesn't kill my knee and back if my husband has his way I would not work well take care oh by the way we never got any snow!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good norning!
    Aw, sorry about the job, Irene, but if it's hurting your knee and back, maybe it is better to look for a different job. Good not to worry. Good to take some time off, relax and enjoy it. :)
    Be careful, Jo, give yourself time to recover. Glad the CT scan showed good news. That's a good amount of snow! Glad you didn't get the really deep, heavy stuff. :) We just got a few inches, then a very light dusting last night.
    Morning classes are cancelled at the gym, so I get to be lazy again this morning. I'll do my PT exercises, no plans for today.
    Roger, cold and windy this morning here and they're calling for more snow showers (not a good morning for a walk). Hope your weather is friendlier. :)
    Have a good day, everyone.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I decided not to go out walking yet. When I looked out the window as I ate my pre-walk Banana It was lightly snowing, a fine small powdery looking snow, however given the temperature at the freezing point I decided to go after my noontime snack. Safety first :)

    I did get out yesterday at that time and it was fine by then.

    I am toying with doing a maintenance month as I have been at it slightly over 2 years now. And I am fine where I am, Just not where I would like to be based in the Mirror and what research on the Internet shows is a normal weight.

    Have a Great Wednesday
    eku0 wrote: »
    Shoveled a wasn't bad, was mostly able to just push it to the sides. It was nice being outside for a while. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good norning!
    Aw, sorry about the job, Irene, but if it's hurting your knee and back, maybe it is better to look for a different job. Good not to worry. Good to take some time off, relax and enjoy it. :)
    Be careful, Jo, give yourself time to recover. Glad the CT scan showed good news. That's a good amount of snow! Glad you didn't get the really deep, heavy stuff. :) We just got a few inches, then a very light dusting last night.
    Morning classes are cancelled at the gym, so I get to be lazy again this morning. I'll do my PT exercises, no plans for today.
    Roger, cold and windy this morning here and they're calling for more snow showers (not a good morning for a walk). Hope your weather is friendlier. :)
    Have a good day, everyone.

    Hi Vix
    Whatever fell was gone early on here too, a little fell in the evening, it was only showing on the car however.

    It is not to cold out however I decided to wait as I am not a fan of walking when it is raining or snowing. I have done both depending on the weather forecast however. The last walk in snow was OK until I ended up walking into the wind blown snow.

    It doesn't sound like bad enough weather cancel classes :)

    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    we got about 7-8 inches of snow. It was light and fluffy and easy to shovel. Hubby used the snow thrower last night after the snow stopped. I finished up the driveway this morning and shoveled a small bit of the patio. Being out in the cold made me start to cough, so I came inside.
    I got the results of my CT scan and everything looks good and I don't have to go back to the urologist until November. :)
    Roger-you were smart not walking when it is icy. I am still waiting for my shelf stable food. It should be here tomorrow afternoon. So far all of the frozen that I have tried has been good. I had turkey, egg and cheese on a muffin for breakfast, for lunch I had the meatloaf sandwich. I enjoyed both of them.
    Have a good night. :)

    Hi Joanne
    In many cases where there is a frozen and a Shelf Stable version the frozen is better. Examples would be the turkey with stuffing vs the Turkey Medallions with Mashed. Cinnamon Roll vs Cinnamon Bun.

    The Light and fluffy is easier to shovel as long as there is no wind blowing it. You were smart to go back inside when You started to cough. I would rather have Your depth of light fluffy snow than 3 inches of wet heavy snow.

    Congratulations on the CT results

    Good Luck
    good morning, hr is siding with managers. I received my 2nd write up yesterday . I am not fighting it I do what I can the work is just getting too hard so I have 60 days to bring my rate up I will try but it really is hard so I took today off and will face it again tomarrow My husband wants me to get out of there so I will buy my time not sure how many others also got written up but I am tired of worring about it so if they fire me I will find another job maybe one that doesn't kill my knee and back if my husband has his way I would not work well take care oh by the way we never got any snow!

    Hi Irene
    I am sorry to hear that they sided with management, It sounds like a company plan. I Know if I were in Your shoes I would be out looking for a new job on my days off.

    There is a possibility that this is only happening where You are and could be local management driven. You could send something to main headquarters asking why.

    No Real snow here either, by Noon yesterday You could only see it left on top of the piles of snow from the plows. The roads were dry by then.

    Good Luck

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Irene-I am sorry about your job. I agree, it might be wise for you to look for another job.
    We had on and off flurries today, not amounting to anything. The temperature is only going to be in the teens over the weekend. I have the weekend off and had hoped it would be a little warmer.
    I am still coughing a little, but felt much better today.
    I got my shelf stable food today. Being sick, I haven't been eating what I should. Today so far I am on track.
    Wishing you all a good evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Well, I called to make an appt for a haircut today, and they had an, I've got my hair cut, colored, and highlighted. I needed a change! It was really pricey, but I like it. :) Hopefully it will be much less next time when I don't get the whole shebang.
    Glad you're feeling better, Jo. It's going to be really colder here too, until some time next week. The weekend looks really cold. Brrrr.
    Stay warm, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning,wow it is really cold out we cut our walk short it looks like it is going to get real cold here this weekend but no snow. as far as my job i am just going to take it one day at a time if they fire me maybe i will just take my time and get a part time job now that i am 60 it is time to take it easy well you all take it easy today and stay warm
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning!
    Irene...60 is a great age to retire. :)
    It's really cold here too....supposed to be the coldest on Saturday. I can hear the wind blowing outside.
    I have my painting class today, and need to run a few errands. It's still dark out, looks like it might be overcast.
    I think it's supposed to warm up again sometime next week. This has really not been a bad winter.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did not go walking yet, Cold and breezy today. Temperature in the 20s as of 7AM. Forecast is for colder this weekend too. The local News12 Cable only channel just showed a overnight low for Saturday night into Sunday of 0 degrees, Last night the NYC stations were saying possible record low, The old record was I believe 2 degrees almost 100 years ago.

    That will probably have an impact on my walking, especially if it is also breezy. Out the door later to the Have Taxes done for My Brother and I, Then Home, Noon Snack and go for a walk.

    Have a Good Thursday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Irene-I am sorry about your job. I agree, it might be wise for you to look for another job.
    We had on and off flurries today, not amounting to anything. The temperature is only going to be in the teens over the weekend. I have the weekend off and had hoped it would be a little warmer.
    I am still coughing a little, but felt much better today.
    I got my shelf stable food today. Being sick, I haven't been eating what I should. Today so far I am on track.
    Wishing you all a good evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I think the furnace will be humming this weekend with the forecast overnight lows and the highs being pretty low too.

    I have a small stockpile of the two NutriSystem Chicken Soups just in case I feel poorly. It Can't hurt to have a NS plan soup on hand vs the canned ones from the store with their high sodium levels.

    Stay Warm
    eku0 wrote: »
    Well, I called to make an appt for a haircut today, and they had an, I've got my hair cut, colored, and highlighted. I needed a change! It was really pricey, but I like it. :) Hopefully it will be much less next time when I don't get the whole shebang.
    Glad you're feeling better, Jo. It's going to be really colder here too, until some time next week. The weekend looks really cold. Brrrr.
    Stay warm, everyone. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Irene...60 is a great age to retire. :)
    It's really cold here too....supposed to be the coldest on Saturday. I can hear the wind blowing outside.
    I have my painting class today, and need to run a few errands. It's still dark out, looks like it might be overcast.
    I think it's supposed to warm up again sometime next week. This has really not been a bad winter.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    60 is a good age if You can afford it. Fortunately in Irene's case unemployment is likely to happen. Retiring when You are healthy enough to travel on Vacation is good.

    OTOH it took my brother years to adjust when demand for his skill evaporated due to technology. I know people that now say I wish I knew how it would be, I would have retired years earlier.

    Have a Good Day
    good morning,wow it is really cold out we cut our walk short it looks like it is going to get real cold here this weekend but no snow. as far as my job i am just going to take it one day at a time if they fire me maybe i will just take my time and get a part time job now that i am 60 it is time to take it easy well you all take it easy today and stay warm

    Hi Irene
    I went out on the sidewalk to decide should I change and walk now and came back in and will do the walk later, I just hope the winds do not get worse.

    Good Luck