Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    24 degrees here right now. I am sitting having a cup of tea to warm up. One more day of work and then I have 3 days off. :) When I return on Tuesday, I will be training a new girl. I sure hope this one has some work ethics.
    Roger-Did you get out for your walk?
    Irene-I wish you luck with whatever you decide to do. I have 7 more years until I can retire and collect full social security.
    Vix-So far we have been lucky weather wise. I will take the cold over snow any time.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    FWIW I did get out walking at 2:53PM until 4:20PM and am at 8700+ steps currently. I felt it advisable not to go walking and drinking coffee before Going out of the house for a extended time :)

    I paid the price on my walk. It was nearly the same temperature as it was around 7:15AM this morning but windier so The Wind chill was worse :( I am not looking forward to this weekend and may end up doing 1/2 or 1/4 normal distance walks. especially Sunday morning when it is supposed to hit around zero + any windchill factor. I did find 31 cents yesterday, nothing today however.

    Have a Good Evening
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    24 degrees here right now. I am sitting having a cup of tea to warm up. One more day of work and then I have 3 days off. :) When I return on Tuesday, I will be training a new girl. I sure hope this one has some work ethics.
    Roger-Did you get out for your walk?
    Irene-I wish you luck with whatever you decide to do. I have 7 more years until I can retire and collect full social security.
    Vix-So far we have been lucky weather wise. I will take the cold over snow any time.
    Have a good evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I retired at less than 100% as did my brother. In my case the Job closed for good as few days early when Sandy at the power. I turned 65 a couple few days later and decided not to bother looking for employment. I was not getting around good due to weight and felt that finding anything decent would be hard as a result.

    I will say that I knew the job was going away for years ahead, I could see the dwindling sales and I heaved a sigh of relief once I hot 62 or near to it where I knew I could get unemployment until age 62 and then Social Security to keep the wolves away. When I saw the handwriting on the I started paying off Credit cards and student loans from when I had gone back to school.

    Good Luck finding a person that has a good work ethic :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    I know I was lucky to be able to retire when I did after 39 years. I can't even imagine trying to drag myself into work every day at this point.
    Good luck with the new trainee, Jo. I know you can use the help. (I'll take the cold over snow too! :) )
    Roger, brave man walking out in that cold for over an hour. The furthest I went outside today was from a parking lot to a building! Silly me. I used to love the cold....and snow....haha.
    Irene, I hope things work out for the best. In the mean while, I think you've got a good attitude and the support of your husband which is worth everything.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, thanks for all the input. I think what I am going to do is stay at amazon untill they fire me and then collect unemployment the thought of going and looking for a new job at this point the truth is I just don't have it in me I am just burned out maybe after it happens I will feel different I am just tired and yes my husband see how tired I am and he hates to see me upset and thankfully I don't have many bills but time will tell well I did find 3 cents today on our walk. well take care
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning!
    Cold and cloudy...currently 10F! But supposed to go up to 30 today...tomorrow colder! brrrr.
    Off to zumba class in a little while, that'll warm me up, and my massage was rescheduled to this afternoon instead of Monday, which is good becuse it's supposed to snow on Monday. :*
    Have a good day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did better today than yesterday, I got out early before 8AM, 8100+ steps currently, Despite the temperature being colder than yesterday at 15 degrees it was more comfortable due to a much lower breeze so the wind chill was warmer. This upcoming weekend the forecast is for a windchill in the -15 to -25 degree range for this area. Since that is getting into a danger range for frostbite I may stay home or do a much shorter than usual walk :)
    I picked up Bananas and a head of lettuce on the way back home. I would have picked up more except that I did it on the spur of the moment and therefore was not wearing my backpack as well as being worried that the lettuce might freeze on the way home.

    I was listening to music from the 50s, 60, and 70s as a change of pace from listening to "The Shadow" radio shows form 1946 for the last week or so.

    Have a Great Friday
    eku0 wrote: »
    I know I was lucky to be able to retire when I did after 39 years. I can't even imagine trying to drag myself into work every day at this point.
    Good luck with the new trainee, Jo. I know you can use the help. (I'll take the cold over snow too! :) )
    Roger, brave man walking out in that cold for over an hour. The furthest I went outside today was from a parking lot to a building! Silly me. I used to love the cold....and snow....haha.
    Irene, I hope things work out for the best. In the mean while, I think you've got a good attitude and the support of your husband which is worth everything.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Cold and cloudy...currently 10F! But supposed to go up to 30 today...tomorrow colder! brrrr.
    Off to zumba class in a little while, that'll warm me up, and my massage was rescheduled to this afternoon instead of Monday, which is good becuse it's supposed to snow on Monday. :*
    Have a good day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Just curious was that 39 years in one job? When I think about I worked from when I worked for the Night School classes handing out equipment while I was still in High School, that would be arioud 50 years, I was tired of working and ready to retire when My last place of employment closed :)

    I'll be honest I was questioning my sanity going out yesterday. I am crazier than that when I am thinking about going out for a shortened walk tomorrow & Sunday despite the dire warnings about dangerous wind chill.

    Enjoy Your Day
    good morning, thanks for all the input. I think what I am going to do is stay at amazon until they fire me and then collect unemployment the thought of going and looking for a new job at this point the truth is I just don't have it in me I am just burned out maybe after it happens I will feel different I am just tired and yes my husband see how tired I am and he hates to see me upset and thankfully I don't have many bills but time will tell well I did find 3 cents today on our walk. well take care

    Hi Irene
    I know what You mean about feeling burned out, I was that way after working 16 years in my last job and 14 years in the one before that. I think I was lucky to work in one place that long with the way employers look at workers these days as disposable.

    You are ahead of me for money found today, I found the big nothing :)

    Good Luck
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Roger, I started working when I was in high school too, and pretty much had a series of menial jobs through college and for a short while after. I worked for a government agency for 39 years...not the same job. I had about 6 or 7 different jobs there...went back to night school after about the first 10 or 12 years to learn programming so I could move forward. Then just continued to learn more things year after year, and moved into different jobs. (Programming was my favorite. :) )
    I went to zumba this morning, so got my exercise in. I'm not walking outside til it's nice out again. :*
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning , I am just sitting here drinking coffee it is really cold outside but I plan on taking Annie for a little walk need to get some exercise in . Dr called and I start my gel shots for my knee in 2 weeks I will be glad when that starts it really makes a difference. As far as my job I will just stay untill they fire me never been fired always gave it my best if I find I need to work after I can always get a job in retail I worked in retail most of the time we shall see. well you all have a great Saturday
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    I'm sitting and drinking coffee too....still in my pjs. :) About 16F here, not as cold as I thought it would be.
    Have a nice weekend eveyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    based on the weather report on our local News12 Cable only channel I decided to go walking today early before the Temperatures dropped and the wind picked up. +5 cents, then as a I was walking the wind picked up and it started snowing, I was headed into the wind at that portion of my route so I reversed course and headed for home, The streets and sidewalks had enough snow on them to cover them. I was passing the Dollar Store at opening time so I went in a picked up a quart of 1% UHT milk for shelf stock. $1 for the quart size, dated use by January 5, 2017 :) Even with the warmup in the dollar store My fingers were getting cold by the time I got home.

    Given that the forecast for Sunday shows wind chills in the -10 to -25 degree range for my area, Worse to the north FWIW, I have decided to set up the coffee maker tonight for tomorrow mornings coffee. My Brother picked up a can of 1/2 regular and 1/2 decaf coffee for me. Since I drink 24 ounces of coffee that is one way to cut down on caffeine.

    Have a Good Saturday
    eku0 wrote: »
    Roger, I started working when I was in high school too, and pretty much had a series of menial jobs through college and for a short while after. I worked for a government agency for 39 years...not the same job. I had about 6 or 7 different jobs there...went back to night school after about the first 10 or 12 years to learn programming so I could move forward. Then just continued to learn more things year after year, and moved into different jobs. (Programming was my favorite. :) )
    I went to zumba this morning, so got my exercise in. I'm not walking outside til it's nice out again. :*
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    I'm sitting and drinking coffee too....still in my pjs. :) About 16F here, not as cold as I thought it would be.
    Have a nice weekend eveyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    To be honest 39 years at agency is a good thing. The change in jobs within must have helped keep the work from getting stale and boring. I think I changed types of work at least 5 times.

    iBased on the weather forecasts It sounds as if You won't be out walking until at least Tuesday :)

    I think it was around 19 degrees when I left the house but the forecast is for the temperatures to drop as the winds shift from a SW wind to a NW wind bringing the Arctic Cold Air in.

    Stay Warm
    good morning , I am just sitting here drinking coffee it is really cold outside but I plan on taking Annie for a little walk need to get some exercise in . Dr called and I start my gel shots for my knee in 2 weeks I will be glad when that starts it really makes a difference. As far as my job I will just stay until they fire me never been fired always gave it my best if I find I need to work after I can always get a job in retail I worked in retail most of the time we shall see. well you all have a great Saturday

    Hi Irene
    That sounds like a plan to me for walking and work. I suspect You will be better off getting out early instead of waiting for the sun to warm things up today.

    I have stayed in most jobs until they evaporated. One moved out of state and the last one closed.

    Have a Good Weekend
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    It's very windy here, besides the cold. We had a dusting of snow last night, but the wind has cleared the sidewalk and driveway pretty much. May go out to a mall later to do some walking, else I will keep busy doing things around the house.
    Enjoy the day. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    It is warmer this morning at 18degrees than it was yesterday a 6 degrees.
    I worked my first job for 14 years and started that when I was in high school. I took 6 months off when my son was born and then went to work for Shaws supermarket and have been there for almost 29 years. I have done a variety of jobs there, the latest being a produce clerk. I will probably retire from there.
    I am getting ready to brave the cold and go to the grocery store.
    Right now I have a kitty wanting some attention. She is partially laying on my keyboard, while I am trying to type.
    Have a great day and stay warm. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    well took Annie for a walk both of us were bundled up it took us about a half hour my feet were so cold but we went have a good nite
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    edited February 2016
    We went out to the mall, just to walk around. It's hanging right about 15F. Not too bad if you just have to get from the car to a building. haha.
    My daughter is dog sitting and stopped by this morning while walking the dog...gave us a visit and her a chance to warm up for a few minutes. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It is cold out there this morning in NJ, in a nearby town local cable News12 channel is showing 2 degrees there, with a wind chill of -16 and a temperature at their studios of 1 degree at 8AM. No walking for me today. Tomorrow looks as if I will be going out later than usual too to give the Overnight temperatures a chance to warm up.

    Not too much planned for today except to work on staying warm.

    I have added the latest new foods I just saw available from NutriSystem here, 2 Frozen Dinners and a Shelf Stable Lunch Bar.

    I keep checking to see if the CostCo NutriSystem Gift cards are back on sale, no luck so far this year. I have enough for the upcoming order, if they do not I will have to pick them up at the $79.99 for $100 face value. Still better than paying $100 for $100 of NS.

    Have a Good Sunday, Valentines Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    It's very windy here, besides the cold. We had a dusting of snow last night, but the wind has cleared the sidewalk and driveway pretty much. May go out to a mall later to do some walking, else I will keep busy doing things around the house.
    Enjoy the day. :)

    Hi Vix
    I had a dusting of snow yesterday when I was walking, it turned everything white and was blowing into my face, that was why I turned my walk around. To get the snow out of my face and to stay safe before the walks got slippery.
    eku0 wrote: »
    We went out to the mall, just to walk around. It's hanging right about 15F. Not too bad if you just have to get from the car to a building. haha.
    My daughter is dog sitting and stopped by this morning while walking the dog...gave us a visit and her a chance to warm up for a few minutes. :)

    I should probably have dragged my brother out into the frigid cold to let my car out of the driveway to walk in a mall :)
    Instead I decided to let him stay and have a off day. It has been a while since I had one of those.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Hi Vix
    Thank You for the V day greetings, You too
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    It is warmer this morning at 18degrees than it was yesterday a 6 degrees.
    I worked my first job for 14 years and started that when I was in high school. I took 6 months off when my son was born and then went to work for Shaws supermarket and have been there for almost 29 years. I have done a variety of jobs there, the latest being a produce clerk. I will probably retire from there.
    I am getting ready to brave the cold and go to the grocery store.
    Right now I have a kitty wanting some attention. She is partially laying on my keyboard, while I am trying to type.
    Have a great day and stay warm. :)

    Hi Joanne
    It sure is not warmer here in NJ this Sunday. Windchills in NJ down to -25 degrees and -50 north of the border in NY state.

    I find it interesting that we all seem to have started working while in High School. I hope they have a pension plan, after 29 years You are vested and can not lose it if so. My Brother & I both get a pension check(s) and My Sister, the baby of the family will get at least one that I know of when she retires. The extra money beyond Social Security makes a difference.

    That will make it hard to type :)

    Stay Warm
    well took Annie for a walk both of us were bundled up it took us about a half hour my feet were so cold but we went have a good nite

    Hi Irene
    Interesting, I get the cold to where it becomes painful in my fingers. Yesterday I had two warm up stops. First one was Dunkin Donuts for Coffee, then when I backed out the walk due to blowing snow I made a unplanned stop at the Dollar store and picked up the UHT milk and warmed up again for the walk back home. Milk can sit on the shelf til next year and still be good with a use by date of January 2017. It tastes Ok to me too as I only use it with the NS Cereals.

    Have a Good Day and stay warm
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, it is so cold out I don't think I am going for a walk today Annie seems content to laying on the couch under a blanket which works for me. Got a text from friends at work they have ot for tomorrow but I do not plan on doing it,I will just go in and do mt regular shift,well have a great valentines day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, it is so cold out I don't think I am going for a walk today
    Annie seems content to laying on the couch under a blanket which works for me. Got a text from friends at work they have
    ot for tomorrow but I do not plan on doing it,I will just go in and do mt regular shift,well have a great valentines day

    Hi Irene
    That sounds like a wise move to me, It is dangerously cold out there.

    Why take OT if You do not need it when they don't seem to need You :)

    Stay Warm
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    It was 9 degrees before but has warmed up to a sunny 16. :)
    I am using the clean cycle on my oven today...figured it is a good day to do that, clean the oven and warm up the house! Definitely a good day to stay inside and keep warm.
    Roger, good time for a day off. :)
    Good plan, Irene. :) Annie is obviously a smart dog. :smiley:
    Hi Jo!
    Hugs to all. <3
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Happy Valentines Day! <3
    It was -9 degrees with a wind chill of -35 when I got up this morning. It is now 13 degrees, definitely a good day to stay in.
    Roger-I have a pension from the hospital that I worked for, and I will get one from my current job. So with those and my 401K and social security, I should be all set. :)
    Vix-I made muffins for hubby and with having the oven on the kitchen was nice and warm.
    Irene-Annie is a smart dog. Both of my cats are lying in the sun streaming through the window.
    Hubby took me out to dinner last night for valentines day. We had a lovely time and we brought home leftovers for another meal. It depends on what we get but usually we get a few meals out of what we take home.
    Have a good day and stay warm. :)