plant food dicussion topic



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited July 2015
    Sure do! We added a teaspoon of sugar after mashing the banana. Mmm Mmm.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited July 2015
    My dad had a grocer store during our ratiig days he kept our living room as a storing house for ration items. You know before TV and was not used as much as today's are. He tried to keep his customer happy. I was too young to remember will try to post a picture of his store when I get back on my big conputer if a can find it I would like to see it anyway

    Going to make a black bean salsa spread to go with my toastada

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    mock tuna salad
    •2 cups or 1 can chickpeas
    •1 avocado
    •2 green onions chopped or 2 T minced white onions
    •1-2 garlic cloves minced
    •1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
    •1/2 celery stalk chopped fine
    •1-2 T nutritional yeast
    •1-2 T lemon juice depending on how much you like
    •salt and pepper to taste

    •In a medium sized bowl, mash the chickpeas slightly with a fork.
    •Add in the remaining ingredients and mix well.

    This makes about 4 servings. Should last a week in the fridge. Enjoy!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited July 2015
    I Oder me some nutritional yeast last night getting ready to make the mock tuna I have been wanting to find some for a long time Can't wait to get it
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Flax and Sesame Crackers
    1 cup ground flax seeds
    1/4 cup psyllium husk powder
    1/4 cup unhulled black sesame seeds
    1/4 cup coarsely chopped raw unsalted pumpkin seeds
    3/4 cup water, more if needed (up to 1 cup)
    1 Tbsp garlic powder
    1 Tbsp onion powder
    Preheat oven to 250 degrees F.

    Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl until a dough forms, adding more water if needed.
    Line a heavy baking pan (jellyroll sized) with parchment paper. Place the ball of dough on the parchment paper. Cover with another piece of parchment paper.
    Use a rolling pin and/or your hands to spread out the dough evenly (or as evenly as possible). I actually remove the parchment paper dough *sandwich* from the pan and work on it on the countertop and then return it to the pan. If your parchment paper fits when you return it to the pan you’ll be fine.

    Score into squares with a table knife, so they break evenly after baking.
    Bake until crisp. I bake for 60 minutes at 250 and check each hour after that. As they get more dry, I break them into large pieces (and you’ll see they really are not ready), keep checking every half hour or so until they are very crisp. It will depend on your oven---be sure to watch them—this is just a guideline for how my oven works.
    Remove from oven and place on cooling racks. If you leave them on the baking dish you can get moisture accumulation under the parchment paper.

    Makes about 16 crackers according to the original recipe. I prefer to make much smaller pieces so I can feel like I can have a couple of them.

    Per the Original Instructions—Nutritional Info--Per Serving:

    Note: A variety of seasonings can be substituted for or used in addition to the onion and garlic powder. Try fresh or dried herbs, chili powder, nutritional yeast, Dr. Fuhrman's MatoZest, cinnamon, chopped dates or raisins.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks for the recipe Lin But that is more cooking than I am able to do
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Something to think about

    I think it's important to mention that it is the carbohydrate that fuels the body therefore athletes need to consume healthy complex carbs for optimum performance as per sports and exercise nutrition courses. Also of note, protein comes from plants, not animals. Animals contain protein only because they ate plants or ate an animal that ate plants. Animals are not capable of synthesizing protein to meet their needs. Plants however are capable of synthesizing protein to meet their own needs and animal's needs as well.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    oystereyes wrote: »
    Marie: here is my receipe for black bean chili. This is one of those things you can never go wrong with. If you don't want to add this or that, it still tastes great!
    1 1/2 lb ground turkey. (More or less, use chicken if you want)
    I chopped onion
    I can tomato sauce
    1 can tomatoes
    I can tomatillos drained and quartered
    1 can black beans, rinsed
    1 can low sodium chicken broth. (You can use water if you want)

    Garlic powder or 2 cloves minced fresh garlic
    1/2 teaspoon chili powder
    Juice of one lime
    Brown the meat with onions before adding to the instant pot,
    Put all in the instant pot, stir, place lid on and lock into place, press the button for poultry and in about 15 to 20 minutes, dinner is ready! Make sure the little white arrow thing on top is pointing down. It will turn off automatically when finished but it keeps things warm for a long time. You can open the pot while still hot if you push the little arrow to the side to let the steam out. Use a pot holder if you do steam comes out. It will not let you open it if there is still steam on the inside. Safety measure!
    Salt to taste if you are using any these days.
    Mine tastes different each time I make it, depending on what I have on hand.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jackie. thank you very much/ Alice did get my computer fixed and now I can copy and are a dear one.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I will be posting my daily routine beginning tomorrow. Thanks everyone for the nice recipes Will be a big help for me. me i will be eating one serving of beans a day. Which I love. love marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I found me a black eye peas chili recipe to tried my first recipe on the IP

    i think this will be fun

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    Woke up at 5 AM. January 1,2016
    Blood sugar readings 113..... Blood pressure 119/52,,,,weight 192.5 Feel great. still have my morning caught but still sleeping beautiful

    coffee before breakfast.
    Breakfast steel cut oatmeal. blueberries, chopped walmart 1 Splender

    lunch will be black eyed peas hopefully cooked in Abbey ( my I P name) I need a name for her so i can talk to her, season steam Kale, steam carrots, Was going to make polenta but forgot to buy corn meal. Always another day for that
    Dinner will be the same.
    laundry to do , Work on my shelves in the kitchen. I think I may try to buy me another pot from amazon so I can have a second one ready to put in Abbey But first to learn about Abbey. I read somewhere the second pot comes in handy. But will wait a while for that. But i will get Abbey outfitted out with more gadgets later.

    Making tea for today

    See you later. Will be back on again tonight to tell you how my day went..

    I am addicted to food. got to break away from that

    love Marie
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good start for the year Marie. May 2016 be a very good year for you. God bless, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Best wishes Marie!! I went quite a while without a second inner pot as I didn't tend to use my IP that heavily but then I went kinda crazy with it and I got a second inner pot, a glass lid (for using it as a slow cooker), an extra silicon ring and a wire mesh basket that I had my handyman cut the handles off of so I could easily steam veggies and remove them from the pot rather than using the little rack with handles. I hear there is an actual IP basket in the works and when they come out with that, I will get one!

    Enjoy those black-eyed-peas.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Lin. All help will be appreciated Recipes Ip, etc. I hope to really fall in love with it when I get used to it. You have done a terrific jo of you plant life way of living. Want to be just like you.

    thanks to you too dear anne. What a good friend you are.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wall went as plan

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i am running late this morning.
    no plans today Jus read more of fork over knives , as plant life style book My testing this morning was not as good as yesterday but still manageable.

    My eating plans today.
    Breakfast..... steel cut oats with Blueberries. and for once left off the splenda/ The blueberries made it sweet enough., 1 banana ,coffee yes still the bad stuff in it. Will have to work on it
    lunch.... About like yesterday. Black eyes peas , steam carrots cold slaw
    Dinner. close to the same as lunch

    Have i notice any difference in my body yet with this plant life eating. Yes I have. My right thumb used to really ache now it don't. I have lots more pains and ache it could work on.

    need to fine an enjoyable way to make coleslaw for I am still using oil base salad dressing and oil is on my list to give up. It will take time for me to make these changes But working on it.
    I know I will be better off without them.

    Love Marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Oh Marie, I didn't know you were doing Forks Over Knives. I like that DVD and watch it again from time to time wherever I can see it for free. I posted tonight on the main Sneaker thread about a great movie---Plantpure nation. Very interesting if you have an opportunity to see it. I even checked to see if there are any 'pods' around here for people who eat that way but there are not. I eat stricter than even that and of course need to be gluten free etc. So I guess my plan is a plan for one!!

    Best wishes. I hope you are recovering from your cold. Did that little something ever show up at your house?? Just want to make sure she really sent it to you!!!

    Time to go and cough again.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    lin i just started reading it today I like it very much so far. i have not finish it. yet. But like what i read so far. I could never be as strick as you are. But am willing to give up meat.Sugar.Oil. will still stick with my gluten free. no fried food. Just vegies, nuts ,fruit love my beans. ot to get that Ip going soon.

    I am still coughing and coughing up spleen.But not at nigthThanks goodness.
    I am glad I have you to help me with this
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Marie - Love your new profile picture. :)