plant food dicussion topic



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    Marie - Love your new profile picture. :)

    Young love now old love. But still Happy . In our courting days.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Breakfast steel cut oats, some canned peaches plus a few blueberries that was left over some walnuts Black coffee.
    lunch will be pinto beans, cabbage and steam carrots, tea. probable the same as lunch.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Marie - Love your new profile picture. :)

    Me too!!! Gorgeous.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    And me, I love it too, Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    Woke up at 5 AM. January 1,2016
    Blood sugar readings 113..... Blood pressure 119/52,,,,weight 192.5 Fee

    woke up 730 Am January 4,2016
    Blood sugar readings 98..... Blood pressure 98/56,,,, weight 189.8

    Making headways my blood pressure is low but my doctor said as long as I feel good its Ok.
    Weight 2,7 lost it is coming along nicely

    Had 1/3 cu dry steel cut oats cook with fruit cocktai, fruit and glas of water/
    Lunch wiil be a hearty bowl of soup with pinto beans. fruit/ tea
    Dinner will be the same. in fact all of my meals will be Pinto beans soup except Breakfast which will be steele cuts oats and fruit

    cooking some butter beans for later this week. That's it
    This Fork over Knifes is a nice guild line for me. i like it for i can used canned goods. makes cooking much easier for me.
    will report in again when i start a new bean soup
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    may not need ro keep eating beans soup for i finally go to the recipes in Forks over knifes way of eating and what a nice selections of recipes Love it.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well what a night I had. i work up with a very low blood sugar. about 3:30 am even after Having a banana some rather large grapes around midnight. So my job was to et it down. which i did by eating some potatoes salad , banana an tangerine.So maybe this diet is kicking in and need to really cut back on this insulin. Hope so. But will keep a close watch on it.
    today I am cooking a bean and sauerkraut soup A recipe by SBD using hamburger meat only I will sub for beans. My beans cooking now. can hardly wait to eat it.Also going to look up polenta and try to make some of it to go with my soup. I don't expect the soup will be ready for lunch so will have those nice looking little potatoes i found at walmart yesterday with green beans and a salad. Also I found a small bottle of coconut milk I used in my coffee this morning. I like it. Since I am not supposed to have dairy on this plan. I needed some plant food milk to used I did not want to buy a big one for most of it would go to waste.

    I know if I keep eating like i did last night I will gain back what I have lost. Way to many calories.
    So long for today
    see you tomorrow.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Oh my gosh. Frightening for you Marie. I don't know how you do your insulin/medications Marie. You eat and then measure blood sugar an hour or two after you eat and then decide how much insulin to use? It does sound as if you need some adjustments.

    Hugs. I wish I knew something to suggest.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    yes Lin i do need some adjustment.. I am working on it.
    I take my blood sugar before my meal If is right at 100 I don't need any fast acting insulin Which I did not need any yesterday. My lantus i take 20 units at bedtime Th e doctor said to cut units out So last night I had 19 units Will stay on that and if that works cut another unit to 18 the following week. But this plant diet is working so good on my diabetics I made have to get my doctor revise that. I wonder why the doctors don;t recommend this Plant diet to their patients
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Marie, most doctors do not believe nutrition can fix anything. And taking someone way down or off medication is just not something they do routinely. Dr. McDougall has 10-day residential programs where people go on his plant-based diet and he often takes away or reduces diabetes medication. Of course people are closely monitored.

    Whole-food plant-based!!! It can help a lot. I am glad to hear your doctor will work with you.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Also think of all the money they would lose if They could reverse diabetic and heart problems. By diet alone. I have been reading a lot of the books by these Doctor / Seem I been picking them up pretty regular. . And i am convinced. it can be done. i seen what diet can do for Gluten. So food is a powerful weapon. against chronic disease Tank you Lin for getting me on this plan.
    There waiting room would be empty - I been reading eat to live here today.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited January 2016
    There are many plant-based doctors and they pretty much disagree on some points. Ha. No one can agree on everything. Yes, a lot of money would be lost for doctors and drug companies but I Think most all of the doctors would admit not everyone is going to end up 100% healthy and off of all medications. I have trying to eat as best I can for years now and I still cannot beat the sinus problems, allergies and arthritis. Improvements are good though. No migraines, no heartburn, no high blood pressure, no chronic back pain, etc. all good stuff.

    I wish you well. Have you read any of T. Colin Campbell's work?? The China Study is his most popular book. His son Nelson produced the movie Plantpure Nation. I love it. They believe in whole-food, plant-based, no salt, no oil, no sugar which is pretty much on my path. I still cut out more foods than they do but these guys are amazing. Amazon video has that DVD to rent. I rented it and watched it about 6 times!!

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    ...I wonder why the doctors don;t recommend this Plant diet to their patients

    Oddly enough, doctors get very little training in the area of nutrition. Also, my husband has found that many people don't want to be inconvenienced from what they normally do. They just want a pill. If fact, he's had parents get upset when he has suggested small dietary or lifestyle changes for children in his practice because it would be a hassle for the family to have to change anything. Or he's told them how to fix something without meds and the parents asks if there isn't a pill the child could take that would do the same thing. Go figure! :#
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Yes Marcella, that is a HUGE problem these days. I think tthe started with my parents' generation. My mom was a nurse and she not only believed what a difference door told her would be true but that there would always be a pill to FIX anything and everything. It was the thrill of science and new discoveries. Unfortunately it was a very flawed view. It did not serve my mother well. I believed it for years but less and less as I saw what happened to my mom.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    I am giving it a good test tonight. For my dinner i had a med baked sweet potato with cinnamon with the red beans and sauerkraut over it. Lots of carbs and believe it or not quite tasty.Did not even missed the butter on it. I am going to to write that recipe down so I can remember how I made it. So good will have it again tomorrow. with my left overs Beans and Sauerkraut
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My fasting blood sugar was 105 this morning. wow after all the plant base carbs i ad yesterday. , unbelievable having Steel cut oats this morning with a serving of walnuts for my good fats. coffee with coconut milk

    marcella is your husband a doctor.?
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Marie - It's wonderful that you are doing such a wonderful job with learning how to eat better for you blood sugar regulation and to find what works well for you. And, yes, Jim is a pediatrician. He's been in practice for almost 30 years now.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    That sounds wonderful Marcella I am enjoying this plants base diet very well. Really is a exciting learning progress. I have kept up with our lovely Lin thru the years. But never really knew how great this plan is. But learning more everyday.. I found out by leaving gluten off of my diet how powerful food is. ai have not had diarrhea since I been gluten free. But now I am on another Mission to see if the plant base diet will cure my diabetics I have already in just a short week on this plan such an improvement on my morning glucose readings Thanks for posting.
    yes i am on a mission
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    look like I have not been around in a couple days Sorry

    i have been making some wonderful one pot meals in my small crock pot. But think I need to switch over to a larger one. So I want have to cook so often. I just finish a pot of butter beans with mixed veggies, collar greens onions . the beans juice just give the veggies a wonderful flavor. still enjoying the plant food plan. Weight is just slowly coming down. f i can lose 5 lbs a month I will be a happy camper. We may get some snow tomorrow after almost a week of spring like weather. I know I will love my IP but first got to get someone to walk me thru it. May Sunday if Alice make it out she will. To tell you the truth I am scare of it.The unknown always put me on edge. But other than that i am doing fine. this plan is making my bladder work overtime tho.

    We have motto on the Misfit challenge group that I like will well It is
    If not now When? is my time.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Grocer store today. will be picking up some rice cakes for snack