Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Now back to normal after my week in Michigan. I just finished 30 min on my turbo trainer bicycling.
    I still have to practice my choir music, I can't believe I have 3 rehearsals before the Christmas concert.
    Where did the time go. I have practice tonight so I will just do one song I am weak on. I don't like
    not being prepared.

    I was talking to Dave this morning about so much has to be done before Christmas I was stressing
    myself out. Thank goodness for my TM ( meditation) it has really got me to settle down more
    and not run around all day like I usually do. Twenty mins., in the morning and 20 mins in the afternoon.

    I had a chiropractic apt this morning and was talking about how much has to be done until I talked
    to the receptionist. She has her MIL in the hospital with a broken hip and her son in the hospital
    waiting for his second back surgery and waiting for a bed in the hospital. That really made me shut
    up and realize how fortunate I am to not have serious troubles like many other people.
    We have to be grateful for what we have.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning cold here this mornineven the house is cold. looks like our weather going to be a nice one this week no . Plenty of sunshine no plans for today lab work tomorrow..

    Have a nice day. misfit
    <3 Marie
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Wednesday!

    Marie...I know you're glad the rain has stopped.
    Shirley..I try to remember how fortunate I am too..especially when I get depressed about my weight.

    It was good to get back to the gym today after a week off. I really did not want to go, but once I got there, I was okay. Planning on continuing with the purge today. The attic is done and I have started packing things in boxes. The new house is being bricked now and hopefully they will finish that by the end of the week.

    Make it a great day, misfits!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hi to everyone,
    Wow, Connie sounds like the new house is coming along very well.

    I agree with you and Shirley that We are so blessed. If I spend too much time
    thinking about my weight it will get me depressed. This time of the year makes
    it difficult to stay on track.
    I am totally at a loss as what to do to get this weight off. I increased my calorie
    intake from 1200 to 1400 for a time to reset things but I ended up gaining on 1400.
    Then I went to a 1000 cals and nothing happened!!!! Now I am just in limbo trying
    to decide where to go next.
    My bike is still at the bike shop being repaired, they had to order a part. Been there over 2 weeks already.

    Marie, Hope you can stay warm. Did you get your heating system working.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Good afternoon misfits, I haven't been up to alot lately, just staying close to home. Its been cold, dreary, and rainy. Rain finally stopped and tonight we're suppose to have flurries with a high the next 2 days mid 40's. The weekend is suppose to be nicer here. I haven't been to the nursing home since last week, I may go later today. Sometimes it seems like she would rather be sleeping than getting visitors, they keep her pretty medicated and thats the way she wants it. I would really like to see some results again, hopefully I will start losing soon. Maybe I can see a couple of pounds loss before New Years. Atleast I am down for this year 10 pounds and have kept my 56 pounds off. I am only off 2 pounds from lowest weight this year and I only touched it twice, it didn't really stick. I am very thankful for everyones support. Janice
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I just lost my post so I will try again.

    Janice- you are doing a great job with your weight loss and have stayed steady all these years. :)

    Nancy- I am also doing the 1400 calorie plan and I have been up and down like a yo yo for months now.

    Connie - Your house is humming along. I guess Christmas will be in the old house for now.
    How exciting!

    My hubby is painting the downstairs and we are on our second try at the color. Our capeting is all in
    now so we are painting to match everything now. Our accent wall and entrance way will be painted
    after the holidays since we have to peel wallpaper and paint. The last time we painted it took
    us 4 times to get the right color.

    I had yoga class today and a visit with my MIL. Now to clean up the playpen and highchair for
    Isaac when he comes on Friday.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Our house is nice and warm. we will just have to wait and see how it play out. The wind is really blowing today.

    Shirley Isaac will probe want to be cowling all over the place. Instead of the play pen. I know you will enjoy him.

    my new great grandson could come anytime says the doctor. but due the last of Dec. A tax writeoff??.His name is going to be Ramson Charles.Be glad when the little boogie gets here.But he could come for Christmas dinner at his Mimi house. Alice and Kathy is both peparing food for Christmas. I get off the hook. I may make a Watergate salad.. It is so good.

    Making Spanish rice for dinner tonigt.

    love Marie
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @CALIECAT ..what is Watergate salad? That's a great name for your new grand. My dad's name was Charles and my son is named after him. Glad your house is warm today.

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi everyone,

    hope everyone is great and getting ready for the holidays! I have had a cold this week and have been really mellow. it is a big weekend for my son and my family this week. hope I feel better by tomorrow. I am in the st. patties challenge, need to light some fire under me. I have been eating about 1400 cals and bouncing us and down the same couple of lbs for a couple months. I am just grateful to have lost overall!

    have a good night!

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi guys. Our only holiday preparation here is we did go out and get our tree on Sunday. It is sitting in a bucket on the front porch until I have time to clear a spot in the living room for the train that goes under it. In my house all holiday preparations are on hold until after Nutcracker. It will be all over on Sunday. Thank God!!!!!!!! Although the powers that be have been profusely thanking my friend and me for all the work we have done. Not to toot my own horn but the thing would be a disaster without the countless hours of insane parents. And sadly I am one of the insane ones. But I do it for the kids. And for me that is all that matters. It gives the kids so much confidence and poise. Well. I'm drained physically and mentally. So I am going to sign off for now. Will post later when I get my head screwed on straight again

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, loser! Happy Thursday!

    How are you guys doing? I have walked the dog, picked up a few groceries, and will be headed for a mani/pedi in a few minutes. The sun is out and it is a beautiful day...so much to be thankful for! Gonna get my holiday table decorations out today and continue purging/boxing the office/study stuff that we don't need. Even though they are bricking the house, we probably won't close until Feb/March. We should have a pre-dry wall meeting before the holidays.

    Make it a great day!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie the wartergate salad is a pistachio jello pudding mix with crush pineapple , miniature mash mellows , cool whipped . my Walmart has it in their deli where I first had some but since Google it an found. Out how to make it .i used the sugar free pudding mix. Pretty goodeating.

    You will have a spring. Moved in.
    Just in time to plant pretty flowers.

    Have a great. Day


  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Good Morning Losers.
    It is cold this morning. Will be mixing in some decorating with work today and getting together with a friend late this afternoon.

    The sun is shining...makes me happy:-)
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Good afternoon, the sun is shining here, too. Its been gloomy alot the past week. Thinking about putting up the tree this weekend, I may wait till next, my husband don't like it up too early. I went to the nursing home yesterday, it is awful how medicated she stays, all she wants is to take medicine and sleep, it is so sad. Its very upsetting to see her that way. I found myself over eating last night, I was mindlessly eating this new bold party mix, and then a cupcake later on. I thought I was over stress eating, needless to say I was over on calories. I am going to watch it, I know I don't wanna have to relose the same pounds again. I hope everyone is doing well. Connie, you must be getting excited seeing the house moving along, if you can after its bricked I'd love to see a picture of how it is coming along. Janice
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Hi, guys! I am late getting here as I have been on the go today. Did my training and the pool, then errands and out to lunch.

    Ruthie..the sun was gorgeous here, too! I love cool days with lots of sun.

    Janice..we use food to self-medicate when stressed and it's a hard habit to break. Forgive yourself and move on. I am so sorry about your sister, and I hope she has not given up the fight for good health. She is probably depressed and sleeping is a way to avoid thinking about anything. I'll post a pic when the bricks are done.

    Marie..I would rather move in the spring, too.

    Where are you guys?
    We need to keep this place alive!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well we bit the bullet and let our Ac guy install a new unit for our heating. Maybe in the morning wake up to a warm house./ oh boy! They are here now installing it.

    We have been using our gas oven and a little electric heater so it has not been too bad. not really too good either. But really not that cold yet, except early in the morning.But still no freezing weather.

    I made a bean and cabbage casserole tor today eating. Enjoy it. no binge eating today. That is my number #1 bad habit to break I m thinking about ordering me a Instant pot cooker. a lot of the girls on the golden sneakers groups are getting them and loving it.Cooks things so quick.
    Have a great evening

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Checking in after a long but fun afternoon with a friend and our kids. Looking forward to the weekend. Basketball games for my kids but that is the only thing on the calendar.

    I did begin decorating but need to put the tree up. I like to wait a bit to, Janice, but then I feel like it is a lot of work so might as well enjoy a little longer. I'll probably put it up this weekend.

    You are right, Connie. I do it to, self medicating with eating and what I like best is to veg out with a bag of something and mindlessly eat. I try to recognize and stop it before ever sitting down with that bag but it is a STRUGGLE!

    Stay strong friends!
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I hate to even tell you things sometimes because its so crazy about my life with my sister, its so unbelievable. Today, apparently she couldn't breath and asked again to go to the hospital, I went up there and she sounds congested and they are giving her antibotics again, and is running a low grade fever. She looks terrible, and where her hip has been broke and they have had her in a diaper she is badly raw.I seriously don't know how much more she can take. My older sister was there when I got there, she lives close to both the hospital and nursing home. She has really been there alot more than me. My niece came later tonight and they got her settled into a room, after I left. I hate seeing her go thru all of this, but the other choice is bad, too. Thanks for letting me vent, what a year this has been. Ready for a new year.Janice

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi guys. Opening night went well. One more day to go!!!!!!!! I am in so much pain right now. I made Swedish meatballs for my daughters dressing room and baked over 400 cookies for the ballet. And then I helped move a few tables pipes and outdoor heaters today for another group that Shaundra is involved with. I am having a nice smooth drink right now just to relax the muscles so I can sleep. It is made from apples. Does that count as a serving of fruit? I wish. And MFP should include running around like a chicken with your head cut off as exercise…...............

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Here is a pic of Shaundra as a rosette in waltz of the flowers. A professional photographer takes pics during dress rehearsal. He caught this one. I cropped the pic to show just her. hi8ljtyqt8mm.jpeg
    And here is Iris. She is the little blue clown. w5ae22jmi8eq.jpeg
