The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    I am doing better today. We are going to start reducing the daily intake of opioids, starting today.

    My friend Kathy dropped off soup from her church last night. They do a once a year fundraiser where the guys make two kinds of soup, and sell with Hawaiian Rolls. Money goes to one of their charities. She doesn't cook much and is so busy, so she brought us both kinds of soup, the rolls and cherry tarts from a local bakery. Tonight's dinner.

    I did my exercises and machine this morning then stayed in the guest room to watch Food Network shows for a bit. I'm beginning to be able to handle TV. Have you seen any good movies on Netflix, etc. you would recommend to me for my entertainment? I don't like horror but love drama, rom coms, suspense...

    Beautiful sunny day outside! Russ went out to the pole barn for awhile. He attends to me and then leaves the room. I can tell he is tired and wishing this rehab wasn't happening.

    I hope you are having a nice weekend.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    I haven’t seen any movies recently. I enjoyed that first season of Only Murders in the Building and hope to see more of it. Will Trent and So Help Me Todd are current shows I’m enjoying a lot
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions.

    PT was hard today and I'm exhausted. I want to nap but also feel I need to keep doing exercises.

    I just had lunch and will snooze a bit then get up and walk around.

    Another beautiful day outside. Winter never happened...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    I am so glad you are starting to feel better!! You got this.

    Keep up the great work.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    I feel like I am in a mental slump. I'm always impatient in recovery but am finding the rehab part more difficult than last time in these first two weeks. The weather outside has been beautiful, warm and sunny and I feel like I should be out there walking but am moving very slowly with a walker at this point. The PT assistant I saw Monday and will see tomorrow is a no nonsense, stern woman. She focus' more on what I am not doing rather than what I am doing. I don't like that approach if she is using what I can't do yet as a motivator. I'd rather hear the progress I am making and what to do to move forward. She gives me assignments/exercises for home and I do what I can.

    Tomorrow the weather is suppose to change drastically. Temps dropping, winds up to 30mph gusts, snow and travel advisories. I have PT at noon and see the ortho doc at 1pm. I hope he takes off my bandage.

    I've been watching some TV while I do the bending machine. It just doesn't feel good this time. It causes cramping in my leg and can feel so miserable. I know I am suppose to "power through" the pain but it is hard. I haven't been on it as often or as long as I was two years ago so far. I hope the third week (next week) brings change and turning a corner for me. I hope I didn't make a bad decision getting this knee replaced.

    I hope your week got off to a good start.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    I’m sorry recovery isn’t off to a strong start yet. I feel like you are just about to turn a big corner for the better. I just know it! The stern lady will be behind you and you are making progress. Slower is ok. Not fun, but ok.

    The weather is crazy here too. Yesterday it was almost 80 degrees! And it plummeted today to 30 and we got a snow burst. Hopefully nothing sticks. I’m over driving on ice and snow.

    Deep breaths and good vibes
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    Today was in the teens and very cold and blustery. Visibility on the roads to PT and orthopedic doctor weren't good. Long day having back to back appointments. PT was first and very hard! Lots of walking in the clinic to get from PT to doctor's area, xray, etc. Lots of sitting in waiting areas and that was uncomfortable with my swollen knee and difficulty bending it to certain angles. I was wiped out afterwards. We got home and I went straight to my chair, a pill and a nap. The doctor took off my bandage and re applied steri strips for another week or two. I was told all looked good and I am doing well. I hope I turn the corner with pain in the next week.

    Weird winter for us all...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Leap day!

    I'm sorry yesterday was such a literal pain. But - yay! - he said you are doing well. Take that stern lady.

    Things are such a mess - so much chaos at work. Period end is Saturday and this is our first one without Michele. It's showing. Yikes.

    Tonight I go to practice with the small group I agreed to sing with for Maundy Thursday. Hopefully it goes well and I don't feel the anxiety of 'how's everyone doing' questions too much.

    Have a good rest and ease back into it.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Oh I missed the KBC finale didn’t I? Who won?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    We haven't watched the KBC last few episodes yet. I can't sit in the den with the furniture in there so we are waiting to catch up on shows later on.

    I just got done zooming with retirees. Nice to catch up.

    I've done some living room laps and stretches earlier but need to do again to gain strength and mobility. 40 degrees and sunny today and will be warmer the next two weeks. The winter that never happened...

    We booked a duplex in St. Augustine for the first two weeks of May. Something to look forward to. We will drive down and back stopping along the way.

    Have fun singing! I hope all goes well with work.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Well today was kind of stressful, but hey it’s done.


    Keep after that recuperation!!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    Bored but working on mobility.

    Enjoy your weekend.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Keep at it!

    Watching some basketball.

    ***whispers*** Zach has a phone interview on Monday with NPPD. That’ll just be a gatekeeper who will decide if he’s worth a real one, please please please please go well. It’s been so long. He’s excited and studying. He’s put in for five or six or more there but the one that called on is User Experience Development which he is really excited about. Please please please

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    Good news for Z. I hope it goes well and he gets past the gate keeper. What kind of company is NPPD?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Nebraska Public Power District

    High quality employer
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    Fingers crossed for good luck for Z today.

    Any news on your work front, changes in duties, position, supervisor? I am so glad I don't have to deal with the stress of work anymore. I feel your pain.

    Yesterday was miserable for my bowels. I made the decision to use only Tylenol and Ibuprofen and get rid of the Opioid at night and for PT. It will be more uncomfortable on my knee but I can't deal with the inability to use the bathroom without results and lots of pain. I hope this has been my last surgery.

    I have PT later this morning. I dread it but do see progress afterwards when the pain calms down. It is an ordeal that has to happen to get back my mobility without issues.

    Sunny this morning but rain coming our way. We need the moisture badly.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    I hope you are feeling better without the opioid. I think part of the issue is just age. I know I struggle with the bowels on a normal day. I started doing Metamucil and that seemed to help for a while, but sometimes I still have to do a few tabs of senna to get things to move. Still also desperately waiting for hot flashes to ease up. They make everything miserable.

    Zach was super prepped but got pushed back to next Monday. Dang. It’s ok to be able to study more, but it would have been nice to get it going.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    We had a “quick check in “ today with our interim manager. (Remember he’s also retiring soon). They are still making decisions about us, but he told us to write up what we do every day (because they asked Michele for an overview but it was too “high level “ ). Because they don’t know what we do, and this way nothing will get missed. Already wrong. It doesn’t matter what we do, because Michele did other stuff like figuring out with the laser down we would run out of tank bottoms and then shortly after that be unable to make tanks. We are about 8000 tanks short from where we should be for spring build and nobody caught it until today when Kevin came in (he’s semi retired and still helps here and there). Last week all Al worried about was fixing the laser not about what should have been going through it. They still don’t see. But whatever. I sat in a meeting Friday listening to the IT VP call my job essentially stupid and that they won’t keep doing it that way. And today Al told the team that everyone would get pulled up into the business unit they mainly support. Except me (I served central) but they’ll review my work and make a determination. Cool. Pretty sure I got told I’m obsolete.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    So sorry Z has to wait another week. Do you think you will be offered another position or be let go? If they don't know what they are doing the company may not last.

    How is Michele doing with her new job? Do you two talk?

    My sister Lynn was just here visiting for a bit. She left and Russ and I practiced with my cane for a few rounds. My leg wobbles and hurts on the cane. I hope it gets stronger quickly.

    Beautiful weather outside and I'm missing all of it. Who would have known winter wouldn't happen?

    What is new with you this week besides your crazy work pandemonium?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Keep up the work! Did the bending machine get any better? Keep swimming!

    Nothing much new - ran to derm pa yesterday got some spots frozen - they'll feel irritated for a few days, but still much easier than cutting or scraping.

    Construction has begun again and we are back to horrible traffic situations and all the anxiety and stress that brings on top of just the normal driving issues. **SCREAMING INSIDE**

    I don't feel great about work, but unless I can find something else, I just have to keep trying. Keep swimming, keep swimming.