The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Still no word for Zach. On anything - he sent a follow up email - nada. Not looking great. Sigh.

    So much meh.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    Sorry Z is not getting a response. How discouraging and stressful. Is he willing to go further away from home?

    PT went well today. He had me walk up and down a full flight of stairs using the hand rails. It felt good and scary. I took a good nap this afternoon and then woke up to do exercises and stretches. 5 weeks post surgery. Hope I am feeling so much better in a couple of weeks. I still haven't been able to pedal all the way around on the stationery bike at PT. I hope I can manage it soon. The swelling makes it difficult to push through the range of motion.

    I went into Walgreens today with my cane and bought Easter and birthday cards for the grand kids. That was my first outing besides PT. Maybe I will try driving next week or this weekend. It may be time to do some mall walking by next week.

    Any word on Easter with your family? We aren't doing anything here. Russ will cook a small ham with sides for the two of us.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    Doing better physically. Less pain. I've tried to sleep in our bed and have been successful only twice. My leg aches at night and the position of the recliner seems to make it less achy.

    Snow on the ground and more possibly coming. Ugh!

    Rory turns 29 next week! The time flew by.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    It’s so good to hear that you are starting to feel healed. Hopefully soon to include sleeping in your bed more.

    I can’t get any of the pounds I put on over Christmas back off and am still going up. Getting so anxious and mad about it. I was feeling better about my weight and just a few careless snacks days and I’m out of control. Ugh. I actually filled out one of those online places to see about getting a glp 1 and made it come out but haven’t gone any farther. I saw a commercial that said it cuts out the food noises and that spoke to me. I think about, worry about food all the time. But I know I need to do it just with hunger and willpower but I don’t know if I can

    Happy Rory day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    What is glp 1?

    Unfortunately, peri menopause/menopause is a time when women tend to gain for no reason. Not all women but it seems to be common.

    Lazy day here. I'm reading, icing my knee, watching tv. PT tomorrow and I may be able to arrive without use of my cane. My goal is to drive the car this week at some point so I can feel confident going where I need to go.

    Tomorrow is suppose to warm up. It would be great if we were done with snow but that would be asking too much. Hopeful though!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    the glp-1 are one of those injectable medications (really for diabetes) but has become an off-label thing for weight loss. I believe they make the stomach empty slower. Pretty much every other commercial seems to be for one company or another (like
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    I take Ozempic for Type 2, one injection a week. Low dose so weight loss hasn't been attributed to my use. My doctor said you have to take a pretty generous dose for weight loss, combined with consistent exercise. I couldn't tolerate a higher dose due to the intestinal irritability, diarrhea, etc. side effects. I've also read it can cause vision issues but don't know what is true. What makes me mad is that doctors are prescribing it for weight loss but it can be difficult for those of us that use it for blood sugar control to get it at times (shortage).

    What do you think of all the ads for the Keto Gummies that are being advertised? Kelly Clarkson is really pushing them and has melted to a thin person. I wonder what the side effects are? I can remember many years ago, going on the Atkins Diet. The first 3-5 days was an eating plan that put your body into a state of Ketosis and burned fat quickly. However, at the time it was considered dangerous to be in that state for too long due to stress on organs, I think. Maybe research has changed that? Do you know much about it? From what I see, a person loses very quickly and I wonder what happens after that. Doesn't that stress the body and its systems?

    PT today. I'm making progress. I didn't hurt as much on the weekend and PT seemed easier and less painful today. My new heating pad has been nice to reduce the ache in my leg when I've been up and about.

    Whatever you choose to do, research the side effects thoroughly.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    I drove the car today and went to visit my sister. Yay! I will drive to my appts by myself going forward.

    Rainy weather here.

    Pizza night!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Great job on continuing to work hard and make progress!

    I am going to make a concerted effort to lower my portions this week. I also roasted a huge head of cabbage. So far I feel more bloated but probably because I haven’t eaten much for veggies in a while.

    My poor Zach has a full on almost bare area on the b back -top of his head. He is only 23! Stupid hair loss. I can tell he notices since he always wearing a hat these days. I know it’s “just “ hair but dang
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    Can a hat help the hair loss along? I wonder...

    Cabbage is a great colon cleaner but it gives me cramps. I like the WW's 0pt soup with the cabbage and all the veggies in it.

    I have an appt with the physician's assistant at the ortho clinic today. My ortho doc is sick and I would have had to postpone my appt until next week. I'm really hoping I get the go ahead to go back to the pool.

    Windy and snow flurries today. Yuk!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    I hope you appointment goes great and you can get your swim on.

    We had snow here too this week!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Are you looking at those gummies that have ACV? I think there’s some anecdotal evidence that acv is beneficial and seems like an easier way to get it than drinking acv. I remember when keto was such a big thing, but I never attempted. I have never thought I could go long enough without carbs to get there.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    I had some ACV gummies but they didn't do anything that I could see. I threw them away.

    I have to wait two weeks to swim due to a couple of small openings in my suture caused by internal stitches that are pushing their way out. I will go work out in the gym area next week.

    Rory turned 29 today! Wowzer!! Time flies...

    No snow here. I'm hoping to walk outside tomorrow on our long driveway. I need to practice bending, squats, marching, and walking without a limp. I want to ditch the cane by Monday.

    Hope your week is going well.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    Cold and brisk but sun is shining. I walked our driveway loop twice (pretty big) with my cane. I went to see what Russ was doing in the pole barn and he showed me the bird houses and benches he built this winter. He should get a booth at a farmer's market and try to sell them. I have a feeling our property will be full of feeders and bird houses and more than one bench.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    You can have quite the birds paradise!

    Good job walking. Keep at it.

    Did a grocery run this morning. We will be going to eat at my folks Sunday. Mom said she wants me to bring asparagus. 😬. I guess I’ll have Bernie grill it. It’s not the type of vegetable that I think carries well, but whatever.

    My dad got all excited about some facebook post that a cousin of mine was tagged in and he insisted I reach out to him because he wants a bunch of it. I don’t even know what stuff he wants, not that he needs anything but I messaged him and ended up talking to him. It’s not his stuff but a friend of his had tagged him. So. Trying to middle man getting my folks more crap.

    He’s being so agitated about it. Ugh. I hate being involved in this stuff with him because of the way he acts. Bleh

    Watching some basketball. Creighton struggling with Tennessee. Will the Jays move on?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    Happy Easter for tomorrow! I hope you have a nice family dinner.

    We portaled with the AK and FL grand kids today. So fun to see how they change. Halen wanted to call us and thank us for the Easter card. We wanted to wish Miles happy 3rd birthday for Monday.

    I walked around the circle in the driveway 3 times today, did two sets of squats and tried to bend my knee beyond what it does naturally. I'm so frustrated with the pain and swelling. It got progressively sore and was throbbing. I'm icing before bed but feel like I will never be normal or riding a bike again. Pity party!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    It will get better! Good vibes

    Can’t believe Miles is three already.

    Happy Easter
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    My niece pulled me aside today to let me know that she had been seeing some different doctors due to what had started with some odd vision changes. She had a brain MRI They found a mass on her pineal gland. They don’t think it’s fully benign since at least some of it appeared to be solid. She has an appointment with a neurosurgeon on Thursday at Nebraska Medicine. Please pray for her. She is possibly facing chemo, radiation and surgery. She hopes to get more definitive answers Thursday. But wow. This is a lot.

    And Michele still won’t talk to me. I’m sure she’s a wreck and please pray for her too. I tried to talk to her but she didn’t want to.

    I’m scared and heartbroken for them all.

    Please pray for her healing
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    I will pray for your niece and sister. Your niece is so young. I hope there is treatment and she will be ok. Your sister must be so worried.

    Were Z and C home for Easter?

    Russ and I had a quiet day. I walked the driveway, did my squats and high knee walk, then iced a couple of times afterwards. I'm so frustrated with the up and down days.

    Tomorrow I have PT in the morning and then am going to try volunteering at Power Book Bags in the afternoon. It's time to get back to my life. This pain and swelling could be my permanent state for awhile so I have to deal with it and move on.

    I hope all went well with your parents.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    I will say prayers for your niece and sister. She is still in her 20's isn't she? Wow, how scary for all of you. Has she known for awhile and that is part of your sister's withdrawal? She must be so worried too.

    Has your sister said anything about her new job? I wonder since she put more than 100% into her past job if she is struggling with feelings of failure and doesn't know how to deal with it?

    We had a quiet day. I did my walking, squats, and high knee marching in the driveway. I iced a couple of times as the day progressed.

    Tomorrow is PT and I am going to try to volunteer in the afternoon at the literacy program. I feel like I need to get back to my life no matter how my knee recovery progresses, if it does.