The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    The knee machine was suppose to be picked up today but no one has called or come by to get it. It has gotten a little better and I made some progress on it but I won't be paying for another week. I've been practicing with a cane as I go about the house. It will take a bit to get stronger, have better balance, and not hurt so much. The cane requires putting more weight on my replaced knee so more soreness. I did take an opioid last night to help me sleep without the ache. I slept through the night more or less and didn't need any more pills for pain. I take Tylenol and Ibuprofen through out the day if needed. My sister came over today to "walk" with me around the house instructing me on cane use. It made her feel helpful and she visited for awhile. I really didn't need any instruction but it did get me up on my feet walking so that is good. I need to do it again in a bit.

    Road construction season is beginning here too since weather is so mild and springlike. It will be a bear to go to Traverse City and try to get around but at least I don't have much to do there. PT is on our side of town so we don't need to drive through the mess.

    My hair is a mess. I wash it in the shower but haven't blow dried it in weeks. It looks like straw and tangles. At some point when I am going out and driving myself somewhere, I will take some time to do something with my looks. I look like a hag for now but can deal with it.

    Tomorrow is PT again. Dread!!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Oh boy. I hope you have moved on from the “stern” lady

    You got this
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    The stern lady has mellowed and is more positive with me now. She works me hard but she has good intentions. I see her once a week and another one once per week. Both are torturists!

    I came home from PT and took Advil and laid on the guest room bed and watched TV all afternoon. I had to take a weak opioid, Tramadol, to get comfortable after PT. It kind of works as a muscle relaxant and made all the difference in my ability to relax my leg. Around the house I am only walking with a cane and is getting easier and less painful. My goal by Monday is to walk into PT with my cane and not my walker.

    I am now eating at the dining room table with Russ for dinner and not in my recliner with my food on a tray. Still sleeping in the recliner but I think I will try the bed this weekend.

    Is Z still excited about the interview? How are you holding up?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    I’m so glad PT is going better! Keep it up. You are doing great!

    Zach has been very upbeat all week. I think he is still very excited for NPPD. Please please please. Let this go well.

    Tomorrow I have a one on one meeting with my interim manager. Not sure what it is about. So, tomorrow could be interesting

    I hope you feel well enough to get back in your bed! You are doing great!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    How did your meeting with your interim manager go? Changes?

    I haven't slept in the bed yet. Issues with sleeping flat and my leg extended. Not limber enough yet. I have had a couple more events where I've had difficulty getting oxygen. I need to contact my doctor to refer me for a sleep study. The weird thing is that the events can happen when I'm awake. I was researching side effects of anesthesia and it could be partially responsible at least for the times I'm awake and upright.

    I'm walking with a cane full time now and getting around the house doing more for myself. Yesterday I was able to make lunch for myself and get my own drink. I wish the swelling would go away completely because it is so uncomfortable.

    We got snow this weekend, ugh! It is still dark outside and after 7am. I'm not crazy about daylight savings time.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    I hate losing an hour.

    The meeting Friday was ok. The words he said should have been reassuring but with the actuality of still not having a plan for us when he retires in a few weeks, I’m just not reassured. It felt a lot like justifying my job. I was super stressed before and after. This weekend I just felt washed out.

    That’s not great about the breathing issues.

    Hopefully your swelling gets better soon.

    I feel like my eating has been on plan but it’s definitely not reflecting on the scale. Up, up and up. Sigh. I need to cut out the wheat thins I eat in the afternoons probably. Sigh
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    And I’m so anxious for Zach. Please let this go great.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    Did Z have his interview today? How did he feel it went? Your meeting sounds like it was a waste of your time. He didn't communicate to you where your job is going?

    PT this morning and I'm sore tonight. No nap because the Dave and Jeff called today to chat for my birthday. Then I portaled with AK grands and Rory called this evening. Then my sister called and we talked. Russ picked up a pizza at a local place and made me a pineapple upside down cake. It was a nice bday considering I'm rehabbing.

    Miles sang me Happy Birthday on a video that Karah sent me. So cute!

    I'm tired tonight so hope I sleep well. I stopped taking a pain pill (Norco) before bed. I did ok last night so don't feel I need them. Not sure if it was contributing to the breathing issue but don't want to chance it. I need to schedule a sleep study this summer.

    I hope things look up for you soon.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    That sounds like some sweet moments for your birthday. Aww Miles, good job!

    The interview was yesterday, Zach thought it went ok, and they say they’ll decide in a week who is moving on to the next round. He was really withdrawn last night, so I’m not so sure how it really went. We are all such a mess.

    Your dinner and dessert looked delicious!

    Here’s to another day closer to your rehab

    Keep it up!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    I would imagine that Z is discouraged with the job hunting process. Has he considered looking in Omaha or Lincoln? Do you hear from C at all?

    I had a nice birthday considering I'm rehabbing. The swelling on my knee is getting better but bending it can be so uncomfortable but necessary. I haven't slept the best the last two-three nights so I'm tired and lazy. I really need to kick my own butt and move about more often even when I'm struggling. Tomorrow is a new day.

    Russ gets two crowns tomorrow morning. This is one expensive year with my copays and his teeth. We will also owe on state and federal taxes this year. Ugh!

    I may try to sleep in the bed tonight. This recliner business is getting old and uncomfortable. I guess I can move between them if I need to.

    Are you having warm temps? Sunny days here and in the 50's today. Snow is all gone again.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Yeah, the weather is very mild this week. The wind is howling though, so that kind of takes away from the 'nice' temps.

    Keep working your rehab, it will get there.

    At least it's hump day
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    My knee feels more swollen today. I'm tired and don't feel too motivated. I walked a lot around the house with my cane today so I did exercise my leg. Tomorrow is PT so that will be a work out.

    Nothing new here. Weather is nice and sunny.

    I promise my spirits will be more positive soon.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    You don't have to fake it. Your surgery and rehab are a lot and are taking it's toll. You are progressing, but it's ok to feel bummed too.

    Bernie is pissing me off (shocker I know). I noticed last night his right eye seemed a bit droopy, I asked him if he was feeling ok. He said he had a bad headache in the morning but was mostly over it. I told him to take his blood pressure. It was 150/100. I told him it's time to stop d*cking around and get back to the doctor (he hasn't been since well before Covid) and to stop eating like crap (he had just eaten like 12 mozzarella sticks for dinner). He is such a child. I struggle with my b/p, but I know it's an issue and fight for my health (while I fight all my food issues and anxiety and etc). He just wants to pretend. He went on that health fitness freak out like what seven years ago when he cut like 80 pounds and was working out two or three hours a day and even more on the weekends. That also was stupid because it wasn't sustainable. He can't deal with any of my issues because it stresses him out, but I know he expects I will nurse him back to health if he strokes out.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    Is Bernie on blood pressure meds? He needs to get to the doctor. A droopy eye could indicate a TIA/small stroke or something else. Unfortunately, men don't like to go to the doctor and prefer to be in denial. I am lucky that Russ takes control of his health issues, has a primary doctor, and follows up on what he is suppose to do. Not the norm for a guy. One thing I've learned in my marriage is we have had to take turns caring for each other during health crisis/recovery. I guess that is why "sickness and in health" is in the vows? When Russ fell off our roof in 2011, he was using poor judgement and it wasn't necessary for him to be up there at that time of day. I remember being pretty mad at him for doing such a stupid thing.

    PT was a workout but not as horrible as usual. I have slept in our bed two nights in a row but am like a mummy on my back. Last night I was up reading at 4am. When I came home from PT today, I fed my sourdough starters, grabbed a bag of frozen peas and got in the recliner to ice and take a nap. I slept from 12:30 to 4:15! I'll probably be up all night again!

    We finally finished KBC and now are watching the adults Spring Baking Championship. The adults are usually pretty quirky and they usually only have a few really talented ones each season. This season almost all of them have amazing talent in baking. It's more fun to watch.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Bernie is ignoring me. Aside from maybe eating better the last couple of days, every time I ask about the doctor he ignores it. Whatever. Oh he did announce that his boss (who he really likes) just got promoted. Here we go again.

    Caleb ended up coming home unexpectedly. I hope I can have some time to have some talks with him.

    I made chili today. I also sliced up a head of cabbage and roasted it. It is delicious!

    Glad your PT wasn’t too bad. You are coming along. Hopefully more in bed sleeping too.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    I've gone back to the recliner. Maybe another week or so?

    Life is still slow. Exercises, TV, reading, PT...

    I hope you have some quality time with C and he is willing to chat. Has Z heard anything yet or will that be this week?

    Bernie sure doesn't like conflict or face to face discussions.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Yep. Bernie is more of an ostrich than anything else. I hate conflict and confrontation but even I know it has to happen occasionally. Remember when Zach almost failed his sophomore year in high school? I had to deal with that by myself. I have been repeatedly ruffling him about taking off to have a booze weekend with his loser family the weekend when I was waiting to get the results from the huge skin cancer they took off me (a couple of years ago) and he finally blurted out that because his work was stressful he couldn’t deal with anything else. He had to get away. I’m still processing that. And the knowledge I will repeatedly have to live through stressful situations alone or as the strong one because he is a ——-
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    Just like always, the cheese stands alone
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,726 Member
    The weekend was pretty nice with Caleb. I didn't find the opportunity to have a heart to heart with him alone, he spent quite a bit of time talking with Zach and I didn't want to interrupt that.

    Here's hoping (PRAYING) to hear about a second interview for Zach in the next few days. Or a first interview on any of the others he put in for. Let's go!

    Both Husker BB teams going 'dancing' for the first time many years. Could be fun to watch.

    There has been no word on Easter yet. I'm not starting the thread. I had Thanksgiving. So it's either Michele's turn or something else. I don't understand what's going with the zero communication. It continues to make me feel like I am in the wrong. But I also don't feel comfortable reaching out. She cut me out. My attempts to talk were ignored. I'm not trying to be a butt, BUT I think the ball is in her court. Oh, and I'm still waiting for a thank from my niece who had us doing an insane amount of work (and that was after the not really getting asked because she thought she had done it, so it was a text two days before the wedding) - so maybe she thinks she did the thank you? At some point I'm going to ruffle Michele's feathers and ask where my thank you is.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,273 Member
    It seems like people get caught up in their own stuff and don't maintain the relationships in their life. I'm glad C and Z had time together. Did C seem happy? Where is he working? I hope Z hears something soon.

    PT this morning so I've been icing and heating my leg since I got home. He went easy on me today because my knee was hurting and the muscles in back were so tight. We worked on loosening those up. I talked with a MN friend on the phone for quite awhile. We hadn't talked in over a year.

    Snow on the ground here and cold! I am so ready for spring weather.

    We picked up a few groceries on the way home. Our local small grocery store in Suttons Bay has good fried chicken in the deli. That was our mid day meal today.

    I hope the beginning of your week started off fine. We aren't doing anything for Easter that I know of. Last year my niece and her husband had us all for brunch. I imagine Russ and I will make a good dinner. Easter isn't a big holiday celebration for us.