The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    My personal goal would be to drop 15 pounds to start. No where near my ideal weight but it would make me happy. Slowly making changes by adding some mild exercise (not enough due to knees) such as riding bike, taking stairs at work more often now, squats, crunches and arm exercises along with eating more healthy again.

    I'm not going to reset weight on here and log pounds lost on MFP. Last time I tried that something was wrong with system and it wouldn't accurately record my loss. I'll do it in my head at home.

    You can do it Shirley! You have exercise already in place!

    Cold and snowy here too. I put my pj's on right when I got home from work and chiropractor. I'm getting a cold with lots of congestion. Sneezing and blowing my nose constantly.

    Too tired to write complete sentences. First day back at work was more activity than I've had in two weeks!

    Have a nice evening!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    I am so congested. I'm getting sick, blah!
    At work and have used the stairs twice today. Going down is harder than climbing up. It's easiest when I'm not carrying several bags of files, etc.
    I have increased my vegetables and fluid intake. Little successes...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    Great changes Jenny - keep it up!

    Go Shirley go!!

    We can do this!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny you are doing great and have a good start for 2016. Sorry you are getting sick that sucks. I know
    I hate being sick and not able to do things. Feel better soon.

    Marla - How are you doing with your goal today? Yes, we can do this we just have to be strong and
    not cave. I know easier said than done.

    I have been on this site for 5 years now and am back up to where I was. I couldn't believe it when I
    got on the scale. I usually weigh in everyday and let that slip over the holidays. Not good.

    So today I did 30 mins with Leslie Sasone Walking and back on track with eating and logging.

    I had an xray on "right foot" when my order from my doctor's office said "left foot". Was he listening
    to me? I think not! So I had to tell the technician they had the wrong foot on the order.
    I had surgery on the foot a few years ago to remove a bump that hurt and got so large I couldn't
    get my shoe on. Now the bump is returning, still small but never the less there. What a pain.
    I will see the doc in February and get results. Nothing to do now about it but watch it. I massage it
    everyday to try and make it smaller. I don't know if that works.

    Enough about my foot, have a good evening.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    The other girl I work with was back today. (I've been doing all the property for the last nearly two weeks), I was so happy to see her!!
    Work hasn't slowed down yet despite it being January. It looks like it might starting next week. That will give me a chance to work on all
    those things I've put on the back burner.

    I've been doing good at working out and eating healthy. I didn't workout tonight. I got home and was so cold from being out in in the -15C
    temperatures, that I didn't want to undress, put on thin workout clothes and be cold! It's supposed to be back up to seasonal temperatures
    tomorrow and then above seasonal for the rest of the week. Works for me! I so don't like the cold!

    I got my GST money I get every four months from the government today. I put it to good use and booked my next two races! I"m now registered for
    a 10K end of April and a 5K in May. The 10K will require travel and an overnight stay, so it will be my most expensive race!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    WTG Ang planning future exercise by signing up for 5 and 10K's.

    We are all remotivated to be healthy, nice!

    Shirley- did you have a neuroma? I have a tender spot on my left foot on top so wearing my walking shoes that tie is not comfortable. Last week I did something to my left foot just by walking.
    I felt a strong pain/twinge on top of my foot near the toes. Now I have nerve tingling if I walk barefoot. Feels better if I wear shoes. All these physical problems
    make it so difficult to be active. I went up and down the stairs at work today 3 times and used the elevator once when I had too many bags. I parked in the far parking lot and walked
    to and from the building. I also walked up and down the halls (very long) too many times to count to get things, deliver things, etc. My eating wasn't the best it could
    be today but I did include vegetables, protein, grains, and increased fluids.

    My sister had her masectomy. I'll relay more later as the week passes and my oldest sister tells me how Becky is doing.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    great goals with the races Ang

    Jenny - nicely done on the extra walking, stairs and better eating - keep it up! I hope your sister is doing well and gets good results from the tests. Prayers.

    Shirley - I feel discouraged yes - but I just trying - argued with the boys about attitudes and using your gifts (God-given gifts/talents etc) Caleb has been so whiny I am ready to pull my hair out - and his eating is getting worse - I feel like one of those "you're getting fat" moms - but it's because I was that kid! I know how painful it was. I am not using the words 'fat' but eating healthy and we can't always eat what we want etc., but I see it in his eyes that he thinks I am being mean. And then I cave. Bleh.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla - Sorry to hear your new year is being discouraged with the boys. I see your pictures on
    Facebook and you all look happy. You are one busy family with a lot of running around to do
    and quick meals I assume. I hope you can find a way to get Caleb to eat healthy but that is hard
    when you are not there all the time to see what he eats beside what you make for him.

    Jenny - You are doing great with your motivation for 2016 and we can only do what our body
    let's us do. I have had to give up weights because of my upper arms being sore all the time.
    I get my upper arm strength with yoga anyway.

    Ang- You are doing wonderful with your plans for running and kudos on not eating that cookie
    at work today!

    Today I did 75 mins of Yoga and doing my South Beach plan for 2 weeks.

    Here is a picture of Isaac shopping with his mom.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    Shirley- Isaac is growing way too fast! He's a little boy not a baby anymore. Fun! WTG on your South Beach and exercise. I hope you get your
    foot issue figured out. I need to find time to shop for some decent shoes to wear inside only and for work.

    Marla- Busy life and eating on the go. It is so hard to grocery shop and keep healthy foods fresh at home. Would Caleb be interested in joining you
    in your get fit and healthy goals? Present it as something you could do to spend time together and become healthier. Let him know by joining you he is supporting
    you in meeting your goals and you would like company to make it fun. Chat and plan what each week would look like for meals/snacks and exercise together (walks, DVD workout, etc.).
    Plan a reward you each get if you accomplish your weekly goal... Could be fun and nice time to connect too.

    Today I ate a healthy breakfast of Special K with 1 ounce of almonds and walnuts and unsweetened Almond milk. I topped my cereal with raspberries. I came home for lunch and had leftover pasta, cottage cheese and one piece of sour dough
    bread. I drank hot cocoa for a snack at work while doing paperwork. Dinner was that meal floating around facebook. Russ made balsamic chicken with green beans, mushrooms,
    grape tomatoes. I will eat the left over of that for lunch tomorrow. I parked in the far parking lot at the back so I could walk in and out. I did the stairs up and down one time at work and of course constantly at home with a 4
    level home. I need to find time to get on the bike but haven't been good this week with that yet. Tomorrow I will do so for sure!

    Well I finished paperwork tonight that needs to be sent out to a family on Friday. I accomplished some things on my list at work too. Feels good!

    Sleep tight!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    great choices yesterday - keep it up!!

    I also really like your suggestions for C - maybe that will help ease the way -

    Shirley - Isaac is hardly a baby anymore! Still a complete cutie though.

    last night I pan-cooked some steak and it didn't turn out the greatest (because you know pan-cooked steak) - but they ate and aside from some popcorn there wasn't a ton of snacking or whining. A blessed reprieve. Tonight will probably not be since I am doing some Schwan fish and chicken - for some reason C has had been off the chicken for awhile - but it's what is in the freezer and it's what I am serving tonight. I mean it.

    I have seen the chicken and printed it off and want to try it soon!

    rock on ladies!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    Still at work but leaving soon. All are gone but me I think. I have a heavy appointment day tomorrow and Monday morning so have to prepare now. I won't be in to the office tomorrow.
    The chicken was good Marla. I would recommend it. Tonight we are having Panera Wild Rice Soup. It is nice having a husband who will plan and cook meals. He knows he won't eat
    if he doesn't. I'm not the first one home and food is not on my mind.

    I parked closer today due to slush and ice. Lots of walking up and down the hall for errands and will get on the bike tonight. I rode a little last night while the dogs were outside.
    I figure while I wait to let them in I should ride. They have short attention spans to stay out in the cold so I stay by the door.

    TGIF!! What a fast week!

    More this weekend,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member

    fairly treacherous conditions here with snow - and ice underneath

    be careful all!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    Yay, the weekend. Snowing here all day but temps in 30's. Bitter cold arrives tonight. Russ and I went to happy hour at local tavern. I had my food splurge for this week. Relaxing now at home.

    Have a nice evening.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny - you are doing fantastic on your motivation and getting it done with exercise and eating.

    Marla - I agree with Jenny maybe add Caleb in your healthy routine and you can have time
    together and then you can motivate each other to keep going.

    Our weekend was calm and at home. Dave has been getting little projects done one by one.
    I did some cleaning upstairs, all decorations are down now and we are back to normal. We are
    still on South Beach Phase 1 for 2 weeks. Starting the second week on Monday and the scale
    is going down. We want to be able to get into our summer clothes for our trip in February.

    We went out for breakfast this morning and had some eggs, bacon, lettuce, tomato on a crossant.
    This restaurant is not traditional but the food is good and healthy. Their lunches and dinners as well.
    I had a meditation group session today at 3pm but I was the only that showed up. So we continued
    on but I did meet a new member who was actually from my town. I drove home in a wet snow storm and high winds on the highway. Glad to be home.

    I made some beef stew for 2 in the crockpot today and it was delicious with a 1/2 c. kale salad on the
    side. No exercise today its my rest day.

    Enjoy the evening Downton Abbey will be starting soon.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    Downton Abby is starting off with a bang. Much better than last season. I wonder if Mrs. Hughes will really get married? Lots of arguing.

    WTG Shirley and Dave with your eating. Very healthy!

    I didn't do so great this weekend with eating or exercise. Yesterday I had breakfast and then went shopping. After church Russ and I split fajitas (steak, chicken, shrimp). I had a diet coke, not a cocktail. Today we saw Star Wars for the 2nd time. I had some movie popcorn but it didn't taste so good so I dumped it out at the end. I had spaghetti primavera with salad and a bread stick for dinner. Lots of veggies but did have pasta. I packed up Christmas ornaments and decorations. Russ will take tree down tomorrow. My knees hurt bad so I didn't ride the bike today. I spent a small fortune on 3 pairs of shoes this weekend. I went to a good shoe store where they fit your feet and listen to your feet issues. I bought a pair with good arch support for around the house, house work, etc. (can be worn outside too), and two pairs for work (one black and one cute and colorful). Expensive brand (Alegria?) but seem very supportive, which I need with all my issues.

    I made fake snow (cornstarch and shaving cream) tonight. I'm hoping to use it with some kids with small cars, scoops, small bulldozer, snowman, etc. for home visits. Great way to elicit language and show parents activities they can do with their child and have fun while modeling new words.

    Very cold here! Below zero and I'm not sure what wind chill is but has to be in the negative teens or more.

    Have a great Monday!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    sub zero temps here - feeling blessed to have a warm home, car and clothes...

    Jenny - that sounds like a good thing with the shoes - if they help with your pain - they will be worth every penny! All of my Christmas is down except for the lights.

    Shirley - get kick off on getting back on your plan

    I mentioned last week that I was doing a Schwan fish one night and was anticipating drama. Caleb seemed to like it ok. Partly I think he was pretty darn hungry - he didn't eat until after ball practice - but it was quite tasty to me to and I really don't like fish. I ordered it again.

    Zach's group sang twice on Sunday and it rocked. Tied in perfectly with the readings and the sermon about Jesus' baptism (the song was Jordan Feliz The River) - those kids are so good. Last night was the Jr High vs Sr High youth dodge ball. At first Zach refused to go - but then 'his' girls (the ones from 1T412) talked him into it. He had a blast. They all dressed up and blacked their faces (with football paint) - and then Caleb was there on the Jr High side. Glad it went well. There is this weird dynamic in our home that when one boy is having a good time or happy about something the other one is almost automatically upset or in turmoil about something.

    Both boys brought home 1st semester grades. Caleb went up to "Principals" honor roll with a 95% average - Woot! and Zach received a "Principals" award in the mail which is a "B" average, no disciplinary issues, no tardies and less than 3 absences. Pretty proud momma.

    Walked a couple miles on the treadmill and then cleaned like a maniac Saturday - so fairly active for me compared to the last few months. Baby steps.

    Stay warm dear ones.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    Busy week. Knitting group tonight. The work days are flying by with all the things on my list to get done.

    Very cold here too. Below zero temps and even lower windchill. We've been lucky it didn't start until this past week. It's a gift to have a shorter winter.

    On my way out of work but wanted to say hi since I'm not taking computer home. I don't like writing on my tablet. It's difficult and auto correct causes too many word substitutions.

    WTG Marla with your activity level! Glad Caleb tried the fish. Woo Hoo on both boys' grades!!!!!

    I'll check in tomorrow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    slight warm up for a few days - but then back to double-crack below zero - sheesh -

    work sooks
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    having a bad day - meh

    stay warm friends
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    We had a great time with Isaac the last two days. He is making faces now, thinks he's funny, and
    is interacting more with us. So cute! We gave Kathy her birthday massage gift card and she was
    thrilled. It was for a hot stone massage but she can change it if she wants. It really snowed while
    we were there and Dave got out the snow blower and did the driveway. It's -3C today.

    I took chili and salad with us for dinner but Wednesday after leaving and going to the Toronto Boat
    Show eating was not as good. I am trying today to stay on track because tomorrow is weigh in day.
    I did 47 mins of Leslie Sasone HIIT today so hopefully I sweat some off. 

    We did buy one of the Powerball tickets but alas we did not win. Today was haircut day and
    found out my general doctor had a detached retina and was off work for 10 days and had surgery......
    Always get the latest news from the hairdresser.   ;)

    Have a good night. Going to watch tv and color in my book when commercials are on.
