The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    No snow here but cold and I guess we will get some. No snow even on the ground, unheard of for

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Still snowing but not as heavy. The plows cleared the roads so we did have school. It took me an hour to go to a home visit less than 15 minutes
    away. The roads were pure ice on Tuesday morning. The sidewalks are icy and it's hard to see the ice. I've almost fallen twice in the last two days.
    One more day of work and then a week and one more day off. I need it badly. This paperwork and schedule is stressing me out.

    Isaac is growing so fast! Library story time already? Fun!
    Marla, I hope your roads aren't too bad. How far do you drive to get to work? I hope ball was cancelled.

    Well I'm procrastinating on paper work I brought home so I must get it done. It never seems to end.k

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    good grief - more snow - mffffttttt

    hope you have a relaxing weekend Jenny! More ball (and beatings I'm afraid) for us - fight on Vikings.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Slept in later today then I wanted so I'm getting out later then I wanted to do all my running around. Lots of different places to go to today. It's going to be a long day
    to get it all in! I had a big brunch. Can't be breakfast when it's nearly 11 when you eat! (I said I was getting out later then I wanted!). I ended up changing my bed now instead
    of later and completely cleaned up the kitchen. At least when I get home I can just put away my purchases and start on my laundry! I will need to be careful when I head out. We
    had freezing rain out there last night. Thankfully it didn't start until when JOY Club was ending so we were still able to have it.

    The Running Room has last season's reflective jackets on for $70. I have a $50 gift card, so I only need to pay $20! They are holding a size small for me. I just hope I
    like the color! I won't be to picky though at that price.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I just hit the previous page button again!!! :s I will start again.

    Jenny- you will be needing your time off, anything planned?
    Marla - How is the snow situation, we did get some but its gone again.

    A good day so far this morning, we got up late and I just finished breakfast and finishing my coffee right now so I thought I would check in. I plan on getting on my bike this morning for exercise then shower.
    Dave is going to the arena to see if he will able to walk, but I think hockey will be going on.

    Tonight is dinner with our friend's and we will be discussing our trip to the Bahamas. We are having
    pork and beef ribs, fresh sweet potatoe fries, apple slaw and kale salad. They are bringing dessert.
    We are leaving in 2 weeks!!! It came so fast, I wanted to lose more weight but did get some off still
    working on it.

    Have a good day everyone!


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    I feel so much more relaxed knowing I don't go to work tomorrow. Russ and I checked out a new grocery store today. Not close to us but has veggies as beautiful as
    the farmer's market in summer time. We bought avocados, clementines, kona coffee, some potato salad from their deli, cheese, stuffed mushrooms, and some pepito/pumpkin seeds. They make
    a great dip when you put them in the food processor with salsa and blend. Yum!

    We went out for lunch at a bar that has great burgers and sandwiches. Now we are home and relaxing. I was going to paint a piece of furniture for my craft room but
    I need more white paint. I'll go get it tomorrow. Getting very windy and freezing drizzle expected soon. Tonight we are just snacking on shrimp, cheese and crackers and some
    stuffed mushrooms. Neither of us is in to the Super Bowl game. I'll watch my PBS shows, Downten Abby and Mercy Street.

    Great deal on your jacket Ang. Do you like the color?
    Marla our snow has already depleted and it's been very warm (30-40). Mild winter here!
    Shirley- Bahamas? Sounds wonderful. We are planning to go to Anchorage, AK in June so I don't think we will drive south this winter.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    so jealous of everyone's wonderful get away plans! I just can't seem to make it work it for all of to be able to be away for any length of time - mostly me - I am really a big ol' failure at giving the kids great travel memories/experiences - meh

    Caleb had ball on Saturday - the Immanuel JV tourney - after their two away game big time losses - I really didn't feel to upbeat about their chances - but they came through with two lovely wins - woot! Though I did get fussy with Caleb on the way home because I asked him aren't you happy? He shrugs - I didn't get to play much in the 2nd game... I shake my head - you played a ton in the 1st game and you did play in the 2nd game - you are still part of the team - part of the win (and losses if you lose) - if you can't be excited to be part of the team and the work that goes towards winning then you need to stop playing team sports and find an individual sport. Grrrrrr -

    I'll try to update more later - have a snug day!

    the wind is awful today - the snow receded some thankfully - but it's still a mess
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Our dinner went well and all was enjoyed by our friends.
    Sunday was going out for breakfast and trying a new place which we liked. The rest of the day rest and relax.

    I watched Downton and Mercy Street love them both. I will sad to see Downton gone after this season.

    Shirley --

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Chiropractor this morning and then a walk around the arena with Dave. I bought a pair of compression socks to wear on the plane when we go on vacation, my chiropractor is selling them. Making sauerkraut, carrots and sausage in the crockpot for dinner.

    Weather here is getting very cold, but no snow. It's supposed to be around 2 F by the weekend and I am sure there will be some snow. I have choir practice tonight and driving will be good, yippee!

    The lastest book I am reading now, The Glass Castle. It's about a very disfunctional family and the author writing it was one of the children in the family. An interesting read.

    Enjoy your day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    I bought a pair of compression socks that look like funky tube socks and I actually really like them!

    it is very cold here too - at least the wind died down

    I put the treadmill on a 7 incline last night - I am feeling it today!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Shirley- I've read The Glass Castle and her other book "? Horses"...The author is a journalist/was a news anchor for MSNBC in the states. Her books are based on her family.
    Resilient kids in her family...

    Marla- Maybe Caleb just likes to be part of the team and be with his friends and doesn't have a competitive spirit? Or just tired with all that he has going on. Those school
    years are so busy for all.

    Enjoying my week off. I finished painting a shelf unit for my hobby room. One piece left to paint. I'm getting organized!

    David and Chantrelle are home for a short while. They are up in Duluth this week taking a class to become certified as boat captains. David was offered a job in AK beginning
    beginning March on the boat he originally worked on. The owner wants him to be the captain in June and possibly August/September. He had filled out his captain's
    application before they left for Australia and now need to take the class and take the test.

    Jeff and Iva leave for the British Virgin Islands on Friday, lucky!!!!!!!!!! They are meeting her parents and siblings there. Her parents have rented a place so they
    just have to get there and have a place to stay. Jealous!

    Well we aren't going any place warm either right now. I think we are going to save our money for AK in June.

    Have a nice evening.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    sounds like things are going well for your boys Jenny - that is awesome - and has to make you feel good too - sound like great young men! and you have the week off! Jelly!!

    Shirley - are you already off on vacay - you go to some truly amazing places!

    had Caleb's p-t conferences Tuesday and go for Zach tonight - Caleb's were really good - and things look good from what I can see for Zach - hopefully no surprises - they both the ability for greatness - just pray to be able to help them harness it!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla - Your boys can't lose on the greatness scale with a mom like you. You are attentive to all their
    needs and I am sure they will become great young men.

    Jenny- Enjoy your week off, I see all the beaches on FB you would like to be at. Your trip this summer
    will be fantastic. Alaska has so much wild life to see. You will love it.

    I am not off on vacation yet, we are leaving on the 22nd for Toronto to stay overnight because our
    plane leaves so early the next morning. I will start packing next week, I am anal like that. Dave will pack
    the day before , MEN!

    This morning I had blood work done and an EKG, I will get my results next week at the doctor's. Not to
    worry just a routine check. I am still battling the weight, the latest is not eating between meals and I
    think my hormones have a lot to do with it too. I lost my Christmas weight but now have stalled again.
    I have been walking with Dave at the arena on the days I don't do Yoga. I am still riding my bike on days
    that I don't do either exercise. It's getting very frustrating. I was hoping to do Yoga in the Bahamas
    but the teacher won't be there until March and we leave in a week. There is an aerobics class so I will
    see if I can handle it. Some classes are really hard so we shall see. We will be walking on the beach
    everyday and there is 7 miles of beach.

    Tomorrow I will be going for a meditation meeting. My teacher would like me to come at least once a month until I have been doing it for a year. It is still going great and its a wonderful stress reliever.
    I don't have as much as you all but everyone gets a little anxiety once in while and this has really done
    the trick for that.

    Have a good day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    awwwww - thanks Shirley - most days I don't feel like I am doing them the job they deserve - this mom gig is hard! Mommas unite!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Shirley- Russ packs the night before, doesn't make a list, and always forgets something. He is not an organized person. I use to make a list for him but he didn't follow it anyway. Drives me crazy! You are doing great with your exercise! I'm not consistent at all.

    Marla- You're right! Being a mom is hard. None of us are perfect but we do the best we can. You're doing great!

    Planning this trip to AK is not easy. We are only going for a week, not the big bucket list trip yet. Trying to coordinate days, lodging, etc. with my sister and brother in MI. The better, normal, hotels in Anchorage are over 200.00 per night. The cheap hotels are still over 100.00 and not places I like to stay (uncomfortable beds, not clean to my standards...). I love using VRBO (Vacation Rental By Owner) so I've been searching for Anchorage and Girdwood, AK. The wedding reception is 1.5 hours from Anchorage outdoors (I think). We are looking to spend two nights closer to Girdwood and the rest of the vacay in Anchorage. Day excursions from Anchorage will be planned. I've managed to find several places in Girdwood for 5-6 people and two places in Anchorage that are suitable. It's definitely more economical to go through VRBO and spend less than 100.00 per night each by splitting a place 5 ways. We would have a kitchen, washer/dryer, living room, etc. to be more comfortable. We just need to confirm the dates and then I can contact the owners of the places to see about renting.

    We booked Rory's flight to Ecuador yesterday. We convinced him to go a couple of days ahead of time so he won't have to worry about flight delays, missing his transport to Pedernales to meet up with person from the reserve that will drive him there. Kind of scary knowing my son will be in a foreign country alone figuring it all out but I have to remember I did it to and it was empowering. Different view from being the parent...

    Well waiting for David and Chantrelle to get home from Duluth. We are going to a Korean restaurant tonight for David's birthday. Jeff and Iva leave for British Virgin Islands in the morning so we are squeezing it in. It's their only chance to see David while he is here.

    Well signing off. Have a wonderful evening!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Happy Friday!

    I had a TM meeting this morning and on the way home hit a blizzard on the highway. Scary! Home now
    and not going anywhere.

    The blizzard followed me home and couldn't see the house across the street. Dave has snowblown
    the driveway twice already and is going for number 3. We went to the arena for our walk today after
    I got home.

    Tomorrow going to a lunch and theater with a friend from Yoga class. She is also starting TM with my
    teacher. I gave her a gift certificate which gave her $150 off the cost around Christmas time.

    Have a good evening.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    My week off is coming to an end. At least it's a 3 day weekend!

    I took the dogs for their baths and brushing today. Charlie seems a little grouchy and irritable. Must not like to be clean.

    Very cold out today. I read, colored in my coloring books, visited with Chantrelle and David, and now I'm under a blanket because my feet are cold. The house feels cold today too. I'm picking David and Chantrelle's brains about AK and water excursions to go on a boat to see scenery and glaciers from the water view.

    TGIF ladies!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny - Your trip sounds like fun, reminds of our Alaskan cruise and the sights we saw while in port.
    You should have a great time.

    Packing a little today getting toiletries ready and such. I will start packing next week with clothes.

    Here is a picture of Isaac that Kathy texted us. Our Valentine to grandpa and grandma.

