The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Jenny - party sounds fun - if you have a website with your info so get credit for your awesome I would love to look through it -

    Ang - sorry to hear about your frustration with J - it doesn't matter if you are married or single - relationships are hard - good luck

    Shirley - all your yoga stuff sounds great! I did a pretty good cooking last week - this week will be yuck with two nights of away games and other commitments - hello eating on the run

    I am still unbelievably stressed and until last weeks payroll goes through and people get their stubs on Wed/Thurs will I know how much I missed and all that - my kids understand I am very upset about work and have been understanding about - Bernie just wants me to get over it - I want him to go pound sand - only he is allowed to be stressed - because when I am having a hard time dealing then who is going to do all the work?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    and IT changed my desktop at work Friday after I left and I HATE IT!!! Just because 'everyone' else loves having two monitors I never indicated I wanted two - and they put the extra in and I hate it. now my main screens are all on the left and it's at an awkward distance and I am already getting a tension headache - gah
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I will read your posts later but here is what the weekend brought.

    Kristina and John arrived late on Saturday so dinner was late. I was a regular Susie Homemaker and
    made baked fish with panko and parmesan with spices, homemade broccoli mac and cheese and salad. I also made some raspberry muffins for breakfast which I got on Pinterest, low sugar, high protein with yogurt 180 calories for one.

    We had a full day at the TM retreat on Sunday with 7 of us attending. Two TM instructors and one was a yoga instructor for 40 years. My daughter who is also an instructor ended up doing the demonstrations
    on the yoga poses. We had 3 meditation sessions and a lovely lunch made by a cook which lives
    in the house where we had the retreat. A long day but very nice and got to meet a lady who was a
    bus mechanic and another lady who was a nurse. Too tired this morning to get up and go to Yoga
    class so I slept in and Dave and I went to the arena for a 30 min walk around the arena.

    Today has been laundry and catching up. Enjoy the evening.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Marla- when it gets closer to the party I'll give you the website. Thanks! No pressure to buy, only if you truly like something. Technology "improvements" at work don't always work in our favor. Things are always changing :/

    Shirley- I'm glad you enjoyed your TM retreat. You should be proud how well you are taking care of your physical and emotional health.

    Ang- Follow your instincts with Joseph. Our instincts are always right. I'm sorry if things don't work out but I know you will find the relationship that is right for you.

    I'm still trying to get out from under the paperwork. Maybe that isn't meant to be with this job. One can always hope, can't they?

    Putting the files away and relaxing until bedtime.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    hard loss for the jv boys last night - they just were not working as a team last night - hope they shake it off and get back to the way I have seen them play - they play another tough (away) game on Thursday - being in an unfamiliar court and unsettled is a double whammy for sure - go Vikings!

    I have made enough positive changes that I am having a slight easing in the tightness of my pants - which is great! But also leads my desires to give in and stop - I hate the struggle and without the painful pants waist to drive me on it is so easy to give in -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Well I am finding that walking around the arena I am back to making my 10,000 steps a day. Yoga is
    fun and enjoyable but I don't make the steps I used to. So walking is still the best exercise.

    Tomorrow I hope to get a walk in and then lunch with a friend.

    Enjoy your day!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Working every evening at home on paperwork. I'm rebelling tonight. Enough! I'm so sick of education plans and documentation.

    WTG Marla on seeing progress with your pants. My eating isn't great this week. Russ has bronchitis and has been sick. He isn't eating. Ordered a pizza last night and ate leftovers tonight.

    WTG on walking Shirley! I miss the indoor track at our YMCA. The monthly rate to be a member was over $100 for family and about $60 for individual. They had good yoga classes too. My track rate getting to a health club isn't good anyway.

    40 degrees outside today, wow!

    Sleep well,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    ball tonight - on a stupid carpeted court - yuck - they are all going to be covered rug burn - I don't understand why even allow games there - grrr
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    edited January 2016
    fun times at ball (not) - they had three huge 8th graders on their "JV" team - then we played a '5th' quarter for their younger ones - smeh - so for the record - they have plenty of kids for two teams - but whatever - it's not the end of the world - just annoying

    Went to chapel at school this morning to see Caleb get announced as one of the local place winner of the 2015 Patriot Pen essay contest - and that they will be advancing to district judging. WTG C.

    I officially freaked out on my family last night. As we are driving home from ball - at about 6:15 p.m. - almost home... Caleb asks if we are going to town to get food - I say no I have dinner in the crock pot - as we get inside he asks what it is and I say pork roast - he whines, pouts and moans that he doesn't want pork again. The camels back broke - I yell - that's it I'm done! You all can cook your own food from now on - I quit - stomp away and slam my bedroom door. Mature I know - I am just done.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Marla- you are so funny! We all have those immature moments that are outbursts due to our stress and frustration. Any rug burns?

    TGIF! I am taking files home of course but I'm glad not to have to be at work tomorrow.

    Have a nice night!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Lunch with my friend Donna was fun, I grew up with her since I was 7 and she was 9. Since we have
    both retired we see each other at least once a month and email everyday. So nice to get back to seeing her again. She is in the purging mood since she retired, but OMG you should see her basement.
    She needs help down there, she is having problems parting with things. I told her I would help her.

    Today was yoga class and we had Barb, she worked us today to the point I was sweating. The girl
    next to me who is much younger than me, said Boy, that was a work out. She is way more flexible than
    me so if she thought it was hard. :p

    Well the evil scale was good to me today and I lost one pound. I have lost 6 pounds since Christmas.
    So I am back to that weight again. Now to keep going until vacation.

    I will be going to a class tomorrow too, and Dave walked at the arena by himself this morning. Woo Hoo!!

    Have a good evening,

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    On Monday night I ran!! First run in 3.5 months! It felt good. It took me awhile to get up to speed and I couldn't stay at it as it's been so long, but it felt so good! I haven't been back since. Tuesday and Wednesday were to busy. Thursday was open gym night and free pizza. I wasn't going! Friday was to stormy. I got home and didn't want to go back out in it! Today shoveling was enough! The people I rent from were away. I shoveled their driveway. The end of the driveway from the street plow was rock hard and heavy. It took over an hour to do their driveway. (It's not long but wide) I am so feeling it right now. My arms are aching, my back hurts, my feet hurt and so do my hands. I think that was enough of a workout for today so I didn't go back to the gym. I'll be back on Monday.

    I ended it with Joseph on Thursday. I just had no peace about it at all and felt like it wasn't meant to be. He resisted. Said it could take months or years. No it shouldn't! If after 8 months I feel no different then when I first met him and had the first date, then it's obviously not right. I had no peace about it at all. He tried to get me to try to work it out. I just couldn't get him to understand me at all. Somethings my sister-in-law told me I could really see ring true in the conversation we had.

    I made the decision Wednesday night. Ever since, I have no issues with getting up in the morning. It's almost like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders, a weight I didn't realize was there. I feel so much better now. I guess I didn't fully realize how much it was dragging me down.

    It's getting late and I am tired. The vision presentation, church potluck and annual general business meeting went a lot longer then anticipated. I had to get up earlier then I do for work today as I had an 8am dentist appointment to fix the tooth the broke eating a Starburst. (a soft chewy candy!) I wanted to get straight to bed (after taking a muscle relaxant!) when I go home, but then I dismembered I had nothing ready for my Sunday School class tomorrow! I had the activity pages to print, newspaper articles to cut out for the intro into the lesson, and since tomorrow is the start of a new unit, I had to make the letters for the bulletin board I need to change in the morning! Ugh! I hate that I procrastinate so bad on some things!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Made food yesterday so I wasn't on, cauliflower soup, egg muffins, and venison chili for dinner.

    Ang - Sorry to hear about the break up, but if it was getting you down then it wasn't meant to be. If its
    that hard then you have to think twice. <3

    I made a salmon spread for crackers and will be taking that to Kathy's tomorrow. Time to see what
    Isaac has learned new this time. ;)

    Have good evening,


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    it could be SNOWMADGEDDON - everyone is worked up into a lather about the possibilities of over a foot of snow with 50 mph winds. The thing about all this early predicting is everyone is convinced it will happen and people are all worked up about why things aren't cancelled - when a single flake hasn't even fallen - I like to be proactive - but....

    but if it is as bad as all that - I'm all for a snow day. I'm due!

    Ang - glad to hear you feel good about your decision. Best wishes.

    Jenny - I know I am overly stressed - has a killer migraine this weekend - stayed in bed as much as possible - but need to get the husband on board with helping out - he did a little this weekend and all he can see is what a big help he was and he thinks that he is done - no - you need to do that and more - all the time. I can't keep up the pace. But I will give in - because he will make life more miserable than the stress off doing it causes me.

    stay safe!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    We see grass here. Snow melted with 40 degree temps on Friday and Saturday. More snow coming, 3-5", supposedly but my guess it will be less for us. The southern, western and northern parts of MN get more snow than the north metro of Mpls.

    I worked on my craft room this weekend. I have a couple items to paint for storage and then I will begin to work on Jeff's photo album that should have been finished 8 years ago when he graduated from high school, LOL! Then it will be Rory's book after that. They are both started but not finished. David's actually got done on time.

    Well I have files to work on before my sister calls me at 8pm.
    Sorry you haven't felt well Marla. Why doesn't Bernie get it that you are partners and he needs to pitch in? Did his mother do all for him growing up?

    Have a nice and restful evening.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    First ever OUTDOOR RUN IN WINTER!!! I did 5k tonight. It feels so good!!! Of course the above freezing temperatures is what helped motivate me to get out the door!

    I also saw that the registration opened on a race I want to do this year. I am now registered for four races this year! I"m considering a fifth right now. I just have to consider travel before I fully register for it.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Well the snow storm hit at noon. 4 hours later there were 4 inches on my car. I left my boots in the car so had to walk in my shoes in at least 4 inches of snow. It is still coming down. Lots of car accidents too. If only it happened in the middle of the night then we would possibly have a snow day tomorrow. I'm sure we will have school because it will stop. Fingers crossed it keeps falling down!

    WTG Ang! Great run and kudos for future runs.
    Marla- Are you snuggled at home under a blanket watching the storm too?

    Hi Shirley!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited February 2016
    Jenny - wow, you did get pelted with snow. Stay safe on roads.
    Marla - Bernie doesn't get it he has to help too. :( No wonder you are so tired. Dave is finally
    helping with dishes now that he is retired. I hope you don't have to wait that long.

    We were gone Monday and Tuesday to see Isaac and my MIL came along. He was enamored with my
    MIL and he was making faces at her most of the time and we all laughed. He is becoming a show off
    in front us, so cute. I went to the library with Kathy and they had story telling time, it was fun to see him
    interact with the kids and he went right up front to hear the story. There were 9 kids his age and their moms. What a great program.

    Monday night we out for dinner to an oyster place and that night I wasn't feeling well with a stomach
    ache and bathroom issues. Better today and I will go to choir practice tonight.

    Have a good evening.

    Shirley m09ovi4rsbyw.jpg

    Isaac at story telling this morning. He has the blue shirt.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    it's quite the snow drama! made it back to work today - but the drifts are incredible

    hopefully it will be better tomorrow as we have to drive an hour away for ball!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Be safe Marla driving through the drifts.
    Maybe ball will be cancelled.
