The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    what a little man already!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    edited February 2016
    ok - it's been two weeks since Zach had a two day fever and started this icky cough thing - I have played the "coughs take awhile to resolve and we'll wait it" out now for two weeks - I think it's ok to take him in right? That's my plan for when I get off today - take him to urgent care and see if there is something they can treat to get this to go away -

    My sister is back from her four day trip with her family to San Francisco - hopefully they had an amazing because this week will not be amazing - bank auditors, staff quarterlies, etc - lots of work angst and drama

    Caleb spent three days with Grandma at my sisters house helping to take care of her dog and cat - brought him home yesterday afternoon even though they weren't going to be home until midnight - figured Grandma could handle the last few hours - since she was the one who was all gung ho to 'help' - it ended up being more of a pain for me - because well it was just one more thing for me to worry about - but oh well - the animals survived and from what I could tell Michele's house looked ok - even though I'm sure they never once locked up when they left and Michele is more than a little afraid of break-ins since she was burglarized twice in a two day period a few years ago -

    hope all is well - I think we have some warmer temps coming - hopefully some melting and I really need to get my car washed - the windows are terrible!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi Ladies.

    I've been battling a cold all week but finally feel better. Today is a provincial holiday so I have the day off. It was nice to sleep in! I was going to go to the gym but the cold temperatures chickened me out. I did do a workout in my living room though. First one in a couple of weeks. Feels good! My parents should be here shortly for a visit. I haven't had time to eat anything yet as mom changed her mind about what time they were coming. I refused to change my plans and still did my workout. I got cleaned up and had a yogurt but I'm still hungry! I will have to eat after they leave (Though they need to get here first!)

    I had a fantastic "date" with my nephews Saturday for Valentines. Then a lady in my church took me out and over to her place to watch War Room. It's a powerfully good movie about prayer. Today I've got plans to go to a friends later tonight for a ladies night with some others about my age at church.

    Winter is definitely here. Lots of snow right now and cold temperatures the last few days. However, tomorrow and Wednesday it's supposed to get up to +10 and rain! A hint of spring, before it goes back to the harsh realities of winter!

    Jealous of all those planning trips! Especially those going to warmer places! I wish I could. I just have a local get-a-way weekend planned end of April for my race, and it won't be the whole weekend either. Just Friday and Saturday. I need to be back by Sunday as I don't want to find a substitute for my Sunday School class. Though I'm pretty sure it won't be an issue. I just don't want to miss it! I love working with my class!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sad news today, my cousen Mark passed away after 5 years of battling cancer, he was 60.
    Still waiting to get the details.

    A snow storm is heading our way with many inches of snow. We will
    see what direction it takes.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Shirley- Sorry to hear about your cousin. Another loss for your family. He was so young. At least you have the joy of your little valentine, Isaac. He must bring
    lots of sunshine to your life.

    Ang- Sounds like you have a busy schedule with the run weekend later on, training, Sunday School, and girl's night. Great! Do you have as much snow as
    last winter?

    Marla- Did Caleb enjoy animal sitting? Must have been a treat to spend time with Grandma and be given the responsibility. Sounds like Zach has had what Russ and I had
    for quite awhile. The cough lingered for a month for me. Russ got an antibiotic but the cough lingered beyond his treatment for bronchitis and sinus infection.

    David and Chantrelle said goodbye to us this afternoon. They are at David's Dad's house for dinner tonight and staying there. In the morning they leave for Grand Forks, ND to visit Rory on their way to Seattle. They are driving two vehicles to AK. They have to stop in Seattle to take a class and test to get their Captain's licenses for skippering a boat on the ocean, etc. They took half of the class and first test last week in Duluth. Now the next phase...

    Jeff and Iva won't be back until next Sunday from the British Virgin Islands. Lucky! We still haven't confirmed our plans for AK. Waiting on my sister and brother to make
    some decisions. If they haven't done so by next weekend, we will go ahead and book our flights and make plans on our own.

    Well back to work tomorrow. We have trainings all day. After work we have a happy hour to say goodbye to a coworker moving to Michigan with her husband and son.
    Husband works for Ford and got a promotion with a job in Dearborn, MI. We will miss her.

    Sleep well,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Shirley - so sorry to hear about your cousin - thoughts and prayers for the family...

    Caleb really enjoyed his time with the pets and Grandma - it was weird for me though - I have tried to get Gma and Gpa to take the kids (not even at the same time) for a few days over the last few summers and it never lasted more than a half day. So while I'm glad it worked it - as I said - made me feel weird.

    Book that trip Jenny!

    Off for an away ball game tonight - Go Vikings!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    The blizzard hit, Buffalo hit a record for today of 7.5 inches from 1993. We are across the border and we tend to get their weather.

    My choir practice is cancelled tonight and Yoga class even though I wasn't going. I have not heard
    any details yet about the funeral and I don't want to call again so I will wait until tomorrow. I have this
    week to pack and we are having a family birthday dinner on Sunday for my daughter Kristina who will be 35 and her boyfriend John who's b-day is two days later. We will be heading up to Toronto for that at a restaurant. So...I hope I hear something soon.

    Stay warm!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Busy week and too much paperwork as usual. It's really stressing me out. On top of that, trying to book flights and rentals for the AK trip is stressful because I'm
    trying to coordinate with my older sibs who don't make decisions easily. I'm ready to toss in towel and not spend the money. No time for this organizational stuff.

    Warm here. 40's this weekend and possible rain. Snow will be gone if that happens. Happy hour on Tuesday eve and said goodbye to a coworker/friend who will be
    greatly missed. I hope to go visit her this summer after the 4th.

    Marla- maybe your parents are more comfortable with boys as they get older? I know Russ' Dad was that way. He wasn't a good relator either way but he didn't know
    how to relate to them as little kids except being their coach or cub scout leader. He even told them this. Either way, nice Caleb enjoyed himself. Being given responsibility
    is always a maturity builder too. Kudos to Caleb and Grandma!

    Shirley- Snow! Don't send it this way.

    Well off to work!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Jenny - I hope you at least get something planned for you two even if the rest wimp out on the decisions - go for it! It may very well be the folks are just more ok with them now that they are older - just trying to roll with it (although frankly part of it is they are more partial to Caleb - which kind of stinks for the other three kids)

    Heard the awful news last night that one of Zac'sh ILS classmates (the school the 17 kids went to before high school) may have fallen into a drug problem. I cry for them all. The kids who spend 13 years going to school together and now are facing these awful realities - the parents and family who have to navigate this - the young man whose world is probably crumbling around him and will likely never be quite the same... AWFUL!

    Another sad circumstance - one of our LONGTIME choir men unexpectedly passed away Monday. A wonderful man and EXTRAORDINARY musician. His family has asked choir to sing and even though I had decided to take the spring season off I am going on Friday to serve him this one last time.

    whew- tears at work - bad idea!

    Hope you are safe and warm Shirley

    hugs all!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Marla- It is hard to see kids move from middle to high school and some don't make the best choices. I saw this happen with kids we watched grow up
    and even with our own boys. Luckily most came out the other side more mature and doing well. Is it obvious to the other grandchildren that grandparents favor Caleb?
    That would be uncomfortable. My mom favored my sister's daughter and son because they lived close by and she saw them a lot. My brother's girls saw her about every
    3-4 years and my boys, one time per year. They hardly knew her.

    I sent in a request to book the Anchorage house. I hope I beat out the other people. I'll know tomorrow. Now we have to confirm a rental for Saturday night in Hope, AK. I'm working on that and have been in touch with a place that has a cabin close to the town where the party will be. Then I have to get our flights. This is one expensive trip.

    Tomorrow, TGIF!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    it's 66 degrees today! Woot!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - Not even close to the same as last winter!!! The ground right now is actually bare! We've been getting a good snowstorm, but within a week it warms up and rains and the snow is gone. I'm loving it!!

    This week has been so long! I realized Wednesday night the reason why I was so tired was that I had been out every single night since last Friday night. Thursday at work I felt like I was in a fog and couldn't concentrate or stay focused. I was just to tired. Thursday night I went to bed at 8:40. I was asleep my a little after 9 and easily slept over 8 hours. It felt so good!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited February 2016
    Ang - Sleep is important and glad you got your ZZZZ's. Easier to cope with things.

    Jenny - Making all the AK plans must be exhausting. I hope the rest of the family appreciates what
    you are doing to organize all this. I agree with Marla, go for it, you will feel better once you are there.

    Marla - It's so hard no to show favoriatism to one child than the other. I have two daughters and that
    has been a struggle from day one. Not showing too much attention toward one than the other. I only have one grandchild so far so its been easy showing all the love.

    I am finally feeling better today, blowing my nose less today and less of the aches. I have been eating
    comfort foods though so I will see what the scale says tomorrow. No exercise for days now but will
    make that up on the beach walking.

    I went to the funeral last night and it was a nice tribute to my cousin and he was loved by many people.

    Tomorrow night we will be celebrating my oldest daughter's birthday at dinner in the city. She was
    35 today. Don't I feel old. ;) Isaac will be coming to join us and I will just have to kiss him on top of the
    head because I don't want him getting my cold.

    One day a time.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Finalizing some of the AK plans. Still have to book a couple of rooms in a B&B in Hope, AK but the woman hasn't returned my call. I talked to her last night and
    gathered info on the rooms and said I needed to check with siblings. She hasn't emailed me the info she said she would send and I've left two messages about a reservation. Maybe she didn't like me... Flights and rental car are booked, house in Anchorage is booked, and now we need to book a day cruise on the Kenai Fjord and see a big glacier. Making progress...

    Ang- so glad your winter has been fair also. We've been lucky with our weather too. 40's this week, sun, and snow is almost gone. Of course, winter will return but spring
    is getting closer, yay!

    Shirley- when do you leave for Bahamas? That will be so nice! Lucky!

    Well I'm tired and going to go read in bed. Tomorrow Russ and I have reserved tickets to go to the Science Museum Omni Theater. There is a movie about Jerusalem that is suppose to be really good so we are going to see it. It discusses the 3 biggest religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam and how they all originated in Jerusalem. The scenery should be amazing too. They also have a mummy exhibit going on but I'm not sure I want to see it.

    Enjoy your Sunday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    this is a crazy week with four ball games, piano recital, just general busyness - had a nice break but back to it!

    Zach did not make Concert Choir and I am frankly stunned - I truly thought he had it in the bag - his talent is undeniable - and I REALLY pushed on this - he wanted to wait until next year to try out (guess he had a better read on the situation) and I gave him the what's the worst that can happen - follow your passion! speech. Meh. I know every parent thinks there kid should have made it - but in this case - I'm not wrong - again, MEH.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Leaving today for Toronto and checking in around 3pm. Dinner tonight with our friends and flying
    out Tuesday at 7:30 am. Up early tomorrow and check in at the airport.

    See you when I get back.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Marla- Sorry Zach didn't make the choir. Will he try out next year? High School can bring many disappointments at times. Other times such rewards.

    Shirley- Bon Voyage! Have a great trip and enjoy the sun and surf. Wish I was in your suitcase.

    The movie on Jerusalem was good. I was so relaxed with the soothing music and beautiful scenery that I dozed off. Russ said I snored lightly. No wonder the guy
    next to me was staring at me when I came too, LOL! This weekend we are going back to see a movie on The Great Lakes. Since that is my stomping grounds I'm very interested in what they show and say about them and the use of water from the lakes.

    Still working on the AK trip. I need to call the woman with the B&B and see if rooms are available. I also have to host book club on Thursday so need to make my grocery list and clean the living area, bathrooms and kitchen tomorrow eve.

    Jeff and Iva got back from the BVI. There pictures of the beaches were beautiful.

    Well must make my grocery list. Sleep well.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    last regular season game tonight - go Vikings!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    am hating our high school right now - my boy is sad.... momma is unhappy
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    strange game last night - but got the win - off to the last tourney of the season starts tonight - play the same team again - will they be extra fired up? More physical? - it'll be interesting - get to play in the main gym for Concordia college tonight - so that will be special for them - it is an amazing experience for these young players to play in such a venue. Most of the other games are in the old gyms - but we got lucky tonight!