OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, your banshee mode is totally justified! Hope you can put an end to the fridge mess with this next visit. GEEZ. I bought all my appliances from Lowe's (I go to one that's kind of out in the country, where they're really nice) and have had excellent customer service.

    Patti, maintaining is good during cabin season. Hope the storms pass below you.

    Dunno what hit me yesterday but was all dressed to hit the grocery store when the bottom just dropped out, so I stayed home. I suspect a low-grade sinus infection (often happens when I fly), but I obeyed my tiredness. MUST get out today for a few things though.

    My eating remains OK - not the best choices but doing better on quantity. I'll make a nice dinner tonight, as I haven't had a good piece of protein in a couple of days.

    I see Karla had her thyroidectomy and is home, recovering. Best wishes for quick healing friend!

    Gotta get going but wanted to say hello. Hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    hello everyone. I have had a most relaxing and enjoyable birthday weekend. mostly just sitting on my porch talking, drinking, laughing, eating and repeating! Did really good on food choices. only indulgence was a huge, juicy burger with all the fixings last night. I do have an Amish cream horn and fresh strawberries that is my BD cake to me but will wait until I get home and can share it with Edd. my GF and I had so much fun at the Amish shops. we had to tear ourselves away from all the gorgeous furniture. Waiting for the worst of the storm to pass before I pack up and go. Had a scare on Friday when Frankie fell getting off of the couch. she was laying on her side kicking and crying and I wasnt sure I was going to be able to get her up. Once I got her, and me, calmed down she got up and was walking. No limping or obvious injuries, but she was pretty slow moving the rest of the day. By Saturday she was back to her status quo. I know our time is getting short with her and I cannot bare to even think of it.
    On a much brighter and happier note, my granddaughter, Alex, is pregnant! This will be great grand #5. they are both so excited and happy. my son and DIL are going to be the best grandparents.

    Bert, sorry you had to use the banshee but desperate times call for desperate measures. I hope this time they really fix it!

    Janet, hope you are feeling better today. Sinus issues can sure knock you down.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    Went to Dr and do have UTI so started taking meds Friday. Saturday morning was River Sweep, not a huge turnout this year but all help is appreciated. Then we worked on clearing more stuff out of the new house and got back porched clean up and a bunch of wood burned, we ended our day with going out to dinner with some friends and family. Eating was not good yesterday, started out on the right track today but blew it with some chocolate covered raisins. I have weeklies so all is not lost.

    Tomorrow I'm taking my brother in law's mother for a cat scan and out to a few stores, Tuesday mom has cardiologist appt and Wednesday I'm babysitting my great nephew, going to be a busy week and I'm ok with that. Thursday will me a lazy day to catch up from all the running I'll be doing.

    I hope all are well and I'll get to personals when I can. I'm tired and need to put the baby down for the night. Mommy took her sister home.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike is working today in southern IN for the Red Cross. I am going to organize my "office" area and shred papers. It is not pretty up there! :smile: I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon for my shoulder. I just want to find out what is causing the discomfort.

    We went to Greg and Carrie's yesterday for a Father's Day cookout. We only go to support Greg as it's Carrie's side of the family who attend. It's usually Greg and Carrie and us who provide the food and clean up! Greg's dad and Linda didn't even attend. Probably because Greg's dad had enough family time last week in FL with all 4 grandkids, Greg, Carrie, and Dan. :p

    We had a horrible storm around 3:30 Sunday morning. I thought for sure we would lose power, but we got lucky. I had to let water out of the pool, too as it rained most of the day on Saturday as well.

    Janet: I was told that the repair service technicians hired by Sears also repair appliances from Lowe's, Best Buy, and Menards. I'm not sure what to think any more. I do know that the local appliance store's repair man is coming this morning. I sure hope he can discover the root of the problem.

    Patti: Sorry to hear about Frankie. I think Molly tripped on the stairs a couple of weeks ago as she refused to go down the stairs for several days unless I put her on her leash and walked down the steps with her. She's got her confidence back now......she's 12.

    Paula: UTI's are very unpleasant. You sure are making progress on your house! My food choices haven't been the best either. I'm taking it a day at a time.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I happy to report that I was able to shred some papers yesterday to at least get the "pile" down. I have a lot to go though. I'm heading to southern IN for my last visit with my summer school student. I'll be done by the end of the month.

    My local fridge repairman was here yesterday and said that there must be an internal leak within the fridge. We called Sears to report his diagnosis and got approval for him to take it to their local shop, take it apart, and locate the problem. So, hopefully, this issue can be resolved once and for all and my fridge will last longer than 4 years.

    I went to the doctor yesterday for my shoulder. He didn't think it was anything major. He put me on a steroid to settle the muscle down (I'm not a fan of that, but am willing to try it). If I'm not better in two weeks, I'm to call back. Geez, this getting older is not for sissies!

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning!

    Bert, good to know the shoulder isn't indicative of something serious, but that doesn't make it easier to live with. Fingers crossed for the fridge - this has certainly been a saga.

    Patti, how is Frankie doing?

    Paula, you are the rock of your family. Please don't neglect yourself as you do so much for everyone else. Do something extra special for yourself on Thursday - even a bubble bath or nap or a PJs day.

    Waving to Diane, Cindy, and Karla.

    Not much new here - have been busy with errands and cleaning - did lots on Sunday, and yesterday I ran several errands. It's been raining on and off but I'll probably head to CVS for a few things, then catch up with some stuff on DVR or read for a bit. My eating has been medium-OK lately - portion control is getting better but choices need more work.

    Hugs to all - have a good day, even if the weather is yucky.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello ladies,
    Yesterday was a mixed bag, mostly not good. I got caught up on laundry and finished the curtains for my living area at the cabin (1 picture window and 1 regular window). Now need to get rods and clip rings to hang them. Will post a picture when done. I have enough material left for the window in the kitchen and the one in the bathroom. This is the first time I have ever lined curtains and bow what a huge difference it makes. On the way to work my muffler separated from the pipe and it sounds like I am driving the loudest diesel truck ever. We need to get a gasket (evidently not available for this model anywhere in town or online) and then get it to a muffler shop to install the gasket. Edd tried but the bolts are frozen and require a torch or a drill to get them out. It is drive able, just noisy. With the other car out of commission, we are scrambling to get this fixed quickly. Work was not busy but full to the brim with nasty, needy people. Nobody knew how to do anything and expected me to have all the answers to their unanswerable questions. Amazing what people expect from us. My biggest challenge is always when people ask "how much material do I need to make....fill in the blank....?" I refuse to answer because if I tell them too little they will be in complaining that they couldn't finish their project, if I tell them too much they complain that they spent more than they should have and now have leftover fabric they can't use. I usually tell them to look at a pattern book for similar items and go from there. Most people don't want to do this and have the idea that I should know the answer just because I stand on the cutting side of the counter. Luckily I had a few customers who were pleasant and knew what they needed and were appreciative of my help. Sorry for the rant but hoping for a better day. Mom has an eye Dr appointment tomorrow and she will not be amused with my noisy car, but there is no alternative I can think of at the moment.

    Bert, fingers crossed that your fridge is going to be fixed for good. I know steroids are nasty but so glad it is nothing major going on. Safe travels for your last visit and hope you don't have to travel in th rain. I pray we get some sunny days in a row soon.

    Janet, thanks for asking about Frankie. She seems to be status quo. I have started giving her an anti inflammatory daily to see how she does. Keeping her on a strict eating schedule has significantly decreased her accidents, for which I am grateful. Give Theo a ear rub for me.

    Paula, whew you flat wore me out with your schedule for this week. I second Janet's suggestions. You definitely need some ME time.

    Waving hi to Cindy and our traveler Diane. Guess Karla is on an extended hiatus from us, but know she has her hands full with family and her own health issues. Praying things settle down to a dull roar soon for her.

    Until we meet again
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good evening,

    Today was spent relaxing, I even took a nap which rarely happens. Tomorrow I'm babysitting my great nephew. He's a big boy, well he's young 16 months but a big boy lol. When my husband gets home we are going to the house to lay padding upstairs then I'll shop for carpet.

    Took my brother in law's mom for cat scan and we went to a couple of stores and had lunch. She loves getting out without being rushed!

    Thursday I plan on going to see Mom, I'll have my grandkids so we'll see how they are behaving first. Friday I'll have them too but I think I'll take them out to do something fun.

    Patti, welcome to the world of retail. I was in retail, grocery and restaurant management for years. I know they say "the customer is always right" but I say hell no they aren't. Hope you get your muffler fixed soon! Wish I could see, it would save a fortune on curtains. The windows in the new house are very large (long) so curtains I have now won't work!!😧

    Janet, hope you got to enjoy your dvr programs. Rain has been relentless here. Wish it would stop!

    Bert, hope you get some relief with your shoulder. Mine settled down after a cortisone shot. The pain was horrible.

    Talk with everyone soon! Have a great tomorrow!!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike is working today, so I have the house to myself today. I plan to organize and straighten up things. I also will work in my flower beds.

    Janet: Food choices need to improve for me as well.

    Patti: I would be just like you and tell the people to look at patterns for how much material to purchase. People want instant everything these days, I think. I experience this all the time with my college students. They continually ask what is due, what things they need to get done, etc. I send them my assignments and due dates chart the minute they are placed in their field experiences. It's also posted online. They just don't want to take the time to think for themselves.............aggravating.

    Paula: We need to take days to relax. Have fun babysitting! Enjoy your grandkids and visiting your mom. My shoulder is a little better, we shall see.

    Waving hi to Cindy, Diane, and Karla.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member

    This day has started out well..did a scale hop since I had to miss my workshop today and am delighted to see a loss. Then took mom to the eye Dr. In and out in 40 minutes, it usually takes a minimum of 90. She doesn't go back until mid August. Edd just returned and my muffler is fixed for $40!
    Off to the grocery and a few errands before work.

    Paula, you never seem to rest but I know you love and are devoted to your family. Can't believe all you do in a day.

    Bert, I was not in the best of moods at work so I am sure everyone seemed extra irritating, lol. Hoping for a better night tonight but know I will be busy with the new sale set.
    Enjoy your home alone day.

    talk to you all later.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today I'm having lunch with my two BFF's. I'm so looking forward to it. I need a day with them. We might go see Rocket Man, I'm not sure.

    I got to the gym yesterday which felt good. I did a light workout, but at least I was able to use the machines and get some muscles moving. It rained most of the afternoon, so I didn't get in the gardens. I think that was a blessing in disguise!

    Tonight is the last night of preparing dinners for VBS. I enjoy working with my church family.

    Lindsey had a sonogram yesterday to study the vital organs for the twins. The doctor found some "soft marks" on one of the twins which could indicate possible Downs Syndrome. One was around the heart and I can't remember the other. The doctor told Lindsey whe wasn't concerned about them and they could be progesterone deposits as Lindsey is taking extra progesterone to prevent early birth. The boys' brains look good they said and they were kicking each other alot! :smile: Lindsey said she might have a blood test next month to determine whether or not it might be Downs after the doctor does another sonogram. Please pray for Lindsey and Justin.

    Patti: Congratulations on your loss and getting your muffler fixed for $40! You're so lucky to have Edd who can fix anything!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, love the long list of good news - especially the muffler fix being done, and for only $40.

    Bert, enjoy your girlfriend time - we all need that.

    Not much new here - errands and manicure today - my nails have crumbled again (the joy of genetics), but I like having color on them - a little indulgence,

    Trying to start taking advantage of summer produce here. I'll make "summer salad" today - tomatoes, cucumbers, onions marinated in cider vinegar. Quick, fresh, nutritious. But first, it's time to shower and get dressed so I can get on with my day.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Janet: I love tomato salad (minus the cucumbers). I’m going to make some soon (when I can refrigerate). :D Enjoy your day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi, work was a killer. Huge sale, nothing new, but was beat. When I got home I realized I left my phone in my locker. Made me nervous in case Mom needed me but at least Edd was home. No phone means no computer so I retired early and started reading Cindy's new book. Love it already! Cards and laughter followed by lunch with my gfs (after running into Joanns to retrieve my phone, lol) today. I bought all the hardware to hang my new curtains at the cabin. Holy cow, it cost more than the curtains.

    Bert, hope your lunch was as mine. Prayers for Lindsey and Justin. I hope their faith is as strong as yours.

    Janet, your nails always.look so elegantly done, indulgence with it if it makes you happy.

    Cindy, truly loving the book. Trying to read slowly but ..... we shall see. When does the next one come out so I can pace myself.

    need to consider dinner
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member

    Took Alex and Diego to breakfast, then we went to Lowe's, surplus warehouse, home Depot and we finished at the movies to see Secret Life of Pets 2. Home now, exhausted but feeling accomplished!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning all. We finally decided on countertops, once again husband isn't too fond of them but he says, "get what you like" lol. I like both of the ones we had it narrowed down to. I'll post pics and get your opinions too lol.

    Have the grands again today. My daughter gets off at 4 so bh that time I won't have time to do anything productive. I may order the cement board and go get that when she gets home. Who knows.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member

    Number 1 countertop
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member

    Number 2 countertop
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I had a great time yesterday with my two BFF's. We shopped a little and had fun trying on tops. We each bought a day. VBS kitchen duty is over! Our day care director and her staff do VBS, and the attendance was great! They do such a fantastic job with the kids. We are so lucky to have them.

    I'm getting my hair cut today. I've returned to a hairdresser that used to cut my hair many years ago. I stopped going to her because our schedules couldn't coincide. I was very happy with how she cut it last time. My hair is pretty long for me. I haven't worn it this long in years, but it's a nice change.

    Annie, Dylan, and Penny left yesterday for California to attend one of Annie's cousin's wedding. I'm anxious to see pictures. Dan stayed home with the pups as he doesn't have vacation time during the summer like Annie does.

    Paula: My countertops are similar to the Butterum; however, they aren't granite. I like them as they don't show many stains. What color are your cabinets? That might sway you into picking the countertop.

    Waving hi to Patti, Janet, Diane, Cindy, and Karla. Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I love #2, it seems so earthy and bright with lots of depth. I can see so many color combos to go with it. I like the gray one too just not as much as the other. You are in my favorite phase of renovation, picking and choosing! I went to design school for 2 years and loved it. I would have loved to be a kitchen designer/planner but the market was so small with lots of competition and the money was way below what I could make as a nurse. I have gotten good use out of all I learned.

    Getting ready to pack and go to the cabin. I don't know what happened but yesterday when I got home from lunch and errands I became so dizzy I could barely stand. My BP was very low, for me, and I had not taken my meds, so I skipped them. It took until bedtime to clear. today my BP is about normal and I feel much better. Very weird. We have a couples shower tomorrow in KY for my favorite nephew. Next week will be jam packed as we prepare for 2 weeks at the cabin. Dr appt, hair appt, peach truck, WI, dinner with dear friends, work, time with mom, bike ride with Suzie...that about covers it.

    Hi to one and all