OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be a hot one today! I'm getting things in order as we are making a quick trip to Chicago tomorrow to watch Dylan and Penny play in their tournaments. We are looking forward to it.

    The fridge is fixed! Hopefully it will work longer that the last time. The previous repairman's soldering wasn't good and the coolant leaked out! The second repairman (thank goodness it was a different guy; one we've had before as a matter of fact) told us we could file a claim for food loss. I just got off the phone with the representative and at least we are getting $250 back. I'm happy with that.

    Eating hasn't been the best, but I'll be more focused this coming week.

    Patti: Congrats on your loss. I'm hoping to do the same next week.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Yesterday was a crazy day. Our AC went out. I texted my husband at 10 am to let him know and like an hour later he was home trying to figure it out lol. He's my worrier, he knows I can't be hot, well I can, it just exaserbates my MS symptoms and he worries tremendously. He couldn't figure it out, he's not a HVAC guy lol so we put 3 window units in, one in my bedroom, my daughter's bedroom and livingroom. Boys are sleeping in livingroom for now.

    Today I woke up with sinus issues, hubby had them yesterday and still today so not sure if it's allergy related or just a cold.

    Going to order dining room and kitchen flooring. Decided on laminate for those rooms and carpet the rest if the house. It'll keep it warmer in the winter, hurt less when baby starts walking and talking and keep the echo out. I'm just worried about the dog smell but I'll figure that out cause even area rugs get the smell so no huge difference.

    Bert, so glad you fridge is fixed. I have 2 fridges, one for food and one for drinks, the drink fridge is going out so we'll be down to one like a normal household 😂😂😂😂 have fun in Chicago!

    Waving hi to all! Have a great weekend.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We are heading to Chicago this morning. I'm so excited to see Dylan and Penny play. Dan is the president of the little league and has put in many hours to make the program successful. I'm so proud of him.

    Paula: AC issues are awful, especially if it's really hot. Glad you got window units for now to help. We have two fridges, too. Our drinks fridge is in the garage and I hold my breath every time I open the door! It's old. I certainly hope the compressor works for more that two weeks ! :)

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good Monday to one and all. Raining...again! Looks like we will not have summer until July. The weekend was relaxed and productive. The rain stopped for the outdoor wedding. The barn was gorgeous and the wedding was short and simple. We stayed until 8pm hanging with all the "people of the road" which is what we dubbed our group. I forgot to take my rolls of boat vinyl and What I had already cut was cut wrong. So didn't get much done, kinda of bummed. The rack and pinion went out in the Buick and it will not get fixed before next weekend, if ever at the price they want. Edd is leaving Wednesday on a bike trip. Frankie will not fit in my little car and I don't want to spend my birthday at home alone. Our friend, who recently lost his fiancé, is going to trade cars with me. Me has a 2017 Chevy Cruze. His 10 year old is excited to have the convertible for the weekend, lol. My gf from the Eagles is alone this weekend, no kids and boyfriend has to work, so she will come down to keep me company and help me celebrate. It is supposed to rain off and on all weekend but I am sure we will find something to amuse ourselves. A trip to Amish country is on the list.
    I did well on food until I found some snack bags of Doritos.....yep, I ate them. Now they are all gone.

    Bert, I sure home your fridge woes are over. I just hate that you had to get tough to get service. Dan seems like a great guy and good father, you have every right to be proud of him.

    Janet, can't wait to hear about your trip.

    Diane, your adventures with Charly4 are gorgeous. John is a fixing machine, just like my Edd. That is a blessing. Keep the posts coming.

    Cindy, I hope you made some great connections in Cincinnati. Loved seeing the pics on FB. Having Meg there was a bonus. Can't wait for the 19th. Did you pick the release date?

    Paula, did you get the flooring. I like the compromise for downstairs. We love our dogs, no matter what messes they make. They are worth it!

    I have a few things that need to get done before I go to work tonight. May even start on my curtains for the cabin. Hardest part is cutting them out, then a bunch of straight seams and ironing.

    Blessing to you all

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Here is a picture of flooring we are doing in dining room and kitchen. Still deciding on carpet.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Paula, love, love, love the floors!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's gorgeous weather here! The AC is off and currently it's 53 degrees! I'm loving it. Tickets for Frozen went on sale Sunday at church. I went to the office yesterday morning to answer the phone while the secretary counted money. Boy, was I busy! When I got there are 9:10, the secretary was on the phone selling tickets and there were also 2 ladies in line. I worked non-stop from 9:10 - 12:30! Tickets were also reserved in the afternoon. Currently over 250 have been sold/reserved! I've never sold that many the first week. Very happy it's going over well.

    I have a doctor's appointment on Monday for my shoulder. I didn't rest much last night as it was hurting. Old age isn't for sissies!

    Paula: The floors are going to look great!

    Patti: I admire your sewing abilities!

    Waving hi to Diane, Cindy, Janet, and Karla. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning!

    Patti, two things: 1) congrats on the loss; 2) Doritos happen. BAM.

    Cindy, how was your trip? The event in Cinci?

    Paula - love the flooring.

    Bert, glad you got to see the kids play. The boys are gems - you're clearly a wonderful mom (and gramma).

    Diane, enjoying your travels vicariously.

    Karla, been reading your FB posts about Kerry - hope he is much better soon. Are you moving your dad and Kerry to AL this year?

    I am home from a quick but truly wonderful trip. There were 15 of us (including two adult kids who volunteered to join us Old People. We stayed at a former Camp Fire Girls site - lots of bedrooms and bathrooms, huge living room and deck, large kitchen). It was truly in the middle of nowhere - almost half an hour to the nearest town (which had restaurants but no gas station or grocery store). Weather was perfect and the company was even better. This is a group of friends from college to which I was added (25 years ago) because my lifelong friend Lee knew I'd fit in.

    It'd take pages to describe how much fun it was. We laughed a lot, bonded again, had both funny and deep conversations, had great food I ate reasonably healthily, considering, and we deliberately planned lots of downtime to just hang out. On Friday seven of us went to Hearst Castle. I didn't do the tourbe)cause there were 31 flights of stairs and I knew that was not in the cards for me, so I hung out by the outdoor pool and pretended I was a rich person. We all met for dinner at a nice, casual restaurant, then half of us went to see Sensorio, a newly-opened outdoor light installation. Picture the poppy fields from The Wizard of Oz, but at night - if the flowers were all color-changing fiber-optic lights (58,800 solar-powered lights, spread out over 15 acres). Flew home overnight Sunday and am still pretty beat but happy. I'm attaching two photos - one each from Hearst Castle and Sensorio.

    Big hugs to all!


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Sorry about the bad typing above - obviously in need of a second cup of coffee over here! Time to run errands, then perhaps a nap.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good almost afternoon,

    Patti, everyone seems to love the flooring but my husband is skeptical, however, said he wants what I like ❤️😂

    Janet, so glad you had a great time. Always nice to get away.

    Bert, sounds like it'll be a sell out! It's cool here this morning too, I'm cold and that rarely happens.

    Have all three kiddos today. My daughter is off at 2 so when she gets home I'll go down to house and clean the upstairs since my husband painted it yesterday. Need to get it ready to lay padding and carpet. I'll go get carpet Friday if it's not raining, beginning to think the rain is here to stay uugghh.

    Have great day,
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    welcome home Janet. The trip sounds amazing, can't wait to hear details at our next lunch. I have been to Hearst twice and it is truly amazing. the light show must have been spectacular in person.

    Paula, at least Luis is flexible. I bet he will love it once it is installed. you guys are really moving along quickly!

    Bert, wonderful sales for your first day. I bet it will be a sell out.

    mom was feeling dizzy and weak today. Her blood pressure was ok. I think her blood sugar was low because the symptoms abated once she ate. we are watching the Amazing Race and The Food Truck race. There is a team from Dayton on the Food Truck. They are from my very favorite steak restaurant, so I am rooting for them to win. going riding with my daughter tonight, work tomorrow and then leaving for the cabin Thursday afternoon. It will just be me and a gf this weekend. so very low key.

    I think I will go do some sewing until time to ride at 7
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be another gorgeous day today. I saw Jupiter in the night sky the other night. It was amazing to see. I could see the yellow and red hues. Dan, Dylan, and Penny made it to Panama City yesterday. Both he and Greg are spending the week with their dad who rents a condo. Tom isn't used to having all 4 grandkids around; neither is Linda. They do this once a year. At least he makes the attempt to be together once a year! (sarcasm just used!) Annie didn't go as she stayed home with the pups.....she wasn't out of school either. Enough said about that.

    Today is my dad's birthday. He would have been 99! He died of lung cancer one day short of our 1st wedding anniversary when he was 64. I feel his presence in my life and know his spirit is always with me.

    Janet: The pictures are gorgeous! Where was this?

    Paula: Remodeling is exciting. We really need new flooring in our family room as it's the main traffic area from the garage. Currenly, we have carpeting. However, the list is so long as to what we need, flooring gets pushed back. We really need new furniture in there, new windows, new porch, etc. I also want to redo the downstairs bathroom.

    Patti: I love watching Amazing Race and Food Truck, too. I'm in to many of the reality championships. I love the Best Baker as well as American Ninja Warrior! :lol:

    Waving hi to Diane, Cindy, and Karla.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Y'all I love having my daughter and grandkids living with us again. It has brought life back to my house but there is a downfall. I don't work anymore, I worked in healthcare and had a good immune system now not so much, I get everything that comes around. Bleck!!! Feeling crappy again today, pretty sure I have UTI so that could be why I feel so icky. Have Dr appt tomorrow so I'll find out then.

    Sorry no personals, I'm going to lay down.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    quick drive thru. Maintain at the scale, win in my book. We talked about handling challenges. There are 2 ladies, both lifetime members at goal, who lost nearly everything in the tornados. they are living in a motel and struggling with food choices and worrying about gaining weight. There was such an outpouring of support and genuine caring for these ladies. Makes my struggles trivial and I am going to really work on what I need to do to get back on the right side of my eating.
    On the bright side my daughter and I rode 2 hours last night for just over 16 miles. the last 3 were really hard. We both agreed to limit it to an hour, and not worry about the mileage. neither one of us wanted to be the first to say "let's turn around". The only soreness I have is in my sit bones.
    Found a nice sling for the backseat of the car for Frankie. Hopefully this will help keep my friend's car clean this weekend. His 10 y/o daughter is stoked to ride in my convertible, so we all win.
    Finally, I have baby tomatos and peppers on my plants!

    Paula, bummer on getting crud from the kids but I know how much joy they bring you. Hope a little antibiotics sets you to rights quickly.

    gotta get ready for work. want to be on the road by noon. I will be stopping at the farm market and any garage sales I find on the way.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today will be chilly, but gorgeous. I'm so loving not having to have ac on. Can you believe that I've scheduled another service call on the fridge? It won't stop running and something is rattling inside! :s I'm not stocking it with very much. They are not coming until June 21 (unless I get bitchy again!) At least it's cooling. The repairmen definitely have job security!

    Today is errand running and gettin my oil changed. I'm hoping to get outside in the flower gardens, too. My activity points will need to be yardwork.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies. I have a few things to get at the grocery on my way out of town and a stop at the local farm stand where the strawberries have been excellent. Work was super slow so we mostly just did stocking and straightening all nite and got out early. Then had to wait with one of the workers until his ride got there. I love how conscientious my coworkers are about everyone's safety.

    Bert, I think I would be a banshee about the fridge. I can see no good reason to wait so long for service, especially when you have had 2 breakdowns recently. Customer service sure isn't what it used to be. Hope you have fun in your flower beds. Such perfect weather for that kind of work. Wonder if we will be having summer weather thru October since we have not had it in June.

    Big hugs and hellos to all
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: I’m only waiting that long as my fridge is still under warranty and st least it’s working, just runs constantly and is noisy at times. Believe me, if something else happens, the banshee will surface!!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: The banshee is out and in full force!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. This moring is rainy, but I have so much to do for church and dinner theater, I don't mind it. Mike was supposed to be deployed tomorrow to IL/IA, but they told him he wasn't needed anymore. That's a complaint of mine about Red Cross. They ask for volunteers and make it sound urgent, but usually cancel. I know they want him to be a logistic supervisor, so perhaps they already had one. On the otherhand, I'm happy he's not going.

    Well, I had to transfer all my food AGAIN as the compressor is out once more! I totally lost it and fought with Sears Home Repair for over two hours. They finally said that I was allowed to call a local service man as it was covered under my service contract as they couldn't come until the 21st! One of our local appliance stores is sending someone on Monday morning. Anything over $300 has to be called for approval. I'll have to pay for the call, and Sears will reimburse me. This is all a bunch of sh**. After all of this, I will never do business with Sears again. Okay, ranting is over!

    The kids are returning home today. Dan, Dylan, and Penny are flying home today, and Greg, Carrie, Jillian, and Cole are driving back. It's a 12 hour drive for them, and so I'll still have their dog until tomorrow. I'm ready for her to go back home! :lol:

    I have tried to make good eating choices, but have fell short many times. I'm trying to do better. There's no problem with activity points, it's just my choices in food. I stay within points, but I think I'm not balancing the nutrition part. I am bound and determined to get this under control.

    Have a good day, everyone!
