OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Bert, I'm glad you are feeling better. Bet your deck will look amazing!!

    Patti, better to be prepared than not. Where are you working?

    Going out soon to get tires on the car for our mini trip thip weekend. It'll be nice to get away, hoping it's not too emotional for Luis though but I'll be there for him if it gets emotional.

    Have s fabulous day!!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Paula, I work at Joann fabrics. Been there for about 2 1/2 years. It is just for pocket money and the discount.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello - have been way busy - not with anything momentous, just doing the stuff we all do day to day. My eating's been marginal but am concentrating on more veggies, and this is the time of year for it.

    Patti, glad you got insurance settled. Hope you and your mom like the new doc - sounds like her training will prove a good match.

    Bert, home renovations are expensive but worth it. A new patio will make everyone's summer better.

    Paula, good for you on the playground. Glad you are listening to your body and pacing yourself again.

    Cindy, how is Jasper?

    Diane, what's Elise doing this week? They grow and change so fast - nothing is more fun.

    Karla, we've been following your recent unplanned trip on Facebook. Glad your dad and Kerry are enough better that you can head home. They are blessed to have you so actively involved in their wellbeing. Will you need to go back again soon?
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Dylan was happy that I attended his concert. He broke his glasses at school throwing a "temper tantrum" at his locker because his classroom was locked and he couldn't get what he needed. In my opinion, Annie overreacted; however, she says he's thrown his glasses several time this year. I didn't say anything, but I would have him work off his new glasses. His yearly eye exam is next month, and the good thing is that they will honor his new lenses if the prescription changes. That's good. Okay, I'm done spouting off!

    After the concert we stopped by Penny's softball was so cold! I'm glad we were only there about 15 min. They both have games tomorrow, so I'll have to figure out seeing parts of their games. I love being able to be here and support them and Dan and Annie.

    Patti: I would like to get a couple of air mattresses myself for back ups. I'm sure they have Meijers here, so I might check it out. I think the kids will want to have a sleep over this weekend. They always sleep on the floor which is fine for them. It would be nice though to have a mattress for a back up plan. Medicare Part B isn't too bad, but the supplemental on top of that as well as Rx can be pricey. Both Mike and I had great insurance, and my premiums were paid the entire time I taught. Mike's part was inexpensive, and his company was great for coverages. Oh well, we just have to be careful. It's part of retirement.

    Today, I'm going to do some walking to get in some steps. I'll also head to the Aveda store since they have one close to get some products I'm running out of. May hit Trader Joe's too as we don't have one at home. I love to look around.

    Have a great day, everyone! I'm planning to eat healthier today! Breakfast is tracked and eaten.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Heading out for a few errands soon - have some Doris Day DVDs being held at the library until today. Having dinner with two women I worked with this evening - should be fun. Had a carb-heavy day yesterday with the snack monster. I will do better today.

    Air mattresses are great - I have a Q and a Twin, which came in handy when friends visited a couple of years ago with their three daughters. I set up the Aerobeds in my study - they occupied nearly the entire floor, so I called it the girls' "dorm room" and it worked out really well - could hear their laughter when they were in there as a refuge form boring adult conversation.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop before heading to work. WI was a small gain but nothing compared to what I was expecting with my eating this past week. Have a plan for clean and healthy eating this weekend. Had a wonderful lunch with the girls, then hit Costco and Meijers, so shopping is done. All I need to do tomorrow is pack my bag, the coolers and put it all in the car. Then stop and pick up my son's dogs before we leave town.

    Bert, so hard to not interject when our kids parent but we must to keep the peace. If you can find a Meijers the air mattress is a great buy. Enjoy the games and the rest of your time in Chicago.

    Janet, enjoy the dinner with friends. Can't wait for our next lunch.

    I see Diane is on the road again. Can't wait to see her pictures.

    Paula, safe travels and lots of hugs to Luis.

    Cindy, do you have any plans for the holiday?

    Karla, hope all is well with you and your family. I know you have been on a dead run caring for them all. Did you get your test results yet?

    Gotta scoot
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a beautiful day here; however, not so much at home. Mike told me there was a bad storm and the power is out. I hope it comes back on soon. He's working today, so won't know until he gets home this evening. I'm going to Trader Joe's today and Bed Bath and Beyond to pick up a new shower rod and curtains for Dan's bathroom. The rod is in sad shape. He said he didn't care what color he wanted, so I told Dylan I'll probably get a purple one! :joy:

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning,

    Our trip got cut short. We left at 5am yesterday morning, my daughter texted me and said a pain in her stomach woke her up from sleeping in middle of night. A couple hours later I asked how she was feeling she said "like crap on a stick" I ask where pain was located, she said lower right abdomen into her stomach. I asked for other symptoms. Nausea and vomiting low grade fever. Well appendicitis it is, well in my opinion. I tell her to go to urgent care or ER. Well her dang wallet is in my car so me and my husband come home, hubby watches kids I take her to ER, cat scan shows appendicitis and she had surgery at 8am this morning. 12 hours in a car, plus sitting in er, not getting home till midnight last night has me exhausted. So our weekend was a bust but I'll always be here for my kids.

    Luis is doing good. He hasn't been too depressed. He was tired from all the driving yesterday, but he wanted to come back as much as I did. He said, look at all the money we saved ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Have a great rest of your weekend. I'll be sleeping when baby sleeps
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Oh, gosh, Paula - You did the right thing, of course, but I do hope you and Luis have that getaway for two soon! Sleep when you can ... Hugs.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello all, home and relaxing from our opening weekend. And what a lovely time it was. Very small group this year and that made it even nicer in some ways. I cooked some great food but did not have to do dishes. Shared lots of laughs. Took a trip to our local Amish market, they have a furniture store, bakery and grocery. My BIL drove us in his fully retired '57 Chevy, 2 door station wagon. Very rare and gorgeous. We were the talk of the place, even the buggy drivers gave us the once over. We also had several impressive bonfires and a gorgeous boat ride with the neighbors. The rain seemed to have mercy on us, we had less than 15 minutes of rain for the entire weekend.
    I was doing pretty well on food until we bought cream horns at the Amish bakery, there are none better on the face of the earth and something I absolutely cannot turn down. I vow to never set foot in that bakery again!

    Paula, what a scare, so glad you were able to get home and be with her. Hope you find time to get away when things settle down a bit. Prayers for a speedy recovery for your sweet Kati!

    Diane, enjoying your adventures on FB, keep them coming.

    Janet, stay in, stay cool. I know how much you don't care for this weather. It will be over all too soon for me, lol.

    Waving to Bert, Cindy and Karla if she is still following us,

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Hello all,

    Busy day, we went to the house and got a lot of work done, got kitchen cabinets off walls, tore out a corner cabinet they built into the wall, I moved alot of things and cleaned out the kitchen while my husband did wood work and electrical work. So happy for cooling vests lol, they saved me today for sure. I did overheat a couple of times but I just sat with my sister and cooled off. By the time we left I could barely lift my legs. Came home stripped off my clothes, tmi lol, put on a night gown and laid down. Dealt with pretty bad pain for a while but feeling better now, my pain levels are back to my normal so it's doable.
    Kati is doing well, she's a trooper. Can't lift the baby because he's over 15 pound so she can't be alone with him. Her half sister came and sat with her today while we worked. I'm pooped and I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow but honestly it's worth it.

    Patti, sounds like your opening weekend was a success!! What Amish market did you go to? I love going but boy are they expensive lol

    Janet, thank you! We have a trip to Gatlinburg planned for September. I really just want to get the house finished and go after.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Patti, how are you? Were you affected by the tornados last night? Praying all is well!!!!โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Things are back to "normal" (whatever that is!). Dan and the kids returned home yesterday. We had a great time. Jillian and Cole spent two of the three nights here and they all had wonderful cousin time. Our pool wasn't quite ready, but the kids didn't care. They all got in and played in the pool. I loved all the chaos!

    Dylan, Dan, Greg, and Mike enjoyed the race. We were wondering whether or not there would be a race due to the weather; however, the weather cooperated. I took Penny, Jillian, Cole, and Carrie to see Ugly Dolls. It was a cute movie.

    Today I have a PT at the gym. I haven't been to the gym in over a week due to my traveling to Dan and Annie's, so I'll be happy to get back at it.

    I'm going to have to call the doctor today about my shoulder/neck/upper back (whatever it is) to find out for sure what is causing my problem.

    Paula: So glad Kati is doing well. What a scare!

    Patti: I certainly hope you're ok! Tornados hit in northern IL, IN, and then in Dayton.

    Waving hi to Janet, Diane, Cindy, and Karla. Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    we are fine. tornados touched down within a few blocks of us. no power but have a generator. boil advisory and water conservation in effect. grateful for my gas stove! all my friends and family have checked in and no damage to property or person reported other than minor stuff. Feeling beyond blessed
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early as I couldn't sleep. Today, I'll start on creating the tickets for our summer musical, Frozen, Jr. Tickets go on sale on June 9 (I won't be there on that Sunday, so my friend will have to fill in for me).

    I have a summer school student. She's trying to take two courses at the same time in the same facility. One is a field in preschool and the other is an administrative course. She called me last night confused about her placements, so I've contacted the ed dept to try to find answers.

    Patti: Mike might be going to Dayton for the Red Cross. I'll believe it when he actually leaves as they tell him all the time he might be going, and then something happens and he doesn't go.

    I'm heading to the gym this morning and will do the same routine as my trainer showed me yesterday. Have a great day, everyone.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    Quick drive by- I've been super busy lately and no excuses but just working all the time,
    Jasper continues to improve but very slowly- he still goes 2x month to the underwater treadmill. My best guess another year before he is really walking "normal" but I'm okay with that he is such a sweet boy and even now is tight to my leg on the couch,
    Eating on plan in nonexistent- just need to find my mo-jo
    I did go buy 2 new outfits for the book fair next weekend as I need to look like I'm pulled together.
    Patti- so glad your safe
    Paula- you did the right thing for your daughter- Luis is a peach - saving money :)
    Bert- looks like the guys and girls had fun
    Karla- how are you ?
    Janet- thanks for asking about Jasper and concentrate on veggies
    Diane- are you guys on the road again?

    Need to run- I'll be back!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello to all.

    Patti, so glad your home is OK. Hope your world is soon back to normal.

    Paula, how is Kati doing?

    Bert, thanks for the pics. We watched the race - it was really fun (a word I wouldn't use if anyone had been hurt).

    Cindy, thanks for the Jasper update. Hang in there. My eating has been SO spotty lately too. We'll get it back together. Glad you got some new things for the book fair. I just ordered a few things for my CA trip too. It's good to treat ourselves kindly, within reason.

    Diane, can't wait to see more of this beautiful country via Charly4!

    Karla, if you're still here, please let us know how your dad and Kerry are doing. Hope you can chill out a bit - your last few months have been a blur.

    Take care, everyone.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    quick stop. still no power, it may be days! still under boil advisory and water conservation rules. Mom has power but no water, still waiting for generators to run the pumps. grateful for the generator to keep freezer and fridge cold. yeah for hair appointment today. I am beside myself with the outpouring of love in this town. Dayton has been in the news too often because of drug trafficking, human trafficking and overdose deaths. not to mention the crime and violence. But we are showing the country that we still have a town full of loving and caring people. less than half a mile from my house it looks like a war zone. So much devastation. Pray for our town as we recover.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good evening,

    Patti I'm glad you were spared! The devastation is incredible. Hoping your power is in soon but from news reports it may be out for a while.

    Bert, love the pictures! Sounds like your hands are full, busy busy busy!

    Cindy, glad Jasper is doing well. Good luck at book fair.

    Janet, Kati is doing extremely well. One good thing about MS is that pain is part of our normal daily life so dealing with pain is easier lol thanks for asking!

    I've been sleeping alot today. Think all the stuff that went on this last week caught up to me. I have made the decision to go back on ww either this month or next. My eating is out if control. I'm up almost 10 pounds....yikes!!!