OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Our pool is open; however, it looks like a lake now. The work begins!

    Cindy: Congratulations on being cancer free! Good luck with your book publishings.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning dear friends. It is gorgeous here today and I don't have any commitments outside the house. I will finish the wagon liner for sweet Leo. Just have to add the Velcro to the tabs for attaching it and sew one seam shut. I want to paint the little desk I got for Edd (his paperwork for his handyman business has been overtaking the dining room table for too long) and I also want to get some peppers and tomatoes planted in my little garden. Tonight we are meeting Mike&Pam and my granddaughter Alex and her hubby at the Moose for pizza and karaoke. I wish you all could hear Alex's sweet voice. Tomorrow is a free day for me. I will probably go see my sister in the nursing home and may take Mom if she is up to it. All depends on the weather.

    Cindy, so happy to hear the biopsy was negative. I have been down that road and the anxiety leading up to the results is near crippling sometimes. I plan to come see you on Friday. Can I hang at your table for a while? We can chat between signings, I promise to not get in the way but can also sing your praises when people stop by. I am so looking forward to meeting you in person at last!

    Bert, pools are so much work but I bet it is worth it when the kids get to enjoy them. My kids and grands all grew up with the river as their pool, lol. It is a lot of work too but in a different way.

    Diane, hope your projects are winding down so you have time to get ready for your trip.

    Janet, have you recovered from your quick trip. Good luck at your oncology visit. When will you start your new RA regimen or has it already begun. I pray you get some better pain control.

    Karla, have you left us or are you just taking a break? How is Kerry doing with his treatments now? We nearly lost my sister last week from her COPD, very scary stuff.

    Time to get busy.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Oops, Paula, didn't mean to forget you. Wow, that place looks like a lot of work but for me it looks like fun. I love the process of tearing it all out and making it your own. Do pace yourself!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi - Oncologist says all looks good; I see him in another year (which will mark almost five years since my thyroidectomy). Guessing this summer we may need another thyroid med tweak - still feeling a bit drawn out. Need to call rheumatologist about next steps convertible methotrexate to injection too.

    Cindy, great news for you!

    Went to see "Hello, Dolly" last night and it was sheer delight - just what I needed. Eating not the best this week. Maybe a nap ... Hope to do personals tomorrow.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is refridgerator repair day! The window for his arrival is 8:00-5:00! However, he arrived at 10 last week, so I'm hoping it will be morning again this time. I have quite a bit of things to do today.

    Tomorrow I get my hair cut. I'm going to a different stylist this time. I have let my hair grow out a little as I want the option to wear it curly or straight. I'm hoping the new stylist can give me tips and blend my hair better.

    Lindsey had another scare yesterday. She was bleeding and also passed a blod clot. The OBGYN said it was from the stitches from her procedure. She had her cervix stitched to help keep the babies in. The babies are ok! WHEW! It's going to be long 6 months. She's due in November.

    Janet: Great news from the oncologist!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning, went grocery shopping yesterday. Me and my daughter went to look at flooring and I found something else I like πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I will make a final decision. It is a lot of work but mainly the bathroom and kitchen and plumbing.The rest is pretty much just paint and flooring. I despise painting but it needs to be done.

    Bert, yes we are completely gutting both. We already have new cabinets ready to go in but need to finish other things first.

    Janet, there were a lot of questionable things in this house lol not sure where the past owners came up with their decorating style lol. Such great news that all is well!!!

    Cindy, that's great news!!!!

    Patti, the house was so full of stuff when we got it. We still have stuff in there that needs to go but we're getting it out little by little.

    I hope you all have a fabulous day. Waving hi to Diane, hope I haven't missed anyone.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello and happy Friday. I am taking Mom to see my sis in the nursing home this morning. My sister sounds great. Is going to activities and getting therapy, she knows 2 residents at this place, from her last stay there a couple of years ago. They will have to wait until she goes home to do the sleep study. If mom is up to it we will go out and o lunch, if not we will pick something up on the way home.
    I finished the wagon liner and my grandson will pick it up Saturday. All I have on my to do list for this afternoon is laundry and second coat of paint on the desk. Edd is leaving for the cabin, with a load of stuff, this afternoon. I have to work tomorrow and on Sunday my GF and I are going to a huge flea market/antique show at the fairgrounds. They have this show every spring and fall. It takes most of a day to go thru the whole thing. Everything from junk to true treasures.
    Had the best time and unfortunately the best pizza last night. Oh well. My granddaughter and her husband both sang last night. They both have awesome voices. Hers needs some practice, he has a very sexy baritone. My DIL had her niece and nephew for the evening, they are pure delight. 6 y/o Leland is all boy and plays well with the other kids (there is a great playground that can be seen from inside) and 4 y/o Lenin is all about dancing and was delighting the karaoke singers while they performed.

    Bert, prayers for an early visit from the repairman. My gf bought a new whirlpool fridge and it broke within a week. That was three weeks ago. They have sent repairmen twice with no fix and are now being told that whirlpool has to come out. I would have insisted on a new one when it broke down. I stopped using Best Buy years ago for this very reason, they do not stand behind or repair their products.

    Paula, if I lived closer I would come paint for you. I love painting! Ever since we redid the bathroom I have been wanting to paint the whole house!

    Janet, great news and always a relief to get the all clear. Hoping new tweaks to meds does the trick.

    Time to pick up Mom
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Janet- wonderful news, sending you a virtual hug!
    Bert- sorry about the frig and lake issues :) but you'll work it all out
    Paula- like Patti, I'd love to be in the fray at your new house. It was always fun to cut and rebuild
    Patti- did you get my email about Cincinnati? Can't wait to hug you in person!

    I've done my research to try and figure out how I can get myself refocused and eating better and I'm going to try and eat low glycemic - from what I've read its good for the prediatbetes nonsense and maybe I can just take it one meal at a time without all the heavy duty planning.
    I do know I'm going to stop eating greek yougrt for a bit- the last few days I have had it for breakfast and haven't felt that great until almost 4 in the afternoon. I did buy FF instead of lowfat but I wouldn't think that would bother me- who knows.
    So I'm going to try different breakfast and hopefully want to eat lunch :)

    Need to run- but have a great rest of your day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, got your email and responded.

    Mom decided she really didn't want to go to the nursing home. My Sis understood and they will chat on the phone instead. I did drop by Mom's for a few minutes to bring her some milk and to make sure she was ok. I got my little garden planted, mostly. I put in 3 tomatoes, 1 cherry tomato, 3 jalapeΓ±os and 2 sweet banana peppers. I have room for 2 or 3 more so I think I will put in more pepper plants. Got Edd all loaded and headed to the river. Finished painting the desk and now just need to do some laundry but it might wait until tomorrow. I need to make a couple of cards for our class on Thursday.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is going to be a gorgeous day! There's not a cloud in the sky this morning. I'm spreading mulch (what I can do on my own without my shoulder hurting), but will watch my shoulder. I think I've done something to my shoulder, or it's coming from my neck. I'm not sure at this point. Mike will put the bags around the areas, and all I will have to do is spread it around the flower beds. It will look so pretty when I'm done.

    The fridge is fixed! I hope this compressor will last more than 4 years. I'm going to purchase another warranty when this one expires. I bought the appliances from Sears as we have always had good luck with them; however, he says LG makes the Kenmore products. Since Sears has closed, there isn't a local retail place around, and the repair services aren't as fast as they once were. There is one appliance store in town we will go to if we need something else. I definitely won't purchase from Best Buy, Lowe's, or Menards.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Not much getting accomplished this weekend, my daughter is working so I have my youngest grandson. We did manage to load up a truckload of stuff from the new house and took it to the yearly yunk days they hold in Washington township. I went in and started upstairs and Omgoodness it is hot up there. My husband came up and made me go downstairs. He told me that I can't be up there, he is so in tune with my MS lol.

    We need to get the electric inspection so we can get the electric on and AC on.

    Patti, I'm so glad your sister is doing well. If you lived closer I'd let you print πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. My husband is painting downstairs, me and my daughter said we'd paint upstairs.

    Cindy, it's a whole lot of work but I love that it'll be how I want it. I just don't like painting lol

    Bert, please be careful with your shoulder. I messed mine up in September and had to go to PT for 12 and get Cortisone injection. It's just now getting back to normal.

    Have a great day!
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Quiete here today. I'm getting laundry done while watching my grandbaby. Next weekend we'll be going to Chicago for the weekend. It will be one year (the 25th) since my husband's mom and sister were murdered in Guatemala so I think getting away is his way if dealing with it.

    Have a great day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hey all, where did this weekend go? Got my cards made for the class, 4 cards all prepped for the girls to stamp and glue. The liner for the wagon turned out great and the kids were pleased with it. I would do another but have lots of "better ways" to do it next time. Worked 5.5 hours yesterday and we were just steady, but my knee was really hurting by the time I left. The nice thing is, if I rest it for about an hour it recovers well. Only thing I bought at the the giant flea market/antique show was lunch. And that was a totally bad choice, Texas tenderloin and fries. I cannot resist fair food. I did not eat the bun and ate less than 1/2 the tenderloin. I cannot remember the last time I had one of those tenderloins. Doubt I will have another for quite some time. It was mostly breaking, now like I remember. Over it, lol.
    Bought 3 more pepper plants, a sweet red mini and 2 mexibells, supposedly spicy bells. We shall see.

    Oh Paula how awful! I had no idea. Cannot even imagine how hard this was on him. Good idea to get away. Big hugs from me to him and you.

    Waving a big, happy, loving hello to you all
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I rested all day yesterday with a heating pad on me after getting home from church. I also put bio freeze on the sore areas. I feel a better today and am hoping to not overdo it. I drive to Chicago tomorrow to attend Dylan's school concert and watch he and Penny play ball. I'll return on Friday (their games are throughout this week), and Dan will be coming also on Friday with the kids. Annie will stay home with the pups. Dan, Dylan, Mike, and Greg will go to the race on Suinday. I'll take Penny, Jillian, Cole, and Carrie to Zoopolis in Columbus, IN. It's a petting zoo. Cole and Jillian went there on spring break and had fun. I thought Penny would enjoy it too.

    Paula: So sorry to hear about your husbands mom and sister. It must be awful for him. What part of Chicago are you visiting?

    Patti: Mike planted the garden on Saturday. We bought tomatoes, green peppers, and eggplant. The eggplant didn't do well last year, so we are trying it again. I've had luck with eggplant in the past.

    I have many errands to run today; last minute things to get before I leave. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Missing the lively chatter but understand life is busy for us all. I have lots to do to get ready for opening weekend at the cabin. Edd's brother and his family, sans the heinous SIL, have requested the upstairs for this one. My son and DIL will be on a bike trip with friends so this will be a low attendance weekend as far as I can tell. I also need to get signed up for my Medicare insurance and find a Dr that will take me and mom as new patients.

    Bert, what a fun week you will have, filled with family activities. Hope your back is better and you can enjoy yourself pain free.

    Until later

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Today I'm doing absolutely nothing until 3:45. We are writing a grant proposal to redo the playground in our town. So many kids have moved in over the past couple of months that I made a motion to look into grants.

    Bert, sounds like you'll be busy busy this week. We'll be going to the pier area. Last time we went we stopped at Indiana sand dunes and it was gorgeous.

    Patti, was wondering if you still went to the cabin since I see you are working now. Good luck signing up for Medicare. Research your choices of insurance you can get. Basic Medicare doesn't cover dental, hearing and vision so look into Humana etc....not sure of the cost cause I have basic and use my husband's insurance for the others. We'll have to meet up sometime when you're at the cabin or maybe I can just come spend time there.

    Have a great day!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    all signed up for my insurance and found a new Dr for me and Mom. She is not far from us and she is certified in sports medicine. all my Rx are covered and will be less than $5 each. I just need to find a dentist and vision center. $5 office visit. so I am all set.

    Paula, we will be at the cabin every weekend. usually Thursday eve to Sunday night. would love for you to come down and enjoy my deck with me!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading to Chicago today. It is supposed to rain throughout the day, so I'm hoping for no storms while I'm traveling. May back, shoulder, and neck are better. I think Sunday resting with the heat pads helped.

    We will have a new patio poured in a couple of weeks. Our contractor came last night to discuss the design. It will be nice to have a new one as ours has huge cracks in it. We will extend it a little, too. Then, after we recuperate from that, we will have our front porch redone. Same there, many cracks.

    Paula: I haven't been to the Dunes since I was a kid. I'd love to go there, I've heard it's beautiful. Have fun in the pier area.

    Patti: That's great that you found insurance. Our supplemental does a good job with Rx.; however, we don't have vision as that was an extra cost. I have dental that I kept when I retire, so I pay my premiums to the school corporation. It's quite an adjustment paying for Medicare, supplemental, and Rx. Our insurances were fabulous when we worked.

    Waving hi to Karla, Janet, Cindy, and Diane. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning to all who stop by and cyber hugs for all. It is an overcast and cool day. Perfect for hanging with Mom and staying in doors. Finally got my register training last night. We were super slow so I had time to ask all the questions I never got to ask at the other store. I feel much more confident that I can jump in and help when needed but really don't want to do a whole shift as cashier.
    I have no idea if we will have a crowd at the cabin for this weekend but will be prepared. Still need to buy fruits and veggies and hit Costco for rotisserie chicken and walleye. I bought a new queen, double high air bed at Meijers yesterday that was on clearance for $40, the same one on Amazon is $70! They had a shelf full so I will go get another. They make perfect guest beds and it will be nice to have a back up.

    Bert, amazing what a bit of rest and heat will do. I went with Anthem MediBlue HMO. It includes basic dental (2 cleanings, one X-ray) and vision (1 eye exam and $200 for glasses) per year. I am going to check into the free gym membership to see if I can find some classes to take. Safe travels and enjoy your trip to Chicago.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, forgot to say my insurance has been extremely expensive since Edd retired so just paying the Medicare part B premium for the same coverage is a huge savings. I am going to set up a fund, with the saved money, for uncovered dental and vision costs.