OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm getting things ready to donate to the church for the rummage sale this weekend. I need to straighten up the house as well as it's been neglected for a while. Have a good day everyone.

    Patti: So glad you had a great time with Suzi.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning and happy fresh week (here it's Derby Week). Realtively uneventful weekend and my two-day minor tummy troubles seem to be gone. My eating the last couple of days was centered on putting a few mild things into my system, so choices were marginal but at least I didn't overdo.

    Patti, your day with Suzi sounds terrific - yay! Karla, hope Kerry will be well soon - the disruption of the storm and reconstruction can't have helped. I know you'll leave him and your dad with a clean home and well-stocked larder.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Hi all, sorry I've been MIA. Been doing a lot of work on the house. Today I'm doing nothing, I should have worn a mask while pulling last roof of carpet and padding. I feel it in my throat, chest and nose. But it's now all complete. My husband and brother in law got alot if the kitchen structure redone. Still another days worth of work then we can start plumbing etc. I'm ordering ceiling paint, paint and flooring for the kitchen next week. It'll be awesome to see it all come together. Downing the water today, makes my throat and chest feel better.

    I've heard wonderful things about CBD oil. It's very popular in the MS community. I've yet to try it but I've seriously been thinking about it.

    Waving hi to all! I'll do personals later when I'm feeling better.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    This arrived today and I was moved to tears with my friend's generosity and love.

    Paula, glad you are done with the carpet. you are doing the right thing by chugging water.

    Much to do so better get to it
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Patti, That is gorgeous!!! I want one! For real lol. I'm still drinking the water, I overdid it so I'll be down a few days. Pain has set in as the stinking fatigue.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Molly is heading to the "spa" this morning. I'm heading to church to help with the rummage sale set up and hopefully will work in one of my flower beds. The weather will dictate that of course.

    Paula: I hope you're feeling better.

    Janet: I hope your stomach issues are better.

    Patti: What a beautiful quilt!

    Karla: I'm sure your dad is very appreciative of his clean house.

    Waving hi to Diane and Cindy.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, everyone. Broke down and turned the AC on last night - it kills me to have to do that in April, but ... (Karla, you're probably giggling at that - it's almost year-round where you are, so I really shouldn't complain.)

    Paula, rest up. It's tempting to overdo when you have a vision of the finished project, but please guard your health.

    Bert, hope the rummage sale will bring in lots of funds.

    Patti, that quilt is stunning. Love the color palette, and the workmanship looks superb. An exquisite piece, made with love.

    Karla, how is Kerry doing?

    Cindy, how is sweet Jasper doing in rehab?

    Diane, wish you could take me on a nature walk. I'm recording the three-part PBS "Nature" special on spring (I'm a sucker for "Nature" and "NOVA.") It's such a beautiful time of year - how many school field trips does the center get?

    My eating was pretty good yesterday - made us BBQ (premed), beans and coleslaw for dinner and had only modest portions. Thinking maybe a big salad (taco salad?) tonight. Have a good day, whatever your weather may be.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Update on Kerry, we are back at the clinic. He had a horrible night of coughing and neither one of us got any sleep. He was angry this morning and would not stay compliant to have bloodwork we had scheduled. I rescheduled it for Thursday. He is just wore out from this going on so long. I hope they do the X-ray while we are here. I’ve got my hands full but I’m not leaving until he is feeling better.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    I have been working on straighout the house from the remodeling. Stuff was piled everywhere. This is the dining room. I am taking my time as my back was already acting up.

    Janet- thanks for asking about Kerry.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all, sorry to have been MIA. We have been so busy! We are trying to leave for the summer three weeks from tomorrow, and there is just so much to get done before that.

    We are remodeling the church bathrooms. John built the cabinetry, and has done the electric work and will do the plumbing. He took out all the partitions, but someone else is going to paint them, and repair the walls and get them painted. Once the painting is done we will reinstall the partitions, install the cabinetry and the final plumbing/fixtures/lights etc. So the end is near on that. I've done all the purchasing of fixtures, countertops, lights, etc. I need to return the lights I bought because we decided they are too narrow. I ordered different ones today. I have a bit of shopping to do for new soap dispenser, towel basket, etc.

    We are also working on our land. We had the first 100 feet of the lane graded and graveled. They raised it quite a bit to form a swale to prevent water from the road from running into our lane. Thursday we are meeting with the county forester to go over our forest stewardship plan, and we will also install a new gate across the lane. That and a bit more clearing are about all we plan to get done at the land before we leave for the summer.

    We were away for the weekend because Carrie had several friends in for a bachelorette party. They stayed at our house and "did" Annapolis. Apparently they had a great time. We went to a PA state park, but it rained on us Thursday and Friday. We toured a Frank Lloyd Wright house nearby (Kentuck Knob) which we had never been to. We've toured the more famous one nearby, Falling Water, several times in the past. On Saturday we did a 25 mile bike ride on the Great Allegheny Passage, a rail-trail. It was all downhill except the first mile, and included three rail tunnels. Lots of fun!

    Yesterday was an Elise day. We had fun, except she wouldn't nap, so by late afternoon she was getting a little wild. She ran to give me a goodby hug and ran into me and hit my eye socket HARD with her forehead. She is fine, but I have quite a shiner!

    Eating has been abysmal since we left for our weekend away last Wednesday. I didn't make it to WI today with all the stuff we had going on. I think I am going to drop WW while we are gone - I manage to stay about even, but I don't manage to track at all when we are on the road. My home scale hop shows me up a bit from last week, so I NEED to get under control again. I don't really have a good opportunity for WI until next week, either. Tomorrow is a field trip day then I am meeting a friend at the airport, spending the evening with her, and getting her to her hotel in Baltimore for a conference she is attending this week. We will go somewhere for a REAL Maryland crabcake!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Paula, your remodeling sounds much like what we did at my sister's house in November/December! WE gutted the kitchen and bathroom, walls and all, and rebuilt. It was a lot of work, but it looks terrific now. I don't know if I ever shared the final pictures with the group. They finally had someone finish their LR floor, and do the final trim, so they are DONE.

    Patti, what a work of art! Your friend must be very special indeed. I have a quilt top that my MIL started and I finished, but I need to find someone to do the actual quilting on it.

    Karla, looks like your dad/brother's house is really getting the finishing touches with you there. I hope Kerry got his x-ray today.

    Janet, I wish I could take you for a nature walk! On a typical field trip, we see three habitats - the wetlands, the forest, and the stream or pond. The wetland center gets field trips four days a week, up to 50 kids per day, for all of April and May. We have already served almost 1000 children this spring. We are track to serve about 1600, and had to deny another 500 due to lack of availability. We do about the same in the fall, and there are five weeks of summer camp too. It is a terrific place!

    Bert, good luck with the rummage sale. Our church used to do them twice a year, but the woman who ran them left, and nobody has stepped up. I have been giving stuff to Goodwill that I would normally save for the church.

    Cindy, I've been thinking of you often. Will you be doing any camping this year?

    I've seen lots of photos from Suzi Mack on FB - she seems to have retired and is traveling in her RV quite a bit!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's raining this morning. Today is lunch with my retired teacher friends and then I have my LAST visit for the semester! I'm ready! This semester has been something else! The education department is in disarray due to resignations and technology not working for students.

    Diane: You and John are so talented! Our rummage sale makes pretty good money for the church, but it is so much work. I'll help out tomorrow and during the sale Friday and Saturday.

    Karla: Glad Kerry is doing better.

    Waving hi to Janet, Patti, Cindy, and Paula. Have a great day!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, it has been a great day so far. Lost at WI, 2 ladies made lifetime and listening to them really inspired me. Then drove across town to have lunch with the girls....with the top down, yeah!!!! Hair done and now I am getting ready for work. It will be a hard night as they are coming in to clean the floors. This means we have to move all the fabric and fixtures to the other side of the store. This is back breaking work so I hope we are not too busy. I think I might finally have my head in the right place to do WW as it should be done.

    Diane, don't know how you get it all done! Glad you are getting away for a while so you can actually relax. How long is your next trip? Where are you going?

    Karla, sure hope Kerry is responding to all the treatment and continues to improve.

    Bert, are you going to continue with students next year? Good luck at the rummage sale. I know how much work goes into them, hope you make lots of money for the church.

    Cindy, in my thoughts and prayers. Always here if you need me.

    Janet, we are not warm enough for A/C yet but I am ready.,

    Paula, hope you are recovering from your carpet pulling! Sounds like you are moving along at a good pace.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon.

    Kerry is responding from the extensive care he got at the ER last night and the medications he is taking now. Still coughing some, but limited amount. Bless his heart it was pure scary last night when he was grasping for his breath. His Humana insurance has really came through so far. Thank you for all your concern and prayers.

    I haven’t had much sleep in two days with all this going on. I am so glad to finally hear Kerry say he is feeling better, although weird from the meds. I made him a check off grid with a list of what meds and when each time frame to check off. I am staying here until at least Friday morning to see him through several days of this regiment. You see, he is mentally challenged and almost totally deaf so this is very hard on him. Put on top of this the fact that he has not gone to a doctors office or hospital since the mid seventies due to a severe phobia of medical professionals. He trust me and relies on me but usually says “no doctors, no doctors “! This time I worked some psychology on him by getting the Humana nurse line on the phone and letting him know they are recommending what he needs to do.

    My dad is having trouble with his right arm. Can’t lift it up very far. Looks like rotator cuff issue. He sees his doctors the week after next. Geez.

    I better go, tired. Thanks again for thinking of me.

    Oh, they took four vials of blood from Kerry and the doc said his totals looked good except the WBC but that was due to bronchitis.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is a meeting on campus and Cole has a game. I'm not looking forward the the meeting, but will attend and "keep my mouth shut". (right!)

    Patti: Yes, I'll continue next year. It's just been frustrating this semester as we, the clinical supervisors, are the ones who get many questions and try to find answers for them. I do enjoy working with the students, so hopefully the fall semester will be better. Congratulations on losing!

    Karla: So glad you are there to help your dad and brother.

    Waving hi to Janet, Diane, Paula, and Cindy. Have a great day everyone!


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, hope the meeting is less fraught than you fear. I always go into those vowing to remain silent, and then, ...

    Patti, hope the moving of all the stuff didn't have dire consequences for your body - be kind to YOU today!

    Karla, how is Kerry doing? So many worries when a family member is ill, and Kerry's difficulties compound the concern. God thing he trusts you, and I know you did a great job of running interference for him at the hospital. Hope he had great nurses - I know my hospital stays were made or broken by the nursing staff. Nearly all of them were wonderful.

    Diane, you are a whirlwind. Have you mapped out your summer trip yet? Online bill-pay and such do make it easier to be away from home.

    Cindy, are they backing off a bit at work?

    Ate well yesterday - made taco salad or dinner - healthy and tasty. I'll thaw salmon for tonight, which will be served with asparagus and little red spuds. I'll make a small tossed salad too. Before that, lots of errands.

    Have a lovely day, all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. It’s been a long week. I’m taking Kerry back to the clinic or ER today. His cough is not any better and he is unable to inhale the inhaler properly even with my aisstance. I don’t think it is getting in his lungs. He is on Levaquin, Prednisone, Albuterol inhaler and Mucanex DM.
    They are so resistant here to prescription cough medicine. Kerry insists he is better and is breathing better now, but when he first got up at 5a he was wheezing. I’ve since given him the prednisone and the Mucinex and did the inhaler. He told me he’s eating too much since I’ve been here. Lol.

    Yes, I’ve made a big pan of baked spaghetti first, his favorite, earlier this week and yesterday I made the best meatloaf and mashed potatoes for them. I’ve baked sugar cookies, Kerry’s favorite, and chocolate chip cookies last night. Can I say they love me being here?

    I’ve been taking my time cleaning the house and doing some redecorating too. My older brother, Kenny, stopped by yesterday. He was floored how good the house looked. He lives in Dothan, about 85 Miles from here. It was great seeing him.

    I’m going to a living estate sale this morning with my dad. He loves going to them. I will make sure Kerry is situated first. He is laughing and watching tv now.

    Janet - thank you again for asking about Kerry and continuing to inquire about him.

    Bert- yes they appreciate me being here very much.

    Have a great day,

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, busy couple of days for me with work and trying to get the cushions made. Had major trouble with my upholstery machine and spent several hours just trying to figure out what was causing the problem. My last ditch effort was to change to a different type of thread. Never dreaming that it would make a difference, it did! I basically have one more seam, all the way around the cushion and I will be done. Moving all the fixtures from the front of the store to the back took less time than we anticipated since we had almost no customers the entire shift. And there was 5 of us all working together. Edd is gone for the weekend at the state pool tournament. This is usually when I get in trouble with my eating so I am being extra vigilant on tracking. Made it through yesterday with a blue dot. Today I work from 2-6. Have to run to the grocery after work to pick up ingredients for my tomatillo/pineapple salsa. Tomorrow is my DIL's sister's 40th birthday party. Two more of her sisters are in from Cali and the food will be Taco Bar, lots of authentic Mexican food, yum. The party starts at 4pm and will go to the wee hours. She is the baby of 8! I will go early and leave early. Won't be drinking and don't want to leave Frankie for too many hours.

    Karla, sounds like Kerry is improving except for the cough. A good cough syrup to try, if he will, mix equal parts honey and vinegar and take a teaspoon when the coughing starts. Wonder if a vaporizer in his room at night would help keep his airway passages moist. Sort of like treating croup. Just something to try.

    Janet, do you have your Derby hat ready?

    Bert, good luck with the sale

    Waving hi to Cindy, Diane and Paula
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- thanks for the tip on the honey and vinegar. I know we have honey, i do have a vaporizer I brought with me we are using. I’ll check for the other and go get some if need be. I want to start making my own salsa too.

    We have done better getting all the meds completed early. I have an appointment with his PCP tomorrow at 3p to go over test results and get a nebulizer treatment. I also found out today the only pulmonologist covered by his insurance is Pensacola, but now that we know from the chest Cat Scan he doesn’t have COPD or Emphysema, maybe she can handle him.

    Finished the bathroom and my mother’s room and more on the living room. It’s nice to be here so long to take my time to not only clean, but decorate.

    Hi to Bert, Cindy, Diane and Janet.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    The dining room and my mother’s room.