OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello my friends,took mom for her eye appointment yesterday. She can see down another 3 lines on the eye chart. She doesn't get all the letters on each line but gets the shapes correct. Huge improvement from 8 weeks ago. Not sure it will get much better but I always hope and pray that it will.
    My eating was horrible last night after dinner. Not sure why I was so hungry and mad that I made such bad choices. But it is in the past and I now can start this day off better. Got my new carpet cleaner late yesterday so will be taking it for a whirl around my living and dining room later today. Do I know how to live it up or what?

    Paula, sorry to hear about your Mom, where is she? You mentioned Katy getting infusions, has she been diagnosed with MS also? Do pace yourself. Your sniffles could be a reaction to whatever was in the carpeting you pulled up along with seasonal allergies. I love rehabbing houses but it is a dirty job.

    Diane, have fun with Elise today. I know you struggle with snacking daily but as hard as you work and play I wonder if you are eating too light at all your meals. Just a thought.

    Bert, bet you are looking forward to the end of this semester. You seem to be unusually busy this term. Good for you for keeping up at the gym. I need to channel your spirit there.

    Waving hi to Karla, Cindy and Janet
    Wishing you all sunshine inside and out
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I started a new morning routine as my metabolism is still pumped from my trip. I’m drinking 16 ounces of water and then doing 30 minutes on the treadmill before I start my dad. I then want to work with weights in the evening before bed. I can do this!

    Diane- just keep trying, you have a lot going on.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    yes Kati was diagnosed with MS in 2016. We are both on the same infusion. My body tends to react to medications so we'll see. And I'm sure you're right about the carpet. My husband kept telling me to wear a mask because that house has been sitting for a very long time but do I listen?!?! I'm nope, I feel like I can't breath when I'm wearing a mask. At least it's done now. Mom is in a nursing facility it Ripley, for a while she was really with it. She still knows who everyone is she just forgets things and yesterday was really bad. My eating has been horrible for the past month. I'm up like 8 pounds 😱😱 it's a never-ending cycle of gaining/losing with me

    Karla, you can do it! I always tell myself I'm going to exercise but never get it done. I have had some issues with spasticity I'll explain in another post.

    Watching my youngest grandbaby so gotta go!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    WI was a gain, that is from my vacation, I knew it would show up this week. I have decided that, since I want to develop all new patterns of behavior this time, I am going to only weigh in every other week. I am focusing on finding the right balance for me. I need to get back to an exercise routine, it is essential for me on many levels. Lunch was a total bust. The girls chose an Italian place that had a limited lunch menu. No salads or grilled chicken. Pasta, pizza or subs. I love all three! I opted for baked Ziti and luckily it was a small portion. I tracked it but know I will be hungry when I get home from work. Tomorrow my gf and I are hitting a citywide garage sale in the morning and then we are making cards with a group of us in the afternoon.
    see ya later
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning Ladies. I'm traveling to Evansville today for a visit. Have a great day.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I showed a small loss at my workshop yesterday. Point two. That’s better than the point four gain I did last month when I went to Disney. I think stepping up my water and treadmill this week may have helped too. I’m going to make sure I don’t show I don’t show a gain next week by staying on this track and earning a blue dot everyday! I’m on a mission. I have another five day vacation coming up in two weeks! The Natchez, MS trip.

    I’m off today but have my yearly GYN checkup at 9:40 and am going by the booth after then. I was hoping to have the Avalon served today as I need to run over to check on my brother Kerry. He has been very sick with a bad cough.

    I just had my healthy omelette and now need to get my tennis shoes on to hit my walking. I need this weight bearing routine for my bone issues. I did do some hand weights last night too.

    Bert- Be safe on the road.

    Cindy- hello to you my friend.

    Janet- Did you get your perrenials picked out?

    Diane- How was your Elise day? She is such a cutie! I know you and John will be building a beautiful home.

    I better run. Or walk I should say!! Lol

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, everyone. Was up late watching my Warriors lose, so having coffee and doing my morning online check. Not much new here, and eating has been odd. But I somehow get through the day and don't think I'm gaining, so that's good. Lots to do in the next few days (mostly dumb stuff like eye doc).

    Karla, hope Kerry is much better soon. Patti, your balance is getting better by the day and you are making wonderful progress. Bert, that's quite a drive - hope weather and traffic cooperate. Diane, hang in there. Bet you enjoyed every moment with Elise. Cindy, any more updates from your company? Hope they're not running you into the ground! Paula, the house will have built-in setbacks, but it will all be worth it in the end.

    Have a good day, friends!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Well work was brutal on my knees and the customers could not have been needier. Funny how the ones who can't sew all come on the same day and want me to walk them thru everything from needle and thread choice to picking out the fabric and pattern for them. Everything in the store is on sale so we were there until 11pm putting up signs. Such an archaic system! Glad summer hours will be starting soon for me. I was too tired and in too much pain to eat when I got home so that is a plus, lol. Skipping the garage sale outing with my gf. These old knees just need a rest, I was up most of the night in pain. I need to do laundry but will wait until the pain subsides as my laundry is in the basement.
    Ok, done whining, sorry about that, just need to get is out of my system. Thanks for listening and for your support.

    Waving hi to one and all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello girls. Day three on drinking water and doing the treadmill done!

    I’ve had a lovely day. Slow morning in bed watching Bosch and sipping tea, on to the doctor and a nice lunch of yummy shrimp and side salad. Then shopping for Jason’s birthday and a green tea latte from Starbucks. Oh, and a stop at the Health Hut for some calcium supplements, Omega plant based pills and CBD cream.

    Waiting for Izzy now and we have pictures today at the dance studio of her last costume. It’s a gorgeous glittery tap red and blue dress. I’m doing her hair and makeup. I’m getting pretty good at it.

    Janet - You are keeping your eating under control if you are not gaining. Didn’t answer my question about the flowers or I didn’t see it.

    Izzy has arrived. Take care my friends.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I only have two more visits to go and a few more evaluations to complete, and I'll be done for the semester! I'm ready! It's been a challenging semester. I get to stay home today, which feels great. I really want to work in my flower beds if the weather will cooperate. We have Euchre club tonight, so I'll need to fix something to take.

    Janet: It rained the entire day! I was so tired when I got home. I got a good night's sleep, too. (for once: I'm a light sleeper)

    Patti: Sorry about your knees, hips, and feet sometimes wake me up in the night.

    Karla: What is CBD cream? What do you use it for?

    Waving hi to Cindy, Paula, and Diane......have a great day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another rain day in the valley. So ready for summer and some porch sitting with friends. I got the fabric for the benches for my DIL. I need to get to their house and cut the foam to size before I get started. That probably won't happen until Sunday or Monday. I bought some cute patterns for summer tops the other day. I want to get my serger out and see if I can still make it work, lol, since the patterns are for knits not cotton. I had a great day yesterday with the girls, making cards. There are two newbies and I loved seeing how delighted they were when they completely their cards. Food was on point, for once! I made a delicious pork and veggies in garlic sauce from leftover pork tenderloin. It was 9 points for a huge serving. Will make again but will lightened it up a bit. Admit that I didn't figure the points until after I ate. Only have to work 4.5 hours today so hope my knee hold up. Need to research another pattern for applying Ktape to see if it works. Been thinking about CBD oil but after researching I think there are more questions than answers and not enough regulation or testing at this point. webMDs final words on the subject, "...bottom-line advice is people need to be under the care of a health care provider who understands CBD . They need to be monitored and managed by that individual, and not just go out and buy CBD thinking it's going to be the answer". It can cause liver damage. The bulk of the testing has been done on animals, very few studies have been done on humans and those have been limited and very small studies. The one use that seems to be well documented and tested is for use in children with rare forms of epilepsy. The one big red flag for me is that there is little known on how CBD interacts with other medications. Nurse Patti over and out, lol.

    Bert, CBD is Cannabidiol and is extracted from the flowers and buds of marijuana or hemp plants. It is supposed to not contain any THC which is the chemical that causes the high in pot. However they found that at least 1 in 5 of tested CBD oil did contain THC.
    I know you will be glad when this semester is over and you can stay home and play in your flower beds. Hope there were some good aspiring teachers out of this group with all the effort you have put in.

    Karla, God job on starting your new routine. What are using the CBD oil for. Is it oral or topical? Or is it for the dog?

    Waving hi to the rest of the crowd here.
    Need to fix something healthy and then think about going to work, lol

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    I knew nurse Patti would answer before I had a chance. lol.

    Bert- It is a cream I just bought from the Health food store where the owner is very, very knowledgeable about her products. I went in for the calcium supplements and plant based Omega 3, but saw the CBD cream and inquired about it. This store has been here over 20 years. She wanted to make sure I knew this was the Hemp form and had very minute trace of THC. My skin therapist had mentioned her mother had plantar fascitis and how much this cream really helped her and how she could go back to walking barefoot in the house again. I guess I better contact my doctor first now!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, didn't mean to step on your toes but. Had recently looked into this for my knee and foot pain. After all that I read I opted to not try it until there is some research done. My biggest concern is that there is no standard or testing for how much CBD or THC (which should be 0) is in the product. Of the ones tested there was no consistency and some contained almost no CBD oil. But I do think it is wise of you to check with your Dr for possible drug interactions before trying. Please let us know what you find out.

    Work wasn't too bad. I picked up fabric for 3 tops I want to make. I really want to use my serger. Hope I don't destroy the material, lol. All knits and it has been quite a while since I've sewn them.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Jillian's travel soccer game for today has been cancelled due to wet fields. She is playing this morning here. Currently it's only 48 degrees and she is to play in 90 minutes. I don't know how beneficial it will be for her.

    If my knees will hold out, I would like to weed another flower bed. I'm not sure how much longer I can take care of these flower beds. I would like to clear them all out and perhaps just to flower pots.....the weeds just take over and I don't like looking at them. I'm not at the point of hiring it done either. One lawn person wanted $3,000 to clear out the small bed off our patio and install a fire pit, and $1,300 just to clear it. So, that's definitely not in our budget.

    Eating has been so so. Our church group had Euchre Club last night. It's difficult to count calories/points when people bring things in. Today will be better.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    CRUD. Lost a long post, and I'm at my laptop. Grrrrr.

    Wishing you all a sunny day, whether literal or figurative. Yesterday was a decent day for me (I did cave to Oreos late, while watching my Warriors. Ah well ... Today is grocery shopping and hair cut/color.

    I am using CBD oil after a discussion with my rheumatologist - she's the one who first raised the possibility. She was adamant that I not get just any bottle - some manufacturers have excellent quality control (mine is a brand she mentioned - Charlotte's Web). I'll see if I can find the printed guidance she gave me and share it. It does seem to help my RA a bit. Haven't tried the topical cream yet but intend to, for feet and hands. Hmmm - need to get some, maybe today. It tastes pretty vile and you hold it under your tongue for a bit, but anything that might help is welcome here. KY is way restrictive on everything and it's legal here. Haven't felt any "high" from using it so far. I see her again soon and will let you know what she says.

    Gotta get going here but wanted to begin my day with coffee and friends.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    p.s. - Still haven't buckled down to consider my back bed planting wishes - maybe tonight or tomorrow. I can envision what I want it to look like, but deciding what plants I want to kook at year after year intimidates me!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, getting ready to make an omelet before going to work. Need to find something to take for dinner. I am working over 6 hours so will get an actual 30 minute meal break. Frankie seems to be back to her normal self. I am still restricting her feeding times and not free feeding as she has always done. Tomorrow Suzi and I are going to the Vintage Market Days at the local fairgrounds. It is filled with wonderful artists and all their handmade wares. I have been several times but Suzi has not. Then I will take her to lunch at a local hangout that is also new to her. Really looking forward to our day together.

    Janet, thanks for your input on the CBD oil. I am in between Dr's right now so have no one ask. Do share whatever you learn. Glad I have a black thumb, takes the pressure off choosing plants, lol. You have such good taste anything you choose will be gorgeous.

    Bert, I like the idea of just plants in pots. I think even I could manage those.....if I were inclined to plant anything, lol. I had no idea it cost so much to have someone do the work for you. I have green grass and trees, that is enough of a challenge for me. I am going to attempt a garden one more time and if it doesn't work out I am hanging up my gardening gloves forever.

    Hope all is well with Cindy, Diane and Paula.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All- sorry I've been MIA - again, things have been busy and tonight I have some downtime as I've been in Boston at a writing conference. A very nice break.
    I'm totally off the rails with not tracking- but still trying be mindful.
    Sounds we are all doing the best we can do each day.
    I have to have a small surgery on the 8th- its not a hysterectomy - which is good but I do need got have things cleaned out and biopsied- the doctor is sure all will be fine.
    but I do need to get serious about my weight. I haven't had surgery before so this put me in a tiny tailspin and have been eating my feelings - LOL so what else is new?
    Anyway, I wanted to check in-
    Have a wonderful night
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet- thanks for the confirmation of the use of the CBD oil. It is Charlottes web what I have. If a rheumatologist is recommending for such serious conditions, I am truly impressed. The owner of the Health Hur gave me several examples and documents of success stories and studies done on the product. She has customers that swear by it. I should hear back from my doctor on Monday. She was off Friday.

    Cindy- I had several gYN surgery procedures done years ago. I still have my ovaries. I just had my yearly checkup last week and mammo Friday. Geez what is women must endure! Prayers for you my friend. Nice on another author meet.

    Bert. I’m glad my knees are holding up on me. It’s my hips that are weak and stairs are not my friend.

    I am heading to my dads today to clean his house and spend time with my brother whom is up and down on his illness of coughing.

    Dianne is enjoying the great outdoors I saw on Facebook with a 25 mile biking trip!

    Take care,

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    What a wonderful day. Had such a fun time with Suzi. Oohing and aahhing over some really cool items at the vintage market. Then lunch filled with talk and laughter. Ran down to my son's to measure and cut the foam for their benches. Got all the fabric cut and made 16 yards of piping. I should get these whipped up tomorrow. Found the perfect little desk on FB marketplace for my dining room for only $15. Edd has taken over the dining room table with all his stuff so we decided to take out the antique oak wash stand and replace it with a desk. It needs to be painted but it is good and solid and a steal.

    Cindy, will pray all goes well on the 8th. The worst part is waiting for the results. Wonder if we will ever find anything better than food to treat our emotion? With you in spirit, please know I care and am glad you are taking care of yourself.

    Time to chill