OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Cindy, have a great trip - seeing Meg is a great bonus for you both.

    Bert, they grow so fast. Bet it was fun to watch the little ninja warriors in action.

    Karla, Izzy looks adorable and happy - that has to feed your heart. Did the storms do any damage near you?

    Diane, are there cherry trees near you? Maybe next year I will get to your area that time of year- have always wanted to see the DC cherry trees in bloom.

    Patti, hope you are having a fabulous time and didn’t get zapped by those storms - my best friend in Atlanta was up all night with a terrified dog.

    My eating could be worse but can also be much better. Baby steps here. James and I went to Keeneland racetrack yesterday - the horses were spectacular, and the weather was perfect. Been feeling blah all day but need to rally and get trash/recycling out tonight, then shower and chill.

    Hugs to all - may we each have much joy in the week ahead.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. What a wonderful weekend! Spring weather has sprung here at last! We spent much of the weekend outdoors. Saturday we had a landscaping company do all our trimming, edging and mulching. We have so much! Normally I do it and spread about 40 yards of mulch over about three weeks. This crew was all done in about a day and a half, and it looks so good! Meanwhile, John and I moved all the foundation shrubs from the bed in front of the house. They were all either overgrown or just not doing well. We have a consult with the local nursery set up for next Saturday to plan a renewed bed there. Then yesterday was Blue Jeans Sunday at church. We all work after the service cleaning inside and out. Then Brad called me to see if we could watch Elise for the afternoon. Rossanne’s dad had bypass surgery last Wednesday. When she went to get a few things from his house she realized he hadn’t been caring for himself or the house for a while. So the two of them spent the afternoon cleaning his house. They stayed for dinner afterwards.

    Today is my regular grandma day. Elise has PT again today so I am keeping her on those days and taking her for her session. I’m waiting for her to wake up, then I will give her a bath before I take her to my house.

    Eating has been better. At least being outside and busy I don’t snack as much! The scale isn’t moving though.

    Cindy have a good trip.are you driving? I remember Suzy used to really struggle on road trips to find healthy food to eat.

    Janet I’ve never been to the horse races. I guess you are right in the heart of race country there.

    Karla, I’m sure it means so much to Izzy that you take care of all her dance classes. Looks like she was having a ball.

    Patti, you probably aren’t reading, but hope you are having a terrific trip!

    Bert, how is your garden coming? Is it spring yet there? My daffodils are about done.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I think I overdid it in my flower garden on Saturday. The rain yesterday was a blessing. I could have done things in the house after church, but I just needed to rest. My back and feet were rebelling, so I just rested.

    I'm trying to dig up flowers that are overtaking the flower bed. I'm going to call someone as I can't dig up the Lily of the Valley plants, they are too far into the ground. It's unbelievable how much landscape businesses charge to dig up such a small area. We also want to enlarge our patio, and I'm wanting a fire pit, too.

    Diane: Have a good day with Elise. Snacking is a problem for me, too. Yesterday was not pretty!

    Janet: Hope you're feeling better today.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies, I took a down day yesterday too after I returned home from church. I dropped Izzy off after we had breakfast at Cracker Barrel.

    Diane- I bought a project table piece at a yard sale Saturday for my front porch. I’m dying to get outside and that is Saturday for Glenn and I. Izzy and I do bond on many fronts. Disney World is one, we are going again next week! 💜💜🦄🦄💜💜💋

    Cindy- I had the snack monster yesterday myself!

    Bert- I took a long nap yesterday.

    I’m off tomorrow and Linda and I are going to the booth and then to lunch.

    My girlfriend Diane flies in Sunday. Fun times.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be another gorgeous day today. I have a visit this afternoon, but will work in my flower bed this morning. Have a great day, everyone!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Gorgeous spring weather here too. The door to the deck has been open all day. My eating wasn't the best yesterday and I succumbed to bread this morning, Will try to do better this evening and tomorrow and beyond. Just wanted to say hi!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    just lost a long post, aaaargh! having fun, doing pretty good on food, weather has not been the best but hasn't affected our fun meter. eating lots of fresh grilled seafood. saw the Blue Angels practice, impressive. boating tomorrow and will head to KY on thursday or possibly friday. more when I get home.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    More pictures at the studios.. two costumes changes and makeup and hair... this old girl is tired. I’m also experiencing some pulling muscle strain in the left side of my chest that has Glenn and I concerned. It is easing up now, but disconcerting.

    Will keep you all posted.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's raining this morning, but is to clear up in late morning. I have a visit this morning. Eating has been ok, not great, but ok.

    Karla: love your pictures of Izzy. Hope your muscle strain subsides.

    Have a good day, everyone! Waving hi to Patti, Janet, Cindy, and Diane.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am doing better this morning. Blood pressure is 128/88 per my home cuff. Will retake it a little later. I’m relaxing this morning with a cup of tea an toast before I wake Izzy for school.

    I read a post this morning with over 40 comments of freestyle breakfast ideas and there were some really good ones I hadn’t thought of.

    One point bread French toast with sf syrup and an egg with fruit

    Ole’ one point wrap with PB2 and banana

    Ole’ wrap with scrambled eggs and salsa

    Fairlife fatfree milk and special K cereal and fruit

    Low fat frozen waffles and sf syrup and light jam or fruit

    Tonight is my meeting and I am hoping to have Shed off a few more ounces if any. I was up on Monday when I checked but felt that was sodium as I have had blue dots all month.

    We are at 59 degrees right now but are supposed to get up to 85 degrees today!! Nine degrees above normal.

    Bert- It’s difficult to keep on plan . I strive for the blue dots. I track throughout the day and when I am out of my 23 points, I stop eating, even zero point foods. Now if I am really, really hungry, I will scramble me an egg white with some onion and peppers in spray butter. If I have even one day of not so good eating day I will not lose weight. It’s just where we are in life.

    I’m going to rest a bit more before I get dressed.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I did do a scale peek this morning and was looking good, over two pounds!! I hope it holds until my evening weigh in. Yippeee, I’ve had a month of blue dots!!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Dang, don’t know what happened or which scale was off but only lost .8 at the meeting????

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have a visit out of town today and will be gone most of the day. Cole has a game at 5:30, so I want to be back for that as well as choir practice at 6:30. I'm filling in for our choir director as he's directing Annie Jr. and tonight is their last rehearsal.

    Karla: At least you lost .8. That's good.

    Waving hi to everyone. Have a great day.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert- thanks, yes and adding my 1.2 from last week that’s 2 pounds in two weeks so that’s progress for sure, I just don’t understand my scale peek from the morning. Lol. But I’m slowly getting it down. I have three local friends on the plan too, one goes to meetings and two do online. We have a group text we share recipes and give support, it’s great. We are all losing. But losing small amounts.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    My total since 2-1-19 is 12.4 off at the nightly weigh in.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The weather has changed a little, and my joints are rebelling! I'll work through it though as I have much to do today. Have a great day!

    Karla: Congratulations.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday. It's the weekend and fun things are beginning to happen in my world. I am on a big cleaning jag first. The house and then outside. I bought some canna lilies yesterday and some lantana plants. Last weekend I bought a too cute project table for my porch on the pool house. It has dragon flies on each end of it. I want to spray paint the ends Aqua and sand and stain the wood top. There are lots of yard sales this morning. I am going to hit them on the way back from dropping Izzy off at school. Life is good.

    Bert - I guess this week is just me and you kid!! Yes, we have rain moving in on Sunday down here too. That's why I want to get my plants in the ground. A good rain will be wonderful for them. It has been in the mid 80's here already. Thank you for the compliment. I am really noticing and feeling the difference in my clothes with this amount of weight off. My jeans fit soooooo much better. I am going to be real careful on vacation next week and try not to gain this time like I did before. LOL.

    Janet - I had a dream about you last night! I have been worried about you so that is why you showed up. I dreamed I came up to your house to see you. You were all alone and James had moved out. LOL.

    I have washed the bathroom rugs and cleaned the kitchen already this morning and will be dusting, vacuuming and steaming the floors when I get back. Plus I need to change the linens on the beds. I will wash the sheets but Glenn always helps with the beds and the tubs. I have to clean the Pool house today too. The bed needs to be changed in there, plus dusting, vacuuming and steaming those floors.

    I bought the cutest sign on my last trip for the kitchen in the pool house and I haven't hung it up yet. It has a 1950's lady holding a glass of wine and says: " My liquid diet isn't working, all I've lost is the three weeks".. lol

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It is going to be a sunny day, but temps are on the cool side today. Jillian has back to back soccer matches this afternoon. I'm looking forward to watching her play as she is on a girls' travel team, and Greg says she's doing well. Tonight is a second performance of Annie, Jr., so I'll be working in the concession stand again tonight. This production is through ISU, but they are using our facilities as their theater buildings are being rennovated. Our church program director is the director, too. I'm happy that I wasn't in charge of tickets or the program.

    Have great day, everyone!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Saturday.

    Bert - Your grandkids and church keep you busy as mine do. Izzy is here and is going with me to the nail salon. She wants unicorns on her toes. LOL. We are going to church in the morning also. Her Sunday school class has gotten so large they are moving to the new annex and she and Robert, Monica's grandson, are so excited about that. Have a great day. It has been just you and I all week! Also, there is another facebook page I am on that is very informational. It's Freestyle Recipes and Support. I read some great posts on it this morning about some members that were struggling with losing on the program and the tips others were giving them were very informational. You might like that group also.

    I'm still on a cleaning jag and made some great headway. I do miss my cleaning ladies though!! LOL

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Here's a water chart and member posted.
