OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Cindy, the tax law changes took a LOT of people by surprise. Good luck on finding a better tracker. I have a very old FitBit that I hope doesn't die, because I don't like any of the new ones. I don't want to wear it like a watch!

    Patti, I bet the bathroom looks great! Isn't it just so satisfying to complete something like that? I wish I had a friend who would help me declutter. My cousin who lives locally helped me with mom's apartment, and I know I couldn't have done as well alone.

    Karla, good luck at your meeting this evening. My scale peeks don't seem to have a lot of correlation to the number on the scale at WW - I'll see a big drop at home and a very small one there. I don't know why - I try to be very consistent about what I am wearing and what I have for breakfast before my WI.

    Bert, grandchild time is just the best. Are the kids on spring break this week already?

    Janet, I had an experience like that at the MVA also. Ours just started allowing you to make appointments for certain limited things, and I was in and out in less than fifteen minutes. So nice compared to the hours you wait without an appointment!

    All for today.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Scale victory and got a prize for passing the 10 pound mark! Down 10.4 since 2.1-19. Lost 1.4 pounds even after eating egg whites for breakfast and having chicken salad for lunch. So that’s 7 weeks with February being a short month. I love this group of ladies. Claire lost 3 pounds!!

    Cindy- we are so with you on the taxes!!

    Diane - my scale must show more! And that is even naked! Lol.

    Patti- you’ve been on a good losing streak so you were due an adjustment. Pictures please of that bathroom! Did you see where Judy Fekty has lost 49 pounds now? Wow.

    My brother Kevin got terminated from his job last Friday. No reason. His son got terminated up in North Alabama the week before, also no reason. What is this world coming to? Glenn is already panicking on his man cave. Geez. I feel bad for them both and hope they find some employment quickly.

    Izzy’s big competition is going to be so fun. Very intense and busy though!! We are all going to eat at Ed’s Shed in the Causeway after. This is where Suzy and I went when she was down. I haven’t seen her on Facebook in awhile.

    I better run,

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    This is the charm I received.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Just a quick Hello-
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The kids have returned home; I miss them already. I'm heading to the gym this morning as I haven't been there for several days.....been getting exercise with the kids. Breakfast is eaten and tracked: bacon, scrambled egg, and a pear.

    Karla: Congratulations on your 10 lb loss.

    Patti: It's a good feeling when you get a project done. I'm going to paint the upstairs hallway this spring as it hasn't been done in a long time. I also need to paint the room where they repaired the ceiling from the furnace mishap. It also hasn't been painted in a long time.

    Waving hi to Janet, Diane, and Cindy. Have great day.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Why is it crappy out on my day off? I have shopping to do today. Need new towels and accessories for the new bath. Last night at work was awful. 2 people called off and we got no replacements, It is the start of a huge sale, so we were putting up signs for 2 hours after closing and didn't get them done. We left the place a mess but with only 2 workers and a manager it was all we could do AND be out by 11. Really looking forward to some time off and away!

    Karla, congrats on the loss and the charm. I hope your brother and nephew are soon employed. it is nice that you have an extra home for whoever needs it but I understand Glenn's panic.

    Diane, you have the perfect volunteer job for you. When will you find out the results of Elise's tests?

    Bert, your time with the grandkids sounds like so much fun. I bet they miss you already too. My grandkids talk about time they spent with us when they were kids and it makes my heart swell that I am a part of their forever memories.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy

    Not really wanting to go out but the sale is on and I must go!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I'm having a hard-to-resist-snacks afternoon here. I did get lots of steps this morning at the Sanctuary. We had a great time, with a group of 6th graders. We planted trees, saw the beaver dam and pond, watched an osprey on its nest, and dipped for tadpoles in the vernal pool. I had my first ever injury to deal with - a girl was running and tripped and gashed her knee and her palm. I had to put that first aid training to work already!

    Tonight Carrie and I are going with a friend to see Man of La Mancha. It should be fun (and will keep me OUT of the kitchen!)

    Patti, too bad about the late night at work with short staff. On the one hand if they really are sick you don't want them near you, but on the other hand it seems like so many people call out just because they don't feel like going to work.

    Karla congrats on the loss! My WW account still remembers me from back in 2012, so I haven't gotten any of those sort of recognitions (because I got them all back then).

    Cindy, hello back! Let us know when you meet with the nutritionist again and what she says.

    Bert, did you get a new exercise routine from your trainer today, or was this just a gym visit?

    Waving hi to Janet!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Back from a too long shopping trip. Will need to exchange 1/2 the bath stuff tomorrow. Couldn't decide on colors so brought home 4 to choose from. Should have listened to my gut in the store, dark gray and a dark medium blue. I talked myself into light (silver) gray and navy as alternatives and they just don't work. The bath mat was too big also. Should be a quick exchange as I shopped the store today and didn't find anything I couldn't live without. Really wanted a new spring purse but nothing spoke to me. I am very particular about my purses. Don't care about brand names or designers, just want a small cross body with the perfect amount of pockets, lol. Guess I will have to break out last year's favorite and call it a day.

    Diane, what an awesome day for your young explorers. First aid training to the rescue, yours and hers. I bet the kids love you and how you get right into it with them. I want to snack right now too but talking myself out of it. Had some nut thin minis and will stop until dinner. Leftover ribs, grilled green beans and a salad. How odd that your meeting does not recognize your milestones when you rejoin. I have a drawer full of charms from times past, lol and they keep giving me more.

    Talk to you all later

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Is anyone having trouble with MFP? I just typed a post and it said I didn't have permission to post. I also had some trouble getting the group. I'll try to remember what I posted.

    Patti: I'm with you on the purse comments. I've carried the same purse forever! I like a zippered compartement on the outside of my purse that holds a few cards and bills. I can't seem to find one that I like. However, the strap has seen better days. My friend had one made out of a leather dog leash. I might try that.

    Diane: I just did a routine on my own today. It's the same one my PT showed me last week and focuses on core, shoulders, and back.

    Breakfast is tracked. Have a great day, everyone. (I think this is what I tried to post before)

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. JJ and I were supposed to go to a movie after I picked him up but he was told he had to stay home. He had come the last two weekends. Bummer. He got his drivers permit last weekend and we were going to go driving too.

    Bert- I keep getting I’m not signed in when I am. Maybe that was what happened to you because you can’t post when you aren’t. I love purses and got an awesome yellow poppy Coach purse brand new at a yard sale last week for $40. Have already gotten so many compliments on it.

    Patti- I love cross body purses when I am traveling and especially at festivals. I know your bathroom will be perfect.

    Diane- You are one great volunteer. I was always online only and never got the charms. You might inquire, seems like you should be eligible. I’m going for lifetime this time so I can have this program free and keep me accountable.

    I better go, time to get me and Izzy ready for our day.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All
    I finally got the fitbit synced with MFP- victory for today....I'm returning the other tracking, going back to old faithful.
    Need to run but that was on my to-do list for today- yeah!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    DANG. Just lost a long one. Waiting while care is services but can’t re-create it now. All is well here. Wishing you each a fun weekend!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Going to give this a try. Have a few chores here and then off to kohls to exchange my towels and bath mats. Will hit Costco while I am out in hopes of getting some good fish for dinner tonight. We had the leftover ribs last night. I had bought some blackberries at Trader Joes and they were too sour for me so I turned them into a Blackberry bourbon BBQ sauce, yum. Since the only bourbon I have is expensive I didn't put enough in to taste it. Otherwise it turned out very well, if a bit labor intensive to strain the blackberry seeds out of the mix.

    Bert, I think I am going to have to get an appointment with a personal trainer to help me work out a routine. You described the purse I am now carrying to a T. It is dark blue leather and I would love to find one just like it in a spring color. I saw a few that were the right size but they had way too many zippered compartments and pockets.

    Cindy, I have a cheap tracker that will not sync with MFP but does with my phone. I think I am so used to wearing it that it no longer motivates me and it serves more as a watch.

    Hi to the rest
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Nice to see everyone check in today. So sorry about the lost posts. I rarely try to post when I am on my iPad anymore - too much risk of losing a long one.

    Big news that I have been keeping quiet. We settled today on a piece of land! We have known for a long time we didn't want to stay in our current house forever - as we age, we can see that we will want single floor living at some point. Brad and Rossanne have said for a while that they don't want to stay in their current house when Elise (and any possible siblings) start school. So we've been talking about where they might want to end up, and they finally narrowed it down. We want to stay within about 20 minutes of them. So we started casually looking for land in that area, and found the PERFECT lot very quickly. It is 40 acres, all wooded, with two streams running through the property. There is a possibility to subdivide if Brad and Rossanne decide they would want to build there. (They may not - it is actually the very far tip of our current county, and the next county down which is literally ACROSS THE STREET has better schools, and they might want to be in a neighborhood rather than where this is, which is along a country road but not in a neighborhood.) We were planning on an in-law suite for Carrie, but she actually requested a separate guest house, so we are considering that route as well. I don't see her living independently for a while. In any case, we wouldn't break ground until at least a year from now, leaving us plenty of time to possibly subdivide, figure out the best site for the house, design a house, and really get it well thought and planned out.

    But I am so excited! Our orienteering friend who makes maps is going to help us locate the exact boundaries tomorrow. We already have our eyes on a couple of potential house sites, on the bluff overlooking one of the creeks.

    On more MFP topics, eating today was okay. I had a celebratory scone for 14 points! But lunch out I was very restrained and had a bowl at Chipotle, and dinner was similarly restrained, so I still get a blue dot for today. That would be 3 out of four this week. But my scale isn't moving!

    Bert, I always have trouble with MFP. I tell it to keep me logged in on the computer but half the time it says I'm not logged in. Sometimes when it says I am not logged in and I go to community, it has my boards saved, and sometimes it doesn't.

    Janet sorry you lost your post too!

    Karla, you get such wonderful time with your grandkids. That is wonderful.

    Those of you purse shopping: I am NOT a purse person. I will carry the same purse for years. I did get a new one last fall because the other one was threadbare, but it is the EXACT style and maker as my old one, just a different tapestry fabric. I get mine from a crafter - here is my purse (but not in that garish fabric!)

    Cindy, I like my old FitBit. And I do like that it syncs with either MFP or WW.

    Patti, I'm like you - I usually overbuy and bring things home to check color. I would rather have two or three choices at home and have to do returns, than only have one, decide I'm not sure about it, then go several rounds trying again.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane- How exciting to be building a new home. I know Glenn and I really enjoyed building the guest house/ Man Cave/ Pool House. We have really enjoyed having it too. I only lived in a two story home one time and I said never again after that two years! Lol. Your land sounds beautiful on a bluff with a stream.

    I mentioned to Glenn about selling the Equinox and how my dad’s now wants to buy it and that sounds like it will work out for us all. The Chevy dealership rebuilt the motor at 105k miles due to their oil consumption issue, so it’s in great shape engine wise and has never been in a wreck. I hardly ever drive it anymore. We bought it brand new in December 2009, its a 2010.

    I’ve been dozing in the Lazy boy recliner out in the pool house. Big day tomorrow for sweet Izzy. I picked up her trophy today. Such a special little girl.

    I picked me up a blacked shrimp salad and Glenn a shrimp Po’ Boy on the way back from dropping of Izzy’s new leotard for tomorrow..

    Have a great weekend


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'll try posting again. I hope MFP will take it. Today I'm going to an informational meeting about a supplement called Protandium. It is supposed to help with arthritis and many other things. I'm going out of respect for my teacher friend as she takes it as well as her sister. Her sister is a pharmacist and has researched the product. I'll listen to the pitch and then will discuss it with my doctor. It's probably expensive, too.

    Dumbo was HORRIBLE! It was one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. The story line was ok, but definitely wasn't for kids. Cole cried when they took the mother away. There were several scenes which was not kid appropriate.

    Diane: Congratulations on your land purchase; it sounds beautfiul. We live in a two story house, and will probably move one day. I really like my space, so I'm not ready to relocated (except for the yard; it's becoming too much work).

    Patti: Good luck with your bathroom decor. It's tricky finding the right color. I think I'm going to be painting the upstairs hallway, bedroom, and our family room this summer. They haven't been done in years, so it's time.

    Waving hi to Janet, Cindy, and Karla. Have a good day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, so excited for you! Land, creeks, a bluff and yours. The planning will be so much fun. Rehabbing this bathroom has me in the mood to redo the entire inside but that is not realistic so my craft room is next and then probably nothing until next winter. You recovered nicely from your celebratory scone.

    Karla, nice that you are enjoying the pool house.

    Bert, I was amazed at the difference a coat of paint made in my upstairs hallway. Of course we went from dark wallpaper to all white. The brightness of it still catches me off guard, like we left a light on, lol.
    Would be intereste in what you learn from the presentation.

    Got all my returns and rebuys done. Decided I didn't like the towel bar so got a new one. Edd changed it out and patched the holes in the wall, since I also wanted it in a different position, without a blink. The one we took down got put up in the kitchen next to my new appliance center. Just need to do some paint touch up and we are calling it finished for now. I want to find a little dresser to put in the nook behind the shower. Will be looking at garage sales for something I can rehab.
    We got out taxes back. It pays to be poor and work for a pittance, lol. We owe less than $400.
    Doing much better on eating but still struggling. This little voice keeps saying, "you are going on vacation in a few days so go ahead, have what you want". There is also a slightly louder voice that says "it doesn't work like that. You need to track now and forever, including vacation. " trying my best to pay attention and choose the louder voice and pray it keeps getting louder.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    My beautiful Izzy in her Competition makeup and costume. She did great!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Another pic of my sweet pea
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    The lights are so bright on the stage the requirements were for Red lipstick and heavy eye shadow!