OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all. Headed for another blue dot day today. Carrie and I are having crab cakes and a salad for dinner. The place I get the crab cakes is having a buy two, get one free sale, so I have a spare for lunch tomorrow after WW meeting.

    Elise slept late this morning, and I took her to the doctor. She has yet another ear infection - poor baby! They were very worried because she has been sleeping SOOO much. She was only awake for about 7 hours on Saturday, and only 4.5 hours on Sunday! Sunday she slept until 11:30 when Brad WOKE HER UP to bring her over here because he had something to do for an hour, then she went for a nap from 3-5:15 when they woke her up again, and she went back to bed at 6:15 and slept until 9:15 this morning! They sure don't get much time with her.

    Tomorrow will be grocery shopping (should have happened today, but I had Elise!), WW workshop, and some sewing. It is still too cold out for me to want to be outside much. I did one of the Apptiv workouts this morning while waiting for Elise to wake up.

    Karla, glad to hear your girlfriend did well. Glad you got a Karla day too - sometimes we just need to recharge.

    Patti, yes the banking stuff is a nightmare. Wish there was some way to REALLY protect ourselves. Ours was just a credit card this last time, not the bank accounts (thank goodness!) I rarely use a debit card for this very reason, and try to NEVER use one at a gas pump. I know that is where skimmers have gotten our card at least twice.

    Waving to Cindy, Bert and Janet!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane,,I would give my eye teeth for a good crab cake! Poor Elise! Hope this infection clears quickly and has no recurrence for some time to come.

    Off to Mom's in a few. I am making a pot of split pea soup with my pressure cooker when I get there. She evidently forgot I said we were doing this and she attempted a pot on her own. She did not give me the details but she said it was the worst day of her life! Hope this goes a lot better.

    Frankie is having more issues but not sure what is wrong. I think her neck is bothering her or maybe it is in her throat. She won't bend her head to eat and when I held the bowl so she didn't have to bend her neck she would only take a few bites and didn't drink any water. Today is a prednisone day so waiting to see if that helps. If not, she is going to the vet tomorrow. I am not ready to go down this road. She is not quite 10. All my other Danes lived to at least 11. We may be cancelling our vacation if she does not improve.

    Waving hi to everyone. Back later. No words of wisdom today, feeling worried not wise.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI All,
    Well I gained back the 1 pound I lost- grrr - I see the nutrionist again soon.
    Patti- you made me laugh about Ohio- you and Meg are on the same page. It would be much easier to make a decision if I could pack up Em too.
    I pray Frankie will make a speedy recovery.
    Karla- please let me know if you see the ad for the Loudon Series. Thank you
    Diane- Are they going to do tubes for Elise? Might do the trick.
    Janet and Bert waving hello.

    See you again soon.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Just back from my WW meeting and waiting for my crab cake to broil. Yes good crab cakes is one of the advantages of living in Maryland. I won’t bother eating them anywhere else. I had a small loss at WI. Not as much as I had hoped, and not as much as my home scale was showing. Maybe next week.

    The topic today was reality checks, and avoiding the negative thoughts that tend to derail us from our quest to become a healthier person. Specifically, look at the facts. For me, then, I could be thinking that my small loss after a week of really trying means I’ll never lose. But the fact is that I DID lose and not gain. Second item is to think about what you would say to a friend that said that negative thought. If I came here and said I’ll never get there, what would you all say to me? Then say that to yourself. I really like that second approach. So I need to work on identifying the unhelpful thought, and then visualizing what one of you would say to me. Thank you for being my support group!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Posting this in small bits since I am on my iPad again.

    Patti, I do hope you can figure out what is up with Frankie. Our fur babies are a part of our family. And just like a baby or toddler, they can’t tell you what is wrong.

    Cindy, since you have a daughter in each spot, you can concentrate on what is best for YOU. You haven’t mentioned much about Rick lately, but I continue to pray for you concerning his health.

    Karla, I haven’t really made new connections in my WW meeting, though everyone is friendly there.

    Bert you must be having a really busy week!

    Janet, did you have a nice second birthday this past weekend with James?

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I’m so sleep I am falling asleep sitting in the car waiting for Izzy!

    Diane- Congrats on the negative no matter what size. I wondered about tubes in the ears too, but all doctors are different.

    Cindy- haven’t had a chance to look yet.

    Patti- poor Frankie. My Millie is getting hard of hearing. Plus has stairs to get on couch now. Keep us posted.

    Not having a stellar week, just not focused.

    Got Izzy, gotta run..

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited March 2019
    Hello! Been busy and avoiding devices more (on purpose). All is well. My birthday weekend was quiet and pleasant. Dinner at Bonefish, some small, thoughtful gifts, etc.

    My computer is acting up so am posting on my phone. My eating is uneven still, but more mindful these days.

    Diane, hope Elise perks up. It just hurts to see them under the weather. The lesson about negative self-talk hit home here - thanks for the reality check!

    Karla, hope you’ve gotten some rest.

    Patti, how is Frankie today? Hope the knee and your mom are both doing well. Ditto the bank situation. I'll never understand how people can be so callous about wreaking havoc in a stranger's life.

    Cindy, you’ll figure out a happy path. Hugs. Is Jasper still improving?

    Bert, hope your week is off to a good start.

    Just wanted to say hi. More tomorrow, I hope. Hugs to all!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    And the hack just keeps on fits! Now my Verizon account is all messed up. When I changed my auto pay payor info it some who disenrolled me from autopay (although it took a payment) and charged me for starting a new account. Several calls to Verizon later and all I can say for sure is "we will see". They assured me it was all fixed, color me skeptical.
    Soup came out great in the pressure cooker. First time ever making split pea. Now I need to run it thru the recipe builder, I am sure it is more than 2 pts per cup as it comes up when I search on the app.

    Diane, great topic, looking forward to our group discussion. We are so hard on ourselves and really would benefit from being as kind to ourselves as we are to each other. I always love the encouragement we find here. It really takes nearly 2 weeks for your efforts to show. I think that is why we struggle. We want immediate results from a good week and when we don't get it we don't eat as well sometimes, then the next week we have a loss we weren't expecting because we didn't stick to the plan. This makes us think we can repeat a not so good week because of the loss and so the circle continues. I wish we only weighed once a month, it is a truer picture of how well we have done. As long as we keep trying all those little losses add up, just not as fast as gains, lol.

    Cindy, just follow YOUR heart, it knows what is best for you. You know my bid is totally selfish. How often are you weighing yourself? I can't wait to hear what the nutritionist has to share.

    Janet, nice to see you. Understand radio silence, just feed to disconnect for the soul. Never been to Bonefish, maybe need to check it out. There is a new seafood restaurant opening in June. It is owned by the people who own my favorite local Asian restaurant. It will be a very modern and foodie type menu. Can't wait.

    Karla, hope you are just tired and not getting a bug. Take care of yourself, down time may be needed.

    Bert, waving hello hope you are enjoying this gorgeous weather.

    "The key to success is action, and the essential in action is perseverance"
    Sun Yat-sen


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    1 1/2 cups split pea soup cooked with ham shank was 2 points!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Just lost my post......not going to repeat. Have a good day everyone.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning! Bert, we all know the feeling of losing a post - they really should fix that annoying glitch! If we all accidentally do it, we're not the only ones it happens to.

    Working hard here on negative self-talk. My mom's birthday, as usual, prompted a flood of memories - many of them sweet, but also remembrance of how I was spoken to throughout my life, and that stuff coming to the fore isn't much fun. But it's fading now and I feel better.

    Pretty good day yesterday. Did some fill-in grocery shopping. Picked up a bag of good-size frozen tai-on shrimp at Target and got asparagus at the produce market, along with some high-fiber pasta. Cobble together a nice meal with the addition of cherry tomatoes, onion, and pine nuts.the light sauce was a touch of olive oil, a touch of butter, mustard and a bit of leftover white wine. James seemed to like it. Tuesday dinner needs to be solid because I take my methotrexate Tuesday night and Wednesdays can be iffy in terms of energy. Normally not too bad (feeling OK today) but you never know!

    After a very wet, gloomy "winter" (almost no snow, no long super-cold snaps), it's nice to see the sun. I need to buckle down and get out my book of perennials because my lawn/garden guy owes me a replanting of the bed you can see from my deck. I can't afford to replant every year with annuals, so any suggestions from you gardeners are welcome. I don't want red or pink there, and am not fond of daisy-like flowers in that bed - they just don't read well when viewed from the deck above and 15' away.

    Lots to do today, starting with laundry. Bed linens first. Here we go!

    Hugs to all. Wishing you sunshine and smart choices!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    waving hi before I head to WW, then BD lunch with my BFF, then quick shopping trip before work.hopefully Edd is taking Frankie to the vet today if they can see her. I think her neck is causing problems. Prayers appreciayed for my sweet girl.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies,
    Diane- thanks for the pep talk- I see Erin, the food guru tomorrow. I'm weighing myself weekly- so annoyed. Hopefully Erin can shed some light but I'm guessing its move more. At least the weather is improving.
    Rick is about the same and still refusing medical help.
    I can't throw a rope around him and MAKE him go- although I'd like to- still don't know what to do thank you for the continued prayers I believe I will know when I know.
    Anyway need to run- waving to all but
    JANET_______________ so great to see you here. Missed you a ton!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    waiting for girls to get here for lunch at Cheesecake Factory. I am going to have Tuscan grilled chicken....4 points. yum
    It was another loss this week. Just need to keep it going.

    Cindy, you are so right about knowing what to do when the time is right. Until then it is still all about you it has to be.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Congrats Patti.. wish me luck, haven’t really been in the groove,, but I’m at the meeting now.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Well I had a maintain. I’m ok with that, but next week it’s going to be a loss! Claire and I made a pact! She’s the young college student I sit by, she has had slight gains the last two weeks and is at the mercy of the cafeteria on the meal plan. She is so sweet. But admits she has made some unhealthy choices here and there. We are encouraging each other. The leader is so good too! We talked about self sabotage and quick snacks and motivations to stay on plan. Terry was back too and we talked about the omelettes. She’s up to 15.6 pounds off.

    At work so gotta go,


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I have come down with a terrible cold. Yesterday I did nothing but sit on the couch and eat junk food. I tracked it as “junk 35 points”. It was probably more than that but at least that used most of my weeklies and showed I didn’t get a blue dot. Today I am at least not eating junk food, but I feel like crap.

    No energy for personals.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, gloomy day, perfect for staying in and cleaning, well for staying in at least. There is no such thing as a perfect day for cleaning. That only applies if you have a housekeeper, lol. I do envy those of you that have one. Work was a breeze and we were out of there by 9:30!
    Bathroom update: not done but hoping for some progress today
    Frankie update: the vet said she probably has some arthritis in her neck that has flared since I took her off the cosaquin. She said that her nails falling off was not because of the cosaquin and that I should put her back on it. She is also on another round of steroids and 15 days of anti inflammatories. She already seems better today. Waiting for cosaquin to be delivered tomorrow, so mad that I threw the other stuff in the trash.

    Karla, maintain is good, especially when you have not been in the groove. I believe we need our meetings more when we struggle. And the meetings need us when we do well so we can help those that are struggling. The young college student has a very unique set of obstacles. I hope she has some oncampus support and others who are on a similar journey.

    The laundry isn't doing itself so it seems I need to become a bit more involved.

    I loved this quote from Diane's FB WW group and am posting it again in case anyone missed it

    You will never always be motivated, so you must learn to be disciplined.

    I am making DISCIPLINE my new buzzword. Choice is still a part of my mantra but being used in a more focused way. I choose to be disciplined. I still have choices but hoping this will decrease the bad ones.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Diane, hope the cold is a short-lived thing. Patti, proud of you for the loss. Ditto Karla, for maintaining while traveling, especially with Izzy. Cindy, I remain in awe of you! Bert, someday this spring I plan to hit the IN outlet mall = maybe we can have lunch somewhere.

    Not much new here. Rotten night of sleep so I've finished laundry and run a couple of small errands. Had half an omelette, toast and bacon, so I'm done for the day except maybe fruit later. It hit the spot, and I avoided the potatoes and sugar-laden muffin (swapped for toast and fresh fruit). I'm going to put my feet up and leaf through magazines, with the basketball tournament in the background. Yep, I'm such a party animal!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Morning All my Lovely Friends,
    Well the nutrionist was a bit baffled- but now I have to commit to some sort of exercise. With Spring almost here there is no excuse- 150 mins cardio- which is walking or biking outside and then 3 session of some upper body strength training to get the flabby muscles back in shape. I see her again in 6 weeks- if that still hasn't work then we dissect my foods.
    Diane- so sorry for the cold- rest and push fluids
    Janet - the mental image and party animal comment made me smile
    Patti- hope Frankie continues to improve
    Karla- A maintain is great- the body is also adjusting which is good.
    Bert- When do you wrap up with the students.
    I'm thinking about the next plan for work/ possible move.
    I 'm going to fix up the bathroom at my house as I think I would rent it - so when I retire I'd have my home to come back to. I've been giving this a great deal of thought- and at least that is my plan.... either way the bathroom needs some love.
    Need to get to work- driving to see Dad on Sunday. Was supposed to go tomorrow but he is getting a heck of a snow storm, so i'm on a one day delay. :)
    Tomorrow I need to get some editing done- and still nothing new from Carina other than they're reviewing the MS. Wavig to all.