OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Okay reporting back. I did one of the Apptiv workouts (an easy one, but better than nothing). And my afternoon snack was two hard boiled eggs, some PB2 and celery, and some corn Good Thins crackers, for a total of 5 SP. I am still under my points for the day by two, so this will be a blue dot day.

    Tomorrow I am going to the Wetlands sanctuary to work in the office for a few hours, so I will take my lunch and not have snacks available until later in the afternoon, so that is good.

    Karla, I don’t know why it remains so hard. Vacation at a place like Disney, with so many tempting things, must be really tough. Is Izzy on Spring Break this week already?

    Patti, that habit and inattention is the enemy! Tonight we had fajitas for dinner. I checked on the usual Mission burrito size tortillas - 7 SP! I had two of the Tumaros wraps for a point each instead. But I don’t dare go out to eat! This week is Restaurant week in Annapolis and I was hoping to try a couple places, but I don’t think I could resist the temptations.

    Bert, I wish I had rejoined the gym this winter. I just hate being out walking when it is too cold - I seem to be feeling the cold much more this winter than ever before.

    Waving to Cindy and Janet.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello All,
    I to committed to one small goal yesterday- absolutely nothing sweet. I had been giving myself the wiggle room for a 100 calorie dark choc Dove bar- but this week my goal is only M W and F to have one at noon time.
    Today's mini goal- to exercise with Leslie after work for 32 minutes.
    This is about all I can handle in addition to tracking everything I put in my mouth- the dizzy feeling has passed so I think I finally have the right balance in of eating on a schedule.
    I also may adjust my lunch time to a half hour earlier- I get SO hungry by noon.
    Patti- So glad you have fun time with Suzi- what a blessing
    Bert- how are the termites- being held at bay?
    Karla- keep fighting the good tracker fight- this is a marathon, never a sprint
    Diane- thank you for the mini goal tip and making it public- I'm cheering for you today - no chips
    Janet- miss seeing your face- how are things?
    I'll be back again
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breakfast is tracked and eaten...........2 points. I have a visit today, so will be gone most of the day.

    Have a great day.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Been busy here - nothing big, just avoiding extensive computer & device time. Have read all and will do personals when I have a few more minutes. My eating has been non-awful lately. We don't always eat at normal times but I'm doing better on quantity and limiting carbs a bit. For the time being, I'll take it! Big hugs to everyone.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. We are finally heading to Disney World today. Tomorrow is Islands of Adventure, which is a second theme park owned by Universal. It was voted the top theme park in the area. It has a Dr. Sues area. It is cold at the moment but to warm up to 62 by mid day. In the 40's this morning, which is freezing to us. LOL. We are getting ready to head out.

    Diane - Izzy is out all week for Mardi Gras. They always have this week off. She has spring break off next month for a week also. Mardi Gras originated in Mobile and it is a huge deal there. I'm tracking and trying to make good choices. I've had two blue dots the last two days but not the other days. I've gotten in some good walking though. Thanks for starting the goal settings, we need structure.

    Cindy - You are like my friend Monica, she has to have sweets in her plan. She has found some wonderful desserts on the WW app. She says she can do this plan. LOL. I had coconut shrimp yesterday that was wonderful. That was my idea of sweets. LOL.

    Janet - Good to see you stop by dear.

    Patti - Good for you and Susie. Happy belated birthday to your Mom.

    We went to a fantastic arcade yesterday called Andretti's. It was rainy all day so we delated our theme parks. We are staying another day down here and I got a day at Wyndham's newest resort here, Reunion. It has a waterpark at it and it is supposed to be 80 on Friday, so Izzy will have fun there.

    Well, I better get packed up so we can hit the road. I hope I don't gain back too much of my 10 p ounds I have lost!!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello everyone, small loss at the scale. I will take it as it was not a stellar week on my choices. Left too much to chance and did too much snacking. I love this meeting because, although there is a topic of the week, the meeting focuses more on the needs of the class. I learned something valuable today, something I have probably been told in the past but it did not register for some reason. The discussion was about if we need to eat our daily allotment of points, calories, macros or whatever you are tracking. This has always been a nebulous area but now I think I understand it better. The short answer, if you are eating healthy and you feel satisfied then leaving some points on the table is ok, but should not be done every day. If you are cutting back on your points in an effort to lose faster or larger amounts at a time this will eventually backfire. The biggest point that was made: if you are losing weight by severely restricting your intake, when you get to goal your struggle to maintain is harder. You will have a hard time adding in more food without gaining. Just like going Keto or very low carb, when you start eating carbs you gain quickly. There were several lifetime members who spoke about this. Basically cut back enough to lose slow and steady but to not feel hungry all the time and make sure what you eat has value.
    Just checked the spring schedule at the gym and they have no classes in the evening now except Zumba. The instructor gets on my last nerve and has no rhythm! Looks like LS WATP is going to come back to my kitchen. When I go Medicare in June I will choose a plan with free Y membership and check them out. There is a Y very near me.

    Diane, thanks for restarting us with goals. I need the accountability too.

    Waving hi to everyone, need to run to the pharmacy for Mom and then I need to stay with her after she takes her new BP meds. She has had too many allergic reactions to meds, so I never leave her for at least an hour after taking anything new. Her losartan was recalled.

    My goal for this week: wed-Tuesday. Do 3 thirty minute workouts and go to the gym on Friday for the one class that is still going, barre and Pilates.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all. Reporting in for the day. Today will be another blue dot - first time I've had two in a row in quite a while. Today's snack was 8 SP, not 5, but i'm still only at 12 SP for the day, so I will be good. Dinner will be early tonight because I have a church meeting at 6:30 and Ash Wednesday service at 7:30. So that will be good - I'm hungry now but with dinner coming in just over an hour I can wait it out, or have some veggies while I prepare dinner.

    Hardly any movement today is the down side - I worked at the Sanctuary this morning in the office, and it was WAYYYY too cold out to go for a walk afterwards.

    Patti, I like that explanation. I do eat quite a few zero point foods, so the fact that my breakfast/lunch are usually only 4-6 points total doesn't bother me. But what it does is leave too many points for snacks! So if I leave some points on the table and am NOT hungry I'm okay. I really think I need to focus on my snacking and making sure it is 5-6 points most days, not half my total points!

    Cindy, I'm with you on the sweets! I have a terrible sweet tooth, and I easily go out of control when there are sweet things available to me. No WAY could I keep chocolate in the house and limit myself to one piece a day!

    Karla, I haven't checked out any of the desserts on the WW plan. Those I've seen in passing are mostly banana based or else pudding-type things, neither of which I care for. Have a great time at the theme parks! Yes, you will get tons of walking in.

    Janet, timing doesn't matter if you eat when you are hungry. We were talking today about people who like leftover dinner at breakfast time! Not me - I adore breakfast food, and if I could eat any one meal out a day it would likely be breakfast.

    Bert, hope you enjoyed your busy day, and have a student who is worth your time!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    I was successful yesterday- ate one small cookie, zero candy and did Leslie for 20 minutes.
    Patti- what you stated is very much like what my nutritionist advocates.
    Diane, I occasionally like pudding, but its my homemade, chocolate with real whipped cream. LOL If doing pudding go big!
    Janet- wonderful to see you, You always know exactly what you need.
    Bert- It also sounds like you're taking care of you the way you need
    Karla- You're a foodie for sure- have fun with Mickey today.

    Noon- Well after I finally started to get information is was VERY low calorie and carb. I finally got rid of being dizzy in the morning due to drinking a glass of milk before bed- so I cancelled it.
    Also I was asked to write an article on Keto for the company newsletter- I started researching and I was like Holy SH** this food plan is pretty dangerous, when cutting carbs below 50 grams per day. So I think the path were are all on is more healthy even if it takes long to get to our goal.
    OK- need to get ready to go to the dentist, temporary crown and a filling today.
    Until I log back in
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Not much to report.

    Cindy: I agree with your commentation on KETO. My daughter-in-law is doing it, and I'me very concerned for her. My cardiologist said he didn't want me on it either.

    Diane: Snacking is an issue for me, too.

    Patti: Thanks for your input on WW points.

    Janet: Hope you're doing well.

    Karla: Hope you're having fun.

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hey ya'll, it is another cold one here and I was hoping to stay in and do housewifey things. Unfortunately that plan has been interrupted by the fraud department at my bank. Last night I got a call at 10:30pm advising me my credit card had been hacked. Went thru the usual steps, stopped the card and have a new one in my hand by tomorrow. 5 charges, all in Miami and all yesterday, tipped them off. Then this morning I got another call advising me my entire account has been compromised. Checking, credit and debit. They caught and stopped all charges but now I have to go to the bank and open a whole new account. My info was sold to Zel? She said it could have been compromised at any time, even up to a year ago and they have just not gotten around to using it. This is going to be a mess to clean up for me. I can't even get into my online account to see what has been paid and what is due. They are going to keep the account open for deposits only because of SS, retirement and payroll. Waiting to hear back so I know which branch to go to. My original branch has been closed for a couple of years.

    Cindy, thanks for your research and input. Keto has always really concerned me from a cardiac and diabetic standpoint it makes no sense at all. It is the polar opposite of what we tell our patients to eat. The one thing about WW is that it has always been a sensible diet, including all food groups and based on not only what works for the short term, but for the long haul. They appear to give a nod to current fads but only as long as it is healthy and doable long term. Your nutritionist seems to be the ticket for you. And I am a huge believer in team support. So glad you are part of my team.

    Bert, I think the draw to Keto is the quick losses. It just is so hard on your body to eat that way long term and the weight comes back as quickly as it drops off. It sounds like we all are subject to that nasty snack monster.

    Karla, glad you and the girls are having fun and were able to add an extra day.

    Janet, my eating times are all over the place too. Every day is different and I am struggling with having a regular schedule for eating. But this is nothing new for me. All we can do is be mindful.

    Diane, I make Edd keep his snacks somewhere other than the kitchen. Only way I can stay out of them. I tried to get him to quit eating junk but he is having none of it. The point explanation yesterday was a real eye opener. The one thing she stressed was to not eat only zero point foods. The plan is designed to enjoy all food groups with emphasis on clean and less processed foods. I asked about the banana, berry and dark chocolate powder dessert and she said it would be zero points. I made it again with 1 banana and about a cup of strawberries and 2 tbsp chocolate. It made 2 servings and it really hits my little sweet tooth nicely, now to find a zero point chip, lol.

    Until later

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading to Chicago today.

    Patti: So sorry to hear about your credit card and your accounts. The silver lining is that your bank notified you; however, it will be a hassle for you to get things worked out.

    Not much time today for personals. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Nice to read all your posts this morning. We are leaving Orlando later today, boo! We are going to try and stop by Panama City to see my dad and how the house is looking. Down to two rooms left to paint.

    Patti- I have been trying to eat 28 points a day as to not fall in the trap you and I fell in last time that you are speaking of. A new lady I sit by, Kim, says you got to eat to lose! She’s the one that turned me on the the refried beans. I missed my meeting this week but will jump back in next Wednesday!
    I agree on the Keto, but our friend Judy continues to love it and her doctor must advocate it. I think she does it the healthier way by the book by that PhD Kristy Sullivan. I found there are several versions of it.

    Cindy- You are doing great except I worry on your dizziness dear. Be sure and report that to the nutritionist and when it happens.

    Diane- I did get over 17k step on Wednesday and 12k steps yesterday but eating has been spotty.

    Bert- Have a nice busy and safe day.

    Izzy has had a wonderful time. The big smiles on her face is worth it all.

    I put a picture next of her at Dr Seuss world at Universal Islands of Adventure.


    Oh, Patti, sorry about your banking issues!!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. Today is an Elise day. She just went to bed for her nap but I can peek in and see her standing up in her crib, so maybe not yet.

    Yesterday was not good snacking. We were out and busy all day, and went out for lunch. I chose what I thought would be the best option, a grilled portabello sandwich, and I selected a side salad instead of the chips that came with it. But I’m sure it was pointy - sun dried tomatoes along with the grilled veggies, and a wonderful ciabatta roll. Then when we got home I snacked wayyy too much.

    We had a nice dinner, a recipe from the WW app. Broiled steak and peppers with easy spicy green sauce. Carrie said the veggies were sort of boring. I cut the peppers up and had a bite with each bite of steak and sauce, and it was good. Tonight is pulled pork sandwiches ( I will skip the bun) and Asian-style Cabbage Carrot slaw (from the app again). And maybe some fries for John and Carrie.

    I have managed two of my planned three workouts this week. Today was another 15 minute one from the app. It’s not much, but it is a start. If it warms up and doesn’t rain today I’ll take Elise for a walk later.

    Patti, so sorry about your card and accounts! Our card got compromised in December - we think from a skimmer at a gas pump. Luckily we were heading home from my sister’s house. I worry about that with being on the road - how would we ever get a replacement card? And my mom’s accounts got compromised and it took several rounds of closing accounts and opening new before we got away from them.

    Bert, drive safe. Do you take lunch with you on the road? Or what are your go-to road meals/snacks?

    Karla it looks like you had a blast! I don’t care for Universal because the rides are all so intense. I guess if you have a child who is interested in all the characters etc., it might be different.

    Cindy, sounds like Noom is yet another fad diet. I was just curious because it kept popping up in my feed.

    Janet, exercising the pause muscle is so important for long term success. Keep doing it and you will be fine.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Welcome to my day of frustration, a carry over from yesterday. What a mess. Not only was my credit card hacked but so was my checking account. We spent nearly 3 hours at the bank yesterday. But now have a new checking account. My credit card and debit cards for both of us plus new checks are in the mail. Fraud report and affidavit filled out and submitted. The lady we worked with was very good at what she does and really made the whole process a bit less painful. Today I have spent the last 3 hours creating a new online financial life. Will have to go to the SSA offices to redirect our direct deposits. The bank will automatically transfer the deposits for the first month. Got locked out of my pension account for entering the wrong password too many times so will have to wait on snail mail for that one. On top of all this I received a letter from my Dr advising he was leaving the practice and now Mom and I have to find a new Dr. There is a PA covering for 4 months and they are in the process of trying to hire another doc. The rest of the practice is not taking on his patients. So guess what I did? Yep, ate a bunch of crap and called it dinner last night. There was a highlight to my day. My granddaughter stopped by for her album, which she loved of course, and stayed for a couple of hours just chatting with me. Nothing earth shattering just sharing about life and love and plans for the future. I love how grown up she is but secretly wish she was still under 15, lol.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, squeeze Elise for me. It doesn't take much provocation to slip off the rails, does it? As long as we pick ourselves up and get back to plan quickly we will get where we want to be. I need to find some recipes to try. You are giving me inspiration. We have been on the road before when our cards got shut down. So we keep a backup credit card from a different bank just for emergencies. Plus, our main credit cards each have a different number but linked to the same account, so if one gets hacked the other one still works. When is your next trip and where are you going.

    Bert, you are really going these days. Hope you are having some quality you time.

    Hi to Cindy, Janet and Karla.

    Perfect quote for my day:
    "To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles"
    TF Hodge

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - A pleasant few days here. Took it fairly easy yesterday, after a couple of (for no apparent reason) rough days. Must've slept weird. Ah well - it's a weekend. My eating has been up & down but I'm planning a nice dinner (tossed salad, salmon, asparagus, mushrooms, and potatoes or rice for James).

    We stayed up late and watched basketball last night - had popcorn which I love. Today I will devote some time to laundry & housework, maybe run a few errands. Theo is napping on the bed, so changing sheets will have to wait.

    Have a lovely weekend, all!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning. Penny did a great job last night.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, how adorable! Thanks for sharing Penny with us.