OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning and welcome to some sunshine here in the valley. Should be a perfect day to get mom out to her appointment. She is in great spirits but if there is no improvement at the docs that may change. Edd brought home some Girl Scout cookies he bought from someone at the Eagles. Not going to go into what happened when he got them home, will leave it to your imagination. Here's a hint, s'mores cookies microwaved for 15 seconds. I think you get the picture. I stopped at 3 but the damage was done, lol. I need to find an exercise routine to get me enthused. I miss my gym classes so much and not sure when they will be bringing the ones I liked back, if ever. I downloaded a workout app and will give it a try maybe later today or in the morning before lunch with the girls.

    Karla, can't imagine refired beans in my omelet, but then again, I don't care for them on their own, lol. I am not a lover of bananas and I only eat apples in my salad. Most fruits, other than berries, give me an upset stomach fi some reason. The fruit never tastes as good as I think it will.

    Bert, enjoy getting to know your students. Your body may be at the weight it wants to be. You seem to be doing all the right things. Just wonder if a nutritionist would be able to tweak your current plan.

    Hi to Janet, Diane and Cindy. Time to hop in the the shower and face the day. Prayers for mom currently being accepted.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: I’m accepting that my body wants to be where it is. I was hoping I could lose 15 more pounds; however, I’ll take where I am. I’ll look into a nutritionist but only if insurance can pay. That’s the only way I could afford it. Thanks for your input. I’m NOT giving up. I’ll continue to do what I’m doing; tracking, exercising, and making healthy choices.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    I'm tracked for the day and closed out yesterday. Who knows what the scale with say later this week- I'm feeling empty but I just don't know.
    Praying for Patti's mom-
    Need to get back at it- just needed a brief break.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, You have done and are doing so many great things for you, your body and your health. You should be extremely proud of where you are. I think we always want 10-15 pounds more off. Sometimes it's attainable and sometimes it's not. I think the hardest part is accepting and loving our bodies even when they are not perfect. We'll get there.

    Mom's eyes are no better but no worse. He said he still expected improvement so we are still hopeful. She was exhausted. I ordered a knee brace for her today. Her knee has been giving out on her. Talked with my trainer to get recommendations. It will be here Thursday.

    WI then lunch with the the girls, grocery shopping, stop at Mom's then work is my schedule for tomorrow so I may not check in until late

    Another quote I saw on FB but paraphrased for my purposes:
    Small acts can have a ripple effect.
    Our choices, our action, our future

    Good night
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have NO visits today! Woo Hoo! I plan to run errands and go to the grocery store. Tomorrow is another story, but I'm thankful for today. I'm going to make healthy decisions today. Mike and I went to Outback last night after I got back. I had coconut shrimp and a blue cheese wedge salad, but then I also ate a few bloomin' onion slices. Oh well, today is a new day.

    Another one of my high school classmates passed away. She had cancer. Her high school sweetheart and husband passed away several years ago, so now they are together once again. She was a really nice girl.

    Patti: I agree......we'll get there. I am proud of where I am and am learning to accept it, too. I'm definitely more active that I was 15 years ago and am very concious about my exercise routine. Thanks your nice comment about acceptance......I needed that.

    Cindy: Good luck with the scale.

    Waving hi to Janet, Karla, and Diane. Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello All,
    I'm tracked for 3/4 of the day- dinner is up in the air. but I have plenty of calories still to spend for the day.
    I'm frustrated- all this good eating, sticking to the macro elements and calories and the freaking scale isn't moving.
    I'm sure I need to move more but the weather has stunk for walking, we pulled the celing down in the basement due to a bathroom leak and I discovered mold- so I'm just irritated.
    And exercising in the LR with Rick watching isn't my idea of fun.
    But something will start to shake loose.
    But anyway- I'm eating well lots of organic veggies and two servings of fruit per day
    Lean protein etc.
    I guess I need to have patience.
    Patti- I was happy to hear your mom's eyes didn't get worse. I guess we need to share the patience gene right now.
    OK- until later.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. Feeling good about my weigh in tonight. I have my girlfriend Kinda joining me tonight. I hope to lose another pound. I’ve had 7 days of blue dots and no splurges. I just need to add some movement!

    Bert- I know you are doing all tge right things too and are not grossly overweight either. Stop beating yourself up over this last amount of weight. But if you are serious about getting it off, call a nutritionist today. It’s the only way you will know.

    Patti- good luck on your weigh in today. Good news really about your Mom.

    Cindy- im sure you will do great.

    I be back later,

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Karla: I tried the retried beans in my scrambled eggs. Hmmmmmm. Not a fan.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Bert, we're all in your corner. Not every human was born to be thin - agree with everyone else that we each need to find a level of comfort. Patti is so right about our making peace with our imperfect bodies, which doesn't preclude doing our best to make & keep them healthy.

    Karla, hope your baby brother had a good birthday. Fingers crossed for your meeting.

    Patti, always sending up prayers for your mom - hope there is progress to be made, and hope a brace will help steady her knee.

    Cindy, you are strong and brave, and you're doing wonderfully!

    Diane, do you have an Elise day again soon? They grow and change so fast - what a blessing that you are near her. How is your sister doing?

    Not much new here. Going to busy myself around the house today, perhaps run a few small errands. I've been ticking things off my "dumb little chores" mental list. Always more to do. My eating has been less than stellar but I'm gaining "no" strength in the evenings. Not perfect, but a bit better.

    Hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    good afternoon, I lost a small bit at WW and it was a great meeting about hunger. The question was "how can you tell internal hunger from external hunger?" One lady answered "obviously I don't know!" We had 2 reach goal and one hit her 40 pounds. This is a great group of sharing and caring men and women. I always learn something and feel energized by them.
    Lunch with the girls was filled with laughter and good food. Stopped by Mom's with groceries and a chat. Got to meet her house cleaners, lovely young girls and they do a great job. Now just chilling before work. It will be a very long night as a big sale starts tomorrow and that means lots of signs to put up.

    Bert, yeah for a day with no visits.

    Janet, every "no" is a positive step. Thanks for your caring thoughts for my Mom. She will be 89 on Sunday. My gf is going to stop by and bring her flowers. Mom will be so surprised and pleased.

    Karla, I am sure you will show a loss since you have been so perfectly on plan.

    Waving hi to Cindy and Diane.

    Fun but true:
    "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose."
    Dr Suess

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Oh Patti, I’m not perfect, but you know how stubborn my system is! I can have one day with splurges or sweets and it negates my other hard work. It’s hard to be this diligent, but I keep telling myself:

    1. It’s not forever. ( but sensible eating is)
    2. I am worth the effort.
    3. The sweets are not. There are other choices.
    4. I am paying a price to WW and don’t want it to be wasteful.
    5. My back and feet would benefit from pounds off.
    6. Plus there’s my vanity! I want to look better! Ha!!

    Congrats on any loss in the right direction.

    Going to pick up my new glass before my studio!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies!!

    Drum roll please!!!!

    down 2.8 !!! I can't believe it. So Happy.

    Big challenge keeping it off and adding to it though. Leaving Sunday for Orlando thru Thursday. Taking Izzy and a little friend, plus her mother and a friend. The guys all bailed on us. I have a three bedroom condo with Wyndham at Bonnet Creek, on the Disney campus. I have Wednesday afternoon setup to hangout with my BFF of 48 years, Linda, that lives there. I lived in Orlando from 1970-1973. Linda and I have kept in touch and visited on and off ever since.

    I'm going to watch the masked singer with my babydoll, whom is so proud of me.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, and congrats to Karla and Patti! Thanks, Patti, for sharing the discussion about hunger - a biggie. Glad you have both found leaders & meetings that work well for you. Karla, your resolve will carry you through the trip.

    Got several things done yesterday; more to do today. Thinking of you all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet- I plan on sticking with it to make it to lifetime this time . Linda joined last night and I got another free month! That’s three months free I have received. I am stoked. I feel so good too.

    I got my new glasses with that blue hue for computer glare! They are rimless on the bottom and have the Swarovski crystals on the side. I love them.

    Back to work.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello, I have lots to do today but always like to start my day off with a stop here. I am trying very hard to look at this whole weight loss thing from a different place than in the past. All previous attempts have been focused on numbers, on the scale and on the tape measure. Constant weighing, nearly every day, it became an obsession not a lesson in how to live this plan. It has always been about the goal number but not the goal. When my numbers didn't change I gave up and therefore regained about half the weight I lost the last time. So I have decided that I will report that I either lost or gained, not how much. I was going to take my measurements but I don't need a tape measure to know when my body is changing. This lets me focus all my attention on eating well, learning how to handle stressful situations, boredom and most importantly how to say no without feeling deprived. Finding alternatives to the goodies that are ever present at the cabin is going to be the best test of my resolve.

    Karla, good job on your loss. You have a good plan to stay the course. Have a good time with all the girls in Orlando. Bet Glenn moves into the guesthouse for the time you are gone, lol.

    Work was busy and the customers were needy but it flew by. My knee is really giving me fits. Ktape helps but not as much as I had hoped. Taking NSAIDs daily and will go from there

    Oldie but a goodie (and the cause for my new attitude on numbers)
    If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you always got.

    Try something new
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    I have logged so far for the day- so at least that is on a roll.
    I'm def not doing what I've always done- eating whole foods, and eating to a high calorie level as determine by the nutrionist - so that is a change even though the scale isn't.
    Sp pleased you are doing so well.
    Patti- sending your mom birthday wishes for the weekend.
    Need to go edit but wanted to check in.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning-
    Quick drive by- I've tracked and ready to roll...
    Have a great day- see you all later
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading to the gym in a little while. Breakfast is tracked.

    Patti: Love your focus and outlook.

    Waving hi to everyone. Have a great day.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I’ve hit two garage sales and at WhatAburger having an on program breakfast., who knew? Lol. I love the restaurant section on the phone app. I found my dad a collectible knife at one sale and me some beautiful clothes! This was the people we purchased the pool table from. Very high end Home and items. The other sale had nothing. I’m off to an estate sale now and then by my booth. Iv got a facial at 3p. I’m hoping to talk Glenn into taking me to the movies tonight. A Star is Born is back around.

    Cindy- Is your body feeling better with this change of nutrition? We are all so happy to see you here so much.

    Bert- I’m glad you found peace with you routine.

    Patti- We all know what an emotional journey the weight loss is. It really messes with your psyche and can be a real rollercoaster. I’m a numbers person being a reimbursement specialist in billing so it’s not so critical on me. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like gains or small losses, but it’s part of this whole journey. We just keep going, look back at our week, is there something I could have done differently or is this just my body adjusting, sodium, etc, and move on. Once I get back in the 180’s I hope to be able to start the Lesley Sansone dvds. My body is really hurting!! I think it would help to move more. I only have a few pounds to get there. Until then, it’s walking. Good luck always.

    Janet - Thanks for your kind and supportive words always.

    I’m off the tge estate sale and then the booth.

    Good day everyone.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning to one and all. The sun is shining and I have errands to run. First up is a stop at Mom's to take her brace to her and make sure she can put it on properly. Then need to go buy her birthday present. Need to make a pretty card, my stash has nothing appropriate to use. She will not accept store bought from me, even if the sentiment says it all, lol. I am going to make corned beef and cabbage for her birthday. Something she loves and we haven't had in a while. It will cook nicely in my Instapot in just 90 minutes. I work 3:30-6:45, weird right, today and have leftover chicken enchiladas planned for my dinner. Edd is mystery shopping pizza. Luckily I really don't care for that brand of pizza. If it was Donatos I would have to leave home until it was gone.

    Loving all the positive energy.

    Diane, are you ok? Haven't heard from you in a bit, hope all is well and you are getting your Elise time in.

    Now for a smile
    When life closes a door it again.
    It's a door.
    That's how they work.

    May all your doors open on command