OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, I have lots to do today to get ready for the weekend. My gf is also trying to lose weight and we talked last night about our strategy to stay on our respective plans. I really want this weekend to set the stage for all the summer weekends to come. I have to learn how to stay away from the junk food that is everywhere I look at the cabins. I don't bring any but everyone else does. I finally got the Ktape for my knee and so far it seems to be working. Don't know why or how but glad it does. I did a lot of standing last night, as opposed to walking all over the store, which is harder on my knee and I was pain free. Can't remember the last time I came home from work without hurting and limping.
    Today is shopping, laundry and finish packing. Leaving at 10 am tomorrow. May or may not check in here this weekend.

    Karla, great job on your loss. Glad you found a meeting that inspires you. I am getting to know some of the ladies in my meeting and love their FB group. What I find most inspiring is the ladies who are at goal that come to every meeting. There is usually at least 10. Their insight about getting to goal and maintaining is truly motivational.

    Janet, I know you had a great time with your friend, bet it was way too short.

    Bert, I hope there is nothing wrong with Molly. The dry air from running the furnace may be the culprit. I have been thinking that Frankie is drinking a lot of water too, but her labs are fine. Good luck at your dress sale. Love this idea for a fund raiser. We have a local group that does something similar every year around prom time.

    Cindy, every loss is a step in the right direction. Good for you getting your exercise in. I am going to break out my DVDs and start doing 30 minutes a day. I also have a weight program my trainer made for me a while back that I want to incorporate. I love my classes but it looks like they are done for the winter. I am praying TRX comes back. That class has really done wonders for my strength and balance.

    Diane, can't wait to see the rest of your pics from your trip. I think you should be home soon, we have missed you

    Just for fun
    "The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books, how not to eat what you've just learned how to cook". Andy Rooney


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello ladies. Waiting at the school for my sweet Izzy. I have missed her.

    Proud to report the morning weight was terrific this morning!! The help of the Senecot S and the morning weight was 2.8 pounds more. I should be in the 180’s very soon at this rate! Just wow! Isn’t our morning weight our actual weight? I don’t know. I’ve never done night time. Another of my friends is joining next Wednesday. That will be three free months for me! I got one with Diane and Monica, and now Linda!!

    I tried the refried beans in my omelette this morning and it was the bomb!!!!! Kim was so right with that.

    Cindy- Onward down is good.

    Patti- Good for you for thinking of strategy for the approaching cabin temptations. I agree with you that keeping new and tasty recipes coming is key. Maybe have one for each weekend at the cabin?

    Bert- have you looked at any new recipes to gather ingredients for this weekend?

    I brought a gorgeous lamp from my brother’s house for my booth and have other items already priced and tagged for it.

    Izzy should be out any minute.



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all. We have actually been back since late Saturday night, but I am just getting around to checking in. Sunday Brad and Rossanne and Elise came over for the afternoon, so I got to see my baby then. Monday and Tuesday were laundry and shopping, and yesterday was a snow/rain/ice day.

    I gained about 4 pounds on our two weeks trip :(. I was hoping some of it was bloat from spending almost 24 hours traveling including many hours of flying, but it hasn't gone away so I guess it is real :(. I have NOT been motivated since I got back, but today at least I have tracked everything, unlike the past four days. The weather here has been very cold, snow and ice yesterday, so I have been hibernating which always makes me want to eat more too. I did not go to my workshop on Tuesday and weigh in. I really have to get my head back in the game. Snacking, as usual, is the culprit.

    Our trip was fabulous but kept us hopping. That would be my one complaint - very little down time. I could have skipped some of the tours, but why? The only negative I put on my comment card was they only gave us 45 minutes in the bazaar which was not enough time!

    I need to get some more photos posted - maybe this weekend. Tomorrow I am going to the Wetland Sanctuary for a training session. I should get some good activity then.

    Sounds like everyone is really getting motivated. I hope some of that rubs off on me!

    Karla, congrats on some great losses. I would have a hard time with the evening WI, for sure - even my 10:00 WI at my workshop I try to be very consistent with my breakfast and my fluid intake.

    Patti, I'm with you on trying to figure out how to stop the snacking and giving in to tempting foods. John ALWAYS has chips with his lunch, and it is almost impossible not for me to have a handful. I would love to just banish them from the house, but that won't happen. So I have to figure out how to not give in to that temptation.

    Cindy, nice to see you here more frequently. I agree with your nutritionist about not eating "diet" foods. That is one thing I don't care for about my workshop leader - she definitely uses the Truvia and the fat free cheese and things like that. If I am going to have sugar, I am going to have the real stuff and track it. Same with cheese - the Fat Free stuff is tasteless to me. I do eat the fat free greek yogurt, and cheeses made from part skim, but that is about it. (and of course, my addiction to Diet Coke!) But I don't drink as much of that as I used to.)

    Bert, I hope the sale goes well. I think that is a wonderful fund raiser as well as being quite a community service.

    Janet, sometimes all you can do is limit the damage. SOrry your system has been acting up lately.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We are hosting Euchre Club tonight, so I need to straighten up the downstairs. I cleaned pretty well for Monday night's church ladies group, so today will just be straightening up, mopping floor, etc. I'm thankful that my house cleaner is coming today. I have several things to do, and she will be a big help.

    Karla: I found a pretzel coated chicken recipe that I will try. I was going to make it yesterday and have it instead of the Prime Rib I cooked for Mike (it was left over from Christmas - in the freezer), but I was just too tired to make two meals. The recipe called for flour, but I'm going to use the almond flour instead. I'm making the zero point chicken taco soup for cards tonight, so that will give me a healthier choice than what most people bring (crackers, dips, desserts).

    Patti: Molly had some blood in her urine and her white cells were up. She's on antibiotics, but if it doesn't improve, I'll take her back for x-rays as she had bladder stones when she was younger and needed surgery. I hope the antibiotics will do the trick. She's not having accidents in the house, but I do take her outside more frequently. Thanks for asking.

    Diane: Glad you're back home safely. Your pictures of your trip were great! I hear you on snacking......that is definitely one of my downfalls too.

    Waving hi to Cindy and Janet. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and Happy weekend! We have our supper club tomorrow night, so that will be fun. I’m making that coconut shrimp again tonight as Glenn and I have been craving it.

    Bert - You are quite the social bird! That zero point taco soup is great. Monica and I both discussed making it again this weekend too as are temps are dropping on Sunday. It was 77 yesterday!!

    Patti- Monica made chocolate chip cookies with the carbrite mix and says they are two points a piece and are delish.

    Diane- Welcome home!! I know you will get that four pounds off and get keep it going. We all have found trying new recipes seems to be keeping us enthused.

    I am down 9.8 pounds since 1-31 and I can sure tell it in my clothes and face. Feels great.

    Monica loves the plan and weighs again today at her doctors office whom is monitoring her.

    I better get Izzy ready for school!

    Take care and carry on.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI All,
    I'm a tracking fool lately- feels good to be back at it. I'm taking care of me for a change.
    Diane- so glad you're back- you'll lose the 4 pounds in no time. have faith
    Bert- you're doing all the right things- enjoy your friends
    Karla- Hope the shrimp was yum
    Patti- I love your plan..
    Janet- Hope all is well and you enjoyed your time with your friend.
    need to run- but when I track I drop in.
    Until later
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I am up and ready to start my weekend, my gf is picking me up at 10. We are only going an hour away but the "away" part is what I am looking forward to.

    Bert, will pray that the antibiotics do the trick and no stones show up. enjoy your Euchre night. I love playing cards but Edd does not, he would play but I could tell how much he wasn't enjoying himself so we stopped. plus the one couple we played with regularly were super competitive and the guy cheated! who cheats at a friendly game of cards?

    Cindy, good for you with all you are doing for yourself. those on plan days add up.

    Karla, good job on your loss so far. You have always lost faster than me but we are all different.

    speaking of weighing, this is my new attitude about the scale and my relationship with it. I am not preaching nor do I think anybody needs to follow my lead. I am only sharing this because it has been an epiphany for me.
    1) I will WI at WW weekly and will only use the home scale on my WI day if I can't make my meeting.
    2) I will track everything, no matter how bad it is
    3) I will not change how I eat the day before my WI or skip my morning coffee the day of my WI. If I feel like eating before my meeting I will. the most it will affect my WI is the weight of the actual food. I know I cannot gain weight the minute I eat.
    4) I will wear whatever clothes that are appropriate for the weather and will not remove anything other than my coat.
    5) I will accept whatever the scale says at the moment of WI and will not obsess about it because it is such a fickle tool. I am tired of chasing numbers.
    6) my focus is on developing a healthy lifestyle, one I can live with forever.
    7) I will exercise because it makes me feel powerful and strong, not because it will help me lose weight.
    So in a nutshell I am working toward a healthier and stronger me.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey ladies, my friend Monica lost five pounds this week!! So that 9 for her for three weeks too!! She is loving the program!!

    Patti - great attitude!!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Quick drop in- as I just tracked what I've eaten so far today.
    All is good here
    Patti- I LOVE YOUR NEW ATTITUDE you rock! 0 The caps were intentional
    Karla- I'm glad you're friend is loving her program
    I need to get back to editing,
    See you tomorrow
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    edited February 2019
    Good Morning, Ladies. What a night. I fell asleep super early and then was awake between midnight and 4. Then up with Molly at 5. I think there's a nap in my future today. The dress sale went well. We made $3,500. That will pay for the royalties for Frozen, Jr. this summer. I got 10K steps in while working the sale!

    I definitely overate yesterday, so it's back to the grind today. I made the zero point chicken taco soup, so that's what I'll have for lunch or dinner.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone - been busy here. Eating's been, well, sometimes very good and sometimes not so good. Making my peace with how things are for the time being.

    Diane, glad you are safely home - Elise had to be overjoyed to see you both. Bert, hope you get that nap - congrats on the sale's success. Karla, do you ever get downtime? Such a busy life - I know Izzy has made your weekend, as always. Patti, i just love your spirit these days. Maybe some of it will rub off on me. Cindy, I'm thrilled that you're putting yourself first. How is sweet Jasper doing?

    Lots to do so signing off for now. Hugs to everyone.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    Jasper continues to improve- very slowly. But we are seeing progress. For which I am very thankful.
    Janet- how is Theo doing? I hope he is adjusting- give him. kiss for me....
    Need to run- I did 20 minutes of a country Zumba tape- need to shower then back to editing
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon friends. It's been a fun weekend, but time to clean, cook and do laundry now. No Izzy this weekend as she was doing the Mardi Gras parades with her parents. Friday night Glenn and I just hung out at home. Yesterday we had the fun trip I spoke of and last night we had a great time at the supper club right here in our neighborhood. It was a Mardi Gras theme and very nice. I did not eat much at all, just some shrimp and deviled eggs. Yea! No desserts and there were plenty.

    Janet - Yes, you and James seem to be a permanent fixture now. How nice for the both of you.

    Cindy - I made a grid with my Excel program to mark how many minutes I do on the treadmill or walking outside. I enter the minutes and date, plus initial it. Something I have to look at.

    Diane - I like Patti's attitude about going to weigh in, about the scale, about what to do before and after. It spells out how spastic we all can get about it and it is only a snapshot in time, it's not the whole story. It was great that she posted that for us all to read and absorb.

    Patti- I hope you had a great time at your scrap meet.

    I'm done with more than half the items on my list and am now moving on to washing Sophie and Mille.

    How about a quote since our quotster is gone?

    Today's quip: “I have gained and lost the same ten pounds so many times over and over again my cellulite must have déjà vu.” ~Jane Wagner
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just lost a long post......again.
    Had the best weekend with wonderful ladies. Got all the wedding pics in the album and will spend this week doing the final embellishments so I can get it to my granddaughter. My eating was something I am proud of, even though I did not track. Stuck with salads and my dressing for lunch and dinner Friday and today. We did have breakfast buffet Saturday and Sunday. Planned to have biscuits and gravy but one taste of the gravy saved me, not awful just not worth it. I had small servings and no seconds and skipped the bread and pastries. We skipped the baked potato bar lunch on Saturday and had baked chicken, salad and about 5 cubes of roasted potatoes (luckily that was all they put on the plate, lol). There were 3 six foot banquet tables filled with treats of all kinds and none of them veggies. You had to go by them to get ice and water, yikes. I did indulge in a single serving of chips and a small bit of chocolate and 1 pecan sandie cookie. I am calling it a successful weekend on every level. The scale will say what the scale will say on Wednesday. That is truly not my focus. I learned that I can say no when I want to, that is more important in the long and short of it.

    Bert, that is awesome your sale did so well. Sorry about your broken sleep.

    Cindy, love having you with us again. Your attitude really inspired me to start figuring things out before I have a medical issue.

    Janet, you are in a unique and precarious position. I applaud and support and understand what you are doing.

    Karla, sounds like a lovely weekend despite no Izzy. Hope she had a good time with her parents at the parades.

    Diane, hope you find inspiration from your meeting. Your trip appeared phenomenal.

    Time to decompress
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Happy Monday everyone-
    Time for another new week- what a treat that we get to share it together.
    I've tracked B and L so far- no exercise today- its a Jasper swim day.
    But it is part of the plan- no ill effects from Zumba yesterday other than I was more hungry when I woke up- so that means I moved a bit more than riding the stationary bike. I'm SO looking forward to walking weather- we're expecting snow and it is blistering cold with 65 MPH winds.
    March seems to be coming in like a lioness- ROAR
    Patti- great job working your plan
    Karla - I'm sure Glen was happy to have you to himself this past weekend
    Janet I think of you often
    Bert- great sales for the dresses
    Diane- You'll find your groove again.

    Alrighty then- off and running
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a beautiful sunny day this morning. After yesterday's wind and taking Molly out several times throughout the day, I'm so happy to have the sun and calm winds.

    I have visits everyday this week. I have two today, but they are just "meet and greet", so they won't take too long. I'm going to the gym this morning and will do the routine I learned last week.

    Jave a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Today is shaping up to be the first blue dot day for me in a long time. I've tracked everything, kept within my points, and have a healthy, filling dinner planned. Tomorrow I will go to my WW meeting and face the scale, regardless of what it says. I should have gone last week, and maybe I wouldn't have had such an implosion! Dinner is roasted brussels sprouts with garlic, and Skinnytaste Chicken Rollatini alla parmesiana. a 5 sp dinner. I have 3 points left to play with, or I could just not eat them.

    Bert, glad to hear the sale went well. sounds like a busy week ahead!

    Cindy, I'm with you on wanting to get outside. I just can't seem to motivate to exercise at home inside. We did go for a brief walk today, but the wind chased us back inside.

    Patti, sounds like a very successful weekend! You've got your mojo back for sure. That "no" button and "Pause are so powerful - wish I could get them working for me.

    Karla, you will face some challenges with Mardi Gras - I now how you enjoy it! But you also seem to be just in the groove. I spent some time searching WW for recipes today, and found one or two to try this week.

    Janet, you do seem to keep busy! I must admit that part of my eating this past week has been boredom - I don't have a project right now, and I feel like some of my boredom has come out in snacking. I tried to keep busier today and it definitely helped.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all, we picked up the tile and supplies to put it on the wall. I ended up with 12x24 porcelain tiles that are a matte white with gray streaks like marble. We are going to edge them with satin anodized aluminum. It gives it a crisp clean and slightly modern look. Of course, the trim is on line only a have to wait for delivery. Picked up lots of paint chips and am leaning toward a dark-medium gray/blue. Will know better once the tile is up. The whole renovation is going to come in under $500. Pretty psyched!
    Tomorrow is eye appointment for Mom. Just praying they detect some improvement. We are going to have a Bob Evans lunch, her favorite.

    I have been snacking all day, but not off plan and have tracked. We drove through Steak and Shake at lunch but I declined. I had a frozen Asian meal when we got home instead. That is when those meals pay off. I just wish I had some fruit in the house. A nice dish of berries is what I am craving.

    Diane, I think going to your meeting will get you enthused again. I am with you though, I need some nice weather and soon. I listened to one of the workouts on the WW site, Aaptiv. I hope they add more and longer workouts, or change them out frequently. The concept is good though.

    Words of wisdom from Princess Sassy Pants (as seen on FB)
    It's time to be kind to yourself.....
    You've carried that heavy baggage long enough. It's okay to set it down now"

    Kindness first
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Another week almost done and another weigh in tomorrow night. I feel so good about the program and am not getting the constipation since adding the fat free beans to my omelette. Lol.

    Patti- Your bathroom remodel sounds very nice and eclectic. I like the way many convenient stores now have apples and bananas at the check out counter down here. I did that the other day. Is that available up there?

    Diane- I am loving my meeting even though it is at night, not my favorite part either. There are about 25 members that all stay and are very upbeat and all losing. The leader is very good, a school teacher in her 40’s and her husband helps too. I met two nice ladies last week that shared ideas. I love fat free refried beans in my omelette now and would never have thought of it. It’s right on my way home from work on Wednesday’s too.

    Janet- i hope you have a nice week.

    Cindy- So great to see you so frequently my dear.

    I better get going. Today is my baby brother’s birthday and we are going out to dinner tonight after Izzy’s dance. It’s zero breakfast and lunch!!

    Have a great day, love yourself!


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is supposed to be a nice day. I'm traveling for a visit this afternoon. My eating has been ok; I just wish I could find the right combination for me to show some progress. I'm within calories and WW points, and I feel good, so that's what I should concentrate on, I know.

    Patti: Your rennovation sounds great! I have to admit that the frozen dinners don't fill me up. That's when I definitely go off plan (for me). I need to get to the store and get lettuce, veggies, etc and have them all prepped for the week. I need fruit, too. Congratulations on your loss!

    Diane: Good luck at your meeting.

    Karla: I went to evening meetings when I attended meetings (when I first joined in 2008). To be honest, after working all day, I got tired of listening to and clapping for rewards and accomplishments, that I wasn't getting what I was looking for. The leader was very nice and gave great tips. Everyone was nice, too. It was just probably me. That's when I turned to the message boards and found you wonderful ladies. I got and continue to get the encouragement from all of you. That's what keeps me motivated. I like the fact that I can read the weeklies online. Congratulations on your loss!

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!
