OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- where are you getting these quotes? They are wonderful!!!!!!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone. Patti & Karla, congrats on your big losses - so proud of you. Cindy, thanks for sharing nutritionist info - you will get the glucose controlled for good. Bert, happy birthday (late) to Dylan. Hope the new coordinator is good to work with and that your current boss deals successfully with her health concerns. Diane, watched the PBS show about the building of the pyramids and thought of you.

    Sorry I'm not more sociable but this week has been difficult. My dad passed five years ago tonight, and losing Bella has me in quiet mode. Theo is doing OK but can't understand what has happened to his littermate. He's getting as much love as I can give, but it's an adjustment for us all. Mostly, I'm tired, but it will all work out. I just need to stay quiet for a bit (when possible). Many errands lie ahead today so better get out of these pjs.

    Hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, we understand, you do you and we will always be here.

    Karla, congrats on your first week loss. I find my quotes on Pinterest and by Google search.

    What a day. Started great with the gym where everyone seemed so happy to have me back. What sweet ladies. Then I came home and painted for a couple of hours before work. It was pretty busy because of th flannel and fleece sale. The floor cleaners were coming after we closed to deep clean the floors. We had to move everything from one side of the store to the other. Plus all the floor matts had to be put on the counters, those suckers are heavy. I don't envy the day shift having to move it all back. The other side of the store is all permanent fixtures. It was a back breaker and there was only 4 of us. But we got it done in an hour. Got home and let Frankie out. She tripped coming up the steps and was limping really bad when she got in. She went straight to the food and water bowls. Then I noticed a pool of blood where she was standing plus a trail of blood from the front door. She was shying from me and when I tried to clean the blood off her foot (the one where she ripped off her dew claw) she nipped at me. She was shaking all over. She had ripped the nail off her last toe! The bleeding stopped pretty quickly. Then I had to mop up the blood and shampoo the carpets. I am beat
    Going to stop by mom's before work tomorrow, she NEEDS cottage cheese. She is hoarding her last container, lol

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Just made those Carbquick biscuits. Pretty okay for 2 WW points. You can't really cut them open so I put a bit of raspberry Jalapeno jam on top and some spray butter, pretty yummy. Plain, not so much. I was going to make blueberry pancakes, will do that tomorrow as Izzy is having a girlfriend spend the night.

    Patti - Poor Frankie!! She is have a bad foot week. Good for you on your return to your classes and new classes. I am sure the ladies missed your bubbly personality.

    Janet - Thank you for your praise on my loss. I am enjoying being back on WW. I'm thinking of you and your fur baby. I'm sure it's too soon to think of another mate, but wouldn't a tiny kitten be so very uplifting?

    My friend, Monica, lost 3 pounds on her first week. She is stoked as she was on her hospice call, she is an RN. She isn't able to drink as much liquids and feels she will do even better this week. She does seven on and seven off. Days that is. We have been BFF's for 32 years.

    Today is cleaning day, I have put my cleaning ladies on hold and am taking on the cleaning myself with Glenn doing the bathrooms and floors. We made this agreement. LOL. My back just can't take the bending over the bathtubs and floors, but I can do all the beds, dusting and polishing and windex of all the glass in the china cabinets.

    I went by my antique booth yesterday and one whole shelf is empty!! I've got to pack up some more items to take today. This place is always busy. I better get cracking on that now.

    Have a great and wonderful day.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick drive by before work. Yesterday was a busy one. We have an awesome sale on flannel and I am trying to talk myself into buying some to stash away but have no idea what I want to make with it. We have thousands of cute patterns and at about $2/yard it is hard to not stock up. Needless to say I cut mostly flannel for 5 hours yesterday. Everyone order was a minimum of 10 cuts. The day flew and today we have added a major discount on fleece, yuck, but I may have to get some of that too, lol.
    It is supposed to snow while I am at work but I hope it holds off. I asked my granddaughter to not come if the roads are bad. So not sure what the day holds but I know for sure I will keep my string of red circle days going. In the last 22 days I have had 21 of them, last Sunday I did not circle because I made poor food choices despite being within my points. I cannot reward myself for bad behavior, lol.
    My knee is killing me for some reason. Guess it was moving all the racks of fabric on Friday night. I took some Aleve last night and used my TENS on it and it seems a bit better today. I am sure it will be hurting by the time I get home but I have the next 4 days off, so no worries.

    Waving hi and sending hugs to all

    Hope this makes you smile
    The best exercise is 5 sets of stop eating so much crap!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am loving these recipes and all the support in the Connect section. It is uplifting reading all the posts and replies to mine, ideas for meals, and what others have lost or gained. This week I am making the zero point turkey chili and mixing my Fage Plain Greek yogurt with some FF pudding mix. This morning I made the Banana Lover's Flourless pancakes and they were yummy. Is this really a reducing plan? I took out my PB2 to start using it again. I missed the recipes when I left WW before, and now I am reminded. They are awesome with Chefs on here with their recipes. For lunch today I am making a chicken salad with apples and dill and curry if I have it. YUM.

    I am continuing to clean house. That is what I like about having the cleaning ladies, they come in and in 2.5 -3 hours they get done what takes me all weekend. LOL.

    Patti- I made Izzy and her friends some really cute doll blankets with matching pillows out of some cute flannel a couple years ago. Maybe your great-granddaughter would enjoy.
    I hope your knee gets better with your four days off. I had a scare last weekend in New Orleans when we walked so much on those cobblestone streets, when I had knee pain like never before. But none since.

    I am in my bedroom now watching Hallmark Mystery Movies while dusting and polishing the furniture. Izzy and her friends are still having a blast playing outside. Glenn is burning leaves in the backyard. Life is good.

    Have a great Sunday.


    PS ( Patti, another funny quote)

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi again all, had a busy but fun day at work. Had the customers and staff laughing so all is good. Whenever there is a long line at the cutting counter I try to find a way to get people laughing and/or talking with each other. Makes the wait more tolerable and then they are nicer to me, lol. A lady with her 2 young girls came in and when the girls started fighting with each other I said "No fighting at the cutting counter!" They stopped immediately and the mom smiled. Such power.
    I had a mini revelation tonight as I was fixing dinner. I am really enjoying cooking again. I need to remember if I get into a slump or bored with WW that trying new recipes seems to get me engaged in the program. So here is the dinner that inspired me: Grilled portobello pizzas. I used my failed pretzels (froze them thinking I would find a use) that I crumbled and toasted, added turkey sausage, turkey pepperoni, mozzarella cheese and pizza sauce. Grilled the mushroom caps, topped with meat mixture baked just to heat the filling, topped with cheese and back into the oven to melt it. 5 points per mushroom. I ate two but one with a nice salad would have been a filling meal. Too tired to make the salad, lol. Got to use both my indoor grill and the air fryer oven. Just have to keep finding inspiration.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    A little quite here today. Was just thinking of you all and was surprised to see nobody stopped by.
    Painted until I ran out of paint, awaiting fresh supply. Had a lovely dinner. Large bed of lettuce greens topped with sautéed mushrooms, onions and snap peas, topped with grilled shrimp and tossed in Paneras Asian Sesame vinegrette. 3 points and I was full. This dressing is awesome, I almost passed it by because it didn't say light. It is 1pt per tbsp. I actually use less because it has real oil and coats everything better.

    In case you were wondering:
    Celery is 95% water and 100% not pizza!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a busy week this week. I traveled yesterday for a visit. Today I have another visit and then am heading to church to get dresses ready for our dress sale on the 23rd. I have lots of help scheduled for today, so that's good.

    Janet: I definitely understand your need to be in a quiet mode. This is an emotional time for you. We are here for you.

    Patti: Congratulations on your loss! So sorry to hear about Frankie.

    Karla: Congratulations on your loss! I really need to utilize the WW recipes and other things they offer. Perhaps I would be as succesful as you and Patti are. I definitely want to make the flourless banana pancakes.

    Waving hi to Diane and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I was going to do a scale peek and got on my home scale and it said “Lo” . lol. I know that meant the batteries, but I’ll take it as my weight! Ha.

    Bert- I agree the Weightwatcher app or site is a great motivator for me, as well as my girlfriend Monica. She made the zero point chili on Sunday with turkey and chicken and several type of beans and said it was wonderful. It even had corn and peas in it! We both read the “Connect” section and read other member posts and see their videos and pictures and read their tips. One lady says she keeps the zero point chili around to keep her from cheating. Another lady says her go-to sweet snack, which is also zero is Fage plain fat free Greek yogurt with fat free pudding of any flavor with fruit.

    Patti- Your salad sounds delish! I’m getting more fresh shrimp today. I had it seventy times last week. Fingers and toes crossed for another great scale victory today. I know you will with all your great red circles!!

    Janet- praying for you.

    I have a busy day off. No work, but lots of errands and Izzy’s dance day. I’m going to my antique booth again first, then the Avalon car maintenance and then a dental appointment.

    Have a wonderful and successful day.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All,
    Working on figuring out the whole food thing- I feel like I'm cheating all the time by eating whole foods- change of mindset.
    I did 5 days of exercise last week so hit my goal.
    All is good- I'll be back later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy- follow your nutritionist guidelines and you will do well. Good for you on the five days!!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. WiFi for the first time in a week so I am catching up.

    Eating has been plentiful and frequent! But in Egypt they stock the hotel room with a scale. I will weigh tomorrow am to see how I did after a week on the ship with plentiful and delicious food. I ate mostly fish and seafood and chicken. Surprisingly few veggies, but their portion sizes are much more reasonable than most American places.

    We have been on the go every day. Tomorrow we tour the pyramids! The past week has been ancient temples and tombs. We were supposed to do a balloon ride this morning over the Valley of Kings but the visibility was too low.

    I will probably post some photos on Facebook tonight or tomorrow.

    Sounds like everyone is really working their plan! I will try to do some personals when the WiFi is a little more reliable.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening, fell off my plan a little yesterday so no red circle but I have a,ready moved on. Tuesday is my favorite day of the week. I spend the day with Mom, then the gym and then date nite with Edd. Plus it is the eve before I face the scale, so living high on last week's loss until morning, lol. Edd got a pizza for dinner (mystery shop), I did take one small bite and tracked it. He can put the leftovers in the airfryer oven tomorrow, once I teach him how!

    Cindy, congrats on meeting your workout goal. I am really struggling to get back into it but we are worth the effort.

    Diane, can't wait to see the pics. Sounds like an awesome trip and I know you are super active. Mindful eating but enjoying what you eat is all part of the trip. Have you eaten anything different or interesting?

    Bert, good luck with the dress sale. Where did the dresses come from?

    This new class I am taking at the gym is very challenging and shows me how much work I have to do. It is focused on core and reminds me of old school exercise classes. Leg lifts, standing crunches and kicks, and lots of floor work using the bosu ball. Glad I is only 40minutes.

    Today's thought:
    I'm not losing weight. I'm getting rid of it. I have no intention of ever finding it again!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    I was reviewing my nutrients and I'm struggling to get all the protein and carbs in- lol who knew - I guess all the years of eating f/v to keep calories low trained me well.
    I did exercise again last night- which is a bonus. Stopping at the store tonight for more berries, they're clean, high in fiber and low in carb so they pair well with my breakfast.
    I'm afraid to step on the scale but know I must.
    I keep "forgetting" I have been weighed at the dr's office- so that is good.
    Rick surprised me last night and told me we have dinner reservations for Valentine's Day- he NEVER does that... not sure what to make of this new leaf.
    Diane- continue to have a ball
    Patti- keep up your focus- you've got this
    Janet- sending you big hugs- and for Theo too
    Karla Hope the dentist was uneventful
    Bert- did you get a lot of nasty weather?
    Off and running to cook up some eggs- until next time
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Yesterday was one of those days that just felt OFF - probably weather-related sinus stuff. Did quite a bit around the house though, and when (late) dinnertime rolled around, I had only the appetizers (hummus & pita, celery, olives, and a bit of cheese). James made himself spaghetti and had cake and I passed, so there's a small victory.

    Sun's out here and I have a bunch of errands to run, so I'll wave hello and bye for now!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good morning, ladies. Just a quick stop in. I have 4 visits today!!!!!! Will be back later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning folks,

    Cindy- Yes, we have conditioned ourselves to eat very lean and look where it got us, not lean! Lol. We will all get this.

    Bert- Busy lady. Please try the Three Bean Chili recipe with adding ground turkey. It’s is awesome. I did add Rotel and corn to mine.

    Janet- glad to hear from you. Good for you for declining when you didn’t want to eat something. You go girl.

    Patti- hope your meeting was fun and successful. I’m going to a new one tonight. I did mention to my other leader about yours being overweight and she said that was not supposed to be allowed.

    I am at work so I better run.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Now I like Wednesday! Lost 1 pound this week and am so pleased. My goal is to be at goal in a year and that is 1 pound a week. It is doable and reasonable and attainable. Used all of my daily points on lunch. Had my favorite dish at my favorite local Asian place with my favorite ladies. Worth every point. I have a 1 point frozen meal planned for dinner and I have cherries and blackberries if needed. I planned it ahead and feel great about it. Then dropped by Mom's with a few things and stayed and chatted. It is my cousins birthday today so Mom and I called her. She was so tickled. Now doing some food prep and then I may do the final coat of paint in the hall. The hall has always been very dark, with very old red and gold wallpaper. I painted everything white, ceiling walls and trim. It is so light and bright it looks like a spaceship is landing, lol. But I love it.

    Cindy, enjoy your meal out. Must be in the air. Edd asked me out for tomorrow too. He has always hated eating out for any of these kinds of holidays, mostly because of the crowds and the long waits. We are going late because I want to go to my gym class first. He is willing to wait so I'm all in.

    Janet, yah you. Saying no when we want to say yes is harder than 50 squats, lol. My challenge was not having something in the house to replace it what I turned down. I am doing better with that this time around. Hope you are no longer "off" lol.

    Karla, good luck at your new meeting. We had a lively discussion. I have noticed that whenever exercise is discussed Leslie Sansone is part of it. The leader even said today that Leslie gets mentioned so often in her class that we should do a commercial for her.

    Bert, whew! Sounds like you have been on a dead run for a few days. Hope you have a break coming,

    My new quote: (paraphrased from one I found on line to be more meaningful to me)
    Original quote: you diet to look good in your clothes. You exercise to look goo naked.
    My quote: I diet to look good in my skin. I exercise to feel good under my skin
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Well, I just lost my post! I'm not going to retype it. :(

    Patti: Congratulations on your loss.

    Karla: The chili sounds just like the zero point taco soup.

    Waving hi to Cindy, Janet, and Diane.

    Have a great day, everyone!
