OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane- I have been thinking of joining and your free month for us both just confirmed it for me. Please send me the link. I can go to the local meeting on Friday! Thanks so much.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla I like bought I had your email address but I can’t find it. Send it to me at and I will send you the link.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's -10 this morning with a wind chill of -34. -23 with a wind chill of -54 for Dan, Annie, and the kids! The only thing is at least it's sunny. I took Molly out this morning and could only stand it to let her do some of her business. I'll try again later.

    Of all days, our coffee maker went out. At least I have a one cup Keurig as I like flavored coffee. We will use that for a couple of days as neither of us are going out today. If that's all that happens, I consider myself a lucky woman.

    Patti: No, I haven't heard of Carbquik. Let us know what you think, and I might order some. What are Mini Nut Thins? Are they in the cracker aisle? Sounds like something I might want to try.

    Karla: So sorry to hear about your Pharmacist. My feet go in spurts, thanks for asking. Currently they just tingle and there is a slight discomfort around my ankles and heels. I haven't purchased any insoles yet as I've been wearing my tennis shoes mostly which have insoles that were formed to my feet. I'm still figuring out what insoles to buy.

    Diane: Congratulations on your loss! What new things are available as part of the program? Have fun with Elise on Thursday. I did make it home safely yesterday. The high was 16. I am required to rent a car for traveling if it's over 60 miles one way. I'm fine with using someone else's car as mine has over 125K miles on it. At least I was able to drive in a newer car, and my car started up after I returned the rental. I'm staying in today!

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. It did not get as cold as expected. Low 50's here today and I have a crockpot of chili already going in the inside kitchen. The cabinet makers are already in the little house installing the most beautiful cabinets. I love the countertops too!! You never know when you are picking out from samples what the outcome will actually be, and I was nervous, but I am very pleased. I have not purchased the bar stools yet for the kitchen nook area next to the fridge. I will look tomorrow while Izzy is in dance.

    Diane - I have review the WW site yesterday and I am excited about rejoining. I sent you an email from my AOL account. It's my first and last name with a 58 at the end, the year I was born. We might as well both get a free month!!

    Bert - I'm glad your feet are not hurting you as bad as they were. I do believe the key is staying with a good pair of tennis shoes. I am very pleased with the ones I am wearing. My foot and ankle feel so secure with no inserts!

    My father had his flooring installed in his kitchen yesterday; It was a lot more white than we both expected. I thought it was more marbled. I hope we both can keep it clean. LOL. I am going over in a couple weeks to see it all.

    Glenn and I are taking Audrey to New Orleans on Saturday. Izzy has decided to stay here and go to her sister Chloe's sister, Avery's 7th birthday party. It's a Mermaid birthday party at an inside waterslide park in Mississippi. This is great as it give us some alone time with Audrey as we really need.

    I better get going. I am preparing some boxes of items for my Antique booth. I am tagging and pricing them and keeping my inventory. I hope to make a couple hundred dollars or more to put on my Avalon. I want to get this car paid off.

    Have a wonderful day. Any tips on the new WW program as I start it, will be most appreciated.

    Thank you,

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello from three-degree land, with about 3” of gorgeous snow. Wind chills are below zero but it’s gorgeous from inside a warm house. I worry about those who are less fortunate. Going out to get hair cut & colored this afternoon. Even I will bundle up.

    Eating has been not great here - just having the blahs. But you are all inspiring me to get my head back in gear. Hugs to everyone.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good frigid morning all. It is -6 with a windchill of -30. Needless to say, I did not go to my WW meeting. Really wanted to attend the open house but not enough to brave the cold. It is bad enough I have to go to work at 5 for a measly 3 hour shift, but I won't call off. So many of the young ones do when the weather is bad. I have not missed a shift since starting over 2 years ago. Got lots done in my craft room yesterday and when the weather breaks there will be some pieces of furniture taken to the curb. Then I wil buy some cabinets or shelving units to replace what I take out. The room is a hodgepodge of cast offs.

    Bert, staying in is the best! Glad your HVAC issues got fixed before the Vortex arrived.

    Karla, were the floors the final project at your dad's? Hope he and Kerry are settling in to their new looking home.

    Diane, congrats on your loss and making it to your meeting. I did scale hop and there was no loss on my scale. Will admit I am bummed but will stay the course and know I will see a loss next week. I did cave to an extra spoon of peanut butter last night that took me over my dailies but not my weeklies. So calling it a red circle. Do you know how to reset your WI day? Since I joined online on a Monday it resets my points on that day.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy, stay warm everyone.

    Today's thought:
    You don't get what you wish for. You get what you or for.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Oh gosh guys, my cabinets are so gorgeous!!!’ Much more than I ever imagined. I can’t wait to decorate it. Lol.

    They are not finished yet, there is crown molding around the top of the upper cabinets and a shelf unit at the end, the drawers are not put in. I love the three glass door upper cabinets too. Very nice. Here’s a couple pics of the progress. Glenn is dying to get home.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    One pic
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    It is a small kitchenette before you comment Patti, but not as it looks in this shot. It’s gorgeous!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited January 2019
    Not exactly sure what you thought I might have said, but you will get no comments from me.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, forgot to answer your question. Nut Thins are made by Blue Diamond. You can by them by the box in lots of flavors. Meijers and Krogers have them with their gluten free products and in with health food aisle. The minis I only saw at Meijers. I need portion control! Plus I like the smaller size of cracker. makes me feel like I am getting more. they are each made with combos of rice and nut flours. very delish. looks like Walmart and Target carry the minis, and there is always Amazon
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    They still have to pu the crown molding around the top of the cabinets and the shelf at the end of the cabinet on the left, the sink wasn't put in at this photo at the window. The backsplash of the countertops isn't up yet. I do want a regular backsplash too, but Glenn wants to keep it simple. We paid over $7400.00 for these custom cabinets and countertops. The last of the expense for this pool house, thank goodness. LOL. I will post a picture or video once I get the barstools for the mini breakfast bar, and get it decorated on top and such. I hope Glenn is as pleased as I am.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    The Carbquik arrived and I just had to make some biscuits. OMG I am blown away. 2 net carbs per 1/3 cup. 1 cup mix plus 1/3 cup water, mix and drop. Makes 3 good sized biscuits or 4 medium sized. 3 point for the entire batch. I will be having biscuits and gravy this summer! There are lots of recipes on the box and they have a website with more. It was $14 for a 3 pound box from Amazon. There is a recipe for chicken and dumplings, cinnamon rolls and fruit cobbler...this is a game changer
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla I did not get your email. Is it I want to send you the link before you go n Friday. So glad you are thrilled with the kitchen. But I will say it looks more like a Karla decor job than a man cave lol!

    Patti, Bert and Janet wow, you are in the vortex! My sister in WI had -23 real temperature this morning, not ncluding wind chill. We are to go to single digits overnight. I’m a little worried about taking Elise out of the house. I go over to their house and wait for her to wake, then I bring her here for the rest of the day.

    Janet, take it one day at a time. That’s all any of us can do.

    Patti I’m going to have to try the carb quick! One point biscuits would be grand.
    To reset your WI day, go to your profile, then settings, then weight settings. There you can pick your WI day that is also the day your weeklies reset.

    Bert, new things that are part of the program include a limited “Headspace”, which is a meditation program, and nine workouts from Aaptiv. You can get 30 days of free full function Headspace and 50% off Aaptiv. Also Blue Apron has paired with WW, and you can get 50% off your first two orders. Also WW Wins which earn you stuff for doing things like tracking meals and activity. That doesn’t motivate me much, but it might for other people.

    I spent today indoors, learning how to use my mother’s fancy sewing machine. I made a set of doll clothes for Elise’s baby. I’ll give them to her tomorrow.

    Eating was pretty good. Not perfect, but good.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane- I wondered why I never heard back from you! I copied and pasted you email address from your post to send you my info, go figure. Nope, Glenn designed the kitchen, I just picked the stain color and countertop type, if that is what you are referring to, then yes, that part was me. I love the cabinets, it gives the whole place a complete different look as you walk in the door. We love it!! We are having a huge Super Bowl party this Sunday, so our friends will all see our pride and joy! I’m so excited to be joining WW again. It is totally revamped for the better. I’m going to the 10:00am workshop. I’m going to join tomorrow as it expires tomorrow, that offer, doesn’t it?

    Patti- I have ordered that Quikcarb dough as it sounds wonderful . Thanks for the tip.

    Janet - Are you doing okay? You seem really distant. You can call me anytime. I’d love to talk.

    I better go. I’m saddened to go to the funeral of my former boss tomorrow.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane- That is my correct email you mentioned above. I checked and somehow the Diane. Was left off! It went to

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla I sent the invite. Let me know if you didn’t get it.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I got the points wrong for the biscuits I made. 2 points each or 3 for 5 pts. Still worth it. there are recipes on Pinterest too.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good early morning. Why can't I ever sleep through the night? Here I am up at 2am. But, I am now a weight watcher again!!

    Diane - Yes, I received your link and used it to join. I am NewMe19KM. LOL.

    I'm going to go lay back down. I dread the funeral today, but look forward to seeing old friends at the same time.


    PS ( The joy on Glenn's face when he looks at his new kitchen is priceless, he loves it. )

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Are any of you watching The Masked Singer? I love this show. It's something different and it's fun to guess who is in the costume.

    Today I have a PT workout and then have a couple of errands to run. I need to call the HVAC owner again as it has been a week and I have not heard from a drywaller to fix the ceiling. Not happy about that.

    Patti: I'll look for Nut Thins. I have to buy a new coffee maker today as yesterday it stopped working. We didn't go out yesterday due to the cold, but I'm venturing out today. I really don't want one with a carafe, but from looking online, there aren't many options with no carafe. Will have to see what's available. I need portion control too. I like the Lance Gluten Free peanut butter crackers. I can only find them at Meijer. I really like Meijer. I think I'll order the Carbquik too.

    Karla: I've been waking up in the middle of the night as well. At least last night I made it until 3. The other night was 1 and I was awake until 3:30. I finally went back to sleep though. I'm still an online WW member. I do like some of the features and also like viewing the points I'm eating.

    Diane: I don't think I'd take advantage of some of the new WW programs, but it's nice that it is offered at special discounts for people. I do like the connect section where you can join a group. That's how I met you fine ladies!

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!
