OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it is gray and dreary as we await the storm coming. I went to the grocery yesterday, just my normal shopping trip, to find that everyone in town had lost their ever loving minds! The meat department was annihilated! There was some whole chickens, a few packages of chicken thighs, the high dollar steaks, some beef tenderloins and very little else. All the Bogo items were sold out (sale started Wednesday). The coffee creamers were gone too. The funny thing is that there was plenty of produce. It makes no sense to me. We are expecting 3-8 inches of snow and freezing rain. Our road crews are great and everyone will be able to get out within 24-48 hours so I just don't understand why everyone is stocking up as if they will not be out for weeks. That type of storm hasn't hit since 1978 and even then we were only snowbound for 4 days.
    I did not go to the gym last night. After all my shopping and errands I was in so much pain I just didn't think I could make it thru the class. I am better but still hurting. I think I will need to go early next time and do a warm up before the class. I did get another red circle.

    Diane, I found only one frozen meal that was 1 point, Healthy Choice Cafe steamer stir fry chicken and veggies. That line has several that are 2-5 points. Krogers carries another line called SmartMade that has several meals less than 7pts and Lean Cuisine Culinary Collection have several below 6pts. SmartOnes have several that are 3 or 4 points. I just searched on my app and am compiling a list for my next shopping trip, so I don't have to scan everyone of them in the store.

    Bert, I bet hearing that from Greg made your heart swell with joy, love and pride. He got his heart from you for sure. Hope the weather holds off for your friends trip Krogers was out of almond flour, along with just about everything on my list, so I got the coconut flour instead. The recipe said you couldn't taste the coconut so we will see, I do not care for coconut. It tastes like suntan oil to me, lol.

    I roasted a chicken in my air fryer, it was gorgeous and tasty. I probably won't do another since the rotisserie birds from the grocery are cheaper and juicier. My gf is picking me up in a bit , she needs some retail therapy. Her husband got home from the hospital on Tuesday and seems to be doing much better so she needs a breather.
    I am supposed to work Saturday during the height of the storm. I hope it is either not as bad as they are predicting or that they close the store because it is as bad as predicted.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    TT: If I quit now I will soon back to where I started. And when I started I desperately wanted to be where I am now.
    This was shared on my WW group FB page today
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning again. Rash is at bay and not itching.

    I’m at the Vet now with my wild Sophie. Just a heart worm check and rabies. She’s wild as ever but being a sweet girl here in the office.

    I picked up some Marci Gras lights for my four foot tree I am decorating. We should have some parades in a couple weeks. Fun times with the kids.

    Janet - I was up all night too and am dragging today. My dinner was fun and yummy. Outback had the four course special going. Glenn gave me a bag of goodies and one was a $50 gift card to Ulta. I’m glad because I really need a new blow dryer.

    They must be really behind, I usually don’t wait this long.

    Have a great blue or red or low carb day. Lol.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today will be a big day. We are heading to the ISU basketball game this afternoon and then will go out to dinner with friends. I certainly hope the weather holds out. It is supposed to be a wintry mix this afternoon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    Patti: I bought coconut flour for a reciped when I was doing 21 Day Fix. I think it was a chicken and broccoli recipe. I couldn't taste coconut. Good luck. I really like the pizza dough.

    Karla: Molly is always good at the vet. She even lets the girls pick her up which is a miracle. She usually growls and gets mad with us (unless it's on her own terms!)

    Diane: I'm thinking of you today......prayers for you and your family.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    So far no snow. The newscasters have worked everyone into a frenzy since Wednesday about the "Snowpocalypse" It has been ridiculous. They emptied store shelves, bought up every shovel and bag of salt in a 10 mile radius and now it looks like they should have been buying sandbags. The stores have probably had their best sales since Thanksgiving. It was supposed to start snowing at 5am, now it looks like 5pm is when it will hit. Temps are supposed to get to single digits with high winds and lots of snow. I am praying they are wrong, that is when I go to work. Was actually hoping to be socked in so I could start my denim and fleece quit. I snagged 5 yards of fleece for about $15 on Wednesday when it was 70% off. Now I need to cut 150 8 inch squares of fleece and 150 of denim.
    Yesterday was NOT a red circle day. My friend needed to get out of the house (her husband is the one with leukemia and lymphoma) so we went thrifting and then she wanted to go to the Chinese buffet. I stayed away from all the carbs except the crab rangoons and ate just meat and veggies but everything was covered in sauce. Did what Diane's leader suggested and just quick tracked all my dailies and all but 8 of my weekly points and ate only zero point foods the rest of the day.

    Bert, enjoy your day out with friends and do be safe in this weather. Still smiling over greg's sweet compliment to you.

    Diane, in my heart and prayers as you face this day.

    Hi to Janet, Cindy and Karla
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited January 2019
    Good evening. Man, I am trying so hard to stay within my self imposed eating guidelines, but this being my birthday week has been tough. I’ve been over my carb limits the last three days. I’m just praying not to gain at this point!!

    Diane- I’ve been thinking of you all day.

    Patti- I know Edd will probably take you and pick you up with that snow storm being this evening, please be careful. Your quilt sounds neat.

    I’ve been making my way from the front dining area, through the living room, back to the back dining area and into the kitchen now. All the Christmas decor is out and I have decorated the one four foot tree with Mardi Gras lights and ornaments. Glenn found a box up in the attic with more MG decor and I have garland and lights on the fireplace mantel too.

    I have washed my mother’s China from Bavaria, Germany and have it in my front dining room for now. It will go out in the pool house kitchen once we get our cabinets in next week. I found a bag of plastic wine glasses with palm trees on them I brought home too.

    I’ve cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner, all healthy.

    b - turkey sausage and scrambled eggs with laughing cow cheese.

    L- homemade chicken salad

    d- chicken salsa from low carb website
    Black beans

    S- yogurt with walnuts
    Cheese stick
    Giradelli chocolate squares, 2

    Glenn and I wanted to play a game of pool but he has been watching movies all day on the IFC channel while I have been cleaning, cooking and decorating.

    We also booked us a cabin at the Natchez State Park for May 10th and 11th. Monica and Steve are staying in with us and my friend, Trish is coming from Arkansas. It’s a two bedroom cabin. Two other members of our supper club are bringing their campers and have gotten camp sites. Their is a big crawfish and music festival Saturday afternoon in Natchez. Funnnnnn.

    Well, back to finish up kitchen and chill out.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, the sun is glistening off the stark white snow. It is so gorgeous, especially since I don't have to leave the house until Tuesday! It didn't start snowing until about 5:30pm and by the time Edd picked me up at 9:30 the roads were ice covered with snow and there were way too many people out and about for the conditions, just my thought. Home safely with my capable and talented chauffeur.
    Today I will be doing the prep work for my denim/fleece quilt. I think I will start with the denim. I have 4 or 5 huge tubs of jeans. All the seams, waistbands zippers and front pockets have to be removed. I will be leaving the back pockets on and they will be part of the top of the quilt for some interest. I have a plan for the seams later. This will be a perfect project to do during the game. Did well with food until last night and then the PB jar called my name. Today I start fresh and am determined to not go off plan. I will be making the Fathead pizza dough. Made with coconut flour the dough is 3 points for 1/8 of the pie. I think I will make it on a sheet pan so the pieces will be square and easier to get an accurate cut. I have turkey pepperoni and veggies for toppings.

    Enjoy your day ladies
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All,
    I've tracked today and finally feeling more like me. Still stuffy back making progress.
    Thank you for the thoughts while I've been MIA.
    Everyone seems in the groove of good health. We're in this together.
    I really need to get my word count in on the new book- so no time for me to do personals but I've read everything, keep moving forward or even sideways-its the best we can do.

    Have great day
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It was a short night for me, but well worth it. I stayed up to watch the lunar eclipse. The clouds cleared off and I was able to see the moon. It was amazing. I didn't stay up for the entire thing, but did get to see the blood moon. I'm so happy the clouds moved out to be able to view this spectacular event.

    Although ISU lost the game, the 1978-79 basketball team celebration was so much fun. They announced players throughout the game and then afterwards, the whole team was on the floor and some of the players talked to the crowd. I attended a few of the games, but I remember being in the crowd when the team returned from the NCAA tournament in Salt Lake City. The center was filled that day. The team, especially Larry Bird, but ISU on the map.

    Eating has been pretty good. Today I'm meeting the kids at the Children's Museum and will stay with them while Greg goes to practice and Carrie goes to a doctor appointment. Carrie will then pick them up. Tomorrow, our new furnaces and air conditioners will be installed. and I have a visit on Wednesday morning. It will be busy week.

    Breakfast is tracked. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited January 2019
    Good morning ladies and Happy MLK Day. The schools are closed here and I have JJ and his buddy over. I am working from home and continuing to deep clean and organize my house. Glenn helped me with my closet, he organized all my shoes and boots. LOL.

    I was able to EEK out a .2 weight loss this week. After losing 4.8 last week that isn't too shabby, especially with it being my birthday and all. I did take my measurements and am down four inches there over the two weeks. Onward ho!

    Bert - You are the best Grandma ever, as your son said, you are always there for them. Both of Glenn's teams lost yesterday. The Saints really go shafted by the ref's. They even admitted officially they were wrong publically afterwards, but won't change anything.

    I better get back on my work, I also have a Podcast on the new billing cycles.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    hi All,
    I tracked for the entire Sunday- first time in I have NO idea how long- so far I've tracked for today to- can we hear a drum roll......
    Anyway- just a drive by- have a good day
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I have cut out 180 8inch squares from denim and it barely made a dent in my stash of old jeans. Tonight I will get the fleece cut and may even get some sewing done one the quilt. Eating totally within my points but I was hungry. I tried a WW breakfast frozen meal for 4 pts. Eggs, ham, potatoes and cheese. I put it in a hot skillet when it came out of the microwave to put a bit of a crisp to it. I could make it into a a more filling meal by adding some broccoli, mushrooms, whatever you like. I tried a SmartMade meal for lunch today and it was very good. The line is made by Kraft/Heinz. Bright and fresh flavored and cauliflower rice which I love.

    Good job Karla.

    Bert, your weekend sounds like so much fun. Love your new profile pic.

    Cindy, one day at a time no matter how long it has been, you are doing it now. I think one of my favorite quotes is "Don't look back, you are not going that way"

    Hi to Janet and Diane
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Its been a long week. My mom's service was very nice - lots of family there, and several friends. Unfortunately, she has either outlived many of her friends or they are unable to get out of their homes even to come to a funeral service. We filled the church with her quilts - each family member brought one. So that was a nice tribute. And my sisters and I spent Friday creating photo collages and a slide show, and I heard several positive remarks on those as well. My younger sister did a beautiful eulogy, incorporating memories from all of us. I could not have done it - I ended up sobbing through the last two hymns.

    My brother is a woodworker and he created the urn, and it is beautiful. There was some walnut and cherry that mom's father had cut down on the family farm back in the 50s, that my dad had saved "for a special purpose." When he died back in 2001 John made an urn for him from some of it, and my brother used more of it to create the urn this time.

    After the service the family all went back to the apartment, and everyone picked out some things they wanted to have of hers. It was a nice time of togetherness, and no contention about who wanted what, for the most part. Then on Sunday most of us went back and moved the furniture out. She had some very nice furniture, and almost all the family got something they wanted. There is very little left, and we have identified a charity that will come pick up almost all of what is left next Saturday. Also we sorted and packed a lot of the stuff. I went over again today and picked up all the books for donation, and all the photo albums that I am going to store and eventually scan and digitize.

    Eating has been moderate. I've been trying, and tracking some/most, but not staying within points very well. Tomorrow is WW WI, so we will see what the damage is.

    I am exhausted, physically and emotionally. Tomorrow will be a day to stay home (I've been over there the last six days.) Maybe back with personals tomorrowtsclbdjw2fuq.jpeg
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is furnace installation day. They are coming at 9. I'm also picking the kids up from school this afternoon as Greg has an away game this evening. Tonight is Administrative Council at church. It will be a busy day.

    Yesterday's eating wasn't the greatest. I'm focused to eat better today.

    Patti: The profile pic was taken at the game. I like it, too.

    Karla: Thanks for the compliment. I love being with my kids and grandkids and want to support them as much as possible. Mike and I are basically the ones who help out. Carrie's dad can't as he takes care of Carrie's mom. Sometimes Tom (the boys' dad) helps out (if it fits into his schedule :) )

    Diane: Your mom is proud of you and your family. What a wonderful tribute to display her quilts. The urn is gorgeous. Your brother did a nice job.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy. I need to get ready for the HVAC guys. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi from KY. We got about 2" of snow this weekend but roads were clear quickly. The sun re-emerged today and the temps will soon be warm enough to melt it. I do love how fresh and clean the air smells - a deep breath or two outside just invigorates me (yes, I'm weird). Eating has been OK for me - stayed within calories and nutrition yesterday. Doing my best to tame the snack monster and watch daytime eating. Am starting each day with a protein shake.

    Diane, the urn is a work of art and labor of love. Using those woods makes it even more special. Having your mom's quilts at the church was such a lovely tribute - she lives on in memory and through her handiwork. Closing down her home is bittersweet, I'm sure, but it seems you are working together with love.

    Bert, hope the HVAC installation is quick and relatively painless - no fun during a cold snap! The eclipse was worth staying up for - I've never seen a full blood moon before and feel privileged to have seen it. Your mention of Larry Bird made me smile - had the opportunity to see him play several times when I lived in Boston - that era's team was just too much fun to watch.

    Patti, glad you had Edd to chauffeur you during the storm. You got lots more up there. Stay in and craft until you work tomorrow.

    Karla, congrats on the scale movement in the right direction!

    Cindy, brava for tracking. I need to follow your lead. How's the writing going?
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all. My body is killing me. I just pushed myself too hard getting my home in order. Glenn really helped me loads, but I was on a mission and kept at it for three days. My housekeepers came today and did the bathrooms and changed the linens on the beds, plus used my scrubber on the tile floor. I ironed my table cloths and doilies for the end tables. It’s very tedious work. Glenn says I am my own worst enemy on wanting all this elegance. I said, hey, my mother used to iron our sheets and had me ironing pillow cases from the time I was 7-8 years old! Lol.

    Janet- Sounds like you are doing well.

    Patti- You will have to show us your quilt.

    Diane- That urn was quite lovely. I am sure you are quite glad to relax and let it all sink in. I’m positive you made your mother proud. How was your meeting?

    My eating yesterday was not stellar. Just was achy and tired and had pizza with the boys, then had a grilled bacon and cheese with Glenn. Way too much carbs.

    I met the lady again for dance clothes and shoes. She also brought purses and regular clothes and dressed and I bought two bags full of gorgythings for $40.

    Gotta run.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. A day, not of relaxing, but at least of being home. After errands and WW this morning, I spent the afternoon organizing my dining room and putting things away in my new (mom's) china cabinet. Carrie helped, and we also moved quite a few other things around in the rest of the house to display things in a different arrangement. We did the display cabinet in the family room, and some of the stuff on the shelves in the music room, in addition to the shelves on the china cabinet. I also went through my linens and organized them, and Carrie sorted all the candles. Then I went through my glassware, to see if I have room to bring home a few more things. I don't want boxes, but I was able to make some space by getting rid of mismatched clutter that hasn't been used in years. We still have wall hangings and pictures to put up.

    WI this morning was up 0.6 - not too bad for the eating I have been doing. I have the week planned through Monday for dinners, and have stocked up on better snack foods. Today I had celery and PB2 - I had forgotten how tasty a snack that is, and nicely crunchy. Hoping for a better WI next week before our trip.

    Carrie made us a delicious soup for dinner tonight. John is gone, so we had a creamy tomato tortellini soup. (He doesn't like tomato soup.) The recipe said it made four servings, and when I first put it in it came to 14 SP! But the recipe is HUGE and I counted the ladles-full as I put the leftovers away - it actually made 9-10 servings! So it ended up being 7 smart points. That and a salad definitely filled me up.

    Cindy, I'm trying really hard to track no matter what (even when it isn't pretty.) I know that is key to my success.

    Janet we were supposed to get snow on Saturday night but it was all rain. My sister left to drive to WI Sunday morning and said they drove through snow and bad roads in western MD and WV. I normally love being out in the snow but for some reason I am just COLD this winter and going out makes it worse.

    Karla you are very particular about your home and belongings and I'm sure your home looks lovely. Sometimes you just have to do it yourself to get it to look how you want it to.

    Bert, hope the new furnace is in and working well! As far as being the grandparent who always helps out, look at it this way - you are the one the kids are spending their time with. I know my kids spent more time with my in-laws than with my parents (logistics and distance, not desire! Being five minutes away helps.) And they always felt much closer to them as a result. My brother's boys were closest to my parents for the same reason.

    Patti I love that quote! And that sounds like one large quilt! Is it just alternating squares of denim and fleece? I love the idea of leaving the pockets on. Wouldn't it be cool if one of the squares had the zipper!

    All for now. Going to exercise the No muscle between now and bedtime. Maybe a cup of hot tea. I feel like a cold is coming on.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. My body was still killing me from the weekend house cleaning when I went to bed last evening, but seems to be better this morning, so far. LOL.

    Diane - I hadn't though of it until I read your post, but I guess I am particular about my home. LOL. You sound like I was after my mother's passing. I brought back so much of her belongings, especially being the only daughter, I got all of the female items of hers. Her and I were doll collectors and I brought back tubs of her dolls and displayed them in my china cabinets along with mine. You are exactly correct, .6 is wonderful after all you have been through. Where are you going on your trip?

    I better go,

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's an early morning for me. I'm traveling to central Illinois today. Right now, the temps are ok and it's raining. It's supposed to get colder this afternoon. Wish me luck. The downstairs furnace and outside heat pumps are installed. Today is the upstairs furnace and new ventilation. Mike will be "supervising", so I'll remind them what is to be done. :D

    Last night, Carrie called me (which she hardly ever does) and asked if I could watch the kids. Greg was at an away game. Her mom had out-patient eye surgery yesterday in Indy and they couldn't wake her up. She has horrible dementia, and we know that anesthesia is not good for them. I saw the fear in her eyes, so I was happy to help out. She and her aunt left around 6:45. They returned within a half hour saying that her mom woke up and her dad said it wasn't necessary to travel to Indy. I'm very thankful.

    Eating has been ok, not the best, but ok. I made grapefruit juice from grapefruit that were sent as a gift. An 8 oz glass is 5 points! I'm using those points because it is delicious. I only had 3 grapefruit anyway.

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI All,
    I just caved to two cookies- I htink on salad and protein days I'm craving carbs- I'll need to speak with the nutrionist about this- interesting. The salad was tasty but...
    Janet- I'm writing a boodk called The Matchmaker and Misteltoe- If I can stay on track the frist draft will be done by Sunday- I'm trying to write 1800 words per day, agressive but doable.
    I'm still waiting to hear from the publiser I submitted Old and New to- says it takes 12 weeks-I'm at 1weeks and 2 days- i feel that is it promsoing as typically rejections happen pretty quick, within the first 4-6 weeks.
    I need to track my cookies :(
    But I need to get back at it.
    Personals tomrrow but thinking of each one of you.