OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Diane- the urn was stunning. What a labor of love and special tribute to your mom-
    I'm thinking of you often and sending your prayers.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop. Spent the day with Mom and then work. Have to go pick up a cabinet my gf bought at the thrift store and take it to her. Then Mom has eye appt at 2:45, praying the weather holds so we don't have to cancel again. All the fleece squares are sewn to the denim squares. Next up, sewing them into strips, sew strips together and finally fringing all the seams.

    Diane, the urn is truly a work of art and it sounds like so was your Mom. What a talented group she raised. The quilt show at her service was such a lovely touch. Glad you had place in your home for so many cherished items of your Mom's. .6 is a triumph!

    Cindy, love hearing all your progress on your writing. I would think on salad and meat day you should plan a small carb item with a meal. Let me know what the nutritionist says. I am trying to limit but not exclude them totally.

    Hi to Janet, Karla and Bert
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Furnaces are installed and working; however, one of the workers fell through the ceiling! Now that will have to be repaired. The owner will contact us today to schedule when that will be done. I got some activity points helping to clean up! Insulation was everywhere. They "cleaned up" but not to my standards. Oh well, that's just a minor adjustment, I'm happy everything is new and working!

    Traveling to Illinois yesterday was very tricky. It was 49 yesterday morning and raining. By the time I got there, it had dropped to 34. Thankfully it stopped raining on the way home and the roads were ok.

    Carrie's mom is doing ok. I'm so glad to hear that.

    Cindy: I caved yesterday as well. I'm interested in what your nutritionist says about craving carbs. Good luck with your writing schedule.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Brrrrr, it's cold this morning! I don't have much planned for today. I'm heading to the gym this morning and we have Euchre Club tonight.

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello from the frozen tundra! Our rivers are starting to leave their banks and the temp is 11 degrees!
    Got mom to the eye Dr yesterday. Her vision is worse, which we knew but the Dr said the inside of her eye looks very good. He said there is still some swelling but the fluid is nearly all cleared up, the vision difficulties are more likely due to dry eye. All we can do is continue with the shots and eye drops. I don't really think mom heard much he had to say after she was unable to read past line 2 on the eye chart. I had planned on going to the gym but didn't want to just drop her off and run. So I stayed and we just talked for a while. Today I am going to sew on my quilt, do laundry and then to work at 6. My gf needs some out of the house time so we are going to a New Mexican restaurant for lunch and then to a new craft store. Would actually prefer to stay in with the bitter cold but she needs to get out so out we go.
    6 red circle days in a row.

    I will leave you with a quote
    "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out"

    May you all have a series of small successes every day
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's definitely a cold morning. Today we are attending Greg's game and then will eat dinner with friends. I'm going to finish cleaning the family room and living room today, then everything will be done.

    My brother got another good report from his oncologist. He has been on a lower dose of his maintenance medicine. I'm very happy for him. God has definitely given him a second chance (he's had many second chances, though from my perspective! :joy: ) It's amazing that God knows what is best for us.

    Patti: So sorry your mom's vision is worse. I'm sure she appreciate your visit with her. It's also great that you spent time with your gf. BFF time is essential and helps me also put things in perspective at times.

    Have a great day, everyone! I'm going to work out, here at home. Breakfast is tracked.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, another cold and blustery day ahead. Would love to stay in my sweats and sew all day but my BFF needs to get out and that trumps everything. She had her husband in the ER this morning but he is doing ok and can be left alone for a few hours this afternoon. He has a son that lives very near by who is glad to jump in with advise and demands for info but who doesn't help out in any other way. He could come and stay with his dad so Cheryl could get a break but that ain't happening!
    Work was a killer last night. The amount of fabric left to be put away when I came on was close to what I had during holiday sales. They have cut us to bare bones staffing and then we have a huge sale with lots of coupons and doorbusters. There was just me, a cashier and a manager on duty. Took us 2 hours after closing to get it all put away. My feet were killing me but thanks to my Kurus they don't hurt this morning. I did get 2 rows of my quilt sewn together. Took longer to lay it all out than it did to sew. What will take the most time will be fringing the fabric around each of 150 squares. Bought new short, spring loaded scissors on the advice of a customer. On sale and my discount brought it to $11 for good Fiskars. Score!

    Bert, great news about your brother. Enjoy the game and dinner and your home workout. I think I need to get my DVDs out and get back in the swing of exercise. I am truly hoping to start back to the gym next week.

    Hope the rest of the gang is doing ok, miss hearing from you all.

    Something to ponder:
    Fitness is 20% exercise and 80% nutrition. You can't outrun your fork.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Bert, wonderful news about your brother! Patti, is there a regional manager who might help the store add staffing, at least during big sales? Hope your feet are better today.

    Too may snacks yesterday, but a healthy dinner. Going back to bed (had a stupid night) for a bit but wanted to say hello.n
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello lovely ladies, it is cold and crisp and sunny here. Staying indoors and in my craft room. My rag quilt is all sewn together. Should have done the math to see what the finished size was because it really won't fit any size bed. It is 70x105, Wide enough for King or Queen but not long enough; turned the other way it is wide enough but too long for a twin but I have no twin beds. Plus it is so heavy nobody could really sleep under it and as a decorative cover it is to heavy to be taking on and off. Solution: cut it in half and make two large throws. So that is happening today. Used my new upholstery machine because at the seams I was sewing threw 4 layers of denim and 4 layers of fleece. It just breezed right thru like butter. I ordered some new watercolor paint markers and they are coming today. So next up is trying my hand at painting again.
    Had lunch with my BFF yesterday and couldn't be prouder of myself. Ordered the margarita marinated chicken with a side salad that I drizzled a scan amount of ranch on. Counted out 12 chips and had only 3 that I dipped, not scooped, into the bean dip. Brought the leftover chicken home and sauté some veggies to go with it for dinner. That makes 8 red circle days in a row!

    Thought: When I lost all my excuses I found my results.

    Wishing you all sunshine today, tomorrow and beyond
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning OMG board. We had a wonderful time at our monthly supper club. It was at my BFF's house, Monica's. Well, most all the ladies in the group are my BFF, aka YaYa, except one lady, whom everyone loves her husband, but she is an uptight lady. Anyway, it was an absolute wonderful time of sharing our lives, laughter and food. There were several really good salads too. Our group trip in May is coming out great!! There are three couples that have booked a cabin in the Natchez, Mississippi State Park, and two couples that have a camp site booked that are bringing their personal campers. I'm so excited. The musical group, Bishop Gunn is hosting he Crawfish Musical festival on Saturday, May 11th we are all going to. There will be multiple groups playing beside them. Glenn has worked with most of the men in this supper group, as well as some of their wives, at the shipyard for over 40 year. Two of the couples are fully retired from it.

    News on Glenn's contract job is that he is expecting to possibly be finishing up in April. They have no advised him of his officially or even personally, but he sees a slow down of shipwork at that time in the area of electricity level. So, he may be back to retired again. LOL.

    Patti - So sorry about your quilt, but sounds like you have a workaround. I have one my maternal grandmother made and it barely reaches across my king size bed and on a queen it still couldn't count as a full cover. I really want to start the quilt top I bought in Little Rock back in 2017, just haven't devoted the time to it. I'm going to look into getting some of those scissors you mentioned. You would think I was personal friends with Joann as many texts I get from the store on the sales and coupons. LOL.

    Janet - Glenn and I slept in today until 10:30a!! Unheard of for me. We just has an early lunch from leftovers we brought home.

    Bert- That is most excellent news on your brother's health.

    I brought home some work from the office I want to knock out a few things. Then I am going to work on going through some things around the home that I want to put in an antique booth I am going in half with. Brenda, in the supper club, has been doing well in the booth and her sister has finished selling all her items and is dropping out. I met there yesterday with her and the place was packed. I want to have one shelf with some of my dolls, another with glassware. She has a clothes rack for gowns and purses and I will have half of that too. I'm looking forward to it. It will be nice, especially once I get fully retired in January.

    Patti - I really have been enjoying your quotes. They are spot on! The one the other day reminded me of the old one I liked "You can't out-exercise a bad diet". LOL.

    Have a great rest of your weekend.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It was so cold in church yesterday. I don't think I warmed up until late afternoon. I came home and put on my pajamas and sat under a blanket. We had a nice service though. We had a guest who provided a musical testimony. It was nice to have a change. I made homemade vegetable beef soup yesterday. It's just what we needed on such a cold day.

    Patti: So proud of you. It's difficult to eat out sometimes. You're on target!

    Karla: Mike and I traveled through Natchez MS when we were going to LA to visit his sister. We visited the Civil War battleground there.

    Eating has been ok. Today will consist of a salad for lunch from the veggies I prepped. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello all, I completed one of the quilt throws and it is in the dryer. Can't wait to see how well it "rags" up. Next up is a bit of rearranging in my craft room and then playing with my new watercolor markers. But first the grocery.

    Karla, we have stayed at that state park in Natchez twice and it was gorgeous. So disappointed with Natchez on our second visit. The gambling boat came and ruined their downtown businesses. Natchez Under the Hill is a ghost of its former self. Almost all the bars and restaurants have closed. I really enjoyed the Antebellum Homes Tour.

    Bert, I made the Fathead pizza dough with coconut flour. We both enjoyed it but I think next time I am going to make it even thinner. I was amazed at how easy it was to make and how filling it was. I think it came out to 16 points with topping for 1/4 of the pizza. If I had pre tracked it would have been lower. I would have used less cheese and turkey pepperoni. Luckily I ate mostly zero points all day so I had enough to stay on plan.

    Today's thought:
    Progress: you might not be where you want to be, but you're not where you used to be.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    calling this my Daisy Duke throw
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi all. Cold down here in the Deep South with possible snow flurries tomorrow!

    Patti- Your quilt looks really cute. We will have a blast in Natchez, both at that beautiful State Park that has a four Star rating with trip advisor, as well as at the Musical and Crawfish festival, why? Because it’s not just where we are but whom all we are with! We have five couples plus my girlfriend from Arkansas. It’s been nine years since Glenn and I were there for the a pilgrimage and it’s not all about food. They now have a brewery there we will be checking out. So no worries.

    I hate cold weather, it’s why I live in the South. I’m freezing sitting at my desk.

    My cabinets are being installed on Wednesday!! I’m so excited to see them. I have dishes and cups waiting to be put out there. Lol.

    My eating has been great today.


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I've been focused on finishing the clearing of mom's apartment. We are done - I turned in the keys today. I have been over there 11 of the past 14 days! My only three days off: one with Elise, one walking in the woods with John and my cousin who was helping with the apartment, and one spent here organizing and clearing to make room for things.

    I'm looking forward now to focusing on our trip. We are going to Egypt for two weeks, leaving Saturday. We are going as part of a small tour group, and will spend some time in Cairo, some in Luxor, and some on a boat on the Nile. I haven't really had the time to do the reading in advance that I hoped to do. I will be eating whatever I am served, so will hope to enjoy it all, limit my portions, and make smart choices. (I don't need chocolate cake, I can get that anywhere, but specialty food I will eat all of!)

    Speaking of food choices, I had a rough couple of days last week but have managed 4 blue dot days. I'm hoping WI tomorrow shows some progress. I made Shepherd's pie tonight from a WW recipe with some modifications, and it was very tasty. I've got a menu plan through the rest of the week. I just need to watch the snacking!

    I got a call tonight that Elise has pink eye, so can't go to daycare tomorrow. Brad is staying home with her but has a dentist appointment, so will bring her over here for a few hours. Wash the hands, wash the hands, wash the hands! We saw them Sunday evening so it may be too late, but I sure hope none of us comes down with it. I will have her Wednesday if she isn't feeling better by then, or Thursday for our usual grandma day if she is feeling better.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, we were in Natchez last spring. We toured one of the plantations, and spent some time on the southern end of the Trace.

    Patti, the throw turned out really cute! Did you quilt each square before you joined them? Sort of looks like it. I did a baby blanket that way with flannel once - same idea of fringe on one side. Congrats on the red circle days! You are doing great.

    Bert, good news on your brother! We are supposed to get the arctic blast here starting tomorrow night. The midwest has really been hit hard with this cold.

    Janet, hope you are getting some better sleep. I hate it when I can't sleep. I'm struggling with snacks too.

    Cindy, thinking of you writing away.

    My WW leader sent out an email yesterday. She said she serves as a WW personal coach (chat or phone) and she was asked by a new member what, in her experience, makes members most successful. Her answer was worth quoting here, and applies to all eating plans and choices. Just substitute "healthy eating plan" for WW.

    "My answer was: NOT trying to be perfect.

    WW isn't a diet or a quick fix. If we strive for perfection, we are setting ourselves up for failure. We are all human, and we will all slip up at some point.
    We don't have to be perfect to be successful, and if we deprive ourselves or restrict ourselves too much, we will be creating a lifestyle that is completely unsustainable.
    I honestly become concerned when a member follows the plan "perfectly" (For example, never using the weekly points, not using all of their daily points, or eliminating certain things that they love completely like wine, bread or sugar) I've seen this happen a lot during my time as a WW Coach. That type of perfectionist mindset does not work in the long run, and those are the members who let the inevitable "slip" turn into a slide, and who give up and regain the weight.

    The goal is not to be "perfect." The goal is to find a sustainable balance in life, where we are on plan with healthy eating and are sticking to our points budget MOST of the time. We have to be able to live and enjoy life."

    Here's to imperfection!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have a visit today. I hope the roads are clear for traveling. It's only 10 degrees right now.

    Patti: Your quilt looks great! The pizza dough is very easy to make and it is very filling. I really like it and am wanting to branch out and try some of their other foods. I did make the peppermint cheesecake dessert, but it was too rich for me. I think I put too much peppermint extract in it too. I thought it would taste like a Girl Scout Thin Mint, but it didn't. I won't keep that recipe.

    Diane: Wow! Egypt! Good luck with watching Elise. Pink Eye is so contagious. Thanks for sharing your WW coach's answer. It really is a great explanation. Life isn't perfect, so why would we think WW is?

    Have a good day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Thanks for the compliments on my little throw. It was a fun project. I still have the other half
    to fringe but not today, lol. Tried some new things yesterday. The Crack Slaw (really hate that name) that Karla is always talking about was Edd's dinner. It was good but needed more seasoning. We both love hoisin sauce and the leftovers will get a shot to see if that kicks up the flavor a bit, plus more red pepper. We both like it hot, lol. I had bought lean ground beef to make chili but did not have the chili bean mix I use. I have lots of black beans but Edd doesn't care for them. Before I decided to make the slaw I had 2 small beef burritos for a total of 15 points, which I had to spend. I also found individual snack bags of Mini Nut Thins, cheddar cheese flavor for 3 points. They also come in hint of sea salt. These will always be in my house. You get 23-27 little crackers that are delish. Can see them crushed a bit and on a salad. 10 red circle days in a row, praying it shows on the scale tomorrow.

    Diane, there is no batting or filling in the quilt. I just sewed an X thru each square to hold them together. The pattern called for sewing around each square one inch from the edge, then sewing each square together with a 1 inch seam. The X was so much easier because I could do them in chains and then cut apart. I loved that this was so forgiving, didn't have to be perfect on seams and straight edges. These will be perfect in my cabin.
    Your trip sounds like exactly what you need right now. I agree you should enjoy and experience everything to it's fullest and that includes new foods. Your leader is spot on. My first and most favorite leader told me something very similar many, many years ago. She said we have to slip, fall and get back up so we can learn how to get back up and back on plan. It is a hard concept, even after all these years. Everything in moderation and that includes being perfectly on plan.

    Bert, we are at 16 degrees and that is the high for the day. Tomorrow we will be at 1! Stay warm and safe. Have you heard of Carbquik. It is a low carb baking mix like bisquick. It is pricey but supposedly tastes like flour because it is made from wheat. My WW FB group posted a recipe for soft pretzels that were 1 point and they were normal sized, not minis. I ordered some from Amazon and will let you know. It has 2 net carbs per 1/3 cup. Should have it tomorrow and then 1 point biscuits will be on the dinner menu, lol.

    Karla, I have no doubt you will have a wonderful time. Natchez is a beautiful town, rich in history. I was just lamenting that the gambling boats changed the charm of downtown. Same thing happened in Vicksburg. Food was not even on my list of why I loved Natchez.

    Janet, hope you are loving and enjoying your favorite weather. How is Bella doing?

    Cindy, did Meg get moved ok? How is Jasper? How are you?

    Back to my craft room for some much needed organizing.

    Quote for today:
    Losing weight is hard
    Being fat is hard
    Pick your hard

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon ladies.. it didn’t get quite as cold as predicted nor were their snow flurries. Tonight is supposed to be cold though. Below freezing but nowhere near what Patti is experiencing.

    One of the pharmacists I worked for back in the 90’s has passed away at the age of 66. She had a bacterial infection in her heart. So sad. I will be attending her visitation tomorrow with other coworkers from that period.

    Diane - So sorry to hear of the pink eye with Elise, most likely from the Day Care. I know you will be washing your hands. Your trip sounds wonderful! A girlfriend of mind went on the Walk Where Jesus Walked trip last year and loved it.

    I am so excited about the installation of the kitchen cabinets and countertops in the pool house tomorrow!! Glenn is picking up the sink and faucets on the way home, we forgot about it!

    Patti- I always put extra Sirachi sauce in my Slaw Crack, I don’t care for the name either. Did you use the Himalayan salt? I think Boisin sauce would be too heavy for it, although I do like that sauce. I love the history and flowers in Natchez and the homes are outstanding. Just so much positives there. Several of the men in our group are big history buffs so they will thoroughly enjoy it. I will have to look up that flour mix on Amazon.

    Bert- how are your feet? Does the cold bother them?

    Cindy- how are you doing ? Rick?

    I’m off tomorrow and will be pricing items for my antique booth. I’m hoping to do better at this booth than my last endeavor. This place is huge and is located in a high traffic area. Wish me luck.

    Waiting for my Izzy.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. This week is open house at WW. If you are thinking of joining at all, this would be a great week to visit and see what the leader at your local workshop is like. (If you want to join let me know - if I send you a joining link you and I each get a free month.) They gave away a free protein bar, which I didn't care for at all. But my WI was good - down 2.6 (finally! a loss!). and the topic this morning was all the new things available as part of the WW program, which was good because I didn't know about all of them.

    We had Elise here for about 2 hours. She was fascinated with trying to put the lid onto a soda bottle. She worked at it for about 30 minutes! She seems well enough to go to daycare tomorrow, so I will just have her for my Thursday Grandma day.

    Dinner tonight is spaghetti made with zoodles instead of pasta.

    Patti, we are supposed to get the cold weather starting tomorrow into Thursday. It rained most of the days but is turning over to snow now.

    Karla, I bet the kitchen in the little house will turn out gorgeous. You'll have to show pictures when it is done.

    Bert, hope you are home by now. My sister in Wisconsin had her car not start in the zero degree weather, so hope your made the trip there and back safely.
