OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI All,
    Move went smooth- Meg is starting to feel better about things- it was a rough month for her with all the changes and 3+ hours of driving each day.
    I did a ton of reading over the weekend on how to attack the prediabetes stuff- basically I guess I know why I feel crappy mid day- I'm not eating enough carbs to keep my insulin steady. I'm like a roller coaster. I walked on Saturday and Sunday and my plan today is to do the same. Changed up my breakfast to be 1/2 cup 2% greek yogurt, rasp/blackberries and 1/2 of a nature valley granola bar. I felt great until it was time to eat but no dips or dizziness.
    Lunch was half a chicken sandwich on whole grain bread, with lettuce, and sliced cucumber, reall full fat mayo and a banana. Its almost 3 and I ate the other half of my sandwich.
    I have to say I feel really good- I've tracked all and I'll be below the carb number I think I'm supposed to eat and way below on calories, but let me just say this- things with fat, like the yogurt and mayo tasted damn good- but it is all weighed and measureed.
    If I do all for the day I'll be at just under 1500 calories. and I wouldn't consider today a "diet" day. I don't feel deprived. Where I got this information was from the ADA- and I had to do a ton of calulations to figure it all out.
    I see the nutirtionist on Thursday.
    Bottom line- I'm eating clean, eating carbs but they are level loaded for the complete day. I did the same yesterday and I woke up hungry but not dizzy.
    So time will tell.
    Janet- I am SO sorry about sweet Bella - I pray she'll be ok
    Patti- I bought an instant pot- loving it. I hear people are doing that and the air fryer and it is revolutionizing home cooking
    Bert- little ones do have a way of growing like weeds- keep working your plan
    Diane- have a blast and can't wait to see pictures
    Karla- thank you for thinking of my mom- she's been dealing with the stuff for a long time, it just finally came to a head when she found my step-dad on the floor.
    Thank you everyone for your love and support- each of you are awesome
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, glad Meg’s move went well. Here for you on prediabetes. Sounds like you have a plan and nutritionist will help you fine-tune. I get the shakes when my tank runs low. You will wrangle this.

    Had to say goodbye to Bella this afternoon. My tiny, sweet girl. 7ng8g2zc6yc4.jpeg
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, my heart is breaking for you. She definitely had a long and love filled life. I hope Theo will be ok. Here if you need a shoulder.

    Cindy, good job on all your hard research, but it will pay off. Eating with purpose, guidelines and positivity is how we are all going to be our best selves. So glad Meg's move went well and hope things settle down for her.

    I have been organizing while doing laundry and cooking. I have a 7x7 closet off my dining room that is half storage and half coat closet. My vacuum and carpet shampoer live in there too. It has gotten overrun with all manner of odds and ends that don't belong in there. Well no more, all clean and organized. Next on my list, but not today, is the walk-in pantry and defrosting the freezer.

    Tried the pretzel recipe with Carbquik, too much work and they basically came out shaped like a pretzel, tasting like yeast rolls but with the texture of a biscuit. The lady who posted the recipe said it was 1 pt per pretzel, I just put it in and it is 3pts per pretzel......should have done the calculations before eating 2.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is hair cut day. I've been trying to grow it out a little for winter, but it's driving me nuts. Hopefully she can make layers blend. I have received my field students this semester. I have 11 field students along with my 2 student teachers! I'll be a busy gal this semester!

    Last night we got the roses ready for the murder mystery. Roses are given to all ladies who attend the murder mystery dinner theater. They are in water now and valentine ribbon will be tied around them on Friday. We are doing well with ticket sales as well.

    Janet: So sorry about Bella.

    Patti: I called the drywall person myself and he actually answered the phone! He's coming at 9:00 this morning. I called the HVAC owner and told him. I hope to get this done soon. If he's too far out on time, I'm going to insist on him getting someone else who's reliable. It's really the drywaller who's the irresponsible one; however, I feel some other drywaller should have been contacted. Oh well, at least the bill hasn't been paid. Love your quote!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Janet- so sorry about sweet Bella- big hugs for you and Theo.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Day 3 of tracking and I walked last night with Jasper in his special stroller. He loved it and I enjoyed the company. He only got nervous one time with a jogger- never has been a fun of anyone running.
    I'm actually a little on the low side yesterday for carbs- at least according to my research but I was still empty feeling this AM- so I'm not going to get weird about anything.
    I'm doing all I can do at this time. I think I told you for lunch and my afternoon snack I ate an entire sandwich on whole grain bread- can't remember when I ate bread for lunch- what a difference it made. I was clear headed for the entire afternoon and din't go home ready to eat every cookie between the office and home.
    Time will tell.

    Bert- I hope you like your haircut- would love to attend a murder mystery dinner. Sounds like a blast.
    Patti- you're so ambitious to clean closets and the freezer- wow baby!
    Karla- hope all is well with you
    Diane- I'm sure you're not peeking at this but I was thinking of you riding a camel- :)
    Janet- as always I'm here for you.
    I'll see you all later.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening ladies, nice day spent with Mom. Made turkey, bacon and cheese quesadillas for our lunch. Then I hit the gym , core class. We did 50 reps of everything with a 30 second plank between each for the first 20 minutes. Then we did 20 minutes of exercises sitting balanced on the bosu ball and finished it off with 50 squats! Yep, gonna feel this tomorrow but I am glad to be getting back into my routine. I miss TRX though and hope they restart the class in the spring. Tomorrow is WI, hair appointment for stripe removal and trim. Bert, I feel you on the growing out for winter thing. I haven't found a style I really like yet. Right now I am just letting the sides grow out. I had them above my ears last summer so it is taking a bit. I have to work tomorrow nite and then Thursday I am going to paint the upstairs hall and stairwell.

    Cindy, your body is letting you know what it needs. The most important part of any change in eating is that it makes us feel better, not worse or constantly hungry and deprived. I can just see Jasper walking in his little stroller. My gf had one for her Corgi and he loved it. Keep doing what is good for you and your body.

    Diane, loving your pics and thanks for the mini history lesson.

    Janet, still hurting for you. You loved her well and truly.

    Time to do a few chores before my show comes on.

    Just for fun:
    "It would be far easier to lose weight permanently if the replacement parts weren't so handy in the fridge." Hugh Allen
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today our Dylan is 10 years old! I can't believe it. He's growing up way too fast. Today, I'm having lunch with my retired teachers' group. I haven't attended in 3 months, so I'm looking forward to going. I'll have to be careful on the food selections as it's a BBQ restaurant.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey ladies. Scale peek shows me down 3.3 pounds. Yea!

    Patti- fingers crossed for your weigh in today if you go to your meeting.

    I’m wearing my new Brooks tennis shoes. Nice, but ASICS have them beat.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good news, lost 4.2 over the past two weeks, I didn't go last week because it was 30 below! Otherwise I plan to be at my meetings every week, no matter what I think the scale will show. Staying off the scale at home! It does NOT motivate me. I am the motivation I need to continue this journey. I was going to say complete this journey but we all know it is never over, just a part of life. The meeting was about dining out strategies. The entire meeting is group sharing, no lectures about the plan. The leader answers plan questions but we do all the talking. BTW I am loving keeping my shoes on to weigh and I am back in onederland with them on!
    As expected I am super sore today but not as bad as I thought I would be. I may need to get out my knee stabilizer for work.

    Bert, enjoy your teachers group lunch. Happy birthday to Dillon. My oldest great grandson will be 11 in June, it just doesn't seem possible.

    Time to get destriped

    Something for me to remember:
    Strive for progress, not perfection


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    tracked again today- still doing well. its raining so no walking but I did bike for 30 minutes and read; it felt good to stay in my groove. I see the nutritionist tomorrow. We will discuss the pre-d diagnosis.
    typing in an awkward position so this will be short- but checking in here is part of my accountability for me.
    talk to you all tomorrow
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies. Just home from work and from Sam's eye center ordering some new glasses. I found some really cute Bob Mackie glasses with rimless bottoms with Swaroski crystals in the side frames. You know me!! Plus they are red!

    Patti - Congrats on that great loss!! Plus back in onederland too. I forgot to tell you I kept my shoes on last week too!! Everyone in my meeting did also. I watched. LOL. I didn't mean to imply you weren't going to go for any random reason, I knew the weather vortex kept you and your mother away from appointments last week. Yes, the home scales are not reliable at all. I hope to show a good loss on Friday. It will only be a one week loss, not two weeks.

    Bert - Happy Birthday to Dylan! We have a grandaughter that is 22!! We will be attending her college graduation in May! Geez.

    Cindy - Prediabetes is definitely a warning sign. The lady at the eye center was talking about how expensive the supplies were. I hope you can dodge that bullet. You are such a sweet lady. Low carbs definitely equates to low energy. I have definitely enjoyed being back to a more balanced diet, especially the fruit!! I realize it will be a slower weight loss, but a more sensible lifestyle. I am loving the recipes.

    Glenn is preparing our shrimp stirfry. Patti, I'm not sure if you have a Costco there, or have a membership there, but they have $3 off their bag of Cauliflower rice right now. We will be using it tonight in our stirfry.

    I'm tired. I want to gather some more items to put in my antique booth tomorrow while Izzy is in dance class. I hope I have sold a few items. I plan on going by Friday too, or may wait to just go then.

    Take care my friends.

    Patti - again, I am enjoying your quotes.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The drywallers are coming TODAY! The HVAC owner finally called someone else who called me the same day! Finally, we are getting it done. I refused to call the other guy back after he didn't show up when he said he would. The second guy is so nice. We will probably use him for future projects. The owner admitted he should have called the second guy first.

    I have to return to the vet to get more heartguard and flea med. I bought some yesterday, and when I fed Molly her dinner, everything came up within 5 minutes. At least they are replacing the meds for free. I'm not sure why her dinner didn't agree with her.

    Patti: Congrats on your loss! So happy for you. I'm having blue dot days; however, I'm still at a standstill. I'm hoping the scale will move soon. I'm probably not eating the right combinations. I'm motivated, but the ol' body isn't responding.

    Karla: Congrats on your loss, too! So happy for you. Your new glasses sound really cute. Am waiting for a picture with your new glasses on. I use riced cauliflower in my stir fry, too. I might make it sounds good. I made Shrimp Alfredo the other night (low carbs in the sauce, but higher in WW points), so I might warm it up for Mike and make stir fry for me.

    Cindy: I agree with Karla with the low carb/low energy. I know ladies who have lost a lot of weight on Keto/low carb. I'm combining low carb and WW as I think that's the best for me. I need fruit to help keep my eating in balance.

    Waving hi to Janet and Diane. Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello All,
    I've been to the nutritionist and I have a slightly modified plan.
    I'm to strive for 1800 calories per day for weight loss and 40% of those should be from complex carbs- I'm to include things like brown rice, whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta and lots of fruits and veggies and spread out the 180 grams of carbs over the day. She said the way I was eating was actually fighting my body- who knew.
    In addition to strive for 150 minutes of exercise per week which translates to some kind of movement 5 x for 30 minutes which can be exercise bike, swimming and walking.
    My plan will be weather permitting, walk out doors and if not the exercise bike.
    She said this is 100% reversable and only 12 % of people who have pre even know they have it- most people don't realize they're in trouble until they actually test postive for diabetes when it is no longer an option to heal your body. I think A1C whould be routine for a yearly physical- just my thoughts. I also didn't realize until I wa stalking to her how angry I was that my doctor knew this 18 months ago and didn't tell me.
    Erin staid that it won't be flagged in the medical record system until after you've become diabetic. I think this is just awful. That's like having an abnormal pap and no one telling you until its cancer.
    OK- I'm off the temper tantrum wagon.
    Patti- so happy you've seen the Onederland world again- I too will get there- I discovered I haven't been there since Oct 2015- I have photographic proof too. Actually it is a good reminder.
    Bert- Happy about the drywall and progress. I'm glad you have found balance with your food plan.
    Karla- I'm glad you're back on a more balanced food plan too.
    Diane- happy trails!
    Janet- sending you hugs... How are you dear friend?

    Well I've adjusted MFP page so I'm tracking the right stuff.
    Have a sparkling day and be the best you that you are in this minute.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello sweet ladies!

    Bert- I’m so very glad you are getting some action on your ceiling repair!! You are dedicated to your health and what you are doing is good for you. You definitely are not vastly overweight, you look great in your pictures. At our age it is important to keep weight off our aging structure, knees, back and hips, we are all about a full body and mind of feeling good!

    Cindy- I could not agree with you more! Diabetes could and should be caught at the pre stage! It is preventable. I’ve heard horror stories of the expenses of the insulin and supplies also. Plus people are dying of complications of it everyday. In my podiatry office we do Diabetic checkups on their feet. You are also taking good care of yourself by seeking professionals. Follow advise. I love you lady.

    Off to drop Izzy at dance.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, that is a lot to process, hard to think about losing weight at 1800 cal, but I think the reason we have difficulty losing at this stage of our lives is because we have been starving ourselves repeatedly to lose weight. With diabetes being one of the top diseases that we spend our health care dollars on, you would think screening would be a no-brainer. Thank you for sharing what you are learning. So glad to have you back with us.

    Bert, thank goodness they got this handled and that you may have found a new handyman. Is your student load about what you have been having?

    Janet, thinking of you and Theo.

    Made it to the gym, this class is really good but it is showing just how quickly I can get out of shape when I don't go consistently. Just can't seem to find an activity on WW that covers what we do. Going in the morning to a 1/2 barre 1/ Pilates class. Working Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Plus I need to paint the hall and stairwell. May tackle that tonight.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Wish me luck as I go to the "studio" this morning. I think I'm going to go to another studio on Wednesday at 5:30 to see how that leader is and class. I read a lot on the site last night and on the connect with other members. I also did the coach and asked questions directly to a coach, neat!! I found out exactly what constitutes a blue circle day and about the win's. Others are earning great prizes and I am going to get in on that!! Wish me luck on my weigh in. I had the challenge of being in New Orleans and the Superbowl, but I was mindful in both areas. I have GOT to add some activity. My foot seems to be doing well, so this week I will be doing just that. With all these expensive tennis shoes I have been buying, I should do well.

    Cindy - Don't be afraid to eat the 1800 calories and lose weight. These nutritionist know what they are talking about. Your body knows what it needs and with your increased activity it will burn that food. It is eating the "right" foods that is the key. There is a huge difference in 1800 calories of healthy foods and 1800 calories of junk!

    Patti - I am sure you will get back in shape quickly with continued attendance to your gym. You do take some awesome classes. I just wish I could do them.

    I am off to wake Izzy and pay some bill before I head out.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is going to be a big day. I'm headed to church to help prepare dinner and sell tickets for tonight's murder mystery. I'll be there all day, so it will be important to make healthy eating choices today. Breakfast is tracked: Premier Protein Shake, apple, peanut butter (7 WW points), but I'll need that to keep me full until the afternoon.

    I found out on Thursday that my boss (the placement coordinator) has resigned! She had medical issues in November and needed to take care of herself. She has done a wonderful job, and I'm going to miss her terribly. She takes the job very seriously and is a great mentor to the students. I've been there 4 1/2 years and whoever they hire will be my 4th boss! Geez, there is too much turnover! Something must not be right.

    Cindy: Thanks for sharing what your nutritionist said. I needed to hear that. I'm needing to keep my A1C in check as well as my mom and dad both had diabetes and my brother has it. My mother didn't pay attention to her diet and, at the end, she was in a diabetic coma. Good luck with your journey. My A1C is currently 5.6 which my endocrinologist is happy with.

    Patti: I agree with you. I think we try to deprive our bodies and not get the nutrition our bodies need. I have 10 field students and 2 student teachers this semester. It's going to be busy one. For WW activities, I have created my own and call it circuit training (it might even be on there, I'm not sure) I also have created my training sesstions and calculated the points myself. Good luck with your painting. I need to do that as well, but will wait until spring/summer

    Waving hi to Karla, Janet, and Diane. Have a great day everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It is a crisp and sunny day. We had so much rain yesterday that we had flash flood warning, lots of closed streets and lots of high water signs. My neighborhood is always flooded because of a very old infrastructure. Now everywhere I look there are mini skating rinks, lol. It is only 21 degrees and nearly the high for the day. I am not sore at all today. I am so glad I spoke up and asked the trainer to add some stretches at the end of the class. I am dressed and ready for the gym. Next week I am going to start a new class on Monday, HIIT. The trainer is a very young girl who I heard leads very intense workouts so we will see. I always work within my limits physically and will ask for modification for any moves that cause me pain or that I am incapable of doing because of fear or decreased range of motion in a joint. At the end of the day though, I really miss TRX and pray they will bring it back spring quarter. The gym put out a survey asking for class suggestions. I would love to see a class that used the aerobic equipment: treadmill, elliptical, rower, stepper, bikes and spin bikes. I hint it would make them more fun.

    Motivation for the day (this is where I am)
    I will beat her. I will train harder. I will eat cleaner. I know her weaknesses. I know her strengths. I have lost to her before, but not this time. She is going down. I have the advantage because I know her well.
    She is the old me.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Scale victory at my meeting!!!!!

    5.0 exactly gone!!



    First week on plan and living it!