OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, ladies. It's all the way up to 10 here and schools are closed again. Diane, your sister is experiencing the same stuff my good friend in WI is having. As intrepid as Wisconsonites are, they've closed schools due to the cold. My friend's husband is a letter carrier, and yesterday and today are the first days in his long career when delivery has been cancelled due to cold.

    Please pardon my non-chatty status these days. I'm OK, just not motivated re eating right now and wrestling with a few worries for people I care about, including a dear friend's breast cancer diagnosis (she's in her early 40s too). She has an excellent support system and I pray she will be cured quickly. My RA inflammation marker hasn't budged in the past month, which is annoying. I see the doc in a couple of weeks and see what she suggests.

    Have a good day, everyone, and stay warm.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    We are warming up, it is Zero with -12 windchill. Will be going out to lunch with the girls shortly. It has been too long since our last lunch. I got called off work last night, yeah! So I just played on line and in my craft room. Made a pot of chili for Edd and Mom, I am not a fan and won't waste points on it. I am going to do some scrapbooking tonight. And start gathering stuff for my weekend scrap coming up in late February. My eating was weird but on plan yesterday, 12 red circle days!

    I did some research about the Carbquik. The caution from most sources was to not overdo it. Use it for special treats or on a limited basis, not daily. If you have issues with wheat or soy, this is not for you. There is a recipe for pizza crust that is 2 points for 1/8 of the recipe and a basic muffin recipe that is 3 points for a regular sized muffin. It is very similar to bisquick when baked but you can add yeast to get a different consistency. I am going to try the soft pretzel recipe that was shared on my WW FB page.

    Bert, how unprofessional of that company. However, with the weather I can see where they wouldn't think it was a priority. They could have at least contacted you to let you know why they are delaying.
    I am a Meijer fan too. They seem to carry a nice variety of food stuffs and their produce is always much fresher than Kroger or Walmart, my only other choices for groceries.

    Diane, hope you are getting your Elise fix. How long is your trip? Nice to start your trip after a loss on the scale.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy.

    Fun thought for today:
    I don't trust joggers. They're always the ones that find the dead bodies. I'm no detective, just sayin'

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Elise is down for a nap so I am catching up, having a snack of celery and PB2, and thinking about reading until she wakes. I'm trying to string together some blue dot days before Saturday. But with these cold days it seems like I want to eat all afternoon! Tonight's dinner will be the pan seared chicken breasts with sun dried tomatoes, plus some broccoli. I still have some points for snacks, or maybe to add some rice to dinner.

    Patti We will be gone for a little over two weeks, and I will not have internet most of that time. Im not planning on tracking, just hoping to limit portions and watch the carbs and sweets. Bisquick biscuits are very high in points, so if the carbquik is lower it might still be worth it.

    Bert, frustrating to have your ceiling messed up, but probably too cold for anyone to venture out to do much work. My sister was supposed to have work on her floors done this week, but it is waiting for a warmer spell.

    Karla, I just meant that the whole little house looks decorator stylish, not what I think of as a man-cave. I didn't mean to criticize. John's man-cave is full of tools, sawdust and lumber.

    Janet, there are times when I don't feel chatty either. Feel free to lurk, slip us the occasional hello, and lean back and relax.

    Cindy, thinking of you.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey ladies. At Chick Fil A having a one point lunch!! Yipee. Grilled nuggets, fruit cup and diet lemonade. Yum. I linked my Fitbit to the phone App today too, so I’m learning.

    My friend, Monica, joined today so I got another free month! I’m excited to go to the “studio” tomorrow and have my official weigh in and learn even more.

    Diane- I can’t thank you enough. I will have to take more pictures of Glenn’s Man Cave. It is not a workshop, he has a shed further in the back yard with his tools, lawn equipment and such. This is more of a football, pool table, tv watching type of man cave. He had total control over the room with the pool table, big tv and reclining couch and recliners. It’s covered with Alabama football memorabilia and his mugs and such. I did decorate the bedroom and bathroom. I’m glad Elise is doing so well.

    I went to the funeral of my former boss today and will be attending the funeral of one of my best friend’s mother over in Pensacola on Monday. So hard for my friends.

    We ended up canceling our beach trip in April due to a conflict with Izzy’s performance team competition weekend that just got added. It’s okay with us. My friend’s other daughter want to join her anyway. I can now do other things now with the grandkids since it was on their spring break.

    I’ve got to get Izzy to dance and then look for bar stools for the breakfast bar.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We are traveling to Chicago today. The roads look ok. We will look at the radar in a little while. Yesterday, I went to the dermatologist and had a mole removed. He said he was pretty sure it was benign, but they are testing it anyway.

    Eating has been okay, not great, just okay.

    Janet: Hope you get some relief today from your RA. So sorry to hear about your friend.

    Patti: I'm calling them again today. I'm not happy that they haven't addressed the situation. I think it's really the drywaller not responding so I'm going to suggest they get someone else. I'm glad I haven't paid them yet. It's a substantial bill, I would think they would follow through and send someone out.

    Waving hi to Diane, Cindy, and Karla. Have a great day/weekend, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I had my first workshop today and I really enjoyed it. It was the same leader as before but she was very heartfelt and genuine in her discussion with us. It was a slow day so we really received a great introductory session. I got a free box of the mini sweet and salty bars. I met a nice lady named Diane.

    Stopping by the credit Union now to pay more on my Avalon and put the rest of my check in our savings. Getting ready to retire!!

    Bert- is this the repair from the fall in from your attic? I thought the company was paying that.

    Janet - Thinking if you.

    Cindy- You are in my thoughts also.

    Have a great day,

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another red circle day yesterday. Lunch with the girls at my favorite Italian restaurant, Bravos. I had there chopped salad with grilled shrimp and about a tablespoon of their creamy garlic dressing. I did cave and have a breadstick. I was immediately sorry because they are not special, reminds me of Olive Garden and I don't care for their breadsticks or their food in general. But I tracked it. Had to use one weekly for the day. This cold weather has a nice side benefit for me. The main level of our house is chilly but the upstairs is nice and toasty, so I am finding things to do in my craft room. I don't allow food in there and when my hands are busy I don't seem to get hungry. Win/win.
    We got 4 inches of snow overnight and I will be staying in! I may just try to make Carbquik pretzels.

    Bert, stay safe on your travels. Hope you get some action from the HVAC and drywall companies. It is ridiculous that you are waiting this long to get your ceiling fixed.

    Wishing you all a weekend filled with whatever makes you happy.

    Best quote of the week:
    "Weight loss doesn't begin in the gym with a dumbbell; it starts in your head with a decision" Toni Sorenson

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    TGIF, everyone!

    Bert, hope you find someone else quickly - what a pain!

    Karla, what's on the menu for your Super Bowl party? We'll probably have guacamole, maybe nachos - whatever we feel like making. I'll be too nervous to eat much.

    Patti, glad you had lunch with the girls. Temp just moved above freezing here

    Diane, has Eiise's pinkeye resolved yet?

    Cindy, hoping today is an LR Friday.

    The exterminator came to do the usual outside treatment, but we had her in to spray for some pesky tiny ants. They haven't gotten into anything but we see them occasionally. I pulled everything out from under the kitchen sink and now need to put it back - good opportunity to weed out and organize what lives there. My eating yesterday was weird but netted out only slightly over.

    Tony (yeah, my 18-year-relationship ex) called to tell me they will be putting sweet Holly the dog to sleep this afternoon. I love that pup - she is about 17-18, so she had a good long life, but it still hurts. She was my buddy and I gave her Chipmunk, her favorite toy. In fact, I gave her about six of them so there was always a new one available.

    Wishing everyone a good weekend. Go, Patriots!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    It has been a hectic work week. I'm so tired and looking forward to a couple of days at home.
    I've lost the LR day every other week. My boss is traditional and wants me her3 5 days but I do work 7-4
    Got some blood work back- I am smack in the middle of pre-diabetes. I do back to the nutritionist next week so I should get some support there.
    I finished the first draft of Matchmaker and Mistletoe and I'm still waiting to hear if I'll be offered a contract for Old and New- that would be so nice.
    Seems I've missed a bit- lots of you have rejoined WW- nice
    There is a girl in my office who's lost over 50 on the program, she looks fantastic.
    It's wicked cold here- looking forward to the warm up.
    this is mu June event- the free afternoons are Friday and Saturday during the book signing. I' not sure where I am slated yet. I'll arrive on Thursday and depart Sunday AM.

    BTW- you all sound so pulled together in your plans I'm in awe- still struggling here. Nothing new with Rick. Same stuff, different day.
    On a good note, Jasper is using his back legs independently and not just doing the bunny hop motion- he is awesome.
    Meg is moving this weekend to Gallaway, Oh- she'll be about 20 minutes from the office. Much better than 90+
    Need to run-
    waving to all.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, struggling here too. We will get there! Sorry you’ve lost every other Friday; at least you had it for a bit.

    Dang - sorry to tell you that I will be in CA June 6-9, with the friends I went to New Orleans with. I must find a way for us to meet! (You too, Diane)

    Diane, have a magnificent trip!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, praying Meg gets all moved in safely. At least we are expecting temps in the 40-50s. Such great news about Jasper. I am putting you on the calendar for June. You will be only 45 minutes from me. Are you flying in to Dayton or Cinci? So can I just come hang out Friday afternoon and watch you in action? Bummed that Janet won't be coming but another time. If you come to ohio to visit Meg perhaps.

    Tomorrow is the men's dinner at the Eagles. It is a monthly fundraiser that the men put together. My friend Justin got picked to do the meal. He is making some sort of kielbasa on a bun dish with Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes and salad. I was roped into making the taters (homemade) and cooking the Mac and cheese (frozen). I have a big bag of Christmas ham crumbles and I am going to add them to one of the pans. I am going to get a plate of salad, one of the kielbasa things which I will take off the bun, chop up and put on my salad. Taking my own dressing too. I am planning a filling lunch that is low in points. If I do well may treat myself to serving of mashed potatoes. The Mac and cheese is just too expensive
    Just made potato chips! I used my rotisserie basket on my airfryer oven. A 2 ounce potato made a nice serving and was 1 point. Next thing to try is PB meringue cookies made with pb2 or soft pretzels with Carbquik.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. Yesterday was another blue dot day, so three in a row. (Tuesday, WI day, was NOT.) That makes five of the last six. And the scale hop this morning looked good. We will see what happens on this trip - really going to try not to obsess but also not free fall. We are going out to dinner before we go to the airport, and I have already checked the menu and have a couple of options in mind. Either fish with veggies and a salad instead of the mashed potatoes it comes with, or jambalaya pasta. Our flight isn't until 11:00 tonight, so they will probably serve us dinner around 1 am! I'll probably pass. We are flying out of the airport on the other side of DC, so timing is weird.

    Not much going on here - packing and waiting. We were supposed to get a dusting of snow early yesterday, but it turned into 2+ inches. The schools caught heck for opening on time, then most of them closed two hours early. Still VERY cold for us - 9 this morning - but nothing like the midwest! I have a few errands to do yet today.

    Cindy asked about Elise - she is on eye drops for her pink eye and does NOT like them!

    Patti, you *almost* make we want to get an air fryer. I just really don't want to have a large appliance like that around. My DIL got one for Christmas, and she says it is terrific. Good plan for your dinner.

    Cindy, prediabetes should be manageable with diet and exercise. Hope the nutritionist gives you the info you need. Maybe this is the kick needed to get you on track. I know I needed something like that to make me serious again.

    Janet, I have never found a solution to those tiny red ants. They come, they hang for a while, then they disappear - no matter what I do. But yes, a good opportunity to organize and clear. I've been doing that every time I try to put away something I brought from mom's home - clear out wherever that item is going to make some space. Nice of Tony to let you know about Holly, even if it was a painful phone call to receive.

    Bert, hope your trip to Chicago went okay. I understand it is supposed to warm up there today too.

    Karla, I think the new WW program does a good job at focusing on non-scale victories, motivation, and balance.

    Probably won't be back for two weeks! Hope everyone stays warm, motivated and healthy.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends. Two blue dot days behind me. Yea! Monica is loving the program and App too.

    Are any of you checking your Wins? There are some nice prizes there. Simple ways to earn wins too. One is just to track breakfast. I will be tracking some activity today as we are on our way to New Orleans! We picked up Audrey and are having breakfast in Slidell at a place that was on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. I just had scrambled egg whites and veggies.

    Have a great day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, having a heat wave, currently 28 and going up to 43, yippee! I made the pb2 meringue cookies, the entire batch was zero points but they were not good, lol. I think the lady posting the recipe may have gotten something wrong. All I could taste was the sweetener. It called for 2 tsp of pb2 and 5 tbsp of splenda. May try again with 2 tbsp pb2 and 1/2 the splenda. You know I will keep you posted.

    Diane, just in case you check in before you go, safe and glorious travels to you. I love my airfryer oven! The rotisserie basket is really nice. I toasted slivered almonds in it the other day and they came out perfect without a single burnt nut like when I toast them in a pan or in the oven. I bought some Cornish hens, or little chickies as Edd calls them, to put on the rotisserie next. It is so versatile and heats up in the blink of an eye. I didn't think I would like giving up the space for it but so glad I did. I use it more than my conventional oven.

    Another red circle day for me, just have to get thru tonight's meal without hitting the m&c! I am going to have a couple scrambled eggs right before we leave. I don't want to hurt Justin's feelings, but I just don't think I can eat the kielbasa thing he is making. I really do not like the taste of peppers. Hoping he will be too busy to notice I am only eating salad, lol.

    Janet, so sorry about sweet Holly. I know she was very special to you. Very thoughtful of Tony to let you know. She is now happy and romping again. I always miss you here but do understand that the are times when you need your space and just don't want to chat. I respect that.

    Bert, hope you are having a good time in Chicago and that roads were clear for safe travel.

    Just a thought for Saturday and beyond:
    You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choice.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies.

    I have three blue dot days going. I don’t think my Fitbit is syncing. I manually added my steps tonight. My back and feet acted up today and I had to stay back and rest in the hotel while Glenn and Audrey went and bowled at a near bowling alley. Who knew they had one here, lol. I bought a beautiful lace doily and a silk scarf and some loose leaf chai tea. Audrey is having a blast.

    Patti- What generates a red circle day?

    Diane- I am sure you are packed and on the road. I know you will have a wonderful and most educational trip.

    The stories and pictures in the connect section on the App are amazing and inspiring. Many have lost 50-100 pounds and their joy of their accomplishment is quite endearing.

    I’m really enjoying the app. I did one of the meditation routines the other day about food. Lol. It was very relaxing and funny at the same time.

    We are meeting my brother Keith for breakfast in the morning and then Audrey wants to ride the trolley car. We will head home by noon as we have eight people coming over at 6 for the Super Bowl.

    I have been enjoying your quotes Patti.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just got home from the Eagles dinner. I am so proud of myself. I had a bed of lettuce with the kielbasa mix on top with a sprinkle of cheese on top and a small serving of my peach cobbler. Skipped everything else. Now to track and try to figure out what it is all worth. I helped set up and clean up and spent a lot of time chatting with everyone instead of eating. No plans for the Suoer bowl, it will be a Sunday with football. Cornish hens on the rotisserie and a big salad are on the menu.

    Karla, blue dots and red circles are pretty much the same. I get a red circle if I track and stay within by dailies and less than 7 of my weeklies. I just happened to have a red sharpie on the counter when I decided to circle the days on my wall calendar.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon, we are on our way home from NOLA. A wonderful time had by all. We met my brother and his friend for breakfast this morning. It was nice. We accomplished several items on Audrey’s list, a museum, French Market flea market, a neat bowling alley and rode a trolley car.

    Patti- I have earned a blue dot everyday. I earned fit point for yesterday. I am eating 2-4 weeklies daily. More if I am active. I am enjoying eating a more balanced diet. My carbquik is to be delivered today. I also ordered and have gotten delivered, some carb rite sugar free brownies, but they ate high in points. So the red circle you made up for yourself. Do you still wear a Fitbit? I can’t tell if mine is really syncing or not?

    Cindy- I’m praying for your sweet mother.

    My back, hips, knees and feet appears to be okay today. I have bought another pair of ASICS and a pair of Brooks tennis shoes so I will always stay in them.

    Take care my friends.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We had a great time with the kids. I can't believe Dylan is turning 10! We got him some new tennis shoes, a lego set, and a Cubs shirt. I also bought myself some new Brooks tennis shoes and new insoles that were molded to my foot shape. I'm so hoping this will help. Our church's Murder Mystery is this weekend, so I'm sure ticket sales will be up this week.

    Janet: Sorry to hear of your dog. It's an emotional time.

    Cindy: It sounds like Jasper is making some progress. Even though I rejoined WW a year ago, I'm still struggling. It's constant with me, no matter if I'm on WW or not. I just need something to keep me focused. There's definitely a difference between WW and low carb foods.

    Patti: I like your quote. It's definitely a mind thing when you're making food choices.

    Diane: It's amazing what 2 days of weather can do. When we traveled on Friday, there were areas of snow cover and ice. There was only one lane that was totally clear. Yesterday, most of the snow was melted and the roads were clear! It got up to 60 here at home. Today is supposed to be 60 as well.

    Karla: No, the ceiling is still not fixed. I called on Friday while we were traveling and never got a call back. I haven't paid for the HVAC installation either.

    I'm going to the gym today and will also go to church this morning to answer the phones for possible ticket sales while the secretary counts/banks money. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all. I see Diane & John made it to Egypt = what an adventure! Hope they have a grand time and get to ride camels.

    Happy to see my Patriots win, though it wasn't exactly an exciting game. We had salsa & chips, then leftover chili and cornbread, so eating wasn't awful for the occasion. I'm going to bake chocolate chip cookies today - James has been wanting more desserty things, and I'll do my best to leave them for him.

    Taking Bella to the vet this afternoon - she had a bad day yesterday and wasn't herself this morning. She's due for a routine check but I fear she won't be with us much longer. Please say a little prayer for a tiny cat.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning from sunny and gorgeous Ohio. Going to enjoy it while it lasts. I am not taking a red circle for yesterday. Didn't track it all, too many BLTs as I tried some new recipes. Tracked everything else and was under my pts but didn't feel good about my choices. I did make a good dinner, Cornish hens in the air fryer. Tried to do them on the rotisseire in the air fryer but they are too big. The book that came with the air fryer has a recipe and shows a picture of 2 of them on the spit. Since those hens are generally the same size I am a bit miffed with the false advertising. They did cook nicely just on the rack. I am going to try the pretzels today.

    Janet, prayers for sweet Bella. I know how much she is a part of your heart. Watched the game and was underwhelmed. Not really rooting for either team and they gave no reason during the game to change my mind, lol.

    Diane, happy to view your pics, keep them coming. Enjoy and can't wait to hear about your adventures there.

    Karla, my Fitbit died early last fall. Pam got a new iWatch for Christmas and gave me a fitness tracker she had just bought. She paid $30 for it and it works like a champ. Holds a charge for nearly 10 days, syncs with my phone but not WW. The best part is you just remove one half the wrist strap and plug it directly into any USB port and it charges in less than an hour.

    Bert, good luck with ticket sales. It amazes me all that your church does and all that you do for the church. Hope you get someone to fix that ceiling soon. How irresponsible of that company. Glad you haven't paid them yet.

    Cindy, how did the move go? Will be waiting to hear what your nutritionist advises.

    Housework awaits

    Here's a quote to get you thru:
    When something goes wrong in your life just yell "Plot twist" and move on!