OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I decided to retype my one story. Today is Mike and my 35th "anniversary". Today was our first "date" when he came to my house to "fix" my humidifier. The boys*(at that time Greg was 7 and Dan was 3) and I went to McDonald's for a Valentine's Day dinner. They had while table cloths and flowers on the booths and tables and a violinist was playing. We had a great time. When we came home, Mike then came over. We met in church, but I hadn't noticed him for several weeks. I was choir director at that time and was busy watching the boys during the service. He moved around in the sanctuary trying different areas to gain my attention. When I finally met him, he had a beard, but when he came to "fix" the humidifier, he had shaved! I'll never forget that day! Needless to say, the humidifier didn't get fixed and ended up being thrown away.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Happy Galentines Day to you all.
    Well I bravely got on the scale this morning- I've been weighed at the doctors but this was the all natural version- it is recorded and onward
    I was reviewing my macro nutrients and discovered I'm still not eating enough protein or carbs. I've switched things up again- hit the natural food market for some low sugar, clean granola with quinoa to go into my plain Greek yogurt and berries for breakfast.
    Milk can be a nice bonus for me protein wise and if I add 1 tablespoon of home made chocolate syrup I can get an extra carb boost- which will feel like a treat.
    This is all about creating the eating plan for a life time. Not a diet.
    I did make "clean" chicken and dumplings last night with whole wheat pastry flour- needs a bit more seasoning but overall pretty darn good.
    Reading labels is exhausting- everything has lots of non-food items and so much added sugars. I pray this actually works- as it is taking a lot of time.
    On good note- I've logged in for 11 days- so I'm on a roll- whole grain that is.
    Need to finish breakfast- it should hold me until lunch

    Bert- what a sweet story.
    Janet- you take care of you first and foremost
    Karla- how was your meeting?
    Patti- love the spaceship- its all you... and you're right one pound at a time and I loved your re-work of the quote.
    Diane- hoping all is well on your adventure

    Be back again soon,
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy "anniversary," Bert! What a sweet story. And the humidifier's been running fine for 35 years. I love that Mike tried subtle ways of getting noticed - he's a good one, for sure.

    Cindy, good for you! Sp nice to see you here more often.

    Karla, saw your gifts - very pretty!

    Patti, congrats - a full pound is a good loss. You're ON it.

    Diane, amazing pics. Thanks for posting them.

    Not much new here = not feeling great so it's a very good thing I didn't have a meal last night- might be the methotrexate or it might be just being really tired, as the last ten days have been difficult. Oh well - this, too, shall pass!

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited February 2019
    Taking a break on my chore day to wish you all a very happy Valentine's Day.
    Thank you all for your unwavering love and support and to let you know I'm wearing the smile you all gave me!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon ladies and also a late happy ❤️💜❤️💕💝💙 day from me too.

    I’m at Izzy school waiting for my little Diva to come out. Lol. I’m going to run look for me a pretty blue blouse to wear tomorrow night with the sweet baubles Glenn gave me this morning. We are going to see The Guess Who and to a nice seafood place to eat. Linda and Kirk are going with us.

    I LOVED the studio last evening, formerly known as meetings! It was full of bubbly, friendly women commuted to losing weight. The leader was a school teacher and awesome! She kept us three Newbies after and gave us her cell number and told us of a group Facebook page this meeting has. It is just what I was hoping for. They are bringing my weigh in sheet from the other location and I will start weighing next Wednesday night at this one. So cool!

    Patti- Congrats girl! You are definitely on it. Your leader is definitely in error status being overweight and I’ve now been told by two people she should be given a time frame to get it off or she can’t be a leader.

    Cindy- You will get it all figured out. It takes time. I’m still learning on this freestyle. What does she think of WW?

    Janet - I love my necklace and bracelet.

    Diane- You are having a ball.

    Bert - A darling story.

    I’ve got to get my house in order tomorrow, it is a mess!

    Let me get my day tracked. I’ve had all blue dot days for 15 days except two. One was a blue dot, but didn’t finish tracking by midnight, other was tracked buytbused too many weeklies to qualify..

    Talk later.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    I hope no one takes any offense but she feels WW is too focused on "diet" foods- like FF salad dressing, FF dairy etc- as her focus is all about clean. Better to eat a real food than the diet version which has so many chemicals and hidden ingredients that she feels should be ingested. Few ingredients the better. For example When you remove fat from dairy it goes from being a complete protein to something that will spike my blood sugar. The 2% which she agreed I can use will keep me fuller longer due to the good fat- also I'm eating organic and my meat contains no antibiotics and I have found "clean" dairy too without hormones.

    The gyno had said the same thing when I went to him about the endomteterial thing- She said if it wasn't for that she thought it was a good program about eating protein etc. Try to eat all foods in their most natural state- which is HARD.... lol

    I haven't done WW is so long I really dont' know what their focus is on so I couldn't give her any additional information.

    But we all must follow our own path to our best self. Talk to you all tomorrow.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, no offense at all. I agree with your nutritionist. I use diet food sparingly and try to stick to whole food as much as possible. I am fortunate that my lab work is great, and has been,despite my weight. I actually think WW is more focused on healthy living, as opposed to diet food these days. Their workshops, as they now call meetings, are more about support and how to become healthier. I am pleased with the new focus but will always find what works best for me. Have to find the forever balance.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Yes, agreed, diet is a four letter word.! It is completely different now and with all the zero point food you can have the Whole Foods because you have the points. Not sure if it is Oprah’s influence, sorry Patti, but it is a kinder program now.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The dresses are all sorted and there are only a few we need to price. I've had a great crew to help. I hope the sale next Saturday brings us a good profit. Proceeds are going to our theater program. Tomorrow, a group of use are going out to dinner and then to Community Theater to see Mama Mia. One of my former students is in the production as well as a young girl who has participated in many of our musicals at church. I'm looking forward to going. I've already decided that I'm ordering salmon. How's that for planning?

    Patti: I try to stay away from "diet food" as well; I'm still trying to find a balance between low carb (higher in points) and low points (higher in carbs) with WW. That's probably why I'm at a stand still. I've been gaining and losing the same 3 lbs for months. I'm an online WW member only. Any tips from your, Karla's, and Diane's meetings are welcomed.

    Cindy: When my mom was on a strict diet (she had liver problems as well as diabetes), her doctor told her to not eat FF dressings, FF foods, etc. as they are more loaded with sodium and other things to help keep the taste. The fat was the problem for her. So, she ate small amounts of regular dressing for her salads, and tried to eat meat like turkey and chicken. She wasn't a fan of too much beef. (However, meat, gravy, and mashed potatoes is what I grew up on as well as Sara Lee coffee cake, her favorite! :o) ) I try to eat organic as well. Are Wheat Thins organic! I hope so! :#

    Diane: You pictures are fabulous!

    Karla: I like the Zero Point aspect. I think it's designed to help people make healthier choices (lean meats, veggies, and fruit) That's why there is a discrepancy for me with counting my nutrients on MFP and tracking on WW. Low carbs = higher points. I wish I could find a balance for me.

    Janet: I hope you're feeling better. Hang in there.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all, what a strange day yesterday turned out to be. Short version: Frankie has now lost 5 nails, awaiting lab work but for now we are taking her off the cosaquin for her arthritis. My trainer announced that last night was his last class as he is moving to second shift for his real job. Just got my head back in the game with an exercise plan and poof it's gone. The girls in the class want to still meet and work out so all is not lost. Dinner at one of my very favorite local places was so disappointing. I had planned for it, even brought my own premeasured dressing for the salad, and tracked it. The meal I planned was filet mignon chunks served open faced on crusty bread (did not even take a bite) topped with sautéed onions and mushrooms and topped with onion rings. It also comes with melted provolone but I had them hold that because who puts cheese on filet? The steak was definitely NOT filet mignon, most likely sirloin, which I don't really care for, and way overcooked. I probably ate an ounce of meat, the veggies and a few of the onion rings along with a piece of warm bread. They took my meal off the bill. Despite the meal we had a lovely evening out. The topper of the whole day, we are under a boil advisory and water conservation. A water line broke under the river and they lost 100 million gallons of water before they were able to pinpoint the leak and shut it down. They will have to wait for the flooding to recede before they can fix that line. All our rivers and streams are out of their banks. So that is my sorry story, lol. Went to bed early. Was planning on going to the gym today but my knee is much worse today and I need to stay off it until time for work.

    Bert, your church is so creative in your fund raising events. I love Momma Mia too. How cool that you will know 2 of the actresses. I will gladly share whatever I learn. The best explanation I got for the zero point foods is this: you are unlikely to overeat zero point foods or binge on them. And if you only have to track foods with points you are more likely to track, which is the cornerstone of being successful. That being said, you still need to be mindful of portion sizes. They don't want you gorging on a dozen eggs, a pile of chicken breasts and a bushel of raspberries, lol.

    Cindy, how did your Valentine's dinner go? Keep sharing what you are learning from your nutritionist, please. I think we can use all the info we can get from all sources.

    Karla, Oprah had nothing to do with the new program. They have a whole team of experts doing research constantly on nutrition and trends. She is just an investor and sometime spokesperson. I checked out her cauliflower pizzas, they are only 1/3 cauliflower. Very high in carbs and 10 pts for 1/5th of the pizza. All the labels on her food say "with a twist" of cauliflower. The mashed potatoes are higher in points than real homemade with whole milk. I though she would be putting points on the packaging but maybe only WW branded food can do that. I notice none of the other frozen meals by other companies have WW points either like they used to.

    Janet, hoping today has you back to your usually self and that the methotrexate was the cause and not something else.

    Diane, your pictures are spectacular as always. Keep them coming.

    Need to eat something so I can take something for my knee. Also going to research how to apply the K tape to help with the pain.

    Your daily smile:
    In the Middle Ages they had guillotines, stretch racks, whips and chains. Nowadays we have a much more effective torture device called the bathroom scale.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, the quote made me giggle. AMEN. Hope Frankies poor paws will be OK - I'm sure they'll get to the bottom of it quickly. How long will you have to boil water? I try to keep bottled water on hand just in case and this is a reminder to replenish.

    Cindy, reading labels is indeed a pain. And you need to read ingredients list too, but it's worth it - amazing what variation there can be among similar products.

    Bert, Mama Mia is so much fun - totally goofy fun. Bet you have some interesting gowns for your sale. I remember a woman I worked with came into the office one day and announced that she had bought her wedding gown for a ridiculously small amount at a resale shop. She wasn't engaged yet at that point, but knew they'd get married in the next few years, and because she's tall, it was a good find. And a couple of years later, she looked spectacular - now they have two teenage girls.

    Had a very low-key day yesterday and am feeling a bit better today (if not all the way back). Had just toast and cranberry juice yesterday, no dinner again. Hey, it kept me on track. Was empty this morning so had some oatmeal and will eat lightly tonight. Tomorrow will be a dinner out with a friend before out Pops concert (Louisville Orchestra with the New York Men, who were the original cast of Jersey Boys, singing great American love songs. Not the ideal concert to go to with a girlfriend but we'll have a great time anyway.

    Wishing you all a peaceful weekend.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good late morning, almost noon. What a twist to my day. My little brother Kevin called and was in a tizzy. His car got towed from his apartment complex for parking in an unmarked handicap parking spot. He had it out with the manager and they are going to take it off his next month's rent. First, his driver's license needed to be renewed so I had to take him there first, then, they gave us the incorrect towing company and it wasn't there. We finally locate his vehicle and it's way across town in the boonies. I finally got him off as he was headed to Gadsden this morning. So much for my day off to get things done around my home. LOL. But, you have to help family out.

    Patti - I know what you mean about Oprah's pizza, I did try them and they were tasty, but not low in points or carbs. The Smart Ones frozen meals do have the WW points on them. I have had a few of them lately. I don't see the old WW meals anymore. So sorry about poor Frankie and it was her meds that was maybe causing it.

    Janet - I have an appointment March 25th to have my next Bone Density test. I am anxious to see if that infusion I had almost two years ago has improve my levels. I don't feel that it has. I am feeling weak in my hips again. But, I do remember the nurses telling me that the other ladies that were on this yearly could tell when it was getting time to be infused again. Maybe it is just that. I don't have the suffering you are experiencing with the infusion though as it bypasses the digestive system. I had the same problem you are having when I was on the Boniva and Fosamax. Reclast is was I had infused. I just wonder if it is working. I will soon know.

    Diane - I want Glenn and I to put Egypt on our bucket list now!! We will be going to Rome as soon as he retires. I am retiring at the end of this year, but he wants to work a little longer as he loves what he is doing now as it is easy and big money. lol. I loved the pictures of the spinx and the camels.

    Cindy - We all have to find our way and what works for us. Glenn paid me a compliment the other day and said he respected the way I am always looking to keep myself healthy and in shape. So sweet. How was your meal out with Rick?

    I better get back to straightening the house and packing more things for my booth. I hit a yard sale this morning and got several high-3ne blouses. Kevin got his girlfriends some great blouses too.

    Have a great day.

    Keep those awesome quotes coming Patti!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, since SmartOnes is owned by WW they put the points on the box. Be careful though. A lot of them are still marked as SmartPoints, not Freestyle. I always scan mine into the tracker. Usually they are 1 point less than the box is marked. I have been trying different brands for when I don't have time or want to cook much. I scan and mark each one before it goes in the freezer. I also have been adding extra veggies
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    Dinner went well- he was very good last night. I did bring up the neurologist topic, yes during dinner, but he again pushed it off. Said I can leave him in a nursing home when it gets bad. I did say his decision effects me- sigh
    Bert- I'm purchasing the Kashi Original 7 Grain crackers in place of Wheat Thins- they're not "clean" but a much better choice with the grains and fiber- low in sugar too. Tasty
    Patti- so sorry about Frankie
    Karla- be careful of the frozen meals- a lot of ingredients that aren't so great for you. Handy in a pinch tho- I like Patti's idea of adding extra veggies
    Janet- Enjoy the POP's concert I'm sure it will be fantastic
    I will be tracking this weekend and will try to check in but I have a blonde highlight apt and also a ton of editing to do.
    Be back when I can. Take care
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Pre-bedtime check-in. Ate a bit more today but not out of bounds. Tummy is bouncing back. (Karla, it’s easy to mix my med stuff up - the methotrexate is a weekly med for rheumatoid arthritis; I take Boniva monthly for my bones with no big issues. Hope your new scan shows progress.

    Cindy, love all your info. How is Jasper doing this week?

    Almost starting to get tired so should try closing my eyes soon.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike is doing his Red Cross Fire Prevention Campaign today. The headquarters for today's workshop is at the church. They will offer and install free smoke alarms for neighborhood residents. I think it's a great outreach, I hope they get several volunteers to help.

    Karla: Glad you were able to help Kevin.

    Patti: You had quite a day. Hope Frankie is doing better.

    Cindy: I may have to try the Kashi crackers. I wish companies would create sampler boxes. That way you could decide whether or not you like them enough to buy the regular size boxes.

    Janet: I hope you're feeling better soon.

    Waving hi to Diane.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Yesterday was another day of things going off track in many areas. Won't bore you with the details. I could barely walk by the time I got home from work. I think it was so bad because I had to stand in one spot most of my shift. I wore a knee brace but it was useless. The local college ordered $2000 worth of fleece in 1.5 yard pieces. I cut nearly 100 pieces, plus waited on customers and my other chores. I took Aleve yesterday morning and when I got home and my knee is miraculously nearly pain free. I am going to take at ,east one a day for the next few days. My scrap weekend is next weekend and I don't want to be unable to walk. There will be over 150 scrapers in one huge room. I can't wait.
    Edd started tearing out the tile around the tub yesterday, huge mess! Hope this doesn't take too long. I hate showering in the small stall in the downstairs bathroom.

    No red circle for me, I dipped into some peanut butter last night and that put me over for the day. I still have weeklies to cover but I don't want to reward myself for bad behavior. I was not hungry and was eating out of frustration.

    Cindy, I am so loving you back in the fold. We all have such different issues we are facing and it is nice that we all have an equal voice here. Together we are going to figure out what works best for each of us.

    Janet, hope today has you back to your old self. You have had an emotional couple of weeks. Glad you are still popping in.

    Bert, is there anything you and Mike don't do to help your church and community. You both humble me with your caring and dedication. Did you ever check at your gym about a nutritionist? Or ask your doc for a referral?

    Karla, hope your night out was fun and you enjoyed the music.

    I have to work tonight so I am taking it easy on my knee. I watched some videos on using Ktape and will be running out to get some.

    Today's thought:
    You can love your body and still want to improve it. These two things do not have to be opposing forces. Karen Sallmonsohn

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    [img][/ Glenn has the front yard looking nice. Can you believe it is 77 degrees down here today? No worries ladies, I don’t have the frozen meals that often. Not at all last week as I made that zero points three bean chili that was awesome. I ate on that for three days!! Patti - Thank you for the info. I hardly ever use all of my 23 daily points so if I am off 1-2 points it is no big deal. But good to know for sure. I am making the oven baked coconut shrimp tonight. Yum yum. Cindy- I’m going to be on Cape Cod in September. Janet- so sorry for your RA. Bert- You and Mike are the bomb. I better get these groceries in the house and kiss my Glenn. We had a blast at the Guess Who concert last night at the Gold Nugget Casino. Take care. I adore you all. I can’t wait to weigh again on Wednesday night! Karla[/img]
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    oven Baked Coconut Shrimp with Orange dipping sauce— it’s the bomb for five points
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mama Mia was wonderful! One of my former students who I had in elementary school when I first started teaching was one of the Dynamos. She did an amazing job! She cried when I hugged her and told her how proud I was of her. She said I started her love for music when I gave her a solo part in the Christmas program. That melted my heart.

    Patti: I will ask about a referral from my doctor I think. I'm doing ok with maintenance, but would honestly like to see the scale go down. I'm wanting to lose 15 lbs to get to the weight I want to be and stay there. I do get frustrated as I'm trying hard to follow low carb + WW. It just doesn't mesh at times.

    I need to get ready for church. Have a great day, everyone!
