OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. We are getting snow now - it is sticking to the deck, but not to the driveway yet. We are supposed to get 7-10 inches before it stops tomorrow. John spent this morning fixing the snowblower. The squirrels had chewed all the wires while it was stored out in the shed. I'm not planning on going anywhere - I might thaw some beef and make stew for tomorrow. I think I have enough veggies to make it good.

    I spent the day with my sister. We ordered flowers for the memorial service, then spent a couple hours packing up dishes at mom's for donating. My sister has worked with a charity that helps mostly women fleeing domestic violence, so that is where the kitchen stuff is going, along with some linens. I also found a couple tubs of things that I'm sure my mom brought from her mother's house, and offered them to my cousins. They wanted all of them, so now I have to find boxes and mail them.

    Eating was pretty good today, except for lunch. I didn't get home until almost 3 having had no lunch, so I was starving. I tracked it all, and I am still under for the day, but it wasn't the healthiest. Yesterday was a terrible eating day. I tracked enough that it used up all my dailies, all my activity points, and some of my weeklies then quit. Only two blue dot days in the last 5. I need to do better.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert, our cats are not fond of the snow either. Carrie's cat, in particular, doesn't even like it cold out. But he likes to go play in the garage, so that gets him some exercise and prowling.

    Patti, how are you liking the new store? I haven't heard any complaints, so I'm assuming it is better. WE stopped in a VERY large Joann's a couple days ago because I needed some binding. The people were not as nice, and their bias binding rack was practically empty! I went to my local tiny Joann's when I got home and found exactly what I needed.

    I am not fond of the riced cauliflower. I do like rice, but I try to just either eat a small amount or none when I fix stir fry. My stir fry is whatever veggies I have, some chicken breast, and I concoct my own sauce - got in the habit of that when we were camping and I didn't want to have a jar of bottled sauce on hand. Soy, rice vinegar, garlic, ginger, sesame oil, and red pepper flakes if I want it spicy. A little cornstarch for thickening.

    Karla, how are you doing? What is the project at your dad's this weekend?

    Waving to Cindy and Janet.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, I bet your Mom would love that her things are going to help women in need. Such a loving tribute to the matriarch of your family. I know it can't be easy. My Mom has precious little left and she has already let us know who gets what.
    I love my new little store. I work just as hard and really love my boss and managers. Everyone seems to know their job and all work together to get the job done. I have heard a lot of customers say they do not like the big store I used to work at. They do have some different rules but are not as stringent with all rule. Tonight a customer brought back some beautiful white Sherpa fur. She had cut out what appeared to be the back of a vest before she noticed there was a lot of discoloration (ground in dirt) at the fold line which ran top to bottom of the piece. She brought the entire piece back and we returned her money. We write it off as damaged and are supposed to cut it up into small pieces and throw it away so it can't be sold. My old store would have sold it to me at a damaged price of 25-50% off depending on the amount of damage. My current store lets us take them at no charge since they are technically trash. I use bits and pieces of fleece and faux fur for craft projects so nice to get it free.

    We have gotten about 8 inches of snow and still falling. The roads are a mess. Edd was my driver and I am very grateful for that. I was amazed and appalled at the amount of people on the roads and in the store. One lady came in with two littles under the age of two. I wanted to kick her putting those precious babies in danger and taking them out in this horrible weather, all for 3 pieces of fleece. The youngest cried the entire time. They were there over an hour!

    Baby Leo's first birthday party is tomorrow. So looking forward to fun with babies. Hopefully Ariel will ne there too.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Church is cancelled today due to the inclement weather. Our congregation has many elderly people who attend, so I think it was a good decision. Today, I'm going to exercise at home and then organize some closets that need serious attention. I've also started watching the entire season of The Sopranos on Netflix. I'm on Season 1.

    I had to watch videos for the "Virtual Seminar" for St. Mary's. I am also supposed to go to campus on Monday to pick up the packets that we were to get yesterday. Then I'm to visit my student teacher some time this week to give her the packet. I sure wish they would pay us more for what we are doing. I only have 1 student teacher. I'm hoping to get several field students to make this worthwhile financially. We shall see.

    Eating was good yesterday. Everything was tracked.

    Diane: Molly finally found some areas that she was interested in. Mike even shoveled a small area around the driveway where she could see the grass. What we do for our furbabies!

    Patti: I'm taking steps to write stories about the things I have that were my mother's and grandmother's. At least the kids will know about what is behind the pieces I have. Glad you like your new stores. That's wonderful that your current store has such great customer service. Customer service is essential and also brings people back. Have fun at Leo's birthday party.

    Waving hi to Karla, Janet, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good snowy morning all. We got about 5.5" of snow overnight, and it is forecast to snow all day. But I don't have to go anywhere today, we have wood for a cozy fire, and I just finished putting a beef stew into the crockpot for later. I think I'll do some sewing and some organizing for furniture coming and going in the next week. (Sending some furniture off to Brad and Rossanne, bringing some furniture from my mom's apartment, selling one or two pieces to make room.) I'm going to sort books also, to make room for a few knick knacks I'd like to display.

    The beef stew is from a WW recipe, modified for what I have on hand. For anyone on WW, it is the Provencal Beef Stew, but I didn't have mushrooms, I did have a parsnip and a turnip that I wanted to use up, and my stew beef was frozen in 2 lb. packets. Still 3 SP per serving since I'm guessing with the increased volume it will be 8 generous servings not 6 smallish ones. I hope it turns out as tasty as it sounds. The interesting twist was pureeing pinto beans with some broth to serve as the stew thickener. I just thought stew was the right meal for today.

    I'm also going to make a loaf of no-knead quick rise rustic bread to go with it. If I have two slices that will make all of dinner still only 7 SP.

    Bert, I wish my mom had written stories about the items we are finding. Some of them I remember from my childhood, others I just don't know where they came from.

    Patti, I agree about people going driving in the snow for no good reason. I can see if you have to get to work, or are totally out of food, but otherwise STAY HOME! Hope you can get to the birthday party today.

    Stay warm, all!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    I know its been a while but it warms my heart when you mention me in comments- thank you for keeping me close.
    I'm still sick and I need to fly to Columbus for a quick trip on Tuesday. I may need to call the doctor and get another antibiotic tomorrow- a sinus infection might be brewing and the pressure from the plane might just push me into it. Still pretty tired.
    Words are flowing- Janet thank you for pushing the kindle version- feel free to leave a review... You're so sweet.
    Diane- I loved that you're donating kitchen and linen items to women in need- you're mother has an awesome daughter.
    Megan started working for my company on Jan 3- she is moving to Galloway Feb 1-
    much better growth opportunities and since at the moment she has fallen in love with Ohio she needed a MUCH better job, with full benefits and retirement.
    When I told her what I had saved and I'm 20 years older than her and what she has for retirement she understood she is WAY behind in prepping for it.
    I wish I could retire early- I need to find an independent financial advisor to see if I too am to late to early retirement party. I'll be 57 this year and would love to retire around 62 if possible

    Bert- sounds like you're eating clean- good for you. Find what works.
    Patti and Diane - keep us in the loop on your WW menu ideas- they work for clean eating too.
    Janet- you always seem to know exactly what you need- that if awesome
    Karla- You're dad is a man a few words but I know he appreciates all you do for him.
    I need to write.
    Overall I'm fine. Eating 6 small meals on most days- finding I feel better when I do.
    Hugs to all
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    True confessions: I ate horribly at the birthday party. Not even sure how to track it but I have to face it. In all my past versions of WW I only tracked if I was sticking to my points. If I knew I went over I would fudge the portions I tracked to make it seem like I was on plan. My promise to myself this go round is to be honest with myself and to track it all. I will never be successful if I don't face what I am doing and own it. So I just tracked my food as honestly as I could and I ate 51 points. I only have 3 weeklies left. I think they reset tomorrow. It was really awful to see it in print but it is a breakthrough for me.
    The party was fun. 4 sets of grandparents, 2 set of great grandparents, siblings, nieces, nephews, coworkers and a total of 10 kids, half under 2 made for a sweet cacophony of voices until someone gave Leo a Baby Shark music book! The reaction was swift and nearly unanimous. The book was turned off and hidden among the rest of the gifts and Leo was distracted with another gift with more universally appealing music. They had lots of leftovers but we left before they could offer us any, whew that was close. I know I will have some slip days but am hoping that by facing it instead of pretending it didn't happen I will make better choices next time.

    Cindy, I always feel your presence here so try to always say hi and let you know I care. Coming from your area I find it odd that Meg has fallen in love with Ohio. I can honestly say that if all my family and friends weren't here I would never live here. I miss mountains. My favorite place is the Smokies.
    I pray flying doesn't make you worse. You need to see your doc, this is just going on too long.

    I am going to do some sewing today I think. Have a new project I want to try. Yesterday I made some jar openers out of scraps of fabric. Just 2 seven inch squares of cotton with a square of rubber shelf liner sandwiched between them. Sew, turn, top stitch and voile a pretty jar opener. I am going to sew a loop on the corner for the next one so I can hang it up.

    Hi to Karla, Janet, Diane and Bert
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    So the Provencal Beef Stew was really tasty! And low point. Bert, it might be something your meat-eater would go for. The no-knead bread was delicious too. Here is the recipe for that one:

    I got the borders on the baby quilt but don't have the right batting, so will have to go to the store tomorrow. We have gotten about 8 inches of snow but I need to go out tomorrow to go to the dentist - I hope they plow our road overnight. I have several other errands to get done too. I have four bags of books to take to the donation place, three packages to mail to relatives of stuff they want from mom's, and if I feel like it I need a new door mat and I'll look for snow boots for Elise.

    Cindy, go to the doctor! You have been sick for far too long. Even if it started out as a virus, it has probably morphed into a bacterial infection by now.

    Patti, parties happen. As my leader says, LIFE happens, and you just need to start again as soon as that event is over. And the thing she does is post great recipes for low/zero point foods that you can take as your contribution at pot lucks that DON'T seem like WW foods but you can fill up on.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited January 2019
    today's project: double knot fleece pillow, total cost about $4. just need to twist a bit so the seams don't show. the hardest part was making the knot, Edd had to help.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It is supposed to be sunny today, so hopefully more snow will melt. I'm heading to campus this morning and then will head to the gym for some much needed exercise.

    I spent some time yesterday looking through old photos and scanning them to put in the family tree information I have started. I'm also going to download the pictures into my family tree on That way, the kids will have some type of idea what their ancestors looked like. I told Mike that I want to have my family stories for the kids and grandkids to help keep the family together. When my mom and aunt passed away, my cousin and I didn't get together as much. We did have lunch from time to time (the road only traveled one way though; and still does with my cousin's daughter). I just want Dylan, Penny, Jillian, and Cole to stay close once they become adults. Family is so important.

    Patti: We all have those days. Don't beat yourself up. WW has the built in weekly points for just that as we all eat over our points at times. You can do this!

    Diane: I wonder if the no knead bread can be made with almond flour. It might be worth a try however, almond flour is expensive. Feel free to post any of your leaders' zero or low point recipes.

    Waving hi to Janet, Cindy, and Karla. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I'm proud to report a scale victory for my fist week!! 4 pounds down exactly!! Even with traveling. I'm stoked because I ate out all weekend. I made good choices at all meals, but you know how restaurant food is. I've got to go back and re-enter my stats on here because I entered it earlier and then I just re=weighed and down another pound!! LOL.

    Cindy - We never stop thinking of you our sweet friend. Take care of yourself honey.

    Diane - Be careful out in that snow.

    Bert - Same with you out in the snow.

    Patti - It takes time to get back in the WW mode. Like Diane said life happens. Jump back on track.

    I'm so proud of myself. Even with eating out all meals on Friday, Saturday and Sunday I still showed a great loss. I made good choices every time, but you know how restaurants are. I ae salads a lot and really enjoyed them.

    I'm off to work but am off tomorrow and am soooo looking forward to it.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited January 2019
    Good morning, everyone. Nice to see the board buzzing again after I stayed away from my laptop and off my phone as much as possible the ;last couple of days (and enjoyed the tech break).

    Sounds as if everyone's doing well.

    Diane, kudos for donating stuff to women who need to start again. I think you're doing remarkably, under the circumstances. Thanks for the recipes - might try the no-knead bread this week.

    Cindy, how nice that Meg is blooming where she's been planted - she went for one reason and stays for herself. She's strong & resilient, like her mother. Do find someone to examine your finances - I was happily surprised when my guy said, "It definitely won't be cushy, but you can walk if you need to." For me, the big thing was knowing I'd be able to buy (expensive but good) health insurance between COBRA running out and Medicare kicking in. Worth every penny to me in sanity.

    Karla, congrats on the loss! You're on it, lady. How far is your dad's house from full restoration? Did Izzy glom onto him like glue?

    Patti, I'm with you on people who take tiny humans out in bad weather if it's not really necessary.

    Bert, that soup recipe looks yummy and I like the idea of adding cauliflower. You and Patti got way more snow than we did.

    We got about 3" of snow overnight Friday and it looked beautiful, but it was all melted by mid afternoon - temp got to mid-30s and that was that. But for a few glorious hours I heard the sounds of kids playing in the snow and that made me very happy.

    Eating was OK, if odd, over the weekend, save for the tortilla chips I inhaled yesterday afternoon, but I bailed on dinner except for some cheese melted on a low-carb tortilla to try to even things out. Netted out OK for the day that way. Today I will make a produce run.

    Gotta get cracking over here - hugs to everyone!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    New day and my points reset, yeah. I had a 1 point Healthy Choice meal for dinner and drank water to fill up. So not a red circle day, even though I had the points for everything I ate, I made poor choices in more than just my eating. I did not eat breakfast and knew that the food would not be WW friendly. I know in the back of my mind I was planning on eating off plan, so I did. When it came time for dinner I almost used the old "you are already out of points and blew it, so eat what you want and restart tomorrow". Instead I used the new "you did it, you tracked it, now make the next meal on plan". Working in my craft room always helps curb my appetite. The pillow above took more time than I thought it would but have worked out all the kinks in how to stuff the 5 yard long tube of fleece. My granddaughter will be the recipient of the pillow, she loves arrows and I found this fleece in the remnant bin at work for under $3. She will love it, just hope her labradoodle doesn't use it for a toy, not sure it will hold up to that wild one.

    Karla, good job on your loss, especially with being out of town and eating out.

    Diane, that bread looks awesome. How many slices did you get out of the loaf. I don't have a Dutch oven do you think it would work in Wagnerware heavy aluminum small roasting pan or a cast iron chicken frying pan that is about 4 inches deep? Bet it would be awesome with rosemary added.

    Bert, what a wonderful legacy you are building for your family. There are precious few pictures of my family. My Mom only had a brother and he had no children. They became estranged when their adoptive father passed away when I was little. My dad only had 1 sister and she had 6 kids. We visited them in WI every summer until we were teens, they never visited us. So no bonds were formed and I have no idea where they are now. And that is all the family I have besides my siblings and their families.

    It is cold, dreary and uninviting outside so I think I will stay in today. Laundry, linen change, menu planning and sewing are on my list for the day.

    Wishing you a day filled with whatever you choose. Enjoy your choices!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Afternoon! Today is a beautiful day! It's bright and sunny with no wind. The snow is melting slowly which is great! Tonight is Greg's basketball game. The girls were to have played Saturday, but it got postponed due to the weather. Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack has been tracked. I'm over on carbs, but within calories.

    Karla: Congratulations!

    Janet: I need to make a produce run, too. I have yogurt and protein shakes here but have eaten my salad ingredients.

    Patti: Thanks for your comment. I enjoy researching my family as well as Mike's and the boys' dad's. I spend about a week on one side and see if there is anything new. Then I move on. I only have 1 brother and had 1 cousin. That was it. Our family is small, but I remember visiting auints and uncles on my dad's side. Those weren't the best of times as most of my paternal grandmother's siblings felt like they had to outdo each other. I don't recall their children at alll, so I'm not really researching them. I definitely feel my family's presence while I'm researching and am trying to organize photos, documents, etc. for future generations.

    This evening I'm definitely choosing healthy options. I need to stay within WW points and also MFP calories. Have a great afternoon.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Back from my round of errands and dentist, and ready to sew for the afternoon. I was SOOO hungry when I got home. Proud of myself that I didn't get food out, because I generally make poor choices then, and that when I got home I quickly zapped some leftovers to make a 5 pt lunch. Leftover Skinnytaste Sante Fe Crockpot Chicken, 3/4 cup leftover rice, grapes, and now a slice of last night's bread. Dinner tonight will be salmon because John is gone, and salad, and some sort of veggies.

    I actually need to ADD some points to get to a blue dot day, but tomorrow is WI and I really want to have lost. Whatever sauce I put on the salmon and veggies will have points. I have Elise tomorrow so I will have to take her, so we probably won't stay for the meeting.

    Patti, I did a round loaf in my heavy bottom Corningware deep pot. There were about ten slices, but some were bigger than others because of the round loaf. I think the cast iron chicken roaster would be perfect if it has a lid. My loaf only ended up about 3 inches tall, about ten? inches across.

    The dental hygenist has just rejoined WW. I was able to point her to some good recipes on the WW site. I love my dentist and her whole staff. They gave me hugs as I showed up - I was actually on my way to my dentist appointment when I got the call about my mom.

    We ended up with about 8.5 inches of snow. All the schools closed and the Federal government (what part of it was working) so both Brad and Rossanne had a snow day. Our road still hasn't been plowed but there were enough tracks I could get out, and the main roads are clear and dry.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla congrats on the loss! You must have been very disciplined, eating out all weekend. How is your dad's house coming?

    Janet, I sometimes feel like I get addicted to the screens, and need a detox. Hope your weekend away was restorative.

    Bert, I have actually recently reconnected with many of my cousins whom I have not seen in many years. My mom stayed close with her brothers and sister via letters, even though we didn't visit all that much once my grandparents passed away.

    Patti, what are you sewing up today? I bought the batting for the baby quilt, so I am going to try to get it basted together and maybe even start the quilting.

    Cindy, sounds like Meg has landed on her feet. I'm sure you wish she were closer, but at least she is loving her place.

    Back later maybe.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies. Thank you for all the congratulations! Yes, I was very, very disciplined this weekend while eating out. I did not care for that number I saw on that nasty scale. Lol. I enjoyed some great seafood choices, but stayed away from bread, rice, alcohol, potatoes and sweets. I loved the salads I made myself at Ruby Tuesday’s and a morning one at Shoney’s! Lol. The other thought in my mind was the money I spent on that clinic. I did not want to gain back all the weight I lost.

    Diane- My father’s house looks fantastic. The bathroom came out so much better than I dreamed of. Keith had taken a chip of the green tile that was from 1958 in ther to Lowe’s. . It was a sweet mint green. They painted over some white panels my mother had put in years ago and the new Sheetrock around the walk in shower. Beautiful. All is left in the kitchen is the flooring and Keith and I picked it out today. ( he texted me the picture)

    Janet -My Dad gave Izzy $20 for her birthday and that made her happy, then she found toys in his room. If that wasn’t enough he gave her some of my mother’s Christmas Barbies. She was so good everywhere she went with us.

    Patti - Yes, I watched every bite. I didn’t track all five days for me to blow it on the weekend. I still ate very well and saw a nice loss. This is all the holiday fluff, and the first week is usually the biggest when you start if you stick to it daily. My system is stubborn, if I cheat one day or even one meal, it negates my whole week. Sux. Lol. But the truth is, I did not suffer sticking to my plan. I’m sure you will still show a loss come Wednesday. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

    Bert - I really need to scan in all my family pictures and organize them into families and years. I am the matriarch of the family now.
    Keeping my carbs down really helped me lose, but it will get more difficult as I go. I shopped and picked up my yogurt, Turkey pepperoni, some low calorie cheese sticks, Atkins breakfast meals and some PowerAde Zero. Some things to help me be successful. I bought low carb wraps and we had burritos tonight, delish.

    I hope I can sustain this determination. It’s all your support and cheering and my local friends, plus Glenn’s love, I know I can.

    I’m going to relax now,

    See you in the morning.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We went to Greg's game last night. His girls didn't play well......couldn't hit the basket, defense was off, bad passes. I certainly hope they are ready to play tonight. One of his girls is on the Homecoming court and they had coronation last night. She will be back tonight and will hopefully make the difference.

    I talked to my student teacher last night. She had the first day jitters, so I tried to calm her down. I know she will be fine.

    Diane: I'm hoping to find some good recipes on the WW sight too. I tend to eat the same things, and know that I need to have variety. Did you put the Santa Fe Chicken recipe in WW

    Karla: I like Ruby Tuesday's salad bar too. I'm going to try the FatHead Cracker recipe. It's the same as the pizza dough only you roll it out very thin. I need crunch in my salads. I also need to search for low carb desserts as I have a sweet tooth.

    Patti: I'm sure you'll be successful this week. Tracking, for me, is the most important thing. I'm a visual person and need to see in black and white what I've been eating. My goal for today is to lower my carb intake. I went over yesterday when I had crackers with my salad.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy. Have a great day everyone! Molly is going to the "spa" today and I'm getting a pedicure. Tonight is a church committee meeting.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Elise is down for a nap. She has been a little dynamo today! We went to my WW meeting and she flirted with the people behind me the whole time. She has been both playing and eating nonstop!

    I was down less than a pound at WI - not what I was hoping for. But I heard a good tip for those days when you really blow it. Just use quick track (which is where you estimate something you can't find in the database) and put down "party" and count it as 60 points or something. That way it uses all your weeklies, and you KNOW you are in the red for the week. Better idea for me than trying to track each thing later, or give up and not track and then have the app tell me I still have points left!

    I am trying to get blue dots on successive days (Patti's red circle days!) I haven't done very well on that, so trying to focus on them for this week. In fact, that is my OMG this week - get at least 4 blue dot days. It will be hard - my sister from WI comes in tomorrow evening, and we will be eating dinner out. Then the rest of the week will be final preps for the memorial service, a lot of time out of the house and away from "safe" eating.

    Bert, yes I entered the Skinnytaste Sante Fe Crock Pot chicken into the recipe builder. As long as you use chicken breast it is zero points.

    Karla I'm glad your dad's house is back together so quickly. I guess that is the difference between hiring the work done and trying to do it yourself!

    Need to go get a few things done while Elise naps. I got the baby quilt basted last night, but I don't think I'll tackle quilting it now. I need plenty of undistracted time to get into that!
