OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to my accountability to trimming off the holiday fluff and more!!

    I have weighed and entered it into MFP and tracked all my food for today!! I have go measure when I get dressed and enter those stats.

    Here are my stats:

    Calories: 888
    Carbs: 39
    Protein: 89

    I had my egg white omelet this morning and am having a light lunch. I am back to the Dannon light and lively yogurt, cheese whisps, babybel light and turkey pepperoni for snacks. Oh, that reminds me, I didn't track the cheese whisps, that will add a few calories, yeaa!! I am picking up Chick Fil A side salad with grilled nuggets for my dinner. The Alabama Clemson game is tonight and my brother Kevin is bringing pizza and mudslides and I have to reframe!! I am picking up fried chicken wings for he and Glenn. I can survive!!

    I am off to pay some bills and then get ready for work,

    I'll check back later on. I feel so in conrol. Hopping on the treadmill and watch tv nex!!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Yep, that made my stats more where I wanted them.

    calories: 998
    carbs: 40
    Protein: 95

    Does this look okay to you Bert?

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I like going back to our roots and stating our mini-goals. I just know I have to state an achievable goal! This week, my OMG is to track everything on WW, and do my PT exercises five times.

    Karla, my mom is the exact opposite - thanked me for everything I did for her. So maybe it is a regional generational thing? Certainly for men of that era, accepting help was hard, and so even as they age, acknowledging that help goes against the grain. My BIL, who is just about 7 years older than me, said it like this: "I'm used to being the one helping, not the one accepting help. It's hard for me to take that help, but thank you from the bottom of my heart." And he said it when he was driving us somewhere, I think so he didn't have to look at us and choke up as he said it.

    Bert, do you use the turkey sausage or the pork ones? I've tried turkey and chicken sausage, and I just don't care for it. I'd rather go without, or splurge on the "real" stuff.

    Cindy, hope you feel better soon! Carrie has been sick since just after Thanksgiving. I'm sure it WAS bronchitis and is probably now pneumonia, but she is totally resistant to seeing doctors. You said Meg *enjoyED* her job - was that a typo, or is she looking for different work? I hope not - she has been through enough in the past year.

    Patti I am not rejoining the gym. It is hard enough for me to commit to doing the exercises I am supposed to do for PT - I think I would just waste my money on the gym membership right now.

    Janet, you are being quiet - I hope that is just because you are disconnecting from social media for some down time. Pet Theo and Bella for me.

    Today we are going to do the one Christmas exchange we need to do - just getting around to that! Then I am going to sew a bit. I have a couple of things I need to get done in the next two weeks.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Diane: I use the Turkey pepperoni. I’m not fond of it either, but I eat it. :D;)

    Karla: I just can’t manage 1000 calories for me. I’m already at 45 carbs and have only tracked breakfast and lunch. Lunch is a salad with veggies and ham for protein. I do eat the light Greek yogurt and will have that as a snack. At least my points will be on target for WW. I’ll have the Keto pizza I made yesterday for dinner tonight.

    Janet: I’m missing your posts. Hope everything is ok.

    Patti: glad work is slowing down for you. Good luck with your renovation.

    Cindy: it was good to read your post. It’s important to have a “me” day every once in awhile.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane My dad did tell me to go buy me some clothes or whatever I wanted. That was his way of thanking me for being the go-fer. My mother was 7 years younger than he. I know he appreciates it, it is probably what you say, he doesn't like having to have anyone do for him. Another thing about my father, he doesn't like to part with money. LOL. Although he won't even be spending half of the insurance money on his repairs. That part that really burns me is because it was hard on Glenn on his week off, and last week of college football and not where Glenn wanted to be. It would be one thing if my father didn't have insurance on his house or was low income. My dad has plenty of money in the back AND got paid handsomely for his repairs. He is from he depression years and is as cheap as anyone can be. EXCEPT, if I is something HE wants. He will pay high dollar for a gun or knife he wants for his collection. Used to really upset my mother. I'm glad you like the Mini Goal roots too!

    Anyway, I have walked the treadmill and watched Seal Team while doing it, documented my measurements and now getting ready for work.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    My mini goal for the week is to track it all. This is my Achilles heel and I know I have to do it to lose.

    Karla, I think you know how much your dad appreciates all you and Glenn are doing. I am very fortunate that my mom thanks me for every little and big thing I do. My dad was the same when I helped care for him after all of his surgeries and illnesses. Maybe your dad is still processing all the disruption and will thank you both once it is all back to rights.

    Bert, I wish I had your resolve to track but, like Diane, doubt that doing it in both places will happen for me. Wil be lucky to get it done on the WW app, lol.

    Diane, did you get the email that I joined and that your free month will be credited soon? I miss the gym terribly. I miss my trainers and my work out crew so will be happy to go back. At $40 per year and $2.25 per class I can't afford to not go. I have not been since the week before thanksgiving and my body is not happy with me.

    I am taking my daughter to a long overdo dinner tomorrow at Cheddars. They have some very delicious WW friendly options. Afterward I am taking her to Costco. She has never been and the restaurant is in their parking lot. I have a few things I want to get there so it will all work out. My girlfriend's husband is coming home from the nursing home on Wednesday and then returns to OSU for 2 days of chemo on Friday. They will put her up in a hotel overnight while he stays in observation. Praying it goes as well as the last time.

    Need to get my groceries and prep for the week. Anxious to get my materials from WW on Wednesday at my first WI and meeting. Everyone in my world is doing some plan or another so the timing is perfect for me to jump back in.

    Today I choose positivity as my word of the day.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone - have read all, just wanted to top in and say a quick hello before I head out to library and a few other errands.

    Eating is up and down for me - I have to be careful on choices and portion sizes, but within the way I need to eat not to draw attention to be different - for the time being, it's the right option for me. My big task this week is reining in the snack monster. And I'm hoping to try my new sous vide stick my niece gave me for Christmas - she says it makes great, juicy poultry and meats.

    Big hugs to everyone!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all.

    Day one going well.

    Patti- It bothers my brother Keith more than anyone. My mothe pure despised my father sometimes over being so cheap. Lol.

    Janet- My heart breaks for you afraid to eat the way you want in your own house. Are you certain James really cares that much about your eating habits?

    Stopping for the wings and my grilled nuggets.

    Roll Tide tonight!! Going to be a tough game.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Checking in - I met my goal for today of tracking everything, even the mini peanut butter cups I succumbed to at Trader Joe's! Still fewer points than yesterday, so I am happy. I did my exercises at PT today, so a check in that box too.

    Tomorrow will be an Elise day - Yay! I will do my exercises while I wait for her to wake up in the morning. I ran errands all day today - exchanged the daypack John got me for Christmas for one that I like better (I hadn't given him good specs, and he freely admitted he figured it would need to be exchanged), got fitted for and ordered new glasses, did the grocery shopping, picked up some needed notions at Joann's, and picked up an order at Kohl's. This morning I cut out three more car seat blankets for babies due to be born in the next two months. Maybe if Elise naps tomorrow I can get started on them.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good day here too. Got a rotisserie chicken and went to make enchilada sauce, after I had already mixed up enchilada filling, only to discover I had no tomato sauce or paste or juice or anything plain tomato in a can or in the freezer. Well guess what, if you add enough paprika,chili powder, red pepper flakes, cumin, garlic and onion powder and just a touch of worchestershire sauce and lime juice to basic spaghetti sauce you have enchilada sauce that is quite tasty and we both loved. Totally filling 7 point dinner when you add cheddar cheese.

    Diane, thanks again for the push. I found several very low point frozen meals for when I don't have time to plan or just want something super quick. Healthy Choice bowls are my faves. Enjoy your Elise and sewing day.

    Janet, I do get your dilemma. Do what you feel comfortable with and enjoy your time with James. It's all about living and enjoying life.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hi, again - there were several posts ahead of mine that just caught up to my feed. Weird.

    Wish I could recommit fully, but yes, James doesn’t like it if I make myself something different, so I am doing what I can, considering - mostly passing on carb-heavy things. Not drawing attention to it is the best move for now.

    Karla, you and Glenn have done right by your dad and Kerry. Wish they’d say thanks but they’re probably still in shock from the storm. And it’s hard for them to know what to say. You sure got a lot done pretty quickly! Hope you can both chill a bit now.

    Cindy, hope you feel much better soon. The Jasper post was so sweet - that face!

    Patti, smart nurse-chat to Bert. Steroids can mess with blood sugar. Your gym is a serious bargain! Nice improvisation on the sauce!

    Bert, hope your plantar fasciitis backs off soon. Worked with a woman who had it, and she’s an avid runner.

    Diane, enjoy your Elise day!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. Wow, my team got it’s butt kicked last night. Clemson made no errors and took the victory. We both went to bed in the third quarter.

    Janet- You have to do what you must dear. People that havent had a weight problem just don’t get it and James probably loves you the way you are and doesn’t think you need to diet. I’m sure you haven’t gained much, if any, of your great weight loss back anyway. I just don’t like any sort of stress on you at all!

    Bert- I ended up having 1188 calories once I finalized my food diary, carbs went down to only 21 and protein went up to 129. I didn’t get my salad like I wanted and ate more protein in meat. I’m going to get my carbs up to 40 today. I don’t want my hair thinning again!

    Diane- I have a Mermaid blanket to make for Izzy. It’s the super plush, velvety feeling type of fleece. Good for you for tracking and doing your PT!!!! We are all on it in our own way.

    Patti- Congrats on rejoining WW, I hope the leader is what you need her to be, it is the comradeship of the other ladies that will make it worth it as they are usually crowded this time of year. Good conversion on your sauce.

    I better get a move on, paying some bills and just had my egg white omelet. Hitting the treadmill again and then off to work. It’s a short day today as I pick my sweet Izzy up for dance! I sure have missed her.

    Have a great day.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is hair cut day, and then I'm picking up Jillian and Cole from school this afternoon. We will then travel to attend Greg's game. It's at the high school where Mike and my neice teaches. We are going to meet her and her son for dinner and then will go to the game. I'm not sure if Mike is going or not as he will work early in the morning. I know the kids are excited to go. I'm not looking forward to driving home in the dark, but oh well, it will be fun.

    Eating was good yesterday. I went to the gym. My feet did pretty well yesterday as I wore my tennis shoes most of the day and did my feet exercises before I left. Breakfast, lunch, and snack is tracked.

    Janet: I hear your dilemma. Mike doesn't eat the way I do, so I just either limit my portions when I do cook one meal, or I simply make two meals. The good thing is that is doesnt bother him or me. I need to do what works for me. Hang in there, girl!

    Diane: Enjoy your Elise day! It is so much fun to be with grandchildren. Could you state the brands of shoes that your podiatrist recommends?

    Patti: What kind of Healthy Choice meals do you like best? I stayed within calories and WW points yesterday for which I'm happy. Carbs, proteins, and cholesterol were all good.

    Karla: Congratulations on your Day 1 going well.

    Waving hi to Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Elise is napping and I might lie down too. I have not been sleeping well at all.

    I did take her to WI at WW this morning, and only stayed for ten minutes of the meeting because she was fussing to move around. One hint I learned that is new is WW has partnered with Headspace and Aaptiv. The first is a motivational meditation app, and the second is an exercise app. I’ll need to explore them more fully.

    I was down 3 of the 5 holiday pounds today. I knew last week was up because of bloat and salt. But it also shows what even a week of clean eating can do!

    Bert, I pronate, and my podiatrist recommends Brook Ariel and Saucony Redeemer. I have tried both and they both work for me. There are others but I don’t have the list anymore.

    Karla sorry about your team. I didn’t watch the game. We have good friends whose son goes to Clemson, so they were happy. You and Glenn and the rest of the crew accomplished a lot in a week.

    Patti, too funny about the enchilada sauce. I had the exact same problem last week making a Mexican dish that called for tomato sauce and used some marinara sauce too!

    Janet, you have to do what works for you. You don’t have to make excuses to us.

    Cindy, 1800 words a day! Wow!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    My darling Izzy, back to dance. I love her to the moon and back.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Day 2 on track and tracked it all. Homemade tacos at Mom's then dinner at Cheddars with my daughter, lemon pepper chicken with steamed broccoli and carrots. The online tracker said the chicken was 6 pts but that included rice, which I did not have. Anyway, calling it a successful day of choices. The temp was in the 60s so I took mom to get a haircut. She was long overdue. We had a long talk about her current situation with her sight issues. I mostly wanted to reassure her that I would not force her into any move as long as she was safe in her current apartment. Then it was so nice to just sit and chat with Susie. Nothing earth shattering, just two friends catching up. We are getting to a much easier place in our relationship. She has been taking CBD oil capsules from the health food store for her arthritis and has noticed a huge improvement. The side benefits are probably bigger than just the pain control. She has suffered from depression and insomnia since childhood and the oil has made a huge impact on both. She said her thoughts are calmer too. She started doing Keto on Sunday and seems to have a great attitude. She said she changed her mindset by not focusing on losing, eating less, NOT having certain foods. All of those are negative. So when she stepped on the scale and it was down 3 pounds she changed it to "I gained" 3 pounds of freedom. Her goal is to find a positive way to look at everything. I told her about our "choose/choice" mindset and she is going to add that to her mindset.

    Karla, I bet Izzy was glad to have you back. I hope your dad will soon settle into the changes in his home. It is so hard on them to have their routines disrupted.

    Diane, I briefly checked Aaptiv and it seems to be an audio stream of exercises. I am going to try one in the morning.

    Bert, safe travels. Being with the kids is worth the driving. Congrats on sticking to your. Tracking and exercise.

    Hi to Janet and Cindy
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited January 2019
    Good evening. I am really tired this evening. I believe the 7 days out of town, running from 7a until 9p every night has finally caught up with me. My father told me today how lucky he was to have me in his life. It felt good.

    I went to Shoe Station after dropping Izzy off at dance and picked up a new pair of supportive tennis shoes. I read where the Asics Gel Kahana G is highly rated for Plantar's Fascitis as well as Heel Spurs. I tried them on and they are a dream in the suportive way the inside feels. The soles are very thick and high in the back, and they are atractive also.
    I don't know if the walking on the treadmill has flaired it back up or me not taking the Gabapentin the last few days. I picked up my prescription for it today, although I already had some I could have been taking. This is what the Orthopaedic doctor gave me.

    Patti - Congrats on two good days also and tracking. Knowledge is power. Sounds like a great day with your Mom and Daughter.

    Diane - I hope you were able to lie down and get some rest along with Elise. I need some down time myself. I've been on the run too long and it's starting to catch up with me. Glenn just told me to go relax.

    Bert - Prayers for your safe night time travel.

    I'm off to chill out on the couch before putting Izzy's uniform in the dryer,

    Goodnight all, may we all continue on this path of choosing what is good for our body, mind and soul.

    My today's stats:

    Calories: 1056

    Carbs: 43

    Protein: 114


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning, me again.

    Egg white omelet eaten, my day is tracked. My stats are tracked to be:

    calories 1115
    carbs: 41
    Protein: 104

    Of course I will tweak it for exactly what I ate if any different after dinner. Tonight I am making the Slaw Crack, also known as egg roll without the roll to the Keto community.

    I am off to wake Izzy and get dressed myself.

    Can' wait to experience my new tennis shoes. They were not too pricey, bu well worth it.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We had a good time at the game and also visiting with our niece and family. We ate at Pizza Hut. I ate a big salad and a couple of small pieces of pizza. Jillian was "on a roll" last night. She kept pushing my buttons, so I had to "lay down the law". It's usually Cole; however, last night it was Jillian. Greg's team won. Driving home was a challenge. Mike did a great job driving. We saw several deer, but at least saw them ahead of us, so we could avoid them. He got us all home safely. It was nice to visit with our niece. She teaches at the school where the game was. We got to visit her classroom and see what she does. It was a great evening.

    Today is my appointment with my knee doctor. I haven't seen him in 3 years, so I thought I would find out if things are the same as they were 3 years ago.

    So far today, I've tracked the following: (breakfast, lunch, and snacks)

    Calories: 535
    Carbs: 55 (that's my problem: I'll probably make a different choice as the Wheat Thins have 22 carbs: I need something cruncy with my salad)
    Protein: 67
    Cholesterol: 95 (that's pretty good! I'm alotted 300 on MFP)
    WW Points: 11

    Karla: I wear Brooks tennis shoes and Clark's shoes. They are very supportive, but I want insoles for my Clark's shoes. I'm still debating on what brand to purchase. I'm also going to ask my doctor today what he recommends.

    Patti: Congratulations for Susie. I really like the Fathead Pizza dough which is very low carb; however, higher in WW points. Annie sent me the recipe. You can find it on

    Waving hi to Janet, Dianne, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Accountability and choice check in. It is freezing cold and there are flurries, I didn't sleep well and my head is a little stuffy. None of these are good enough reasons to miss my first meeting. My choice is to WI, today and going forward, with my shoes on. I always found it humiliating, degrading, unsanitary and an enormous waste of time and dignity to take my shoes off just so my number on the scale will be lower. I did, however weigh in the buff and then fully clothed and shod. Difference is 4 pounds. I choose to continue with shoes unless I need to take them off to reach goal, lol. I will get an automatic loss when we switch from tennis shoes to flip flops, I may need the boost by then.
    Choice is power!
    I choose to be a WW