OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Lindsey and Justin are leaving this evening to return home as they both have to work on Friday. It's a 12 hour drive for them, so they are breaking the drive up. Lindsey's mom lives in Chatanooga, so that will be nice for them to rest up there.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert- Your home looks lovely and festive and what beautiful grandchildren you have.

    I am currently at the Urgent Care. I’ve tried treating this cough and head cold but it is getting the best of me. Glenn brought me and looks like a moderate wait.

    We had a great day yesterday but my Coca Cola cake did not turn out well. I used my lower convection oven and forgot you have to cook a little longer, but it looked done. Maybe it will be better today after being in fridge overnight. Everything else was wonderful.

    I did finally did get some sleep last night as I didn’t take the codeine norco type cough syrup that was keeping me awake.

    I’m sure I will be on the mend soon with a quiet day at home with Glenn’s loving care.

    Continue to enjoy your holiday.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    I finally found my Mother’s Christmas angel doll ornaments and got them on my small tree. They are adorable.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    What a wonderful holiday it has been. Having the family together with all th grands and greatgrandkids filled my heart with such love. All the sights, sounds and smells of the season contained in one room. The cousins stayed until today and went to the movies with us. My BFF came too. The girls saw Mary Queen of Scots, the guys the Mule
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Both good from all accounts. Loved Mary. Going to se Mary Poppins tomorrow with BFF. Now I am anxiously awaiting The Favourite with Emma Stone, about Queen Anne.
    Had a nice spaghetti lunch with mom yesterday. She was surprised and delighted with her gowns.
    We will be going to the cabin Saturday morning and returning Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning. We will be having another small Christmas with Edd's brother and his family. My grandson, Leo's daddy is coming down too for Saturday.

    I am ready to get serious about weigh loss. Tired of the extra and wanting to enjoy my summer without feeling like a large sea mammal. Will look forward to Cindy's info to help me with my food choices. I have decided that I will not say the words diet or lifestyle change, they just seem to cause a negative reaction for me, sort of like nails on a chalkboard. My new words are choice or choose. I will choose what to eat and when. I will choose to pass on those things that are not part of my choice plan. I will choose to treat myself but not beat myself. This is my start and I am choosing to start it when I get back from the cabin.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening. Winding down and trying to get well.

    Patti- those two British movies have not come here. I have been checking. I want to see them both also. Your holiday sounds wonderful and I am so happy for you and your family and friends. I totally agree about getting back on the bandwagon on whatever way works for each one of us. I did see where Judy has lost 30.2 pounds now and very happy with her plan and health on the Keto. She is doing it by the dr Sullivan PhD method and it’s the more healthy way. I saw a friend of hers has lost 20 pounds and his blood work has never been better. I personally never studied it well and prefer a more balanced meal plan. Plus it’s big on coffee drinking and I don’t drink coffee. They even drink cold brew. Again, it’s whatever works and whatever we can stick to long term.

    As per above I am looking to get back on healthy eating and some exercise. I’m proud to report my foot has been excellent!! So I can start walking and dvds next week when I get back from my dads.

    Shall we have some topic? Quotes? Start rotating it between us again?

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Haverty’s came and exchanged my coifed table for this entertainment table. We love it!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Everyone is returning and has returned home. The house is quiet, but I'm still longing for voices, activities, and a little chaos. I always feel this way after a family reunion. I so enjoy everyone at our house. Today I'll take some of the inside decorations down. I was going to take the balcony lights down this morning as it wasn't supposed to rain until noon; however, nature had a different opinion. So, I'll wait until perhaps this weekend when it dries out.

    Carrie's dad was admitted to the hospital yesterday for high blood pressure and dizziness. She said that the tests came out ok and they wanted him to spend the night for observation. He has a lot of stress in his life as he is the caretaker for Carrie's mom who has frontal lobe dementia. There is also a family squabble going on among his siblings, so I'm sure it's stress related.

    Today is my nephew's birthday. He would have been 42. He died at age 4 from Neuroblastoma.

    Patti: I like the choice and choose theme for 2019. It definitely is all about choice. My goal for 2019 is to choose a plan that works for me. I'm not 100% for Keto due to cholesterol reasons and not 100% for WW as many carb free foods are high in points. I'm chose to balance between Keto and WW and try to lose the weight. I, like you, choose not to beat myself up over results on the scale. Let's do this!

    Karla: My feet are acting up again. I need to do my foot exercises. I'm also going to order the Protalus inserts that are being advertised. At this point, I'm willing to try anything to get some relief. I also have an appointment to have my knee(s) looked at to see if that has anything to do with my hips and legs.

    Breakfast is tracked. I'm choosing to make it a low carb day today. Waving hi to Diane, Cindy, and Janet. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited December 2018
    Hello, everyone! My trip was delightful - got to see my dear friends in MI, including four fabulous kids, my best friend and most of her family (got to watch her 2- & 7-year-old grandkids open gifts Christmas morning), my Toledo cousin and her husband, and of course my brother, sister-in-law, nieces and the littles. Caleb and Cady were SO adorable, and after being told that it takes Cady a bit to warm to people, was thrilled when I got a hug after just a couple of hours. I got to read them books after dinner with Caleb on my lap and Cady snuggled next to me with my arm around her - heaven! Came home yesterday and am still tired but very happy to have had the privilege;ege of seeing so many people I love; here's a family pic from Christmas evening:

    p.s. - My niece Anne (back row) is going to marry Brent. Her first marriage was pretty much a disaster, so I pray that Brent will be better to and for her - he seems like a nice guy.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Great family picture, Janet!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I've been reading, but just haven't had the heart to join in.

    Christmas was tough, but we all gathered at my sister's home. The day was full of visiting and laughter and tears. Since then I have been on the go. Yesterday John, Carrie and I met my brother and SIL at mom's apartment to start the clearing process - focused on books the first day, as well as cleaning out food and toiletries and medications. Today my cousin went back with me and we sorted all mom's clothes and took them to a thrift shop run by an organization that runs a homeless shelter. There are many more days of clearing stuff out but it is a start.

    Also we finally got with the church and finalized a date for the memorial service - it will be January 19th.

    I need to recommit to my personal care journey too. The last two weeks of eating have been off the rails, and I have put on five pounds. I think some of that is bloat from the last few days, but need to refocus on me. I like the choose theme. I'm also doing PT for my knees, and haven't had or made the time to do the prescribed exercises. That needs to change too. I got about halfway through my program this morning before my cousin showed up and we left to go to mom's place.

    Will catch back up on personals another day, but know I am thinking of you all.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, love the picture and so happy you are in it.
    Diane, can only imagine how hard the holiday was for all. I hope you are sharing some great memories as you sort through your mom's apartment.

    Went to see Mary Poppins with my BFF, another couple and their adult child with CP. I really enjoyed what I saw. Less than half way thru the movie my BFF got 2 calls from the rehab center where her husband is. One from the care plan team manager and one from the Dr. She was a basket case so I took her home. We gathered papers and did some research, grabbed one of the dogs, grabbed some dinner to take to her husband and I took her to him. She pretty much had a meltdown in the middle of the theatre lobby. A situation that could have been avoided if they had not tried to have these conversations over the phone. He is actually doing very well. Much stronger and more alert than the last time i saw him. I think she just needed another set of eyes on him to be sure. We had a nice Chinese dinner on the way home and now I need to get in my sewing room and finish gifts for the weekend. Will need to hit the grocery in the morning and then work until 10pm. Still have to pack.

    Love to you all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Still coughing and hacking here. Jeez, I am so tired of this crap.

    Janet - What a cute, whimsical picture with the head gear on the standing relatives. You look like a child yourself with your face barely picking through my dear friend, but you have your hands on the sweetness there. So happy your niece has found someone and he looks like fun and happiness for her.

    Patti - That is absolutely appalling that the caregivers and medical professionals are thoughtless in the way they handled your girlfriend only to find him doing better. Crazy, as if the whole situation isn't stressful enough.

    Diane - We know you are out there and what you are facing. I pray for you everyday as you go through the process. I went through my mother's things immediately and dispersed some and brought a lot back to my home. I even had a yard sale for some of the average things as per my father's request. Made some donations too and did two doll shows for her dolls. I was out of my mind doing most of it with grief too, as it was so shocking when she died on an out of town trip. So hard to believe it's been over six years now. I miss her everyday.

    I have a big weekend planned on incoming relatives. My nephew is coming down from Gadsden today, Jake. I haven't seen him in awhile. My brother Keith is coming tomorrow for an overnight trip on his way to New Orleans. Several couples are coming over tomorrow for first the Clemson game and then the Alabama/Oklahoma game. Glenn's 82 inch tv is the big draw for game watching now. LOL.

    I'm only going to run to the office to handle a personnel issue and do a couple hours of training with another girl and then I am out of there. I also found a lady selling a nice Octupus picture I have arranged to meet and pick up on my way to work for my niece.

    Have a continued great family time and holiday as we end this year. Glenn and I will be leaving early Sunday morning to head to my father's to start the demolishion on his kitchen and the plumbing company starts the bathroom on the 2nd while he is there too for the new pipes and walk in shower. Kevin and I will be coming back on Tuesday to work and I will return on Thursday to be there for my dad and Glenn. I know many folks in Panama City will be glad to see 2018 over with.

    Take care,


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is the anniversary of my mom's passing. I know she's with me as well as my dad. I feel their presence all around me especially during the holidays. O Come All Ye Faithful was my mom's favorite Christmas hymn, so when I play it at church, I can feel her hands playing through me. I can play it especially well, and I know I'm playing it through her. She was a good pianist and fantastic church organist.

    I'm taking down the tree today and will work on outside lights tomorrow. Dan and Annie gave us a family "crest" of the Chiado and Evans family. I love it as it has pictures of our family's favorite things and how we are a family.

    I need to get going and start taking down the tree and then attend a church members memorial service. Have a great day, everyone!


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    P.S. The center that blends our family together is bacon! :D
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop before I go to work. Short visit with Mom and she shared some of her Kringle with me. My sis ordered it from a bakery in Racine, WI where it was invented. It was a blast from my childhood.

    Leaving early in the am for the cabin and don't know when I will be back here. Really looking forward to some time with family and river friends this weekend and then some down time on Monday and Tuesday. Hoping to have time to formulate my Choice Plan for 2019. I know together we can do this. We all seem to be ready for it.

    Bert, the joint family crest is a true treasure. love that bacon is the tie that binds.

    Thinking of you all.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Ah, bacon - the candy bar of meats! Bert, what a thoughtful gift - love it.

    Karla, wishing you safe travels to help your dad and Kerry.

    Diane, sending you peace and strength daily. It's one of the hardest things to walk through, but let family and friends help support you. I bet Elise was adorable on Christmas too - that little blessing will help you all. How's you sister's recovery going?

    Cindy, picturing you with the dogs and girls around you makes me smile.

    Patti, hope your mom is doing well - I know you'll have a blast today.

    Trying to get dumb stuff done here - will leave the tree up for a bit yet because I really enjoy it.

    My eating hasn't been the bet but portion control has been decent. As of January 2, I will be making as concerted an error as I can, along with you.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I hope everyone is doing well. Dan, Annie, and the kids are leaving for Florida today to spend the week with Annie's Aunt, Uncle, and cousins. They will have a great time. Today will be a day straighting up the house and cleaning. Not much else is going on. I'll probably do some more research on Ancestry. com. I renewed my membership for another 6 months to give myself time to collect information and print it for a scrapbook. If I can't make any more headway, I'll cancel.

    I received copies of my students' evaluations of me. They were all great except for the one student I had difficulties with. Not much of a shock there.

    Have a great day, everyone! Concentrating on WW points and low carb today.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. Will try to get this finished before my Elise arrives to spend the day with me. I am slowly reining in the eating. My weight had gone up over five pounds over the last few weeks, but today it was down about 1.5 of that. Hopefully the rest of it is still some bloat from too many rich foods and will come off in the next few days if I buckle down and watch it. It helps that all the leftovers are gone, all the Christmas candy is gone, and almost all the cookies are gone!

    Bert I loved that family crest! What a cute idea. I would discount the evaluation by the disgruntled student, and I bet the college will also discount it.

    Janet, such a cute picture of the family! But you are still hiding. It took me a while to find you.

    Patti, you are at the cabin by now, laughing and talking with your friends. Have a great weekend. You deserve it.

    Karla, have a great family weekend too! Good luck as you start your work on your dad's house. Demolition is hard work! Are you doing that part yourselves?

    Cindy, I'm sure you are busy and having a terrific time with Meg.

    I've taken down most of the Christmas decor except for the tree. Usually I leave it all up longer but this year the feeling just isn't there. I will probably tackle the tree on Monday.
