OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning dear friends. Good to stop in and read up on how we are all hanging in there and the plans we are making. It is encouraging to each other to know others are trying and ideas they are coming up with. We all have been together for quite some time now.

    Bert - The pictures of your Christmas tree and home were so beautiful. That was very immature of the student that was with issues to give a discounted evaulation of you, and of course that will be evident to all, especially in comparison to the others. You know you are an excellent mentor for any upcoming teacher to experience! Have you thought of doing a photo journal of your family history? Glenn's youngest brother gave the siblings a booklet he made of all the old family photo's of their Nebraska and Mississippi relatives that go wayyy back. It was so excellent and a treasure to have. It had Glenn's great-great grandparents in there and all the way forward. He had it made it to a binder.

    Diane - Glenn, my brother Kevin and Pete, a guy that does work for my other brother Keith, plus my nephew Bryan, will be doing the work at my father's house. I don't partidipate much, mostly just the gopher! lol My dad and brother that live there have cleared out the bottom cabinets he told he yesterday. I do have to box up the upper cabinets when I get there. I am bringing back my mother's rose china to have in my new kitchen outside.

    Speaking of my new kitchen, we have finalized the cabinets and countertops. Well, Glenn is running to meet with him this morning on one leg of the countertop where the breakfast nook area is next to the fridge, but all else has been picked out and they will start the end of next week building them. We went with a stained color named Provencial on Rosewood. A light honey colored stain, with a high quality type of formica they have now, called Butterum Granite wih etchings finish. I believe it's all going to look very nice for a small kitchen. Glenn is going to meet with him about one area of the cabinet leg where the breakfast bar comes down. We are putting drawers down the leg instead of just a leg there for storage. Glenn really had some good design ideas. George, the company owner, designed the rest and wow did he come up with a nice setup, especially the built in around the microwave. There witll also be three upper cabinets with glass doors for a flare. Excited!!

    We have another big Football day in Glenn's Man Mansion. It's the Clemson game first and then the Alabama game. We have friends coming over as well as my two brothers, the one that lives here in town and my brother Keith is coming from Panama City too. Nice! I love family time. My nephew Jake, did make it in town last evening also. I have him a new Alabama Crimson Tide throw made that came out awesome!

    I just had an eggwhite omelet and am trying to rein in the eating. Like Diane, the Christmas food, cookies and candies are slowly exiting the house. I've had heartburn over the holidays and I usually don't experience this!!

    I like our "CHOOSE" and "CHOICE" attitude for the new year also.

    Have a great day,


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Christmas is over at our house. Decorations are taken down and in storage containers waiting until next year. Today I'm making the choice to eat foods with low or no carbs. Breakfast is a Premier Chocolate Shake (5 carbs). I'm heading to church this morning. It's only one service which I wish we would have all the time.

    I'm going to research our families today on Ancestry.

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, good luck with Ancestry. My best friend's dad was into genealogy and was fascinated at what he found - hope you unearth a few nuggets (like being a royal or something).

    All is well here. Heading to Costco to return something, then grab a few salad ingredients, then home to watch football and such. Hoping to eat moderately today because there will no doubt be something indulgent here for New Year's Eve.

    Hugs to everyone!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI All-
    Time spent with my girls was wonderful but I am now dealing with a nasty cold which is moving to my chest. I will email the information out and I need to get to the store to get supplies but at the moment I'm just to tired to even think about going, Em brought me juice, meds and soup.
    So until I feel better I'm house bound- I even cancelled my nail appointment- never happens.
    I'm off tomorrow but back to work Wednesday - I wish I haven't spent the last few days sick- a waste of much needed writing time.
    I'm working on a new book- The Matchmaker and Mistletoe
    Still waiting to hear from Carina which is a very good thing for me- it should mean I made it through the first round of rejections... :)

    Karla- I hope your feeling better- the tree was lovely
    Diane- My heart goes out to you- but you have your wonderful family to lean on- sending you strength and hugs
    Janet- you shouldn't have hid in the pic- you're BEAUTIFUL!!!! Let your light shine dear friend
    Bert- thank you for sharing your family pictures- your home looked festive and fun
    Patti- I agree its time we focus on US- have fun at the cabin.

    I'm off to get something to drink-
    Happy New Year to all and here's to a healthy new one for us all.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    I sent the email but Bert I didn't have your's- if you let me know I'll send it over to you as well.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Cindy, it’s
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    hi bert
    I think Patti sent it to you...
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Yes, she did. Thanks.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! Happy New Year! This is the year of choice for me! Mike and I are going out for breakfast. We always do that on New Years. I'm choosing an egg white omelette with cheese and mushrooms. That's WW friendly as well as low carb. I choose to be more focused with healthy eating in 2019. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited January 2019
    Happy new year everyone. I love that we are embracing choice and choose as our mantra for 2019. It just seems like a positive way to start our journey to become our best selves. With that being said I choose to start my new eating plan tomorrow, lol. My kitchen is bare at home and I have leftover chicken fettuccine Alfredo that needs eaten today. It is just too good to throw out.

    We have had the best weekend with family and friends. So much laughter and love. My face hurts from smiling and my sides ache from laughing. Today we are going home, want to be in town in time to go to the Eagles to watch the Rose bowl. Tomorrow I will spend time with mom before I go to work.

    Have read all but my iPad is not trust worthy, especially with the spotty internet service so need to sign off before it eats my post.
    Back with a vengeance and good choices tomorrow. Looking forward to sharing this year with all of you.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy 2019 to you and yours! Patti, same here - tomorrow starts my new resolve.

    But let's give ourselves credit too. A friend posted this and it seemed share-worthy:
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey ladies. I feel like Diane incarnated since we are doing a similar remodel on now my father’s kitchen. 94ebxeim3dkf.jpeg
    n cabinets
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Glenn and a family friend and my brother Kevin, did the demo yesterday, and today my nephew Bryan and great nieces came and we washed down the remaining walls and went for supplies.

    I decided to stay as my father is all in a tizzy with all this. We brought all the walk in showers pieces and new commode and the plumbing company starts the new bathroom tomorrow. So both rooms going. He said I am sure glad you are staying. I don’t do much, I’m mainly the gopher, I run for everything and get the lunch. But hey, this is important.

    I’m waiting on returning home before I can fully devote myself to our choose and choice mantra theme, though I am reigning myself in.

    Happy New Year.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Glenn and Pete
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike and I are watching Jillian and Cole today. Carrie returns to work and Greg has basketball practice and coach's meetings today. I also meet with my student teacher this afternoon. It will be a great day.

    Eating was good yesterday. Mike and I went out for New Years Breakfast. This is one of our traditions. Only the "older folks" were out when we went. :D Then in the afternoon I made Fat Head Pizza dough and made garlic "bread". It was very good and even Mike liked it. The dough consists of almond flour, mozzarella cheese, cream cheese, and egg; low carb.

    Karla: Your guys are working very hard. I was a "gopher" when I had the bathroom remodeled. I'm sure your dad is happy you're there too.

    Patti: My choice today is keeping my calories down. I'm not sure what I'll make for dinner this evening, but I'm hoping it will be low calorie and lower carbs.

    Janet: We are definitely fighters and deserve to celebrate that. My choice is to fight for weight loss and keep my heart healthy.

    Waving hi to Diane and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, back to reality today. Part of that was facing the scale this morning. Total surprise I have not gained at all over the holidays. Haven't lost either but I am taking this victory.

    Karla, those boys have their work cut out for them. We are going to be totally gutting and redoing our upstairs bath very soon. It will be a hard job and a big mess but I will be in it as much as Edd. Hoping it doesn't take too long.

    Janet, thanks for sharing that poster. I printed it and will hang it near my computer. It is just the motivation I need right now.

    Cindy, so sorry you were so ill and praying you are on the mend. If you can't write I know it was bad.

    Bert, loving your choices. I am going to really reign in the carbs and focus on unprocessed foods.

    Diane, my heart is with you. Are you going back to meetings yet? Do share what you learn when you do.

    Better post before it goes poof
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning! Karla, I feel for your dad - that kind of disruption and change is rough on anyone, but especially someone older whose home has been so compromised by the storm. Good thing there are several young, strong men to do some of the difficult work. And it has to make them way hungry, so your contributions are really valuable too.

    Patti, brava on holding steady over the holidays - quite an accomplishment.

    Never got out of pjs yesterday. Sometimes the day after I take my newest RA med I have a blah day, and yesterday sure was that. Didn’t have any New Year’s Eve beverages, so that had to be it.

    So far today I have exercised my “No!” muscle, but my mind want to play the “Aw, come one - one more day” trick. I just need to be mindful as much of the time as I can. We can do this.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all. I’m already feeling the depression seeping in from all the destruction around here. So hard to see my old childhood neighborhood so destroyed. My father is very distraught with all the work going on but he refused to rent a trailer or come stay with me. My deaf brother Kerry is out of it too. I wish I had just made my father get a camper for a couple weeks.

    I baked a pork tenderloin and brought sandwiches over from Keith’s house. He has internet and I was doing office work while there. Bad time for me to be away.

    Bert- Good start.

    Patti- Congrats on no gain but not surprising to me as much as you are on the go.

    Janet - What joyful surprise did James have for you for Christmas? Did he like your thoughtful gifts? I’m sure you both know each other so well now. Good practice on your no button.

    The Mr Rooter company is also here working on the drains and replacing all the pipes. Afterwards the walk in shower. Can’t wait to see it all. Going to be a big cleanup after all this. I will have to come back on weekends for awhile to help him get it all set back up in the kitchen. The cabinets are unfinished and Pete, the helper, is going to stain the cabinets and do the floors. I’m trying to convince my dad to move up with me and us bring my brother and let him have his own place in my back yard also. Jeez, what a compound! Even my brother Kevin wants to build him a small house on the other side of my fence line. Lol.

    I better go.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's finally going to be a sunny day today. Hallelujah! I'm having lunch with my two BFF's. Jillian, Cole, and I went to the Children's Museum yesterday and they had a good time. I took them to lunch. I ended up choosing Subway as they were arguing where they wanted to go. They then argued in line what they wanted to get. There was a policeman in front of us and was smiling while I was trying to order. Then while we were eating, he came up to our table and then told them to mind their grandma for the rest of the day. You should have seen the looks on their faces! It was so funny! He then smiled at them and they laughed.

    I met with my student teacher yesterday. I've had her before, and she's a great student. I'm looking forward to working with her.

    Karla: Good luck with the rennovations. It is a stresser to live in the house while the construction is going on.

    Patti: Congratulations on not gaining over the holiday. I'm focusing on unprocessed foods too.

    Janet: Sorry about the new RA meds making you feel blah. I love days where I stay in my pj's all day.

    Waving hi to Diane and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, enjoy your sunshine, we are only going to get a few peeks of it today. Love that the policeman got the kids'attention. Would have loved to see their faces. How nice to have a student you know you will enjoy.

    This is the slow season at the store so I will be working fewer hours. I want to take advantage of this and be more productive. We are going to redo our upstairs bath and I want to work on the upholstery for my boat. But for today I will be taking down the decorations. The house always seems so bare after that. Mom has been battling a cold but I think she is on the mend. Her eyes don't seem to be improving. I keep hoping it is the cold that is increasing fluid and pressure in her eye. We go for another shot in 2 weeks.

    Wishing you all a little sunshine today