OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and Happy New Year 2019! Jeez, the years are really flying by.

    We are making headway on the kitchen and today the Mr Rooter people tear out the cast iron tub and install the beautiful shower we brought. Keith and I went and purchased the stain and polyurethane and paint for the kitchen. Glenn feels like he is a day behind though. The plumbers held him up on one wall being closed up. We are going with a Provencial stain color, the same as my new cabinets in the pool house, and a sky blue color for the walls. We have a speckled black, grey and tan prefabbed countertops already bought. I can’t wait to see both rooms done. I’m coming back next weekend to clean and reload the kitchen. I bought the cabinet liners yesterday I want to cut and place in.

    Bert- You are starting the year off with family and students. I plan on picking up Subway for Glenn and Pete today. Too funny about the policeman.

    Patti- Will you throw the tub out the window again and put in a walk in shower this time? They really have some beautiful selections. I love the clear glass doors on them.

    It is very clear my father and brother do not need to be living alone much longer. This renovation has also thrown them for a loop. Anything out of their routine is very difficult on them. Kerry continues to refuse going to any doctor and you can tell he is in pain from arthritis. He has medical insurance through his disability and this year he will be 65. Breaks my heart for both of them.

    I’m waiting for the computer company to get in to call me as I can’t get signed into the office computer. I’ve been working from here on a limited basis, but this morning I am getting an error message. Ugghh

    Cindy - I hope the new year brings a new life of peace to you. How did Meg say she felt about her new position with your company? I’m so proud of her, as I know you are.

    Janet - Happy New Year!

    Diane- I know this is a difficult time as you disperse your mother’s belongings and let go of her last place. I dread when my dad does agree to move over with me and I have to go through his large home.

    I plan on this being my last year of employment and have advised the office of such. I will be 61 later this month, so next January I will be able to draw SS, and therefore that is my benchmark for stopping work. Sounds wonderful to me. I know I only work 25 hours a week but seems it is so much of my time. Lol.

    Have a wonderful day.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    The ceiling was completed yesterday and floated.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is lunch with a friend who recently lost her husband to a massive heart attack. He had had heart trouble for years. This afternoon, I'll head over to Greg and Carrie's to watch the kids until she comes home from school. Greg has an away ball game and will need to leave by 2.

    Eating has been going well. I end up making two different meals for dinner, but I'm used to that when I was seriously following WW. I need my own foods if I want to be successful. Mike only wants beef and/or something fried. He doesn't have trouble with his weight at all which is frustrating. However, it is what it is. I choose to be focused.

    Dan sent pictures from Florida. Dan, Annie, Dylan, and Penny spend the week after Christmas with Annie's Aunt, Uncle, and cousins. This year it is in Florida because Annie's cousin is having a 40th birthday party there. Penny is beginning to swim without floaties! Annie's family took a side trip to Everglades National Park, and Dylan saw his first alligator in the wild! What an expression on his face! I think I would have the same one if it was close to me!

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    This week has been so weird. I have felt off on my days and am surprised it is Friday today! I got all the Christmas decorations down and most of them are back in their tubs. I now have the arduous task of putting all the collectibles back on the shelves. Luckily I have pictures of where everything goes or it would take a lot longer. Didn't get to my sewing because my back was aching from lugging all the totes up and down th basement steps. I did several loads of laundry, so lots of stair climbing. Pam got a new iWatch for Christmas and gave me the fitness tracker she had just bought for herself. It is not a name brand but seems to work great. It is slim and fits my wrist so much better than the Fitbit did. She gave me 2 extra bands for it too. It holds a charge for over a week and is easy to charge. No extra cords, you just remove one side of the band and plug it into any USB port. It does everything I need and it was only $30. I did pretty well on food but succumbed to some cheese and crackers that I did not need. Today I will make better choices. We will have a big salad with chicken for dinner and I will have a turkey on sugar free whole wheat for lunch. I need to come up with a meal plan and shop. I have plenty of meat in the freezer, just need the fresh stuff.

    Karla, I know it is hard to leave your dad and Kerry knowing they shouldn't be alone any more. I fight this battle every day with Mom but at least she is less than 2 miles away and I can get to her in a flash. I know that moving her now is overwhelming to her and I will not force her as long as I feel she is as safe as she can be. I do wish she would have moved to independent living.
    Our bathroom remodel will be replacing the tile and wallboards in the shower, repainting and regrouting floor tile. We are keeping the tub. A walk in will not fit. Our house is a story and a half and did not have plumbing when built in 1920. The roof eaves cut into every upstairs room and the bathroom doesn't have enough space around the eaves for a walk in. So the old tub stays and we work around it. The wall is crumbling behind the tiles on the outside side wall or we wouldn't be redoing it.

    Waving hi to all

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Getting ready to paint and hang and install the cabinets.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all.

    I've been busy, but what else is new. We spent January 1 and 2 in the woods - went hiking then spent the night overnight at a cabin and hiked some more the next day with friends. Then today John helped Brad with his kitchen - they are finally getting new countertops, so had to take the old ones off so the people could measure, then did some last minute final touches, and put the old countertops back on until the new ones are finished. I had my eye checkup and then went to mom's apartment. I've spent the afternoon and evening cataloging her stuff into a spreadsheet with pictures for people to say what they want. I also sold her electric wheelchair and advertised her recliner.

    I have recommitted myself to WW. I weighed in yesterday and it wasn't pretty - I've gone up five pounds since before Thanksgiving. I've been doing okay on my food for the last two days except for a few snacks today. I'm trying to be really dedicated about tracking, because that keeps me straight.

    I made a great soup from the WW site. I'll download and post the recipe. I don't know how many calories or carbs but it is about 5 PP per serving, and VERY filling!
    Italian Spinach and Tortellini Soup

    0:10 minutes Preparation Time

    0:15 minutes Cook Time

    Serves 6 people

    Difficulty Level: Easy

    olive oil 2tsp

    uncooked onion(s)
    1medium, chopped

    uncooked zucchini
    2medium, halved lengthwise and thinly sliced

    garlic clove(s)
    3medium clove(s), minced

    Italian seasoning
    1 1⁄2tsp

    table salt

    black pepper
    1⁄4tsp, freshly ground

    red pepper flakes

    canned diced tomatoes
    14 1⁄2oz (1 can)


    store-bought refrigerated cheese filled tortellini
    9oz (1 package) refrigerated

    fresh baby spinach
    4cup(s), loosely packed or chopped fresh spinach

    1⁄4cup(s), chopped

    grated Pecorino Romano cheese

    fat free chicken broth

    Heat oil in Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until onion begins to soften, about 3 minutes. Add zucchini and cook, stirring occasionally, until zucchini is crisp-tender, about 3 minutes. Add garlic, Italian seasoning, salt, black pepper, and red pepper flakes and cook, stirring constantly, until fragrant, 30 seconds.
    Stir in broth, tomatoes, and water. Cover and bring to boil. Stir in tortellini and cook according to timing on package. Stir in spinach and cook until wilted, about 1 minute.
    Ladle soup evenly into 6 bowls and sprinkle evenly with basil and pecorino.
    Serving size: about 1 3/4 cups soup and 1/2 tablespoon cheese
    Serving size: about 1¾ cups soup and ½ tablespoon cheese
    Serve the soup with a slice of crusty French bread (a 1-ounce piece will increase the per-serving SmartPoints by 2).
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti, I simply can't seem to keep track of days either. I've been off kilter for about three weeks. Your bathroom remodel will be what you need it to be. Have you selected the tile yet? There are some really pretty ones out there.

    Karla, yes that all looks very familiar. And a gofer is a very needed person! We kept sending someone to the hardware store, a couple times a day, it seemed. That let the skilled workers keep working. Hope the cabinets get installed smoothly.

    Bert, I would definitely lose my mojo if I were cooking two dinners! Is there anything Mike will eat that you can eat? What about chicken dishes or fish?

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet, a PJ day every once in a while is a wonderful treat. How is that no muscle working?

    Cindy, sorry you were sick over your break!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is going to be sunny and in the high 40's. I'm taking a walk in the neighborhood if my feet will cooperate. My plantar facitis has flared up again as well as my knees, but I'm not letting that stop me. This afternoon we are going to Greg's JV girls BB game.

    Diane: I'm determined to make good choices for meals. If I have to make two meals, I do. Mike is a beef eater. He'll sometimes eat chicken, but usually turns up his nose if it's baked. I made him pork tenderloins last night and I baked chicken tenderloins. I do get tired of making two dinners, but when I eat what he eats, that's when I lose my focus. So, it is what it is. I did make Keto garlic bread sticks the other night, and he really liked them. I was shocked! Tonight will probably be chili that I had made and froze, so I'll eat that. It's made with lean ground beef. I'll just have to limit my cracker intake. I wish I could find no carb crackers! :D

    Patti: I have a Garmin fit bit. I only use it to see how many steps I get in a day. I know it has other functions, but I don't use it. My old Garmin's battery lasted over 2 years. I didn't by another battery for it as part of the device broke away from the band when I interchanged the band colors.

    Waving hi to Karla, Cindy, and Janet. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Another full day beginning on my father’s home.

    Bert- Although it hurt like the dickens, the injection of steroids I had in my right foot fully took my pain away. Do your ankles ever hurt too? I admire your drive. I am lucky Glenn eats whatever I do. I just up his portion and add instant mashed potatoes sometimes and rolls. My husband is a big man. 6’2” and 235.

    Diane- I’m hoping all goes smooth for them also. The plumbers are supposed to finish also. I thought I posted the before and after pictures yesterday of where we stood. We have the same LED long light fixture I just updated in my house. Can’t wait to see it all.

    My father did tell me to go buy me some clothes or whatever I wanted.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all. Yesterday was not as productive as I had planned. Got one long shelf loaded with Edd's elephants the. Got called to Mom's because her cable went out. Spent over an hour there getting it back up and running. AT&T had to do a remote software upgrade on her modem. Then my gf called and wanted us to join her for dinner. She is pretty lonely with her husband in the nursing home and I think she just needed to see us. My other gf and her husband joined us. They chose Osaka, a hibachi grill. It was tasty and entertaining and not too bad calorie wise. So I did not get my sewing done. I only work 3 hours today so will be able to sew before I go and hopefully finish the shelves when I get home. I don't work again until Wednesday so no real rush other than I just want it all back together. I only have 45 feet of shelving to finish, lol

    Diane, I think I may have to rejoin WW. I don't seem to do well without the structure and I definitely need a plan to follow that is flexible and not overly restrictive. I am going to check the website and see when and where the meetings are. I need to make a connection with the leader or I don't do well some reason. Thanks for sharing the recipe, wish I liked cooked spinach, lol. I love it raw though.

    Karla, every room in my house has looked like your pictures at one time. It is a dirty and back breaking job and I am glad we did it when we were young. The only time we called for extra help was putting up the ceiling drywall as our walls are 10ft and putting in the upstairs bath. Edd and I did everything else ourselves. I am sure you will find a pretty outfit from your Dad, how sweet of him to think of it.

    Bert, do be careful with the fasciitis as over use will make it worse. I worry about steroid injections as they do not heal, only mask the pain. Plus with your blood sugar issues steroids should always be used with caution. Have you talked to a sports medicine Dr or therapist about using the K tape? I have heard it can do wonders if applied correctly. I think I told this before, but a PT told me once the best thing for it is to wear supportive shoes 24/7. The best I could do was not go barefoot or wear flip flops for about 6 months and only took my shoes off at night. It did make a huge difference.

    Cindy, I hope you are enjoying this weekend crud free and writing.

    Janet, any concerts coming up for you soon? I wish I had a concert buddy here in town, we have two awesome venues, the Shuster and The Victorial Theater. For now I live vicariously thru you.

    Off to be productive and make today a day of great choices.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti if you decide to
    Rejoin WW let me know. I can send you a referral link that gets both of us a free month.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- the shots are better than suffering the excruciating pain. I wear inserts andvsupportive shoes. I don’t have diabetes to worry about, but it was a podiatrist that recommended it. I suffered for almost a year before I succumb to it.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early this morning as I fell asleep early last night. We went to Greg's game yesterday. They played well and he coached them well, too. He got on them early in the game and told them they were asleep and needed to get it together. (you could hear him! :D ) After that, they played well. Mike and I watched the Colts game last night, and now they are headed to Kansas City. The Bears play this afternoon, so it's a go Bears day!

    Eating was pretty good yesterday. I logged it all in. I'm also watching cholesterol and I'm doing well with that according to MFP. We ate Chinese last night, so I'll need to drink more water today. :)

    Patti: I also do better when I wear shoes all day. I walked in the neighborhood yesterday and was afraid I would make it worse. Mike and I went to Academy of Sports yesterday. He wanted to get bag gloves for his gym and I found a roller massager. I used it last night and it seemed to help a little. I do have exercises that my foot doctor gave me, so I'm going to start that up again. I purchased some slippers that have memory foam in them as well. I have stayed with WW online for a year. I need to be more focused. I also do better having a structure to log in points and acutally see what I'm eating. I also like the MFP food diary as it shows me the nutritional aspect of my food. We can do this!

    Karla: What kind of inserts/supportive shoes do you wear? I have inserts for my tennis shoes that were molded to my feet. I got them when I bougth my Brooks tennis shoes. I've been looking at Protalus inserts.

    Waving hi to Diane, Janet, and Cindy. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Welcome to this gorgeous Sunday. I did a lot of little chores before and after work. Still need to finish the shelves today. food choices were ones I am proud of. planning to repeat that today.

    Diane, thanks for the invite to join WW. I think it was just the push i needed. I spent yesterday finding every reason in the book to no rejoin. I am sure we all know what that list looks like. I am going to go to meetings Wednesdays at 10am. I am hoping the leader has improved since I last attended her meetings.

    now to add exercise. My trainer for trx won't be back until spring. I think I will go to beginners TRX on Monday nites and try a new class, core strength and bands, tuesday and Thursday nites. I also plan to start going to the Friday morning No Barre class, it has replaced the Pilates I loved. So it looks like an all new line up to start my new year, new me.

    Bert, those foot rollers are really good for the fascitis. Those Protalus inserts look like a good thing to try. Wish there was something that would work for my feet but they just don't make anything for flat feet. The Kurus have decreased the amount of time my feet hurt in the morning, for that I am grateful.

    waving hi to all
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Sitting down to lunch after church and house cleaning this morning. I don't yet know what the afternoon will bring.

    My sister and I spent yesterday working on mom's kitchen. Even for a small apartment, she had so much stuff! I want to start working on clearing out our stuff, because I don't want to face this kind of thing or make anyone else face it. At the same time, I want to keep some things that bring memories. This was the first time my sister had been there since right after mom died, so it was emotional for her. I guess I am kind of over the emotion of facing her things in her apartment, at least.

    Patti, I am with you on needing a boot in the behind. I am so happy that I found a leader who I can connect with. AND she has three or four meeting times a week that I can choose from. I lost 60 pounds before just doing online, but this time I need that weekly encouragement to get back on track. The Christmas weight seems to be starting to go away. And I am tracking everything, which seems to be key for me though I hate having to do it.

    Bert, I applaud you for tracking in both WW and MFP. I'm sure I might make better choices if I were tracking my nutrition too, but I so hate doing it that there is no way I am doing it twice! My sister in WI suffers from terrible Plantar Faciitis too. Since her flood, she has been wearing shoes all the time (since the floor inside was such a disaster) and she said it has made a huge difference. My podiatrist gave me a list of which shoes to wear, and had me go to a running store to get fitted. He even sells (at a very reasonable cost) flip flops that are supportive. He said the WORST thing for PF is soft, cushy shoes. You really want firm support.

    Cindy, I saw your blog on Jasper. What a miracle pup indeed! So glad he continues to improve. I know you said before you were waiting until the holidays were over to think through some big changes. Feel free to use us as a sounding board.

    Karla, how is the kitchen coming? Was yesterday cabinet day? The before and after pictures look so familiar - was that plaster and lath I spied in one of the shots? What a mess to take down that can be!

    Janet, what plans do you have for the week ahead? Can you believe how busy we all seem to be, even when no longer working?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: I might order the Protalus inserts. I have inserts that were made for me at the running store when I bought my Brooks tennis shoes. However I’d like to have inserts for my other shoes. The roller did help a little. I just finished walking in the neighborhood as the weather is beautiful, so I’ll probably use the roller again. Thanks for the Christmas card. It’s very pretty.

    Diane: Would you share the brands that your podiatrist recommends? Also the flip flops? I didn’t wear them last summer except when I took Molly out. I wear Schechers in the spring and summer.

    My walk was great! I walked 37 minutes at a really good pace.

    Tonight’s dinner is Fat Head pizza dough with basil pesto, turkey sausage, turkey pepperoni, and provolone cheese. Very low carb.

    Dan, Annie, Dylan, and Penny will be landing in Chicago pretty soon. They visited Annie’s family in Florida this past week.

    Have a great evening everyone.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All,
    I am still dealing with the bronchitis and slowly getting better. I worked Wed-Friday and yesterday after doing son house cleaning did nothing else.
    Just taking a break from the new book I'm writing- I've committed to 1800 words per day do I need to write Sat and today's to stay on track.
    Meg really enjoyed her job and found an apartment in Galloway - just 20 minutes from the office. I'll be in Columbus for a quick biz trip next week-
    Everyone sounds like their committing to new projects and new food ideas. I followed the new plan for the first three days- wow I was hungry despite eating every couple of hours. The weekend I've allowed myself Chinese for dinner last night but today eating clean again-
    Just not as often.
    Enjoying the peace at home as Rick is out and about today. I'm pushing him hard to go to the dr-
    Patti- I owe you a connection with Brad in Ohio, I'll work on that this week.
    Karla- the kitchen is looking good
    Diane- I agree that cleaning out our homes is a kind thing to do - just in case.
    Bert- A walk in the neighborhood sounds nice
    Janet- how are things?
    Need to get back to the book.
    Have a great day.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    So glad to be back home. It was an exhausting week and both Glenn and I are back to work tomorrow. I know my dad really appreciates what we did for him but he really doesn’t show it and does not utter the words “thank you”. Kay, my neighbor that has been letting my dogs out and I were just talking, she said her mother was the same way. Never thanked her for anything. Just their era, or way. My mother wasn’t like this.

    Cindy- So glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better. Sounds like status quo with Rick. It appears to me he is hiding or delaying the prognosis of his new normal.

    Tomorrow I am joining you all on our 2019 choice and choose mantra/ theme. I am choosing to track on MFP and do the low carb and medium protein this time. I’m not going to go crazy with it. I thought about the Keto plan, but just don’t have time to learn it more deeply.

    I will weigh in the morning and document that and take my measurements. My body always reacts quickly to clean eating. My feet are in good shape, so I want to start tomorrow with 30 minutes on the treadmill also.

    Do we want to start stating weekly goals?

    OMG: track daily and 30 minutes daily on treadmill.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Well, the Bears are out of the was a nailbiting game! :'( At least the Colts are still in it.....I guess I'll cheer for them. I really only watch football if the Bears are playing. I'm pretty sure the field goal kicker will be looking for a new job! Tonight we are taking down the church Christmas decorations. It always looks beautiful in the church during advent.....

    Today, my choice is going to the gym for some cardio and strength training. I'm also going low carb today. I've already tracked on MFP; Jimmy Dean sausage crumbles, one egg, and Premier low carb shake. My cholesterol alotment on MFP is nearly used up; however, carbs look great. So I'll have a salad for lunch and will prep veggies this morning. I'll also track on WW which will be a 4 point breakfast.

    This week's goal is to stay within MFP calories and WW points.

    Have a great day, everyone!
