OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, hoping to get this post to stick. My iPad keeps shutting down, usually at the end of a long post. I have a busy week ahead as I am sure all of you do too. Mom's cable went out on Friday. The box needs replaced and should arrive today. I took an antenna over on Saturday so she can get local stations until the new box arrives. She did very well with her shot and praying that in a few weeks we will see her being able to read again. The Dr said it looked significantly better in her eye and she was able to read down to line 4 on the eye chart. 6 weeks ago she saw nothing! My friends husband was diagnosed with lymphoma and a rare form of leukemia. Chemo started Saturday. Since his kidney function is already compromised they are giving him his dosage over 3 days. He may need to have dialysis during treatment only. He should be released this week. Planning a rehab/skilled nursing facility for a while as he is super weak and my gf is not physically able to care for him. I am going to Columbus with her tomorrow. Have not seen her since this started and we both need some hugs! I am going to the grocery shortly and then to Mom's. She wants to make a meatloaf so I will get the fixings to make one for each of us and we will cook them today. She LOVES her new gowns. She is going to be totally surprised when she gets 2 more. My sis is home from the hospital and is super tired but doing well. Her husband has vowed that he will forbid her smoking again. I made some totally cute fleece beanie hats with ponytail holes and fleece scarves with pockets. Will make some more tonight. The hats take about 20 minutes to make and the scarves about 30.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, so excited for you as Meg returns for the holidays. How cool that she got the new job with your company. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Bert, what a wonderful surprise. Mike is certainly a sweet guy. So sorry about your dear friend. She certainly fought hard. I know she will be dearly missed. Congrats on another successful cantata!

    Diane, how was your Mom? I am sure you are in a whirlwind getting ready for the holidays, your sisters surgery and seeing to your mom. Big hugs and I hope you carve out a few quiet moments for yourself. I know too well that they are precious and few but needed.

    Janet, when will you go north for the holidays? I bet you are fairly vibrating to see the littles. Did you get your decorating done? Kiss the kitties for me and Frankie sends a loving tail wag in their direction.

    Karla, I am sure your party and Izzy's birthday party were huge successes. Bet you are worn out.

    As we get closer to the holiday remember the reason for the season. Be as kind to yourself as you are to others. Take time to breathe and reflect. And never forget you are loved.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm having lunch with my BFF today. She has had a stressful 2 years; has been married for over 60 years and is getting a divorce! I'm so mad at the situation she has been put in. Things should be finalized for her by the end of the year. She will be moving to live closer to her daughter. It breaks my heart to see her leave; however, I understand. I'll just have to make sure we see each other often.

    I finally think my Direct TV is fixed. A different technician came and actually hardwired the receiver to the modem. I asked him why they didn't do that in the first place two years ago when they first installed it. He smiled. I think it's because some guys don't like to go under the house. He had it hard wired in about 20 min. He said if there's any more problems with internet connection, it will be the modem and not the Direct TV receiver. He also said I might have to manually update the receiver as it hadn't been updating either. At least it works after 6-8 months of complaining! Merry Christmas!

    Patti: So happy that your mom's eye is getting better. So sorry to hear about your friend's husband. I hope the chemo will help him. Your closing comments are awesome! We definitely need to remember the reason for the season. I'm definitely taking time to breathe and reflect.

    My choir director texted and asked if I was singing Jesu Bambino again this year for Christmas Eve service. I laughed and said, "If I want to stay married, the answer is yes!". Mike requested that many years ago, and the tradition continues. Many church members say "Now it's Christmas" after I have sung which is a huge compliment to me. I have to admit, that our organist has lowered the key over the years, as the older I get, the lower my voice is! :D

    Dylan told Annie last night that he needed a Thomas Jefferson costume for school today. Apparently they are having some type of debate at school, and he's Thomas Jefferson. He knew about needing a costume 2 weeks ago! :p Kids! I'm going to call him tonight to see how the debate went.

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Home from finishing (I think and hope) Christmas shopping. Wrapping lies ahead, but not today. Just wanted to stop in and say hey - barely slept last night (no discernible reason) so forming sentences isn't my best thing right now. Hugs to all!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    My mom passed away this morning. Just wanted to let you all know. Not up to writing about it yet. Maybe tomorrow.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Diane: so sorry to hear about you my mom. My heart goes out to you. Prayers for you and your family
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Oh, Diane, I am so very sorry. Sending virtual hugs and prayers for peace. With you in spirit.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Oh Diane, so very sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers, hugs and more hugs.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is grocery shopping day and picking up a few odds and ends for our family Christmas on Sunday. I'm also going to make some cookie batter and freeze it as I'll make cookies on Friday/Saturday morning. Have a good day.


    P.S. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss, Diane.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, my heart, thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Sending hugs and strength.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Going to try this on my iPad, which frequently loses posts. I am waiting for Elise to wake up for our grandma day. I’ve been going over to their house in the morning on those days so she can sleep longer. I probably have a couple of hours before she wakes.

    I spent Friday afternoon and evening with my mom. That was the first time I saw her after our Wisconsin trip and she had a good day. We had dinner in the dining room with friends, I got the paperwork and filing up to date, and we had some good talks. Sunday after church I got a call from her caregiver that mom had a rough night, was not doing well, and the caregiver didn’t feel comfortable leaving her alone. (We had a caregiver in from 9-1 and 4-8, since mom’s insurance would cover about 9-10 hours a day.) My brother had been going over on sundays to watch the football game with her, but when I called him he was working from home and hadn’t planned to go. So I went. I watched the football games while mom mostly slept. She hadn’t eaten all day but ate the omelette and fruit I fixed for her. We watched “the sound of music” and she was awake and we chatted a bit through that. I decided I needed to spend the night, and she did call me to help her a couple of times. Mostly just to watch her in case she had problems. She had a major problem with breathing after one of her trips to the bathroom, and I sat with her for over 30 minutes until her O2 came back to normal. Monday I arranged for caregivers all day, but stupidly didn’t arrange for one overnight.

    Apparently overnight she called security twice because she was having trouble breathing. (She had an emergency button that called security in her complex.). Both times they recommended calling an ambulance, both times she refused, and also wouldn’t let them call one of us. (John actually spoke to one of the security guys who had come the second time.) then when her caregiver came in the morning, they found her in the bathroom. She had fallen, apparently hit her head on the tub, and couldn’t get up. I can only hope she knocked herself out and went very quickly, and wasn’t afraid or suffering.

    Not much more to be said. I feel horrible for not getting an overnight caregiver. I feel horrible for not spending the night again. I feel bad that we were gone for over two weeks, when I know how much she relied on me being around to help her. But I also knew this was coming, sooner than later. And I know I did almost everything I could to keep her happy and at home.

    Her celebration of life will be after the new year. Trying to salvage something of Christmas for all of us seems like the thing she would have wanted.

    Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts. I will probably be mostly silent for a while, but I will check in and read if not contribute.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is preparing for baking. I'll make my cookie doughs and then bake tomorrow so everything will be fresh. I also need to straighten up the house. I love having our kids and grandkids here. My joints are telling me it's going to rain, so I'll be inside most of the day. I'm going to visit a friend from church today. She's had breast cancer, and now it's in her brain. So sad.

    Diane: You must not blame yourself for not staying the night. Your mom sounds like my mom and also our friend who recently passed away. They wanted their own control of the situations. You had great days with your mom and a wonderful relationship. Our friend's last song played at her memorial service was "I Did It My Way" from Frank Sinatra. She definitely did things her way. It's sad that insurance dictates what kind of care people get. I'm sure the celebration of life will be nice, and I know your mom would want you to continue with Christmas plans. My mom passed away on Dec. 28, 1995, so this time of year is always emotional. I know that she loved Thanksgiving and Christmas. Continued prayer for you and your family.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great day!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning.

    Diane- I concur with Bert, do not blame yourself. I think people know when it is their time. She wanted to be alone in her thoughts. No, she didn’t mean to fall, but everything happens for a reason and she is safe and happy now. You spent some valuable time with her and she always knew you were a phone call away. Helping her other daughter with the kitchen probably meant a lot to her also. As mothers, we want our siblings to be close and look out for each other, especially once we are not around. Keep these warm thoughts in your heart. Continue with Christmas and hug that sweet Elise.

    Bert - I am so cooked out after my huge party I bought remade cut out sugar cookies to bake for Izzy and her bestie Bentley to decorate today. Lol. I’m also going to order a honey baked ham for Christmas and let the kids bring the sides and let Glenn make his loaded baked potato salad. How about that? Lol.

    I’m going to be sewing today as I have three throws to make. An Alabama throw for my nephew, a Mermaid one for Izzy and an Owl one for my friend that knitted my nieces scarf. So fun.

    I better run,

    Happy Season to you all.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, my heart is fuller now, knowing that you had some really good time with your mom in her last few days. I agree with Bert - we have to respect our parents' feelings about their living circumstances. There's only so much we can do, and your mom was where she wanted to be. You did nothing wrong, and there was nothing more you could've/should've done. My heart is with you, and your mom will smile upon you all as you celebrate Christmas. My maternal grandfather was buried on Christmas Eve, the year the astronauts orbited the moon and read the Christmas story from space. It makes things harder but also, in a way, adds a level of grace.

    Bert, good luck with the baking. IF I have time, which is unlikely, I'll bake James a small batch of cookies, but given that I have yet to start wrapping gifts for roughly 25 people, it will probably need to wait.

    Karla, the girls will have such fun decorating cookies - my nieces and I used to do that and it was just the best.

    Cindy, you must be counting the hours until Meg is getting a mom hug! I can see Jasper and Griff wiggling and wagging when they wee her too.

    Patti, your mom will be blown away by her collection of beautiful new nightgowns - with pockets! Pockets are good.

    Off to get hair cut & colored soon, will run a few errands, then get a manicure this afternoon. This evening I hope (again) to start wrapping. It'd be nice to have it mostly done at least a day early - would also be a first. My eating has been up and down but at least I'm thinking more and owning my bad choices. Rededication will happen very soon - am getting less shy about taking small portions and saying "No, thanks" to more than a bite of spuds or dessert. Baby steps, but we all know how to do this. We also live in the world at this time of year, so trying to balance stress and self-blame with enjoyment is a heightened struggle.

    Big hugs to everyone.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, everyone here is spot on with their advice. It will be difficult but focus on those wonderful moments you had with her, not just the recent ones but the lifetime ones. Nothing stops the pain but I am sure she would be upset if she knew you felt guilt. You honor her memory by carrying on with Christmas. Know that I am keeping you in my heart, thoughts and prayers.

    Cards finally done, no gifts wrapped and I still have sewing to do. Mom is all cabled up and happy. My. Friend's husband will be transferred to skilled facility tomorrow. She will be able to take the dogs to see him. That should help his spirits a bunch. Still have a few gifts to get. But they are easy. Need to get busy.
    Thinking of you all and wishing you peace and joy.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Diane, treasure the time you had with her in her final days- you made her happy and well loved. Sending you HUGE hugs, love and prayers.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello All,
    I went to the nutritionist today- she is based in the gyro office and had some great insight
    If anyone is interested I can forward my types notes- no pressure.
    Bottom line- 4 take aways- Eat clean, exercise 5x per week what I can do for me and portion control, nothing diet, not Fat Free salad dressing as they're loaded with sugar. She encouraged me to make my own.
    We have the plan that I'm starting after the holidays and I see her again in early February
    Had a difficult dentist appointment - but finally feeling better- it started out to be a basic crown but apparently it won't be as straight forward- surprised underneath the old filling, I was to foggy from the gas to completely comprehend.
    Meg starts her journey home tomorrow. Can't wait to see her.
    Another commitment I have to log in regularly here- so I'm coming back soon and regularly.
    I'll talk to you soon.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's raining this morning and is to be chilly this afternoon. This morning I'll straighten up the house and then bake cookies this afternoon. I'm also making broccoli cheese soup today as Carrie likes it, and it will give me left overs that I can freeze for future dinners.

    I looked for Chicago Bears socks for Dylan yesterday to put in one of his packages. None to be found here. It's too late to order as they will be here tomorrow, so I'll order them for his birthday in Feb. It was nice to see our mall and bookstore somewhat busy. We have lost 3 department stores in our mall. (it's a nice place to walk though in the winter)

    Cindy: I'm interested in what your nutritionist said. My cardiologist said to avoid keto diet as it is high in cholesterol. My cholesterol and triglycerides were up a little when I saw him. He said to follow WW. I'm combining both to help stay balanced.

    Patti: It will be good that your friend's husband will be in a skilled facility and that it's pet friendly. I know that Molly lifts my spirits as well as Brutus and Scamp did.

    Janet: Good luck with your wrapping. It's hard to say "no thanks" for me when offered goodies I like. I'm trying to focus on that.

    Waving hi to Karla and Diane. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning my sweet friends. I have been boo-hooing over a very sweet Christmas movie it watched on Amazon. It was wonderful. Lol. Starting another one now. I usually call glenn all choked up when I’ve been crying over watching a show and he just giggles his man giggle. Lol..

    Janet- Thank you for the Christmas card, so very sweet of you. I hope you have gotten to some of your wrapping. I have more to do today myself.

    Diane- My prayers are still ongoing for you. What toys have you gotten for Miss Elise?

    Cindy- I think a nutritionist is so important. The clinic I went to had one trained in weight loss and she was awesome. Put me on the list to email your note to please. One can never have too much info. Squeeze Meg a little tighter for me.

    Patti- How are things in your world? Quieting down I am hoping. Great news on the pet friendly facility. How you find time to sew I don’t know. The gowns are so lovely. I will be making an Alabama throw today, plus a Mermaid throw for Izzy tomorrow. Obviously I’m not working onsite this week, lol.

    Bert- I’m sure your home is lovely and your gathering will be fun. I know you like to play board games together, have you thought of getting the Famiky Feud? We played it at Thanksgiving and even Izzy came up with some great answers.

    Izzy has her bestie spent the night last evening and we will be decorating cookies when they get up so I better get up from here and bake the cookies so they have time to cool. Making memories!!

    Have a wonderful season.
