OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Drat - lost a post (again). Not much to report here. Decent eating yesterday - had a takeout poke bowl for dinner and it was both healthy and tasty. Rough start today but have fresh shrimp to cook for dinner.

    Looks like Sunday will be tree day - will probably put both trees up again this year.

    Patti, maybe your mom's vision will clear a bit more with an extra week and set her up for greater success. I can't imagine what it has been like for her to lose all vision in one eye and have the other so compromised, yet she remains of good cheer. My kind of lady!

    Diane, don't fret about what you've been eating - you've certainly worked it off on the house. Sorry about all the frustrations there, but I picture you all working hard and laughing often. I've never learned even one percent of the skills you have and I respect your many talents more than I can say.

    Karla, hope you are feeling better. We know how busy your holiday season is - make sure you're healthy enough to enjoy it, especially to see the holiday through the kids' eyes.

    Bert, hope your symptoms are behind you. Any word on the struggling student?

    Cindy, picturing your winter wonderland. Christmastime in New England is just so beautiful.

    OK, I started writing this about 11:30 and it's now 6:47. Been busy with dumb but necessary stuff. Guess I'd better post it and keep rocking!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I went to the doctor yesterday. He thinks it could have been a reaction to the pneumonia shot; however, after a blood test, it showed elevated numbers, so he prescribed an antibiotic as he now thinks it's a bacterial infection. I still don't have any energy and have a horrible headache that is wearing me out. I hope the antibiotics kick in soon.

    My student's supervisor met with my student and said they had a good meeting. She knows she's not getting an A; however, she has many assignments that are overdue. There is only so much I can do, she has to take responsibility.

    Not much else to report. Grandparents Day was fun, and the kids enjoyed us being there.

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to December!! Twelve days until my Izzy will be 7 years old.

    Well, we christened the Man Mansion last evening by playing our first game of billiards and sleeping in the bedroom! That tv is huge! We watched Blue Bloods and Tom Selleck was hugemongus, you know that cannot be bad, lol.

    I am off to drop Millie and Sophie off for their hairdos and with a list of sundries for our new little Home. Glenn did a beautiful job on it. The cabinet maker called me yesterday and is meeting with us next Wednesday for the kitchen.

    I went to Dr. Shell about my ankles yesterday. He put me on gabpentin. He was fine looking. He wants me to try this first before he explores neuropathy, which is what I suspect. Always something as we age.

    I am off for more shopping!

    Have a blessed day.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Sorry again for MIA- test results in. Cells were normal. I'll have to go back to the gyno in a few weeks and meet with a nutritionist who specializes in women health- so we shall see what happens but bottom line the weight needs to come off. I don't want to EVER go thru the test again.
    Diane it was worse than labor and I was told it would be a bit uncomfortable. HA
    Patti- I was so pleased to hear you were able to go to your friends funeral. Your new boss sounds much nicer. The gown you made your mom was perfect for her.
    Janet- you sound in a good place. Glad you still have James with you, that makes me smile
    Bert- when do you break with your students? Pier 1 does have lovely Christmas items.
    Karla- you and Glenn are fortunate to have found each other- you sound like a good match. I'm glad you're am to get to your dads and help like you do, Shame on your brothers...

    Meg will be home for Christmas. She's struggling a bit right now with the holidays coming, I keep in touch as much as I can.
    Jasper continues to improve. He is walking - wobbly in the hind legs but it can take up to 2 years for him to become stable. In January his PT goes to every other and then swimming on the opposite weeks. Acupuncture will be done by then.
    The new MacLellan trilogy will be out in 2019. I've finished writing Blue, book 3, and it will go to the editor this month- my plan is a rapid release of all 3.
    I'm going to the Crytsal Lake series next- although I really want to write a Christmas romance book. Noodling some ideas.

    Rick still refuses to go to the doctor and yesterday we had words- he said something the cut me to my core and made me realize he has no idea who I am and has no respect for me and never will. It doesn't come at a good time with the holidays- but I am putting together my plan for after the new year. My hopes for him to get better will never be realized. it will be a tough time for me but I'll get through it all.

    I am dealing with a nasty chest cold at the moment so no exercise but making Karla's chicken tortilla soup for my lunch- it will hit the spot.

    I'll be back again-
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, so relieved to here about your results. I had a hysterectomy at 50 for precancerous cells of the cervix. My biopsy was done under anesthesia so did not experience the pain you did. I know you have difficult times ahead but your health is just as important as his and you need to always come first in that arena. You have done everything you can to be supportive and nurturing. sometimes the healthiest thing to do for everyone is let go. never doubt that you deserve happiness, support and unconditional love. we are here for you. so glad Meg is coming home. you guys need each other!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all from snowy Wisconsin. It has been precipitating all day, but really just some slushy buildup. We had to run the saws in the house the last two days, but the next few days are supposed to be overcast but not snowing. Tomorrow we are working on walls- we hope to be able to paint the kitchen ceiling and at least the walls behind the cabinets tomorrow. Also working the shower walls and the bathroom ceiling. We are behind by a couple of days. Hoping now to get out of here next Sunday.

    Cindy it is good to hear from you, but I’m so sorry how things are going. You need to look at everything and decide what is best for you at this point. Happy to hear the writing is going well, at least.

    Karla you and Glenn are going to have to rent that place out as a luxury AirBnB! Sound very deluxe indeed.

    Bert, what fun to be able to support your grandchildren as much as you do. I know my kids treasured their grandparents that lived so close and were so involved.

    Janet, did you get your trees up today as planned? Ours will be very late this year.

    Patti, I hope the shot this week helps your mom’s eyes.

    Did I tell you all that poor little Elise had the flu? 😒 they got her to the doctor early who confirmed it and were able to get some Tamiflu or the baby equivalent to help mitigate the symptoms. Last night they reported that she was playing again though still very tired. Rossanne’s dad has stepped in big time to take care of her. So glad he is available.

    Will be busy the rest of the week. I will try to check in again.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good morning all. We are in the 60’s this morning and hit a record high of 81 yesterday! I had to put the AC on.

    Diane- I’m glad Elise is feeling better and the other grandfather was available. Yes, I have already been advised about renting out our new addition and Glenn’s reply was “ nope, we’ll rent the main house and stay out here! lol. We had our first mini party there Saturday for the Alabama game and everyone just loved it. The best thing about it, to us, is that we were able to do it cash as we went, did not finance anything to build it, or any of the furnishings.

    Cindy- I concur with what both Patti and Diane have stated for you. Rick is being very selfish whether he can help it or not. There’s no excuse for meanness. I am also glad you have your writing career for your outlet and your beautiful , and loving daughters.

    I’m heading to my dad’s house in a few minutes. I have that appointment to meet with the new contractor at 1p. I plan on coming back tomorrow.

    I’ll check in later on and let you know how it went. Thanks for caring.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm finally on the mend. My arm is still very sore from the pneumonia shot. The hardness around the injection spot is dissipating slightly. So much for preventative medicine! I'm glad I got it though, but am very thankful it's the last one.

    Cindy: You have a lot going on in your life. So sorry to hear about Rick. That is alot to deal with. Very glad Meg will be home.

    Karla: Safe Travels.

    Patti: How are the holiday shoppers at your store?

    Diane: You're making great progress.

    Janet: Did you get your decorations up?

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone. Decorations didn't go up yet - tonight and tomorrow, I think. Got busy with other stuff.

    Cindy, my heart is with you. Taking care of yourself, especially your spirit, is the most important thing. Even if Rick doesn't understand what he said/did, still no excuse for cruelty. You do not deserve any of that. We're all here for you, to listen, support, encourage - to help however we can. Made me smile to know that Jasper continues to improve (swimming dachshunds are so adorable - ours did circles with their tails as they swam. Having both of your girls nearby for Christmas will be good for everyone too. Big hugs.

    Karla, enjoy having a choice of venue! Nice to christen the addition with friends. Safe travels. How are your feet?

    Bert, hope your arm pain diminishes quickly now. As you said, still worth it.

    Patti, hope crazy season at the store doesn't mean crazy people!

    Diane, you sound like you are a crack renovation team, working on multiple tasks simultaneously. Hope you'll share before & after pics. Glad to hear Elise is starting to perk up, and that Rossanne's dad is there for them all.

    Not much new here - baked banana bread yesterday but haven't tasted it. Going to try to get a lotta stuff done here, starting with laundry. Contemplating a haircut this month - might go shorter. After losing a lot of hair due to the thyroid cancer, there's no good solution, but I saw a pic that I may take to my hair whisperer. It scares me but I feel in need of a change.

    Onward - will check back later if able. Wishing you all a wonderful week.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have a meeting this morning and then will go to the gym. After that, I'll do some shopping for stocking stuffers and also Christmas "cheer". I need to purchase things in increments due to a tight budget. I also need to get supplies for my pretzel "salad" to take as my contribution to the choir lunch on Sunday. It's a fundraiser to help pay for the orchestra on cantata day.

    Janet: I'm sure your new style will look great!

    Cindy: Does Rick remember what he said after being so mean to you? I know it's rough. I think of you often.

    The semester is winding down (I'm thankful for that). I have many evaluations to complete, so I need to continue to work on them today. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, friends. It's Boniva day so I can't have coffee for an hour - small price to pay to keep my bones strong, I guess. Not that I really look forward to my morning coffee, but I set an alarm for when I can start to make it (and take my other morning meds). DANG, I'm old!

    Bert, please tell us more about Pretzel Salad - sounds delightfully midwestern and very tasty - the combo of salt and crunch appeals to me far more deeply than I should admit. I know exactly what you mean about Christmas spending - one reason I start shopping early is to spread the cost out over a few months. Expenses do seem to pile up this time of year, and my annual HOA fee and real estate taxes are both due in December as well. January brings the bill for six months of car insurance too. Fun, fun, fun!

    Weird travel dreams last night - packing, repacking on the road, power outages, odd hotels, traveling with "friends" who were, in the dream, people I've never met. Very strange button unpleasant, if that makes any sense. Much to do today - better pay a few bills, do a few online tasks, and get rolling!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello ladies, quick drop in as I am going to Mom's shortly. Spent 5 hours with my GFs yesterday making cookies. We are a well-oiled machine at this now and cranked out 6 different cookies in double batches and 1 total disaster that we thru in the trash. We had yummy homemade beef veggie soup to cleanse our palate between batches, lol. Got home around 4 and did 4 loads of laundry and cut out another nightgown but too tired to sew. That is when mistakes are made and I hate having to rip out stitches. Hope to get it done after the gym tonight.

    Have read all and you know I send love and prayers for all of you each and every day.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Pardon the jello stains on the paper! I’ve made this many times! 😀
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I couldn’t sleep because I kept thinking of things still to be done here, so I got up and made a list. We are making progress but still have quite a bit to do. Today we will get more of the shower tiled but probably not finish it, and will hopefully get the kitchen flooring installed. We got the upper cabinets installed yesterday and they look terrific! We will not make it home this weekend. I am disappointed because I do want to get back and start my Christmas preparations! I have mostly finished shopping (mostly on line!) but obviously no decorating or anything like that. And we will miss the one Christmas party I really enjoy going to. Probably this is the year there will be many fewer cookies.

    It is supposed to get very cold here Thursday night and we are worried about the pipes in Charly4 freezing. It will get down to 7 degrees!

    Eating is still sporadic. Minimal snacking and lots of work and steps, so that keeps the calorie balance in control. I have hit my 10k steps every day but one, and have never left the house!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert I had to chuckle at the recipe photo. It looks like a well loved recipe from a church cookbook, a staple of the Midwest.

    Patti I am with you on not sewing when tired. That’s when I make mistakes and I HATE ripping out!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Posting this in short snippets as my iPad keeps closing the comment window on me. Patti, did you get the nightgown made last night?

    Karla how does the new contractor for your dad’s house seem? I wish you could send some of your heat wave to Wisconsin!

    Janet, I think I need a different hair style too. I like it when I am wearing my glasses or NOT wearing my glasses, but so often I have them on top of my head and then I don’t like my hair. What are you thinking of?

    Cindy, how long will Meg be able to spend there with you at Christmas? How is she doing?
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It snowed a little overnight. Hardly enough to cover the grass, but it looks pretty (from the inside!). Last night I took Cole to Greg's bb game. He had a good time and really enjoyed the concession stand! :love: I let him watch a cartoon on my phone during the 4th quarter as he was getting antsy. Mike was at the Red Cross Christmas Party. Greg has another game Friday, so we will probably take Cole again if he wants to go.

    My former school has been in a controversy. The new art teacher created a nativity project with her students without discussing it with the principal first. Then the principal told her she couldn't do it and the kids were disappointed. Everything was then blown out of proportion. It even got on local news! The decision made from community outpour is that the "manger" will be created on a bulletin board and the "Characters of Christmas" will be placed in it......having trouble understanding how Frosty and Rudolph relate to Mary and Baby Jesus. At least they are allowing sacred songs as part of the program. When I taught music, I included both sacred and secular songs.

    Diane: The recipe has been made many times, and the jello spots add a festive touch! :smiley: Yes, it's from the church cookbook. I got the recipe from my BFF. She appreciates the stains too!

    Janet: I'm trying to let my hair grow out a little for the winter time, but I'm struggling with it. It won't hold its shape. My hair grows out instead of down! I need it re-shaped (like my body!) Good luck with your new hair style. Short hair is easier to take care of.

    Waving hi to Patti, Cindy, and Karla. Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all, I never left the house yesterday. Mom was not feeling well so didn't want me to come over. Then my TRX instructor sent a message that she was taking the winter off so no gym class. I did get another gown made for Mom. Really like this style better. I took a picture but you really can't tell much about it so won't bother posting. It snowed last night and we will get more tomorrow. I cancelled Moms eye appointment for tomorrow and we will try again next Friday. She is feeling fine today so I am going over for a bit before my hair appointment at 2pm. I am giving her one of the gowns today as an early present. Yesterday Edd fell apart a bit after taking Justin to pick up Stephanie's ashes. He said this one hit him harder than he thought it would. Steph was like a daughter to him. Today he is helping our grandson blow insulation into his attic, he has the day off because he works at the base.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Doing the same as Diane and posting frequently so as not lose a long post. Moms eyes are getting better, she can read some of the scrolling text at the bottom of the tv screen and a little of the TV guide. Progress and I will take it.

    Diane, you guys are working so hard I can't imagine that you will have any weight gain. You may have to scale back decorations this year. I will be doing mine Thursday since there will be no gym class. Do you have electric heaters to put near the pipes in Charly4? We have done that in the past with success. How is your Mom doing?

    Janet, when do you go for your new hairdo? I am letting mine grow, trying for a bob if I can. Wish I could rock a pixie, but have the wrong texture and face shape. Did you get any snow?

    Karla, hope all went well at your Dads with the contractor. How fun to have the mansion up and ready for the game.

    Cindy, praying 2019 is better for all of us. I am fairly vibrating in anticipation of trilogy release! You need to do what is best for you and if that means moving forward on your own path then that is what you should do.

    Bert, glad Cole enjoyed going to the game. What a load of nonsense at the school. Will never understand how celebrating our faith became so offensive to so many. I don't understand why every other religion is given special treatment but not Christianity. It breaks my heart that children are forced into these situations. And to make the local news, what the?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is to be a wintry mix. I have a dental appointment this morning that I may cancel. I can wait for my 6 month teeth clearning if necessary. I am picking up Jillian and Cole today too. Mike is on standby to go with me if it gets bad. I'm hoping the roads will be treated and it will be ok.

    Have a good day, everyone!
